Jeremy Vine (4)

Taking a few notes from the Jon Snow school of Making An Observation In A Disparaging Fashion That People Are Mostly White In A Place Where Its Not Actually That Strange Why White People Would Be There.

That place being Prince Phillip’s funeral. All 30 guests comprised of family members have made the disgraceful decision to be of white ethnicity. The melalin levels are just simply non existent in these guests. And Jeremy seems to think this is an issue of some kind. Of course in this quota obsessed timeline, its an absolute insult to have all-white families in TV shows, adverts and now funerals. It’s racist and an undeniable sign of white supremacy!

Tell you what Jezza, we’ll have a look at your funeral when you kick the bucket (hopefully soon) and take notes of the racial demographic that attend. Because we all know you live in such a diverse part of London you bicycle riding cunt (99.8% white I’m guessing?).

You know you’re a elephantine sized prick when you make Matthew fucking Wright look likeable!

Nominated by: CuntOfTheLitter 

34 thoughts on “Jeremy Vine (4)

  1. Dumb fuckstick.

    I suggest that when it comes to his funeral – soon I hope – that his executors make use of my new Rent-a Dark-key service to ensure the correct racial demographics. I’ll even give them 5 dark-keys for the price of 10. I’ve got a few on my books in loincloths and with bones through their noses. They will definitely liven things up a bit.

  2. Where was Stormzy? Lammy? Abbot? Just because they arent relatives. Racist innit.


  3. This idiot earns nearly £300,000 at the BBC. I cannot think of a better reason not to pay the TV Tax.

    • He may be paid £300,000 p.a. but by my definition of the verb he doesn’t earn it.

  4. Hope the cunt gets caught under the wheels of a heavily laden concrete lorry, being a cyclist makes him a cunt, working for the bbc makes him a cunt, Jeremy his name makes him a cunt, in short, he is a cunt

      • Dead right Rob. I sometimes feel vulnerable in a Mondeo. To be out there on what realistically is a child’s toy is completely fucking bonkers.

  5. This guy is a fucking cretin.

    His voice alone is enough reason to hurl the radio or whatever device you’re unfit enough to hear him on, at the wall.
    Possibly the most patronising, faux sympathetic, woke, completely out of touch luvvie cunt of the very highest order.
    Then again, as a heterosexual (possibly) white male with a primetime slot on Al Beeb, good old Jezza knows unless he peddles the above by the vomit inducing bucket load, then he’d be out the door before he can say Dr Sarah Jarvis.

    Jeremy Vine is a truly dyed in the wool Cunt.

  6. Smarmy, smug, arsecrawling, wokie sack of racist shit. I would happily hang this bastard on Marble Arch with Markle’s spunk stained knicker elastic.

  7. He is the exact reason my radio is turned over or off between 12pm and 2pm!

    This shit stirring white hating feminist should be fed his own bicycle in large mouth sized pieces before being dropped off at North Sentinel island!

    • Too right, his show is unlistenable (if thats even a word?).
      His whining lefty voice goes right through me, his brother’s a cunt as well.

  8. I noticed that the person leading the pall bearers was black. I bet he was the best man for the job. Fuck race baiters like this cunt.

  9. Breaking news –

    Baroness Boothroyd, the former Commons Speaker, is facing an investigation by Parliament’s ethics watchdog for failing to attend a sexual harassment course.

    The 91-year-old did not attend a training session – which is compulsory for peers, but not MPs – because she was recovering from open-heart surgery. She’s still going to be investigated anyway.

    More woke fuck-stickery.

    • She was a Tiller Girl so she will probably have experienced it in her younger days. And dealt with it.
      No need for a course.

  10. Only just discovered this cuntmster deluxe actually had the temerity to say this.

    I was left speechless when I read the article and quite frankly disgusted.

    What the fuck did this cunt expect to happen, place a few gratuitous darkey’s in to mix things up.

    I understand, if it were not for COVID there was meant to be 800 people in attendance, including dignitaries from Bongo and Bud Bud Ding land.

    I mean, perhaps one should have said sorry Andrew old chap, you need to step aside from Grandpaps funeral as you’re just not hip enough and we have this whole diversity thing going on so, we have invited Oprah

    A/. so the SAS can take her out for the most ridiculous interview she had with the Darkmaster Markle
    B/. Satisfy ponsey, hipster, BBC woke cunts

    Tell you what. In repatriation for our Empire sins let’s appoint someone from Afriiica as our new royal family and let them come here with all their families – hold up, they do that anyway don’t they?

    Also, and what this cunt is missing the point on is Phil the Greek was a fucking immigrant, whole family is – there’s your diversity you cunt fuck,

  11. This CUNT was the main reason I stopped listening to radio 2 in the first place. Did it not occur to this skidmark at Al-Jabbeba that it states NO more than THIRTY mourners at a funeral?

    Fucking wanker, traitors gate for this cunt and a short back and sides, curtesy of the tower of London executioner. I think you might have fucked your chance of a knighthood up Jeremy.
    Oh dear, so sad never mind. EPIC MOTHERFUCKER.

  12. A pygmy of a man using huge words and statements he cannot comprehend to make himself look bigger.
    I have the champagne ready when I hear you are a bit under the weather.
    Six feet under to be precise.

  13. On a nice, sunny, Sunday afternoon, he’s probably doing a bit of uphill gardening.
    In his new frock.
    The infestation level of talentless, woke dross at the BBC, has reached virtual saturation point.
    No wonder the government won’t kick the licence fee into touch, the BBC would disappear in a puff of fairy dust.
    Having said that, the other channels aren’t much better.
    Utter wank.
    Get To Fuck.

  14. His brother, Tim, is very funny. Jeremy, however, is a fucking beanpole twig twat. Tim is probably ashamed.

  15. I’d like to see this weasel flogged with a martinet.
    Then head first into a bath of vinegar.
    Raise The Jack when oven ready.
    Fuck Off.

  16. Jeremy – please check your white privilige

    Oh, and where do you live exactly? Some shithole London borough, or leafy Islington?

    That is all!

  17. Good nom. Vine is quite dominant on week days broadcast media. He has a 2 hour morning C5 tv show and then moves to R2. He regards himself as a serious journalist but is really a woke joke. A bigger comedian than his brother Tim.

    I usually tune in to his tv programme to see which “right wing” personally is on to “balance” the panel of lefties. Ann Widdecombe is one of the few guests who talk sense but after a few minutes I can stand no more. It’s a bland menu of ‘don’t upset anyone especially ethnics or women’ tripe.

    His assistant Storm is quite a cute Scottish lassie but she is also a hopelessly woke millennial who knows nothing prior to about 2010.

    Vine is the house wife’s choice and he panders shamelessly to that market.

    Boring cunt.

  18. Too right, his show is unlistenable (if thats even a word?).
    His whining lefty voice goes right through me, his brother’s a cunt as well.

  19. One the most annoying voices, ever to grace the airwaves.
    It’s the faux “sorrow” he inflects.

    Force feed him greasy meat, till he carks, then feed him to the pigs, Errol ?

  20. This evil smarmy cunt deserves the best back hander availiable. Makes his money of others misfortunes. Nothing but a cunt.

  21. What a thick as shit cunt. You absolutely cunt. Cunt. Cunty cunt, cunt.

  22. It’s been almost 20 years since Jeremy Whine replaced the great Jimmy Young as the “serious” presenter of Radio 2’s midday show. Jimmy Young was one of the best radio broadcasters ever, he was intelligent, firm but fair (even to Thatcher on many interviews), funny, had taste and style and could sing beautifully. Jeremy Whine is just a sanctimonious bellend-on-a-bike phoney cunt-maven. If he interviewed Thatcher he would have pissed, shat and CAME in his saggy panties within the first three minutes.

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