This fucking tuppence licker has been at it again. Whining because she’s not paid as much as male footballers.
First off, she’s a mentally ill degenerate anyway, so we should never allow her comments to be taken seriously, but sadly we live in clown world, so she is.
Of course, she should be in a dark room with a priest in black robes standing over her, thrashing her to within an inch of her life with a leather belt while screaming “Repent! Whore!”, Repeatedly for several hours.
But no. She’s taken seriously to the point ‘Stairlift’ Biden and the honky hating ‘number 2’ (number 2 my arse lol) are taking her very seriously.
Well, I’ve fallen out of love with the sport anyway, but this goes for all sports people.
You get paid based on the money you can generate. Not the success. It’s the fucking entertainment businesses sweetheart, if it’s professional sport.
Messi, may win loads of stuff. So perhaps does this mental bitch (I have no idea, who actually watches that shite?). However, Messi generates sponsorships, tours and TV deals for his club. The money involved is staggering, due to the interest generated (and the amount people are willing to pay).
This tart? She could be playing with her club team (whom I bet none of us could name) at the bottom of any cunt’s garden for free, and they wouldn’t even open the curtains to watch.
Listen love. Nobody gives a fuck about women’s football. It’s fucking shit.
Two sugars love. Fuck off.
Nominated by: Cuntybollocks
I’ve got bigger moobs than her. It’s been bad enough watching Sheffield United this season but women’s football is on another shit level. I’d rather watch a coffin warp.
Women’s football is like watching paint dry or, if you’re in The North, watching gravy congeal.
I hate all football bit I have to admit, I find wimminzzz football the pointless thing after a DVD rewinder.
I would rather eat my own shit than watch it.
Watching gravy congeal is a Bank Holiday treat oop North, Spanky. I bet Miserable has been fixated for hours.
I’d rather eat a tramp’s dump and wash it down with a glass of monkey spunk than watch that shite.
I hope you’ve never been forced to choose!
I watched a YouTube video last night entitled -‘President Biden walks gingerly up Air Force One stairs’. Oh, how gingerly he took each step..the next one…now the next one…the next one…He stopped for a breather half way up.Then continued very very gingerly. I was willing him all the way! ‘You can do it Joe! You can do it!’ And finally he reached the top. And very gingerly turned round to wave. He had done it.
There are enough words there for the Ladybird Book of Mission Accomplished. The associated pictures are easily obtained.
Did the old fart then fall all the way back down again? ?
I think when he summited the stairs the daft cunt planted a flag
She’s a strange young man, that’s for sure!
Fuck off!
She is probably earning more than a male player of similar skill.
Wages in The National League, the lowest league in English football earn between 20 and 50 grand. With the average skills of a woman player she would expect to be earning closer to the lower amount.
There are larger amounts to be earned if you are a better woman footballer.
Leike Martens, who is the best female footballer in the world and plays for Barcelona (currently played 22, won 22, 66 points and top of the Spanish women’s league) earns about 400,000 euros a year.
That’s probably less than Messi earns a week, but she is well aware that women can never compete with men either in skill or ability to generate income for the club.
Womens football is shit. But women’s rugby, now you are talking!
Great cunting. Women’s football is what I would imagine it would be like to watch 22 spastics being electrocuted for 90 minutes. Goals are events of pure chance. The BBC is desperately trying to sell it as a sustainable product. No chance. It may be of interest to sporty lezzas, but it will never get an audience in treble figures.
Lol. That second sentence caused a chuckle.
‘Goals are events of pure chance’
‘ made me chuckle.
Stupid fucking bint. Where does she think the money will come from? There ain’t a lot of revenue floating around for a form of entertainment nobody watches or particularly wants.
By her reckoning, Skeletor Beckham should be paid as much for her shit musical efforts as Mark Knopfler gets for Brothers in Arms. Simply because there’s a lot of money in the music industry. Sport is a business you fucking cretin.
Now iron my shirt beeatch!
I wonder if she really believes the rubbish that she says.
Let’s see….woman check, short hair check, American woman playing a mans game check, moaning about equal rights, check, lots of tattoos, check, not married to a man , check, ugly lesbian, check, an ideal candidate for unkle Terry oven, oh and is a cunt
Oh and the name megan, makes her a double cunt
At least she isn’t slightly tanned like Megan Sparkle otherwise she would be shouldering that chip as well…
Lesbians are , apparentley no longer a thing. They are pretend men all along. The mad left actually gets to tell women they dont matter. Cant lift or run of fight like men,tuff shit. Only left men(as usual ) get to make the rules. Here on the right we just want a shag and a cup of tea.
A tuppence flicker, guaranteed. Most of them are.
Daft bitch talks like she has played at the highest level. Like Pele, Beckenbauer, Matthews, Best, Greaves, Cruyff, Rossi, Dalglish, Platini, Bobby Charlton and so on.
And that’s what I hate most about wimmin football types. These demented dykes actually believe that they are in the same league as the greats mentioned above. The daft slags are actually now allowed to comment on TV during a World Cup and come out with blabbering wimmin’s crap like ‘Oh, I’ve been there. I know the pressure of playing in a World Cup.’
Only thing is, they haven’t and they never will.The arrogance and self delusion is staggering. Playing in a Mickey Mouse kickabout and a meaningless woke laughing stock that only those cunts at the BBC see as serious and relevant is not – repeat – fucking not playing in the World Cup.
He has just passed away, but the great Frank Worthington had more football talent and skill than all the fucking Lionesses and the whole of the women’s top division put together. The magic that Frankie had can’t be taught or manufactured. And a bunch of up themselves loopy Femstapo certainly can’t achieve that level of skill and craftsmanship.
No women in or involved in football. End of.
Why are all women named Megan complete and utter cunts?
Mind you, I’d give Megan Fox a good going over.
Norm: she is another mentalist. Just knock one out in her honour-much, much safer!
Just breathing in and out must be a challenge for Hair shiffin’ Joe, Miles. Successfully Climbing the steps to AF1 will be part of his legacy.
Flash cunt though he is, I would love to see Christiano Ronaldo play the entire England Wimmins Team by himself.
I have no doubt the score would be Ronaldo 35 Lionesses 0. It probably would be 50-0, but Ronnie would probably get sent off after some vindictive Femstapo play acting and crybaby antics.
Probably acuse him of rape at half time?
Wasn’t it Megan’s all conquering female team who were thrashed by an under 15 male high school team around the same time they won the were crowned women’s world champions.
Equal pay love? Yeah of course.
These people are deluded but are aided and abetted by their woke enablers.
I can´t think of a single women´s sport I would willingly watch. Even five hours of Gabriella Sabitini´s frilly kickers wore off after a while. I watched BBC World Sport on Easter Sunday, a busy day with sports going on in many places. It was presented by a woman, of course, and the first report was five-minutes on a women´s golf tournamenet in California. There was an interview with a “golfing legend” from women´s golf I´ve never heard of talking about the leader in the tournament, a girl from Thailand no-one had ever heard of. To try and drum up some interest, Tiger Woods´s name was mentioned three times. The BBC woman was floundering for something to say and came up with the Einsteinian gem that because of Tiger Woods´ connections with Thailand, women there were taking up golf. What next, Ladyboy golf tournaments?
There were also mentions of the Australian women´s cricket team and the annual boat race between Oxford and Cambridge, led with the women´s match of course.
Oh yes, football did crop up but as the BBC has no rights to the game we saw nothing of the action but a couple of stills of players and a 20-second soundbite from a postmatch interview with grumpy Jose Morinho.
She’s a fucking headbanging narcissistic lezza. She lost her court case because it was discovered that the Wimminz team was actually paid MORE than the men’s team during the relevant period. That was embarrassing you would have thought but bitchface said that
the Wimminz had won four world cups whereas the men had won fuck all…….it’s just not fair. Well go and play for the men’s team then whorebag , see how you get on.
May I point out that before their last successful World Cup campaign the Wimminz team were beaten 4-1 by a boys under 15 team in Dallas. Way to go dudes… I think they say in Yankland.
God knows what Bestie (RIP) would have said about all this wimmins football shite.
Probably something like ‘There’s nothing to catch the eye. No real talent. Not a nice pair of tits or a decent arse amongst the lot of them.’
Bless yer, Georgie.
They get paid less because, despite the efforts of the BBC to convince everyone otherwise, Womens football is a minority hobby.
And Women footballers are absolutely shite.
Sorry Wimminz, just telling it how it is.
Wimminz football used to be a safe environment for young girls to practice “a love that dare not speak its name”. Seems it still is?
‘Rebecca Welch
When Rebecca Welch blows her whistle at Harrogate Town’s home fixture with Port Vale next Monday, a significant milestone in English football will finally have been reached. The 37-year-old from County Durham has become the first woman selected to referee a men’s match in the English Football League’.
There’s a female in the pitch. They think it’s all over. It is now.
Football as we knew it.
In Oz we’ve had split arses running around on the footy field umpiring at the highest level, problem is they are miked up so the viewing audience gets to hear the same incessant nagging and badgering that the players have to put up with.
That and female commentators…I’ve said it before, if I needed my eardrums scorched by the caterwauling of opinionated gorgons, I’d simply call the missuz.
And now Aussie footy is even more right-on by appointing trans umpires and getting all excited about it for fucks sake.
They could live it up a bit by having dildoes randomly fitted to the pitch.
Still wouldn’t watch the shit cunts though.
She is gagging for some cock that’s all. Once she gets it she will turn into this beast.
“Of course, she should be in a dark room with a priest in black robes standing over her, thrashing her to within an inch of her life with a leather belt while screaming “Repent! Whore!”, Repeatedly for several hours.”
Ho! Ho! I’d pay good money to watch that! ?
I guess she doesn’t understand basic maths like the fact there’s not the revenue as female football is about as popular as a shit in a swimming pool
As others have said, I’d love to see Ronaldo play this bint’s entire team by himself.
Ronaldo has such an ego that he would go for it.
I honestly believe he’d beat her ‘team’ by himself. The odds would be interesting.
I bet the swarthy cunt would be the bookies’ favourite.
Women’s football is just not the same sport. I have no issues with girls playing and enjoying football, and I would always encourage girls to play the sport and enjoy it if they it.
But it’s never going to be a spectacle. It’s mostly hilarious to watch. It’s shite.
The filthy carpet licker is lucky to be paid at all. If she couldn’t kick a ball she be a toilet cleaner somewhere.
There’s plenty of sport that women look good doing e.g. horse jumping, slalom, gymnastics or ice skating.
For some reason tennis and football are mysteriously rubbish to watch when women play it. Its one of life’s mysteries. But to me its a mystery why anyone watches football at all.
I concur re: gymnastics?
I went out (mostly stayed in?) with a girl who had been, several years previously, a member of the GB squad.
I’ll give the ladies credit for giant slalom and super g, takes balls and thighs of steel to ride those planks on chattery ice at over 100 kph, also biathlon, ski race to the range then try to hit a shilling at 50 metres five times while your heart is bouncing off your ribs. Impressive whether man or woman!
Ah yes!!! This fucking CUNT! A worthy cunting indeed.
“Fairness” to loud-mouthed cunts like this one is getting everything you want in life. If you’re denied something you want, just substitute the word “want” for “deserve” and presto! You now obligate the entire fucking planet to accommodate your sorry selfish ass.
I bet her tongue has scooped out more tenches than a JCB backhoe.