Institutional Racism. A long rant for me.
We have just had a report into racism. It was of course racist as it is a given that Britain is institutionally and structurally racist. As indicated by the way ethnics are denied medicine, education, jobs and basic civil rights by the racist government.
Who says so? Well all those whose very position and livelihoods depend on this premise being a given. A fact. No contest. Even Kweer Starmer says so, all the while distancing himself and party further from his ‘Red Wall’ losses.
There are structural and institutional problems with Britain. They have nothing to do with race and everything to do with what we can call ‘the establishment’. And there is more than one ‘establishment’.
For instance. Rishi Sunak is just as much part of the Tory chums club as Boris, Cameron, Osborne and co. Race is irrelevant. School, the City and fucking London is the structure.
Then there is the lefty club. No matter how incompetent, Abbot, Lammy , Corbyn and co thrive. Race not a factor although banging on about it helps. Allegedly corrupt Union leaders also fit smoothly in. The structure and institution of the left chumocracy.
House of Lords? Again race is not a factor. Shami Chuckabutty and Doreen Lawrence fit effortlessly in. Privilege, however dubiously earned, not race the decider. Although blaming racist Britain for all ills helps. And an inability to see anti-semitism while falling over it.
Whitehall. Timeserving not competence the route to an automatic knighthood. And they do all the can to resist any change to the institution. Brexit anyone?
Then there are the royals. The one extended family who actually did profit from slavery. Vastly. No matter how seedy, lazy and immoral they are we still maintain them in their dozens of palaces and army of flunkeys.
What I am trying to say is that there is no institutional racism here, probably the reverse. There are racists of course, the woke lefties and BLM are increasing racism daily. Another day another load of bollocks about the police/courts you name it being racist. These people hate Britain. We, in turn should hate them.
What there is is institutional cronyism, chumocracy, corruption and venality in the public and political sector. And the useful idiots crying racism are allowing it to thrive under a smokescreen of horseshit.
I need to lie down.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
There is institutional racism in Britain.
Against white people, particularly white males .
Correct and its getting worse. Any time a see an ad on tv with poc I switch off. Any new tv drama,show or movie featuring poc I switch off or have no interest in seeing.
They teach white children to feel guilty about being white. Fuck you tv channels,government departments, sports all of you. Fuck off.
I’m switching off to all that shit and watching old dvds full of white folk.
Fuck them all.
Exactly. The Society of Black Architects is an example of institutional racism.
The Al~BBC being one of the worst generators of said anti white racism. The Grauniad another source of anti white racism. Diversity and multi culti I think they call it.
I want to see the best people for a job in the job. Not a box ticking / licking exercise (various police forces)
Derek chauvin is a hero, took out a scumbag, one less, fuck blm
Derek Chauvin was convicted by media, not by any fairness in law.
There was not a hope in hells chance chauvin not being found guilty.
The ensuing riots across America , no , the western world would be catastrophic and last months.
Better convict him and take the hit that we are all sorry for being white and racist.
Fuckin right. The Proud Boys should start a campaign to get him freed. He did the world a favour by getting rid of a serial criminal and thorough scumbag.
Well done DC.
A first class rant from Cunstable which succintly sums the whole rotten pile of shit.
I have only just about to get on line today. Bloody computer – I was within a nanometre from slinging the decrepit fucking piece of shite onto the concrete outside.
No matter how bad things are, they are considerably worse over t’pond. The POTUS and a suntanned politician blatantly influencing the decision of a judge and jury by their weasel words. Biden and Waters deserve to perish in the flames of hell. They wouldn’t know justice if it were two bananas that were forcibly rammed home up each of their arseholes.
They use the phrase ‘slam dunk’, if ever there was any doubt about the conclusion to this trial it would have been on a technicality but the consequences of a not guilty would have resulted in a bloodbath.
Chauvin was never going to get off, not a fucking chance.
I would just love to see the US law officers at city, county and state level all agree that in future if anyone resists arrest, irrespective of colour, that they just get back in the car and fuck off. See how the authorities like that policy. But it would take the whole country to do it, including all the blue fuckers. But I guess if they agree with this disgraceful verdict, then they are all fucked.
Look at any media competition. If there is a Parking Stanley wimminz she will win (especially if she is a single mother)
If there is a young Dark Key who has fought his way out (allegedly) of a life of knife or drug crime, he will win, provided the woman isn’t there
IF a white man wins he will either be a screaming oflamboyant poofter or a tranny.
No straight white male will ever win.
Great post WCB.
I won £500 in a magazine competition last month but they probably thought I was gay, tranny Muslim. I don’t care, it got me a new lawnmower and a good deposit on some (badly needed) new glasses.
It’s actually my wife that does all the competitions. I just enter using her answers. She hasn’t won anything since we met but I’ve won several times. To say she’s annoyed would be understating the case.
The report wasn’t welcomed by the left and black and white BLM brigade, not surprising really because there is only one word they use ‘Racist’ to accept the reports findings means they have to look in a mirror to see the real problem.
At a hair salon in Minneapolis, the guilty verdict against Derek Chauvin was greeted with both relief and tears. With one (black, naturally) person saying ‘Finally we can breathe’.
‘Finally we can breathe’? They never fucking shut up. They haven’t shut up for a whole year, and now they never will. Now Saint Lord Gawd Chiggen Floyd George has been ‘honoured’ and Chauvin has gone down the road, will this be the end of it? Will it fuck. These cunts will be selling ‘I Can’t Breathe’ merchandise and Chauvin voodoo dolls for years now. Chicken Floyd George will become a ‘brand’ and a radical chic poster boy, just like that murdering Argie cunt, Che Guevara. In years to come it will just be cool and trendy to wear a George Floyd T-Shirt, with cunts not even knowing who he is or what a cunt he really was. And Chauvin – like Judas Iscariot- will now be damned and demonised for all time, with the trial verdict taken as the last word and the facts buried or ignored. A Biopic of a seemingly saintly Floyd and an evil Chauvin will also appear. As will many cash-in books and one sided woke documentaries. The BBC will do one for a start.
Thing is, they’ve got the verdict they demanded, but will that be enough? Will it fuck as like. Every time they don’t get what they want now (no matter how big, small or unimportant it is) they will scream ‘racism’ and threaten violence, arson, and possibly even murder. Also anyone in the media or law enforcement will find fault or criticise them at their peril. Senile Sniffer Joe has made these cunts untouchable, and their takeover has only just begun.
The Yank cops have shot a black girl for trying to stab someone, the racist fuckers.
She dindu nuffin…..
It was a mostly peaceful double stabbing.
She then tried to stab cops too.
I wonder if it’s because they think they’re now above the law?
I wonder why that could be?
Still, expect riots, politicians condemning the rozzers and potential sackings and prison time.
Honestly, the rozzers should go on strike and refuse to help out in dark key neighbourhoods.
The name of the victim was Ma’Khia Bryant. Apparently she launched herself at another girl whilst holding the knife and the copper opened fire.
Many of these dark-keys do like to take their kitchen utensils out on the street, don’t they?
I can’t breathe with all this woke garbage and Chikin George crap. Chauvin didn’t have a chance, with that foul congresswoman saying there would be riots unless he was convicted and the Lady Sniffer In Chief saying he “hoped for the right verdict”. The trial judge was justifiably furious. Sounds distinctly like grounds for a retrial to me.
Did anyone else pick up on the jurors’ voices saying ‘Yes’ when asked if the verdict they gave was their own true judgement?
Some of the wimmins said it in an angry way I thought. I can imagine the jury room with some chippy fuckers ranting anytime someone even tried to look at the evidence. If you’d tried you’d have been shouted down and you’d be scared of your identity getting leaked if he got aquited.
They also would’ve been aware of the crowds on the way to court and the threat against them. Pre trial, the entire media had already called it a racist murder.
The cunt never stood a chance.
A clear case of institutional racism right there.
The Marxists need to find racism coz the whole “class struggle” thing didn’t work on the white working class. We just laugh at these commie twats, hence the need to replace us and go down the “race struggle” avenue….
They don’t give 2 shits about racism, it’s all just about power.
Bring on the revolution commies…. we’re gonna need ALOT of rope…..
Well said Sausage. The woke, lefty Marxists are the new Facists.
The whole rotten caper is close enough to the eugenic program and glorification of one race above another that I think a blek Adolf won World War II.
What a set of evil lazy backstabbing savages they are.
A mere rabble.
It’s been most entertaining watching the Wokerati and members of the Labia Party have hysterics about the institutional racism report. Like most racists, they react with venom when their illusions are shattered.
Wanker of the year award goes to Clive Lewis MP who tweeted a picture of the KKK with the words “move along, nothing to see here”. I wish the real KKK would get their hands on that hateful cunt. Fucking prick.
Even Bloomberg TV which normally focuses on financial news joined the Floy trial media circus. Emily Chang, an Asian presenter, whose community has been attacked far more by “African Americans” than whites, was on the verge of tears as she announced the guilty verdict. A visit to her Instagram page shows stickers for Biden and Harris, a plug for “A Kids Book about Racism” and an interview with Facebook´s “Chief Diversity Officer” who has a Black Lives Matter poster behind her. So much for balanced journalism. Emily has also written a book herself called “Brotopia – Breaking Up the Boys´ Club in Silicon Valley”. Hmm. I wonder what that´s about.
The fact that the owner of the TV channel, Michael Bloomberg, even stood as a presidential candidate for the Republicans shows that the woke establishment is firmly in control.
“Thank you, George Floyd, for sacrificing your life for justice. Your name will always be synonymous with justice.”
Nancy Pelosi
Seriously……i’m not making this shit up.
Holy shit…. I just checked that as it sounds so ridiculous, but its fucking true.
What planet are these cunts living on?
I don’t have the imagination to dream up stuff like that. You should hear Uncle Joe’s speech (written by somebody 3 weeks ago). It sounds like he’s describing the second coming of Christ.
The people are insane. Especially Pelosi, she’s fucking certifiable.
Wikipedia have Georgie down as a ‘hip hop artist and religious leader in his community’.
Not as the convicted armed robber and drug abusing drain on society he actually was then?
The cunt was drugged out of his head trying to buy fags with a counterfeit note. Hardly the making of a messiah, you’d think?
Can’t Pelosi just die?
Aww come on….
She’s spot on but not in the way she’s thinking. He was a criminal thug cunt that was knelt on. He died. Justice was indeed served. This technique should be more widely used but kneel on the throat for more consistent results.
Report, despite being front loaded, finds no institutional racism in the UK and stated the UK is pretty much the least racist Country in the world. Every Guy Gibsons dog and wokeflake appeaser immediately says “yes there is, you racist whiteys”.
Try being white, heterosexual and from a working class background and tell me there is no racism or discrimination in this Country.
My attitude now is always pretty much the same – don’t like it in the UK?
Then fuck off and never come back.
Only race to be denied university places based on race? Honkies.
Only race told they are born racist? Honkies.
Only race told to feel guilt and to do more to stop other races committing crimes, even against them? Honkies.
Only race where a state funded broadcaster can refuse you employment based on your race? Honkies.
Only race told there should be fewer if them in film, the media and even in general society – which is advocating genocide by the way? Honkies.
Only race to have its race pointed out by the media if they are the perpetrator? Honkies.
Only race to be the biggest victims of race on race crime but told continually that they are the bad guys? Honkies.
Only race to have blanket coverage if they are the perpetrator of a racially motivated murder. Honkies.
Only race to be the biggest victims of race on race murder and rape but to be ignored and even blamed by the media and authorities. Honkies.
Only race to be doing worse at school due to being continually guilt tripped, then ignored and demotivated at school due to the curriculum being changed to suit the non English speakers in the classroom? Honkies.
Only sports fans told to do more about racism in sport and society. To the point that you should get on your knees and say sorry for your race in some cases? Honkies.
Yes, I can see the institutional racism alright.
Somebody ought to print that out and put it on every fucking lamp post in the country.
Great cunting as usual, Cuntybollocks ?? ????
Whatever the cunts on the left believe there has never ,in this country, been lawful slavery. There has never been any law colour barring people. The cry of “institutional racism” is bollox. Id hang William Macpherson for being a twat.
unless you go back to Feudalism. That wasnt slavery.
The jurors all went in to “deliberate ” and the foreman asked, “A show of hands please for whoever wants to go home alive tonight. Ok good. Guilty on all counts? Good. Let’s hang out for a bit so it doesn’t look like we already had our minds made up.”
I would guess that is precisely what happened and I, for one, will not condemn them for it. My only questions are why did they bother with a jury? Or, for that matter, a trial?
Agree Moggie
They were already aware of the fact Chauvin had grounds for a mistrial if he appealed due to:
1. The 27 million payout given to the Chiggun fambly. The judge went nuts about that being dished out pretrial, because it means in future, they might have to free a guilty man (as the kaw sees it).
2. Chiggun’s mate in the car refusing to testify. Grounds for a mistrial I heard. His original statement has him saying Chiggun was losing consciousness in the car at times after taking his drugs.
3. Maxine Waters’ threats.
4. The President spouting off pre judgement jeaoirdises any retrial.
5. Media influence.
Aware of some of the above, I’d have said ‘The judge says he can claim a mistrial on appeal for multiple reasons. Why risk our lives today if he can do that? Let him sort it at appeal.’
Can see why the verdict was quick. No way did they look at the evidence. It would’ve taken about a week to go through all of it properly.
On that basis Meat Curtains, I’m surprised the cops actually found defense lawyers.
Imagine if it was a Not Guilty verdict, the lawyers, judge, jury and any honkies would have been murdered and the town burt to the ground. It would have been like the Rodney King riots all over again and country wide like our Mark Duggan riots in 2011. Another peice of shit that then was portrayed as a lovey lad.
You’re so right LLF. The court of public opinion holds more sway now than actual court of actual law. He was not convicted by a jury of his peers but a mob of animals poised to strike.
I felt sorry for the defence brief. He put up a good case but he must have known he was doomed to fail. Given the evidence you’d think at least one of those jurors might have had a “reasonable doubt”. But, as you say, too fucking risky. If I lived in Minneapolis i’d be getting my whitey arse out of there ASAP.
The glove didn’t fit!
America is fucked up now.
Australia is following.
As are we.
We need to vote for Hitler-it’s our only hope?
Whatever else you may think the Derek Chauvin trial proves beyond doubt that American “law” is a complete farce (and I very much doubt UK “law” is any better).
Convicted of second and third degree murder and second degree manslaughter. How many times did he kill a drug addled violent criminal/how many drug addled violent criminals did he kill? I thought it was just the one.
Convicted of murder. To murder someone you would surely need to set out with the primary intention of killing them. Being deployed as a law enforcement agent to apprehend a criminal and being over zealous in doing so would be a case of killing somebody through not doing your job as well as it could be done. Ergo Manslaughter FFS?
If the prosecution had gone for 1st degree murder (meaning he carefully planned the targeting and murder of Chiggun George and then carried it out), they’d have got a conviction for it.
The whole thing is a farce.
Might as well pass a law saying blacks cannot be arrested or charged for any crime.
Witch hunt,
kangaroo court,
mob rule,
all apply here except justice! If Blk boy Floyd the low life slag had submitted to the police for arrest, then his criminal ass would be here today ready for camel toe harris’s team of vote harvesting scum, to bail him out.
Some how, I don’t think all his victims will miss him.
Chauvin…guilty until proven guilty.
A farce….
You know for sure that this US election was rigged now, who the fuck in their right mind would vote for this senile piss stained old cunt and his left wing mad shit, and why are the real americans not burning this rot out of their country, instead of taking the gay black transexual anti-normality crap up the arse, none of it makes sense, because it’s so fucking non-sensical, only lunatics brains should function like this, god help us all.
Expect the Markle Locust and her pet Orangutan to issue a ‘statement’ about the ‘glorious verdict’ damning Chauvin and revelling in the glory of the lord of drugs, ransacking, resisting arrest and – of course – chiggen.
Then again, after Big Phil’s passing, they may be fearing reprisals from the Firm. Can’t see the Locust keeping her chiggenhole shut for long though. The media whore won’t be able to resist it.
He should have followed these handy tips…