A quarter of all the money borrowed (printed) by the United States since 1776 has been done over the past year. Let that sink in!
We are heading for inflation and a crash of unimaginable proportions. The only way out will be war, with China. Think that involves tanks and nuclear weapons? Think again. Its switching off the internet, gps systems, your food distribution etc.
All over a man made virus cooked up in a Wuhan lab and grasped upon by the Democrat party to get rid of a single sitting President.
The left are cunts of unimaginable proportions. Its always unimaginable until in reality the bodies pile up. Again. And again.
Nominated by: smugcunt
and supported with empirical data by mikdys
Here’s a link to 7.24 trillion dollars worth, and increase of 2.93 trillion dollars in 8 months!
I fear we are heading back to the 70’s with rampant inflation and mega interest rates both used as “tools” to repay the “Covid debt”. If you are in secure employment with no mortgage you’ll be OK. Otherwise, it’s gonna hurt!
(Add to that Biden signing off on a $1.8tn (£1.3tn) stimulus package, from his Magic Money Tree – DA)
Hyper inflation even. Financial mismanagement by government that’s chained itself to the fractal backing scam of private banks is going to go bang in a big way.
Not to worry cunters, the BBC has kindly provided the following ramadam a ding dong time table for us.
They forgot the sixth pillar of Islam :
Kill the infidel !
Fucking BBC.
The vast majority of people don’t give a shit when or why about ramdingadong, who the are the bbc targeting with this nonsense, the fucking P*ki cunts don’t watch it or listen to it or read it’s online shite.
Back to inflation, Tesco prices are creeping up, cunts.
The borrowing is frightening but I refuse to live my life in fear of what might be coming. If the worst happens, so be it.
Spot on. I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it, even if it’s called Tay, and has signs warning of landmines.
Fuck me, I’m 59. I wonder how much more SHoneT is ahead…
I wouldn’t either. We’re all far to old to deal with the consequences. The 18th century is a young mans game
Having a mortgage is not necessarily a bad thing in times if high inflation….. providing interest rates don’t ramp up too.
With houses it’s all about ‘equity’. We bought our first in the early 90s with a mortgage of £30k. Sold it for double 5 yrs later and by which time the mortgage was £25k.
Our massive Global debt can only be reduced by inflating it away. Like Endowment Mortgages, Negative Interest Rates and Quantitative Easing it’s all funny money these days.
I do wonder whether we are all headed for things to go cataclysmically wrong that makes the ending to Raiders Of The Lost Ark look like the Vicars Tea Party.
Inflation is grrreat! I have fond memories of getting 15% on my savings in the ’80s.
What if your savings arnt worth anything.
Well, I’m not going to spend them so it doesn’t matter.
“Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon in the sense that it is and can be produced only by a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output.”
Milton Friedman hasn’t been in fashion for a while. Wonder if he will be proved right?
The problem with Friedman is that he claimed that the velocity of circulation was constant whereas Keynesians argued that it varied and furthermore varied at an unpredictable rate.
I sat in too many meetings from 1975 onwards discussing such matters to wish to revisit them again. I find myself in agree with Cuntologist; whatever happens,happens.
John Maynard Keynes was a far left, nasty, fucking cunt.
Who apparently lost huge amounts of Dosh through bad investments ?
Inflation, noun:
1. The general increase in girth of the red white and blue dick that’s being jammed up your arsehole everyday. Rejoice, peasants!
The global economy, like our government, is all pantomime anyway – the House always wins! If you want to see why, I recommend watching this TED talk on the global economy: https://youtu.be/NgbqXsA62Qs
Second, look into the history of the Federal Reserve in the USA and central banking generally.
Third, look into the richest of rich scumfucks. No, not Bezos or Gates. The trillionaire/quadrillionaire holders/institutions.
There’s more than enough wealth to go around for everyone. Productivity has risen spectacularly over the 20th century, yet our wages haven’t.. meanwhile the mega profits have been sucked out the top end of the economy by ‘shareholders’ and owners of the corporations (see TED talk) and funneled into offshore havens out of the wider economy.
It’s all a fugazi.
More than enough wealth to go around for everyone?
Will there be peace on earth with everyone holding hands and bellowing I’d like to teach the world to sing, too? Once the super rich have had to part with their easy earned, greedy poor scum who have got fuck all and don’t want anyone else to have anything either will want every penny from everyone, even those that are a penny above them.
There are rich people and poor people for a reason, hilarity and sneering at them are just two. My philosophy for those naïve and sulky enough to want equal shares? Don’t be ridiculous, communist oik!
Fuck off!
Yeah, and that ‘reason’ to ensure the rich stay or get richer, and don’t do any of the actual hard work.
It’s the same reason why the education system has been intentionally broken. It’s to keep people from ever getting into a position where they can challenge the ruling class with intelligence, or wealth, etc.
They don’t want smart people with wealth. That is against their interests. What I’m talking about has nothing to do with communism, but about deliberately sabotaging the evolution of mankind.
Ah I see, it’s yet another conspiracy theory then is it? Or is it all part of the same conspiracy theory? I lose track, there are just so many of them to pick from!
All I generally see written between the lines when I read posts like yours is jealousy and sulking. I started with fuck all and am now sitting pretty. How? by using my brain and working shit out for myself, and if I can do it, anyone can do it. All this without an elite university education too, which immediately fires holes through your conspiracy theory!
Start learning to paddle your own canoe and stop day dreaming that one day somebody is going to give you their cabin cruiser! I am not even taking the piss, this is sound advice, TBCC!
What do you want, a round of applause? Fuck off. Anyone can work hard and earn a pretty penny, the key is.. as you discovered.. working hard. No shit!
Again, that’s not what I’m talking about here. You think you understand my angle, but you don’t. No where did I say people should sit around doing nothing, get handouts, etc.
Yes, it’s a conspiracy. So what? If you believe the rich and powerful don’t conspire to retain and enhance their attributes of the same, well, then you’re not as smart as you think are. Even a cursory glance of history would reveal that unpalatable truth to you.
Nicely said. It’s the mark of the socialist- envy and theft. They hate success and want to punish those who work and are successful.
All they do is tell people not to try because if they do they will be punished with higher taxes to pay for the troglodytes to breed.
Fuck em.
That’s all fine and dandy Mr Revenge, but someone is DELIBERATELY SABBOTAGING THE EVOLUTION OF MANKIND!!!
Good afterbirth.
It is you that don’t get it. I got it without working hard, that was the point. And no, it seems not anyone can work hard and earn a pretty penny, that is why is this land is cluttered up with poor people, sulking people, jealous people and conspiracy theory losers, like you, idiot!
And I don’t need a round of applause from you either. Why? Every now and then I just see how much money I’ve made and clap myself whilst laughing out loud and making whooping noises
“Where did I get the idea that you want something for nothing?” Probably the whole share the wealth mantra that your latest conspiracy theory post oozes. Your angle has been seen a thousand fucking times! There is nothing new about it, it is just the usual communist agenda meat with a different bland gravy, but feel free to call it whatever you like!
History? I live in the present and I can read you like a book, and it’s a badly written one that. It seems the best bet is you stay poor, sulking, jealous and conspiracy theory heavy and I will suffer the indignity of living well where generally the hardest decision I make is whether to start the day Earl Grey or Assam
Listen, if you want to disagree with my original point that’s fine but you’re (poorly) attacking me now – read the site etiquette rules, you cunt.
People with your personality type are a dime a dozen. Self-aggrandizing, condescending, with an air of intellectual superiority; you love to believe you achieved it all on your own and that somehow you’re superior to others – James O Brien is your team mascot.
We’re all getting fucking shafted. That was my original fucking point. I don’t want communism or another system that works by shafting others. Again, you don’t understand my philosophy or my position. This is not about equalization/redistribution but raising the floor upwards, it’s entirely different.
RTCP, And there was me thinking that deliberately sabotaging the evolution of mankind is Miles’s job
When mentioning forum rules and etiquette re-read your post at 3.10, when you finish that one re-read your latest one, you hypocritical sulking crybaby.
I have dissected the nonsense in your earlier posts with great clarity, which is the exact reason for your hissy fit. As for dime a dozen personalities, every communist has one, the hardest part for them is to make sure that it cost each of them exactly the same amount!
Once again you can call your ‘philosophy’ anything you like, dress it up with bows on and it still boils down to wealth distribution comrade
Lifes misfortunes aren’t somebody else’s fault, they’re yours!
The share the wealth cunts are just bitter cunts swayed by the politics of envy. Like communism, who the fuck is going to devote years of their lives to become surgeons or scientists when they take home the same as the bin men?
Those that can’t, whine about it.
Correct Gutstick. The building site- the dumping ground of the lazy and illedukated ( see what I did there?. No? Then fuck off)
Wtf would I spend years grafting and studying to better myself just to be like some mong who left skool with no qualifications and a chip on their shoulder? Fuck that.
Well said Gutstick.
@ TheBestRevengeIsLivingWell @ 3:41pm
To be fair, that would be the Catholic Church, not so much their hard of thinking followers.
Look on the bright side, those trillions and quadrillions will soon be worthless.
To paraphrase Margaret Thatcher, “just rejoice at that news and congratulate the Illuminati and the teapot ladies sat at their one-armed bandits in Las Vegas.”
I gave up on ISAs and moved my £76,000 into premium bonds. Okay so it doesn’t attract interest rates but I stand a chance of winning a top prize. And I can get my money back.
I have no mortgage and am saving £2k per month for when the shitstorm of another decade of austerity hits next year. But the annoying thing about being financially prudent is that it doesn’t count for shit when other cunts expect the government and gofundme appeals to bail hem out.
£76,000? Presumably in two different account names then?
Other than that I have done the same, £47,500, just below the £50,000 threshold allowing some small wins to get paid directly back in.
I also keep a fat wad in my current account which infuriates Lloyds. I have no intention of keeping it in a savings account at 0.15 interest so they can lend it out at 29.9 APR! Plus they ripped off my late father with his automatic home insurance renewals so they can fuck off!
Greetings honourable Mister Techno.
You have a very kind face.
Allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Bigtitty smallslitty M’bongo. My late father was Chief of the M’bongo (we drink it in de Congo) people’s.
He left me $5m US dollars, which I will inherit on my 21st Birthday.
It is not safe here in M’bongo land anymore, as that black devil Lenny Henry stopped the whiteys sending essentials , like Mercedes Benz and Uzi 9mm.
If you let me stay in your house until I am 21, I will happily share my inheritance with you. Until then I will show my gratitude in the traditional M’bongo ways of love.
Please send £76k to enable me to travel to UK and arrange legalities.
Please send money to me via the handsome night admin.
(* n/admin – we did agree 50/50?)
My dearest Cuntfinde M’bongo. I have no problem with sending you Techno’s money and agreeing to you staying with him.
If you send me your bank details via the increasingly corrupt Night Admin the money will be forthcoming.
Please ignore this Techno, he’s an imposter. I have £43 million waiting for me in an offshore account and if you send me your £76,000 directly via Western Union to enable the transfer of funds to the Halifax, I’ll let you have 30% of the total. You know you can trust me, I’m a christian.
Bring it on.
A fucking good upheaval is long overdue.
Looking on the bright side, I started off with nothing and I still have most of it left.
I fear it will be more akin to a depression than a recession. Merchant bankers heaving themselves out of windows, The Grapes of Wrath will seem like a proverbial walk in the park. Wheelbarrow races to get the bread. Troops on the streets. Covid 19 was just the warm up.
Might as well get pissed.
You need an excuse to get pissed?
Communist America – bankrupt, filth in the streets, riots, murders, burning, every r*pefugee and gimmegrant in the world heading to feast on the corpse of the dying beast, and a dying puppet unelected leader being the front for the evil in the shadows.
Funny – for the first time in modern history the US is following the UK, not the other way round.
A shadow of darkness is spreading across the world.
Can’t we re-direct the gimmigrant dinghy riders off to the USA. I know it would be a rough crossing and it would be a crying shame if they sunk on the way over, but maybe worth their risk. I have been told that the cunts are washing up in their boats on the Suffolk coast, if true, then that is a fuck of a crossing and we have no hope of stopping the cunts.
The whole reason for the existence of the doddering old cunt in the above picture, along with his loathsome handlers, is to drop Western civilization down the shitter anyway.
That’s his purpose…
The one thing that absolutely will not happen as a result of all this debt is inflation and you can forget about interest rates going up for decades. Stagflation is much more likely and is what quantative easing seeks to prevent.
As to all this debt : just ask yourselves who lent the money and is owed it. If you are poor then it isn’t you. Ah, yes, it must be the rich people. Inflation would absolutely massacre their investments – it aint going to happen
That said, there very much is a balance of payments problem in the UK and the west generally. It is as much a moral issue as a financial one. Cut out the quango’s, mayors, excessive benefits, and political correctness in general, tax the multinationals fairly and you can solve it really quite quickly.
But that would take political will and unfortunately there is not currently a conservative party in the accepted sense.
(However, there will be, sooner or later – simply because that is what the majority of people in this country want. )
If only https://twitter.com/PerBylund/status/1377959982755418115
Whatever. Joe Biden gonna save us all now that big bad Orange man is gone. A few trillion spent in the right places gonna fix evathang! Praise da Laaard!
The woke arseholes that control us like puppet masters only do so because we let them, all it would take is a mass pushback of some form and they will shit themselves, the police and laws are broken and weak and the military are abused and de-honoured by the by the woke, so no guaranteed protection there if push comes to shove. The islamic assasins are waiting for their true calling, whilst the dumb ass blm bitch over spilt milk and stupidly test the strength of the country for them, which is very weak under the soft non common sense woke, and to think our earnings pay for this crap and the shite future this country is rapidly heading towards.
People are dying and you people are complaining about a fake virus.
I love this site for calling out the arseholes for what they are, but this is pathetic. People I cared about have died to this virus.
I’ve lived to tell, after going through covid myself, but all the money spent on tv campaigns, publicity and rescue packages will be recouped from the working public, so a tax hike will secretly be on the agenda. Trouble is furlough money and boris’s stupid cycle grant was being abused, pakistani and eurotrash employers were keeping the cash and sacking staff, and buying new expensive bicycles just because it was free, i’ve never seen a paki on a bicycle ever, until this scheme started, then there were shit loads, the scheme stopped and they’re back to cars, by the way, they ride bikes worse than they drive cars, and a pakistani in spandex looks like a pepperami, but don’t worry the PAYE infidels will pay for it, 27% tax should do it. It’s easy to spend money, when you don’t deserve it. SOB’s the lot of them.