Kobili Traore and the French Judicial System.

This savage, originally from Mali, an habitual criminal, drug dealer and pot smoker (15 joints a day apparently), beat up an old woman and threw her off her third floor balcony. During the attack he was heard to shout allahu akbar and afterwards he claimed that he had killed Satan.

Despite the screams and noise of the attack, the police didn’t turn up for about an hour and then arrested the savage.

The French Supreme Cunts, I mean court, have upheld a lower court ruling that the savage can’t be tried for the murder because he was, well, basically stoned (the cunt ought to be). He’s now in a psychiatric facility and will probably be on the next dinghy to Dover.

Nominated by: mystic maven 

(Thanks to Jessum Priest for the link – DA)

Link to story here.

(Interestingly some MSM take a slightly different angle in that he killed a Jew woman rather than just some random woman – DA)

44 thoughts on “Kobili Traore and the French Judicial System.

  1. I expect they’ll let him rest in a psychiatric hospital for a few months till he’s better, then they’ll organize a dinghy to Dover. All he’ll need after that is some woke football club to offer him a trial. Stop the world I want to get off.

  2. If I had my way the fucker would be fed to wild pigs. Johnny Frenchman continues to be a spineless cunt with a yellow streak a mile wide, and will remain so until Marine Le Pen becomes President. Not holding my breath….

  3. If he’s a peaceful throwing old ladies off balconies then it’s not random that he chose a four be two.

    Poor woman. Hang the filthy ape.

  4. Oh yeah, we’ll definitely have him over here. I’m sure Suckdick can find him a nice little job on one of his diversity and equality commissions.

  5. Guillotine the savage bastard. The fucker shouldn’t even be allowed to breathe our air.

  6. He actually shouted “Shaiten” which is the Islâmic word for The Devil and is therefore yet another religious nutter cunt. It doesn’t seem to matter in which imaginary friend you believe, as long as you’re obey what they’re peremptorily ordering you to do.

    Monkey God says paint your face purple.
    Christian God says cut off your foreskin.
    Jew God says don’t eat a certain animal.
    African God says slaughter a cow.
    Alläh says throw your neighbour off a building.
    Magnanimous God says kill yourselves.

    • You’re always equating Christianity with Islam. But are they both the same? I was thinking you never hear of an undercover operation targeting the ‘Sally Army’. Where police surveillance is employed to ‘monitor’ the comings and goings at their meeting place. Same with the Quakers. You don’t get police going undercover-imitating people in order to get vital info for the forthcoming outrage?
      With news of a bombing you don’t sigh and think ‘Oh the Church of England is at again’.
      It’s just not the same.

      • There’s not much difference. You’re expected to believe in a “god” who hides himself though demands adulation; that asks you to accept that the universe is only a few thousand years old; that you must not eat certain things, must cut off a bit of your skin, and must wear certain clothing; that when you die you’ll be “rewarded” if you’ve sung “his” praises because it said so in a book written in a foreign desert by people we don’t know and based on rumours and hearsay?

        Death makes you closer to whatever God you believe in;
        because now you don’t exist either.

      • But we’re talking about murder, terrorist outrages here

        So he gets on the Tube carrying the rucksack…

        a cross about his neck…but nobdy suspects..

        he seats himself next to the doors…
        beads of sweat on his forehead…

        suddenly he gets to his feet, shouts-‘ Alleluia, Praise the Lord!’
        and detonates.

        All is silence…

        It just doesn’t happen.

      • Or, fill a car full of explosives and blow up a carnival, then go home and say a few Hail Marys.
        The only difference is at least the peaceful blew himself up with them, rather than laughing about it down the pub with his vermin associates.

      • Miles: hoe about planting a bomb in a bookshop, a busy one, full of families.
        The bomb detonates, killing and maiming innocents.
        Then the bomber goes to his Catholic church of choice and confesses his sin.
        His penance? To utter a few ramblings to “The Mother.”

        Sound realistic?
        It should, because it happened again and fucking again……

      • Emotive stuff but this needs addressing Miles.
        Could it be that that all this secular crap in N. Ireland led on to even more extreme violence that we are witnessing today?

  7. I see former French military leaders are telling Macron to sort out the Muzzie problem or there could be a military coup in le France. Good. The army might just rid France of these fickers once and for all and ship em off the Effrica. Barbarians like that shit coloured mong add fuck all positive to any country. The most positive thing it could do is expire and stop nicking oxygen.

  8. A complete animal. A sub-human ape – in fact, calling him that is a grave insult to apes. The tide is turning in France. The French are sick and tired of the Peacefuls and hate them. I wish we had the same attitude over here.

  9. If he hadn’t been rescued from the med, the woman would be fine.
    And the moral of the story is…..

  10. So if I was experiencing a psychotic episode following the ingestion of a monumental quantity of alcohol, entered his psychiatric facility and disembowelled the filthy little piece of shit , i would be excused?

  11. If I get pissed and drive, I get done for drink driving. But it seems that drugged up murder is not only acceptable but a get out of jail card, along with mental illness. I am now inclined to drive, sans license and in a stolen car, run over some cunt I don’t much care for and tell the authorities that I’m a shit-faced minority and the fuckers are racist for even daring to arrest me. If I have the opportunity, I will drive over 7 woke coppers first, then run off. I mean stagger. I fully expect to be let off.

  12. Reading articles like this makes me psychotic.
    The cunt in question is not a fucking snow leopard and not an endangered fucking species.
    The sad truth is we have too many of these cunts and a cull is in order to conserve our species from these parasites that feed off our society.
    I would happily chip in 50p for the leccy metre if the cunt got sent to the chair.

  13. I would happily put the noise around his neck, pull the lever, or pull the trigger on this shit stain on humanity.
    Following due legal procedure, obviously?

  14. Been said before but hey ho I’ll say it again. “The West, Europe and the USA” are fucked. Doomed; the lunatics run the asylum now and until such time, (it may well be too late to end peacefully by then) the Non woke none left Non peaceful lot, take back the streets we’re doomed. We will be doomed anyway because by then sadly it will end up being a civil war type situation. Very very sad. I hope that I am wrong and that the politicians start to tell the truth look at the facts and stop the crazy shit that is allowed to go a head right now. Lets live in peace but stop believing that a leopard can change its spots. Deal with the leopard now, tell it the truth and punish its attacks on our way of living. Stop fucking appeasing it.

  15. This piece of shit should have a package of bacon stuffed up his ass and be set ablaze. The next carpet kisser may think twice.
    Mali. Is that the shit hole just north east of some other shithole?
    Oahu Snack Bar!!

  16. When nominating this savage, I was aware that the victim was Jewish, but did not mention her religion, as I didn’t think it relevant. I would have nominated this barbarian regardless of who he might have murdered.

    • Absolutely correct. The point that is worth noting though that if this had been a white man murdering a black woman we would never hear the end of it. The world would be turned upside down and Pelosi and Sir Kweer would be taking the knee.

      This of course does not apply when it’s a dark-key murdering someone from a community the Wokerati do not approve off – ie: white or Jewish people. Then it’s swept under the carpet.

      Hypocrites and cunts.

  17. Let me get this straight.

    This homicidal single digit IQ cunt has pretty much got off with this????

    Hopefully Gary Lineker will put the murdering piece of shit up once he arrives in his dinghy in Dover, in the not too distant future.

  18. Predictably, there’s bound to be swathes of media luvvies, slebs and politicians who would and will actually still defend this cunt and his actions.

    Somehow it’ll be racism or lack of integration or fair opportunity that caused this.

    I’m completely fucking stunned by this one.

    Smoked so much pot that he didn’t know what he was doing!!!???
    What a complete crock of fucking shit!!
    The single worst excuse I think I have quite possibly ever heard.

    Talk about insulting the intelligence of people.
    France is headed for a civil war at this rate because the traitors and the lunatics are in power and need removed asap for the future of that country’s sake.

    Fuck me!

  19. Throw him and all his drug customers plus his fucking family off the Eiffel Tower.
    Have the members of the nearest mosque clean the mess up.
    The filthy vermin cunts.

  20. I’m a fair minded kind of bloke so I say if he can swim home then good luck to him. ??‍♀️

  21. Lets hope this shit colored beast takes his own life or someone kneels on his neck for a bit.!

  22. If you a Hypoglycemic diabetic (Note, not a Hyperglycemic) and you can prove that your condition affected your capacity, you could slink off a murder charge. A form of insane automatism would have to be proved which was a result of over-compensating on insulin or being affected by alcohol. Nonetheless, it could be reduced to manslaughter. Handy to know.

    Not this cockroach. He’s a religious cunt.

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