Jeremy Clarkson (4)

I nominate the man in the picture at the top of the nomination page. Jeremy Clarkson.

I’m sure he is (or was) a hero to many on ISAC.

I have always found him entertaining especially on Top Gear before it transformed into a yobs’ night out. He was irreverent and very funny. He was forever taking the piss out of foreigners. He referred to the MD of BMW (Bernd Pischetsrieder) at the time of their ownership of MG Rover as “Burnt Fishtrousers”. He also had no time for political correctness.

He was thus our kind of guy. Thus is came as something of a shock that he was pro-Remain. This was mainly because leaving might curtail his off-spring’s jolly wanderings around europe. Very middle class. But then he was a public schoolboy so what did we really expect?

In his Sunday Times magazine column (18/4/21) he got very annoyed. He is now playing at being a farmer and was aghast that the seeds he ordered from abroad took a little longer to arrive. In fact he got so angry that he drove over to a neighbouring farmer whom he knew had voted for Brexit, wound down his window and called him a “cunt”.

Earlier in the piece he disparaged Brexit voters invoking the usual “too old, too ignorant” cliches. He also dismissed our excellent vaccine roll-out and said that Europe was lagging behind due to EU bureaucracy. Er, yes, precisely.

Sorry, Jeremy but you have unveiled your establishment origins and you are a cunt.

Nominated by: Lord Helpuss

55 thoughts on “Jeremy Clarkson (4)

  1. The problem with Clarkson has always been that he puts his mouth into gear before his brain. I wouldn’t take anything he says or does very seriously. It’s all part of an act.

  2. I once saw him present a documentary about Brunel on the telly where he was quite impressive and authoritative. He was also sacked by the BBC which is definitely in his favour.
    But, other than that , he is a complete and utter wanker…….don’t fucking care what he thinks or does, he is shite.

    • ‘His’ docu about the Convoy PQ17 disaster was excellent; shame he’d lifted it wholesale from Irving’s book and then didn’t credit him for it makes him twice a cunt.

    • Ive never liked Clarkson.
      The perm.
      His shitty snowwash primark jeans.
      The posh cunt acting jack the lad.
      I always thought hed be the type to bully staff, and I was right.
      He famously chinned Piers Morgan.
      Hardly Ali vs Frazer!
      And attacked a cameraman because he diva-like couldn’t get a hot meal.
      The cameraman couldn’t fight back without losing his job,
      And would of been blacklisted never to work again if he stuck the nut on a tv star.
      Jeremy pulled that shite with me id snap his fuckin neck.
      A gold standard cock.

  3. As a rule, I think you can safely assume that most – if not all- “celebrities” of the Idiots Lantern are the opposite of what they try to appear to be – Arfur Smiff, Cocker- ney of this parish, probably acts dresses and behaves like Noel Coward when he isn’t in front of the cameras – just like Wilfred Brambell (Albert Steptoe) did, and as most members of the cast of Eastenders do as well.

    Alan Carr probably smokes roll-ups, reads the Sun and swears like a trooper and is probably up to his knees in lunge, as is Julian Clary (well, we can but hope!)

    We now know that Rolf Harris and Stuart Hall were not the purveyors of wholesome family entertainment and children’s entertainer.

    Thus with Clarkson – now he can drop the “matey” manner with his two oppos, he can be his real, self entitled self.

    In real life James O’Brian probably belongs to some obscure far right organisation, and plays Wagner’s Ring Cycle in will be wearing a black armband today to mourn the passing of Adolf 76 years ago today. I wonder of Frau Von-Leyen will blow her brains out today in a bunker? – the trouble she would have is in finding it – nobody is that good a shot.

    • I spend some time around Abergaveny. Richard Hammond lives near there and 3 different people have told me he is a weapons grade, up his own arse, cunt.

  4. I’d rather he’d got Covid than the UK leave the EU.

    And that’s a fact!

    Wobbly-jowelled, (now) irrelevant old cunt.

  5. The difference between Clarkson and other cunts is he KNOWS he’s a cunt and deliberately plays up to it.

  6. Pointless, boorish loudmouth.

    Professional northerner.

    Posh, public school oaf.

    Fuck off.

      • Can’t travel abroad but pretty much as things were. Stupid check in codes at public places.

        There hasn’t been a single case where I live.

  7. ” In fact he got so angry that he drove over to a neighbouring farmer….. wound down his window and called him a “cunt””

    Capt.M.,you little tinker….no wonder you were so shy about revealing your job…you’re a famous television-presenter !


  8. I remember once at work there were 3 or 4 of us in an office talking about Top Gear. We were slagging off Clarkson and his 2 sad mates and basically saying you have to be a complete knobend to watch that trash.
    Suddenly the biggest nerd and tosspot in the building walked through the door. He had only caught the tail of the conversation as he blurted out “Top Gear? Did you see it last night?” Obviously we were all rolling on the floor pissing ourselves.
    The look on his face was priceless. He was well pleased that he had made us laugh but he had no idea how he’d done it. What a twat. ?

    • Their version of Top Gear was actually really good in its heyday. Shame Clarkson has revealed his true colours since.

  9. Clarkson may well hate socialism but hes still a remoaner.
    They cancel each other out.
    Leaving just a bubble perm and ego.

  10. A mate of mine used to work on Top Gear with the three of them. He said they all take it very seriously while working , no mucking about. All the laddish tom foolery we see is just for the viewers benefit.

  11. He made an excellent documentary about Robert Cain VC. To announce at the end he was married to his daughter. They are now divorced. He also likes Genesis, that makes him a cunt, explains why I have never really liked in.

  12. Clarkson may have given Piers Moron a slap, but they are very much alike. Both are deliberately controversial and opinionated in order to shock. All a big act basically.
    Jezza was genuinely funny in his early days and I liked the short lived chat show he had on bbc2 in the late nineties. Trouble is, as time goes by the act, the tv shows and the newspaper columns become more and more contrived. I even suspect his sacking saga at the bbc was all engineered to gain maximum publicity. He wanted out to get his hands on Amazon’s money.
    Celebs eh? Are there any that aren’t cunts?

  13. Jeremy Clarkson the boorish loudmouth was a perfect fit for Alan Yentob’s dumbing down of BBC2… and. .. with… all those… pathetic pauses… he did end up being… the most boring… presenter… In The World…
    … but “Professional northerner” CMC? The Northern Territories?

    It’s Eiernockerl day today Adolf Hitler 30 April 1945.

  14. His farmer antics are hilarious, in a pathetic lets play at something way. But there are worse cunts about.

  15. As an avid reader, family members always get me books for birthday & Christmas presents-usually a copy of a Viz annual or a Clarkson book, if he has one out, amongst them.
    A cunt, maybe, a cunter of IsAC proficiency, definitely ?

    There are far worse presenters out there.
    James May and Hammond…

    I know the show was formulaic-but the site of three, white, straight, middle aged men arsing about and taking the piss out of each other, we will never see the like on MSM again.
    Replaced with BAME. Cunt-you BBC.
    Cunt-you, very much.

    • Yes. I miss the old Top Gear. The new one is a pile of cunt. The Grand Tour is pretty good but not quite the same.

    • James May has sold off most of his collection of old motorcycles, and is rapidly mutating into just another Islington cunt…

  16. The man who denigrated the classic Morris Minor 1000 as the “British VW Beetle”
    That’s the fucking Mini actually you twat.
    But wait, rich people bought the Mini didn’t they.
    P.S. His two bum boys are even bigger cunts…

  17. Never like the boorish cunt. Always came across as the loud mouthed, rich parented spoilt fuck that you find in every school around the cuntry.

  18. It’s taken me a few decades to get there….. but I’m going to buck the trend here and admit a late in life sneaking regard for Clarky. Yep, his pro-EU stance is pretty tiresome but that’s now become irrelevant and he lost so I can be magnanimous. I’m reassured by his ST articles that frequently put the boot into St Greta, Sir Attenborough, anti-Hun etc plus his sneering at dithering contestants he clearly dislikes on WWTBAM. The farming column is pretty hilarious and self-effacing.

    I always avoid his motoring columns because they’re nearly always reviewing Sports cars or OffRoad crap over £50k that most of us can’t afford, and cars bore me rigid anyway. Which is why Top Shite is and was unwatchable to me (unless Gillian Anderson or Mick Fleetwood was on). Clarky also likes Prog and anyone who’s favourite song is Copperhead Rd is fine by me.

    Sorry fellow ISACs but this time I’m giving someone the benefit of the doubt.

  19. Read he lives near and is a friend of Cameron. It went on that with others they formed a ‘set’.

    But I thought a ‘set’ was s kind of avant guarde literary group. Like Bloomsbury.

  20. I nom’d Clarkson because he deserves it but I do still watch the Old Top Gear on DTV.

    The new version is complete and utter shite. Flintoff and two other goons.

    Mind you it’s surprising that the beeb didn’t choose three women of colour.

    Now, the late great Sabine Schmidt would have been excellent. A real driver’s driver.

  21. Pleased this cunt has been cunted, and sorry Lord Helpuss I can’t stand this arsehole, never did, never will, nor his band of merry ‘let’s all pretend we’re little boys with toys’ cunts that used to prance around Europe like cunts, spunking licence fees payers money (was funny when he punched the director though).

    Then Amacunt got their hands on them and filled them up with more self-importance.

    This smug cunt thinks he uber special, almost untouchable and I think would be good as Boris Johnson’s right hand cunt sideshow fuckwit tosswipe.

    On a very separate matter but tenuously link to the meeja I saw this on Al Beebie this morning, entitled: Willow Smith opens up about being polyamorous (Will Smith’s daughter for those who don’t know).

    What this bint is actually say is I am selfish bitch, I want my cake and I want to eat it and fuck more than one person rather than being honest with one.

    Slag probably want’s extra birthday and Christmas presents and I hope she catches crabs.

  22. I remember watching it years ago when the presenters talked about a car, what it does and how much it costs etc, with Clarkson, that Tif Needel something and that Quentin fella. I enjoyed that.
    When it turned into Clarkson and the longhaired fella and the short fella I didn’t enjoy it as much. Like men behaving like teenagers. Midlife crisis? I gave it a go. Anyways I was turned off after a while.

    • You’re right spooky it was good then.

      I go back even further to Old Top Gear with sensible William Woolard who took reviews very seriously applied his advice to the common man and signed off each week with “And remember, drive carefully.”

      When Clarkson started he had a golly hairstyle, was very skinny and quite polite. Gradually he loosened up, got more and more gobby and sneered at family cars.

      He raved over the then new Rover 75 around 2000, hailing its Britishness. He wasn’t so nice about MG Rover later on.

      • William Woollard , bye Jove yes that takes me back. That era really seemed to take the ‘education’ part of the ABBCs remit seriously ; now it’s all too much about being ‘entertaining’ or ‘amusing’. Cunts.

        Patrick Moore, Raymond Baxter, Judith Hann, James whatisname on the moonshots. All Brilliant. And then Cheggers’ ex turned up ; by Christ she was electrifying though!!

  23. Clarkson is like a fatter Joe Strummer. A posh boy playing at being a man of the people, and while never actually having it hard in his life, he fucking moans on about everything. (fixed – DA)

    Like those other champagne socialist cunts, Alex Ferguson and Neil Kinnock, Clarkson is only arsed about what he and his horrendous family can get, and he loves the EU for that reason. A poodle permed anti-British cunt.

  24. Big fan of Clarkson despite his comments aimed at Brexiteers.

    Entertaining to both watch and read. My kindly next door neighbour has given me many of his books, which I read often, when having breakfast. A great way to start the day.

    A huge loss to the BBC, in fact nearly everyone on the Beeb I liked has now gone. Replaced by woke twats.

    Anyone that can make me laugh out loud, says things how they are, highly entertaining and to a certain degree be highly informative gets my vote every time.

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