India’s Covid Crisis

Recently Indians were splashing around in the Ganges,without distancing and without face coverings, all to glorify their nonsense gods.

Now they have a “COVID crisis” what a fucking surprise!

The daft cunts are expecting and getting loads of vaccines from all over the place, from countries that have taken more care.

What a bunch of worthless wanking cunts

Nominated by: Spazzycunt 

(MSM suggest the world should do more to help, while the Wokes will probably blame the UK for all the usual reasons – DA)


And this from Five Eyes 

Currently, BBC and other World Media Sources are covering the Indian Variant of Covid, and are quick to promote the needs of its people who ( reportedly ) are dying in the streets. Pictures of bodies falling from overloaded ambulances were shown on the BBC to emphasize the horror of the situation. It is important to note that the care provided to these unfortunates is basis to say the least…..Cue the Whip-around! Already, UK has committed to both cash and medical equipment. WHO are calling for donations, and the usual luvvies, rushing for YOUR cheque book.

Now my cunting is this. India is currently spending 14000 Crore on its Space Exploration Budget A crore is equal to !0 Million GBP. Now that,s an awful lot of cash! Their Space agency also makes a profit of 40 Crore each year.

Let the fuckers pay for their own…..but they won’t.

….and from Sir Limply Stoke 

India Oh Jewel in the Crown

As on old India hand have always been in two minds about the shitehole/land of a thousand enchanting palaces (two minds see geddit). Currently getting endless coverage re Ravaging Covid and endless 24/7 cremations of late lamented. You become accustomed to the gritty taste of burnt bone in the mouth as soon you overfly the acres of slums that surround Bombay/Mumbai Airport and land on the alarmingly cracked and patched runways. Step out of the curry impregnated alarmingly cracked and patched Jumbo and you are coshed around the chops by the hot brown earthy air seasoned with pinches of bunt bone and dressed with a piquant sauce of slum sewage and eye watering traffic pollution. Remember that thus far you are in the domain of the rich and powerful, High Caste India. Always remember that in India the backhander/bribe/bung is King.

Bribe your way through the kicked-over anthill chaos of customs and arrivals and past the wallahs (little serf class dark skinned cunts that do all the manual work in India) trying to punt out knock-off prescription drugs as you are pocket picked and embraced by Mother India – and wot a muvver. Bombay heaves and stinks 24/7. It has to, India does not have enough beds to sleep all its workers in one session so they kip in shifts. A lot of cunts in India and nobody knows how many. More arriving daily from drought/storm ravished countryside to farm and sleep on the piss stained pavements. Then factor in the millions that attend religious festivals and political rallies and the earth moves.

Point is Great Demand for drugs and since the days of the Raj entrepreneurs have met it by making their own Prozac, Interferon ect ect and in the spirit of “if you can’t beat them join them isn’t it” world brands have continued to have their products made in India. Read the back of your packet of Viagra and see if it actually tells you where the tablets were manufactured. “Marketing Authorisation Holder” “Distributed by” ect ect but never “Manufactured By…..In (name of country) and certainly never “Made by the wallahs of Feroz Isn’tit in his kitchen in the slums of Calcutta”.

Strict laws against many things but just pay a bribe and get on with life or death – need to qualify as a doctor or an airline pilot? Pay A Bribe. Need to get into hospital or require a cylinder of oxygen then pay a bribe. Cremation site dangerously full to overflowing then PAB. Need a ticket on a plane or train and they tell you it is full then PAB. Rape and murder a girl child and police want to nab you – no worries just PAB.

What happens when there are too many bribes but not enough services available? Obviously dear old supply and demand kicks in and the price of a dodgy half empty cylinder of oxygen (if available) sky rockets. This threatens the middle classes so its World Appeals time hence pledges from all the Cov Vac Nations to supply at a discount their unwanted and frankly suspect stocks ASAP.

As a PS do not miss the Sky Burials as favoured by top caste Parsees in so called Towers of Silence, The deceased punter was taken up to the top of an anonymous tower in the middle of the city bustle and left there naked and wrapped in a sheet for the vultures to come and dip their beaks. Common to get hit around the face by putrefying entrails dropped by a bird from some height. Made a distinctive whaap as the slimy green viscera wound its way around the old neck. Always raised a laugh when it happened to tourists. Needless to say a wallah always on hand to attend to ablutions.

For some half-arsed woke reason Bombay decided to get rid of its vultures – once a signature sight puking and wheeling away over the city. By whatever Indian God you care to choose they need them now to help cope with the massive death toll.

82 thoughts on “India’s Covid Crisis

  1. A terrible crisis but one the cupid stunts have brought on themselves through their usual pig sty living habits.

    As for helping them out with cash – fuck off. As was pointed out in the nom, India has a space program and is planning on becoming the number one supplier of curries and popadoms to the Meekons. India now has plenty of money. They can use that before they start tapping on the idiotic woke West to pay for their idiocy. Cunts.

  2. It’s awful of course, but the silly cunts are out voting today with huge rallies going on all over the country.

    Hopefully, the 300k+ cases a day will finally out paid to the ‘it’s not real’ mob, but I doubt it. One stupid cunt (on the right – and I’m on the right) said the numbers are due to adverse reactions to the vaccine lol. What a fucking clown.

  3. Well George Floyd famously said ‘I can’t breathe’. Now it’s being repeated all over India.

  4. I suspect the high death toll will be partly due to there being a shallower gene pool, thanks to marrying family members.
    Can’t wait to hear what the tinfoil contingent have to say on this matter, being better informed and that.

      • I might be shallow gene pool but it’s certainly fertile. About seven children each.
        Praise de monkey God! Our seventh babou is incoming soon but Little Vishnu will have to be sleeping in the kitchen with his sisters and brothers.

        “Made in India”

    • Actually I’m more interested in hearing all of your feeble rationalisations for why India wasn’t decimated last year.

      A novel virus should have had no trouble in such a poverty striken, filthy, polluted, malnourished nation. It should have ripped through. Especially Mumbai, the second most densely populated shithole on Earth.

      Even the papers can’t quite square that circle, and admit as much.

      • Who said it didn’t the first time? It would help if all countries had the same criteria for collating the casualty figures. Some, like ours, are over cautious in the gathering of statistics, others play down the numbers. India only count those that die in hospital, so who knows how many died the first time?

      • Your explanation for why bodies weren’t piled high on the turd encrusted sidewalks of Mumbai is poor accounting? Lmao.

      • Surely the point is that even the most virulent infection does not kill everyone in its path. In the fourteenth century the Black Death is reckoned to have killed half the population of Europe so obviously half the population survived. This at a time when Europe was poverty stricken, filthy and malnourished and no treatment of any kind was available. Consider further that the vast majority of Covid victims survive and remarkably large numbers have no symptoms when infected. Logically then Covid is nowhere near as virulent as the Black Death or smallpox or a number of other infections.

      • Can’t argue with that, arfurbrain. Your logic is impeccable. Are you sure you’re on the right website?

      • Instead you just dismiss it as lies and propaganda, without a shred of evidence. As usual.

      • The evidence is the statistics from the WHO itself. If you bothered to look at them and use your brain a bit you might comprehend why this media blitz is clearly propaganda.

        It’s so fucking obvious. But hey, keep up the gymnastics!

      • Seeing as India admittedly has no idea of their population, and can only offer a guess, plus the fact (yes, a fact) that they only record hospital deaths, there can be no official percentage of deaths that would be a reliable figure, especially coupled with an administration that is trying it’s best to downplay the severity of its casualties.
        Obviously you have a PHD in demographics to go with all the other qualifications in virology, epidemiology, cosmology, and a multitude of other disciplines that makes you more knowledgeable than anyone else to comment on these issues.

      • Reply to Allan; Sure I am on the right site mate. I found ISAC by accident as I suspect most of us did and as I’ve said before on here it seems to be the last redoubt of free speech.

      • When Spanish flu hit back in 1918 the second wave was much more devastating that the first, I am sure the epidemiologists could explain.

      • My wife has relatives in India and no way is the seriousness of the second wave there “clearly propaganda”.

        You’re the propagandist here Chunky.

      • The deluded cunt is the reason I stopped posting/looking at this site. Thought I’d catch up, but, it seems the sites ‘Expert On Everything’ is still spouting bullshit. Hope you’re well, RTCP, along with Dick, Bertie, MNC and the (majority) of the rest.

      • You couldn’t handle the truth. Just like the others here who can’t make sense of basic statistical data from the WHO, who can’t admit they’ve been taken for a ride and are now on the wrong side of history along with our traitorous political and media class.

        You’re the one believing in a media driven hysterical fantasy. The data is self-evident, you just can’t separate emotion and logic.

      • ‘You couldn’t handle the truth’.

        No, son, I’ve been living it rather than reading about it. You need 136ing.

      • Woke? Pfft. Go put on daddies apron and pray to the big G or whatever occult bullshit it is they peddle in those idiot dens.

      • @DCI

        Glad to see you back and hope you’re keeping well.

        You’ve missed some “spirited” disagreements.

      • I’m well, Dick, but am suffering from compassion fatigue! I’ve seen more death, beit from suicide or other causes, including Covid-related causes, these last few months than I have in nearly thirty years in the emergency services. But hey, according to The Oracle, it’s all a scam.

      • That might be to do with the fact that your cunt employer, the NHS, has become the covid service and brought upon itself a backlog of people who are now dying because they can’t get the service they paid for.

        Fuck the NHS, your dancing tiktok associates, and those involved in this fraud. You’ll be alright as a responder, but some of your colleagues won’t when the trials start.

      • As I said, Dave, you need 136ing. Or perhaps you were and have been released into self-care. That would make sense. Tell me, son, what polish do you use on your tinfoil hat, and, do you reckon it would work on a cars chromework?

      • DCI!!
        Great to see you back mate!
        Proper missed you.
        Hope your well & safe?

        Ps you were right about everything.

      • Nice to hear from you again DCI!
        The site has been poorer without your excellent contribution.

      • @ Gene

        Great to know you’re still there and hopefully in good health. The Covid tin-foil hattery has not abated since you left, if anything it’s got even more shrill. Your front line expertise is much missed, but fully appreciate why you needed to get away.

        Hope you continue to check in occasionally.

      • Why wasn’t India decimated last year? Because they had a strict lockdown that was far longer than ours.

        Subsequently the Indian government complacently imagined they had the virus licked and were woefully unprepared when the more infectious second wave hit, it’s not fucking rocket science.

  5. And yet as far as I know these cunts are still being allowed into this country by the plane-load!

    • Oh and don’t be surprised if St Marcus of Freeload, chips in by suggesting our government should give India’s starving kids a few billion of the Taxpayer’s hard earned!

      And The WHO will tell Boris to ship out all available vaccines to India free of charge.

      All this humanity, even though whitey is despised, and in some quarters whitey-aid is not welcomed!

      Fucking joke.

      • And then they will start coming over here when this is over when the realise (or, probably know) what a soft touch we are.

        I like their food, I don’t like them as a people.

  6. I’ve written an article on the Indian Covid crisis and sent it to The Guardian. I have blamed it all on The British Empire….can’t wait for the cheque and invitation to appear on the BBC.

    • Make sure they spell your name correctly, Dick. You know how those cunts on the Grauniad can’t spell.

      • I wasn’t sure if the “Foxchaser” would go down too well so I just called myself ” Mr/Mrs/It ( still undecided) Rastus Um’Bongo-Gaylord-Dull’vegan”….that should get their juices flowing.

  7. A country with 1.5 billion people and with 27000 deaths a day isnt really inconvenienced by a few deaths from covid. Pictures of burning bodies is entirely normal in India. So is people unable to afford hospital dying outside them.

    • Unckle Terrys Ghat.
      Covid found fertile ground in India.
      Goodness gracious yes.

  8. Wow, Sir Limpy, what a picture – thank-you for spending the time to write it. My dad was stationed in Mauripur and Karachi in the war (RAF). Had nothing good to say about Indians for his whole life. I grew up with “jilti” “paani” wallah-this wallah that, the other kids at school wondered what i was on about (my dad was old when he had me, my mum not so!) so he was from a different generation to their parents. I’ve got an old photo album, must dig it out. Sounds like I dodged a few bullets when I wrangled out of go there with work!

    • My wife had a number of ancestors who were stationed in India with their families in the days of the RAJ. They are all dead and gone now but I remember conversations with them about their time out there. Not one of them had a good word for the place or the people.

  9. A fascinating place no doubt,rich in culture and history.
    Anyhow they’ve made their bed and can now fucking lie in it.
    Or apparently not,judging from all the free stuff being sent to the dozy cunts.
    A filthy shithole riddled with disease?
    Nowt new then.
    Fuck the MSM.

    • Half of them have made their beds here UT. I say fuck ’em and live in hope that one day all of their call centres are empty, and elephants tiptoe through the bodies in the streets. Hopefully it’ll spread to their paki neighbours and wipe those cunts out too

  10. Most articles on this ignore the key problem, Prime Minister Modi.

    He’s a right cunt who basically controls Indian media (speak out and you’re screwed) and has openly said he only cares about Hindu Indians and the rest can just die. He introduced a citizenship system that targets the poor who have no ID and classifies them as non-citizens.

    People moan about Putin in the west but he’s got nothing on Modi.

  11. Unfortunately I work for Mr Gupta, as every day passes it becomes more apparent that the Indian way of doing business is based on smoke and mirrors.
    If I were to travel abroad though, India is the one country I would like to visit, but not just yet. I’ll let them stop coughing and sneezing first.

  12. That’s a brilliant summation Sir Limply.

    I’ve heard similar descriptions before and India seems like a really dodgy place, unless you have plenty of cash/influence. it’s yet another place my wife would like visit but, unfortunately for her, I apply too high a SITS* rating to the place to allow that to happen.

    *Shithole In The Sun

    • Have lived the life and my account above only skims the surface. Also heavily self redacted because the current admin are of the woke snowflake variety and do not post a lot orf me stuff. Sexuality is a major part of the Indian psyche in all its world wide weirdness of sick perversions (and bugger me have I witnessed some scenes) which feeds directly into the antics of certain sectors of the population in the dear old UK. Might try a post on these aspects but difficult not to get arsed re work required and possibility orf me magnum opus making it beyond the bin.

      (Two choices … – DA)

      • I have generally backed you, Sir Limply. Although for the main part your noms are long winded, I like most of them.

        However, a line has to be drawn and this accusation of woke, snowflake variety admins is absolute bollocks! For whatever reason you seem to have turned into a sulky belligerent crybaby regarding what noms of yours are posted and which of them are not! I myself have posted a few noms in recent weeks, possibly months, which have been nowhere in sight, they may or may not appear, so what, get over it!

        Fuck off!

      • Ps, By all means provide an alternative site where nominations like ours even see the light of day!

        Woke and snowflake admin indeed! Apologise or retire!!!

  13. Total non-story. Total propaganda.

    Do the math of total population and cumulative deaths per million people since March 20′. India doesn’t even come into the bracket of a bad flu season yet, and is miles away from the EU and UK.

    This story only works on those too stupid or lazy to look at the actual fucking data.

    0.02% of their population have died. Some fucking pandemic ?

    • I agree with the deaths per million is pretty low but it doesn’t alter the fact that they are running out of O2.

      Mind you if you look at the way they travel on trains I am surprised anyone cares about Covid.

      They had a lock down in the first wave, I remember the scenes of all the workers leaving the cities to get home before lockdown.

      • Maybe they are running out, but then their health system is garbage and not fit for the population size they have.

        Doesn’t change the facts. It’s a poor propaganda attempt, trying to stoke hysteria here, to keep the momentum going.

      • Whatever is going on over there is a pre cursor to the UK being locked down again at some point.

  14. am surprised Greta of Thunderballs and the XR mob haven’t been protesting in the streets of Mumbai/Bombay with regards all the pollution from their 24/7 funeral pyres!

    Interesting how these cunts never do any protesting in places that are out of their comfort zone and/or places that have some of the highest pollution levels on the planet!

    As for the covid problems over there – fuck ’em. They wanted independence back in 1947, well now they’ve got it!

    Fuck right off!

  15. Had to laugh after hearing that some allegedly famous Tamil actor, Vivekh, who was also India’s Public Health Ambassador, spent some time promoting the Covid jabs, got his and dead within a day….

  16. This is a terrible situation I feel bad for them. Dog bless them.

    I wonder how long it will be until a so-called celebrity takes advantage and makes it about themselves.

      • Blimey, LB!
        Harold and Megatron are cans of can’t.
        I thought they moved to America to keep out of the limelight.

      • The Markle Locust and her Orangutan with a load of substandard autotuned production line shite? That’s going to be a winner, isn’t it?

  17. I’ve always thought that natural disasters, flu season, pandemics etc are just nature’s way of culling the worlds too high population unfortunately.

  18. Hmm – I would have almost believed this India Covid nonsense thing, until I found out the MSM images of people collapsed on the street were from a chemical spill in 2019 (an unfortunately regular occurrence in India), as was the image of the Woman in the street with an oxygen cylinder.
    I have lots of mutual friends in India and they are all telling me the same thing – this is made up, the MSM in India and abroad are trying to push propaganda as fact when it clearly is not, one of the ways they are doing this is by alleging there is a covid pandemic in India caused by (this is fucking priceless) “The UK Variant” and they are being told that people are collapsing and dying in the streets due to a reported “pandemic” here.
    Any health crisis in India is nothing to do with covid and everything to do with corruption, poor medical facilities ant treatment, bad hygiene and sanitation and over population.
    Don’t believe a word.

    • The mass funeral pyres footage was a nice touch, for those who don’t know this is common place in India.

      Turds on the pavement and bodies in the river. Just another day.

  19. So far India has 200000 deaths against a population of 1.4 billion population.

    UK 127000 deaths in a population of just shy of 68 million population.

    Must be a lot of Indians thankful Boris isn’t running their country.

  20. India, deal with it, if you weren’t so overpopulated you might have had a chance.

    The dirty cunts.

  21. This may sound heartless, but for me this is great news. I see it as pay back for that fucking country infecting the IT industry with its presence. I am sick and fucking tired of having to deal with fucking Indians who can’t speak English properly, can’t write English properly and whose tone of voice is condescending in the extreme.

    I expect my Hindi isn’t up to scratch either, but here’s what I do. I don’t move to your third world swamp of a country and try out my version of your lingo on the locals.

    Hey Gupta, it’s not part of my job to decipher and interpret what you’re trying to say. Learn to communicate effectively or fuck off and die.

    • In my 50 years(!) as an IT field engineer I experienced the move to soi-disant off-shore support. It seems to me that the only thing that drove it was price. I have lost count of the number of occasions when I was on the phone from a data site in the early hours to one of these pricks in India who had about 200 words of English and was about as much use as the proverbial chocolate teapot. Frequently it was obvious that the call had been diverted to their home because I heard them asking a nearby family member the meaning of a common English word I had used. I have also turned out in the early hours and driven 50 miles in response to a call they have raised to be told when I got through to them that they had decided the call could wait until the afternoon. When I attended one of their buildings in Reading I was struck by the fact that in this open-plan office the woman on reception was British and when I arrived the number of white faces in the place was doubled. Sorry if I am rambling but I am most of the way down a good bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon.

  22. I can’t imagine what that place smells like. The stench would make me curse my sense of smell.
    There’s one of these people that works out at the gym I use. He stinks like a trash bin behind an Indian restaurant in August. The hairy, stinky, dar-key has access to all hygiene products but I guess his culture is to smell like a hot sweaty atmpit doused with curry.

  23. It seems that this man made virus is having its intended effect by thinning out the population in areas that are living like fuckin insects, you just knew shit holes like the densely populated city’s in the third world would not tow the line of social distancing and general cleanliness now they expect the responsible country’s to drop everything and pitch in to help clean up this cluster fuck, ask Saudi Arabia to send them a decent amount of four star as they have loads of the shit.!

  24. Let’s do some quick maths. 300,000 deaths out of 1.34 billion people. For reference the population of Europe is 764 million. Even if they reported 1,000,000 deaths in India the Covid death rate per million would be so so much lower than every country in Europe. Yet this is a global crisis, can the doom and fear merchants please have a day off. Covid is real but unless your very old, vey fat or vey ill you will be fine. As a further point Anyone who has been to India will recognise the images of the funeral pyres on the banks of the Ganges. Those are nothing new and By the way it is forbidden and considered very bad luck to take pictures. Also the pictures many outlets have used of dead in the streets are from a gas pollution leak in 2019. The BS surrounding this has now reached pandemic levels.

    FFS How many deadly diseases need an advertising campaign to tell you it’s dangerous?

  25. I spent a fair bit of time in India, loved it. It’s fucking bonkers and so are the people but it’s a brilliant country to travel once you get used to it.

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