Imran Khan has several things going against him: he’s a Parking Stanley, he’s a peaceful and he’s a cunt.
He is urging Islamic shitholes to boycott Western products if our countries don’t criminalise ‘insulting’ the prophet and to launch a trade war against countries that hide behind “freedom of speech”.
And he comes out with shit like: “They do not even love the prophets the way we do with our Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him). Even, they are not attached to religion (the way we are). They will have to be made it understood.”
Imran Khan, if you want to boycott western goods go ahead. No cars, no planes, no trains, no mobile phones, no cancer hospitals in memory of your mother, no clean water, etc. What have Muslims ever invented other than jihad? That’s right, a big fat fucking zero.
Let’s do a trade deal Imran. We stop exporting our goods and services to you and you can stop exporting Parking Stanleys to us. Sounds like a great deal.
And as part of the deal we’ll send back your namesake Unhappy Richard (Sad Dick) Khan. Imran and Sad Dick – a proper pair of khants.
Nominated by: Hard Brexit Cunt
..and seconded by: CuntyMort
FFS Islam rides again.
Now the Pakistani P.M Is kicking off over insulting their sky fairy, with the threat of world wide Islamic embargos.
Here you go Imran how’s about my solution, Just fuck off. If you want to play those games, No immigration to anywhere. Your goods banned as well.
While I’m at it just fuck off CUNT.
…and a very late entry from W.C, Boggs
A gentle don’t take this the wrong way, comrade cunting, please, for the whacky Paki PM, who instructs the West not to “hurt the feelings” of Muslims around the world, but if we do, there will be trouble:
If we are guilty of hurting their feelings, they have hurt their victims far more than just feelings – but with death and missing limbs as well
Ramjams a bit of a hypocrite,
Likes white poontang, fancy western suits etc.
Tell you what, get your jimjams on and flipflops, stop using 3ply toilet roll, use your hand,
And come back then.
Ps your prophet is a kiddy fiddler.
And you all stink of shite.
If you want to live the life of a devout Muslim, you should choose to live in a country where those beliefs are held by the majority of the people there. We have more than enough entitled lunatics here as it is, and I would gladly see the back of them.
Never mind boycotting our goods and services, boycott our country full stop.
Hungry fuckers.
You mention “boycott our country full stop”.
Isn’t it strange that Muslims seek economic enrichment and ‘asylum’ in the infidel Western countries instead of their own spiritually uplifting Islamic nations?
And then they have the temerity to complain that we don’t respect their hallowed kiddy fiddler.
Different countries, different laws, different systems, different customs, different cultures. If peacefuls don’t like the way we do things in the West, then they shouldn’t come here or piss off.
There is something going on that is for sure.
They come to a nominally Christian country drowning in sovereign debt whilst there are Muslim countries overwhelmed by sovereign wealth.
I ask my woke friends to explain that to me and I have yet to receive an answer.
Old Imrat Khan,eh?
Such a hardcore muzzie that he has screwed more white women than Bobby Charlton has scored goals. I bet the hypocritical cunt Imrat has had his share of bacon butties an all.
His first wife (white and English) still clogs up London ‘society’. When last heard of Jemima ‘Khan’ was stealing Gillian Anderson’s old man. And like so many of these divorced from celebrity tarts (Bianca Jagger, Alex Best) Jemima still calls herself Khan. She’s almost as big a cunt as her ex-husband.
He wasnt happy about it Norm!
He said he’ll be avenged!
As you well know, nothing like the wrath of Khan…
I heard Imran’s grandfather, Ghengis was a bit of a lad too, MNC. His cousin, Suckdiq however is a right softarse.
Wasnt Jemima a Jew? Wow! Not only white but a Jew.
But I’ve got to say still my favourite cricket team. Those three on the attack Imran Kahn, Wakar Younnis, my favourite Wasim Akram. It really was Something to watch.
Yep, with you there Miles. Always enjoy watching the Paks. Who are unable to partake in the riches of the overblown IPL next door. Anywhere else would accuse India of institutional racism for this , which it is of course unashamedly guilty of. No wonder the Pam’s are susceptible to the odd bung when a player as limited as Chris Morris earns $1.7m for 6 weeks ‘work’, if you can call bowling 24 deliveries twice a week and having the odd bat as ‘work’
PS Younus Jhan and Misbah-ul-Haq were not only great players ; they were bloody decent sportsmen too
Used to regularly watch Wasim and Athers at Old Trafford (the other Old Trafford) in the late 80s and the 90s.
Before Private Eye caught Brexit Derangement Syndrome and was worth reading they published a picture of Imran Khan, wearing a hat, on a balcony shagging the lovely Jemima. It was in the best possible taste.
I have searched for a link but can’t find it so i suspect someone has been hard at work getting it deleted.
I could never understand ‘reverse swing’ Issac. Some great tests against England and it was all about waiting for the late afternoon/ early evening so that Akram could get his ‘reverse swing’ going. To me it looked like the ball actually moved in two directions. As a knowledgeable bloke can you explain to me ‘reverse swing’?
Wasn’t there a famous cricketer ( a friend perhaps of Imran ) called “Clicky Baa ” ?
Absolutely agree.
The big-nosed cheating cunt should put his money where his mouth is.
Make sure you boycott phones, internet, electricity, running water, modern medicine, mechanised transport etc etc then eh? Didn’t think so.
Oh, and cricket.
As the nom says, we’ll do a swap and he can stop sending us his dregs.
Sky were fawning all over this over privileged twat recently (he’s from a rich Daki family) in a ‘documentary’ (arse kissing show). Michael Atherton might as well have sucked him off. The twat called the England team (of the 80s/90s) ‘racists’ (for calling the Joe Dakis cheating cunts…which they were) and the soft twat said fuck all back to him. He’s a cunt an’ all after that.
Remember, it was never an issue having umpires of the home nation officiating games, until the cheating Joe Dakis starting playing. Ball tampering, match fixing you name it ..they fucking do it more than everyone else combined. A lot of it with this cunt’s teams.
Good cunting he was on my radar too.
Pakistan is a horrible shit tip.
I was unfortunate enough to be there for a few hours with a transit stop whilst on the way somewhere much nicer.
Karachi Airport is fucking awful.
In the couple of hours that I was there I must have been approached by at least a dozen skinny but heavily armed security guards, each one demanding to see my passport.
All so unnecessary. It’s not like I was there to bomb them.
When our plane was due to leave all the passengers were made to form a queue.
When I got to the front I was told that I would have to pay their airport tax.
It’s not a good idea to get too stroppy in a foreign country, especially one so aggressive as Pakistan, so I calmy told them that as a transit passenger I didn’t have to pay.
I was quickly ushered through to the departure gate but it didn’t stop them changing every other passenger on my flight.
The smelly, robbing, corrupt bastards.
I had a similar experience. To kill time, I had a “drink” – warm sugary orange juice – and looked around the “shops” which only seemed to sell stuffed mongooses with snakes wrapped round their necks. Needless to say I was not tempted.
Off piste (sorry), but that ocean-going cunt O’Shithead is currently on air pretending to give a fuck about fishermen…. I fucking despise him, the sanctimonious turd.
Will our “progressive” lefty types support blasphemy laws in this country, I wonder?
Of course they will.
The sure sign of a backwards culture…
Insolent shit stain. It’s called freedom of speech which is something those dark age savages no fuck all about. We should demand that they stop persecuting Christians in all Muzzie countries.
You and your goat worrier friends can stay there,take back all your Camel jockey friends over here and we will stop all trade and movement between your barbaric backward shit holes and our civilised modern country.
The cunt is wearing western clothes,using western technology and made money playing an English game. You couldn’t make this shit up. Take your country, your 7th century savagery and your non existent culture and perish. I hope India loses the plot with you and vapourises all of you.
Love the fact that as each year passes he looks more and more like Dirty Den himself Leslie Grantham.
German taxi drivers beware.
The sooner these savages have one of their funny turns and start a nuclear war with India the better.
What a set of filthy backward rats.
After shagging half of the women on the London nightclub scene he has now decided that anyone following suit is an evil infidel. Hypocrite.
Just once id like to see one of these culture/race warriors stick up for what theyve benefitted from rather than slag us off.
To say, while I came here as a kid I see myself as British, have British values, and im grateful to this country for the opportunity its given to me and my family.
Occasionally some do but its rare.
I went abroad, (not likely)
Say, settled in the US,
And by luck and hard work became a millionaire?
Id be praising the US, flying the stars &stripes, saluting the flag etc.
Khan was always a stuck up arrogant cunt. His country is one of the worlds worst shit holes, his male fellow citizens for the most part paedophiles and groomers and his prophet a piss taking fraud. (Try not to use “paedophiles” otherwise comments will end up in the MQ. Thanks – DA)
Paxtan is a giant toilet. You can piss anywhere you wish.
What about we stop exporting aid and arms to these cunts? And they could withold murderers, groomers and shambling bin bag and pyjama wearers.
Ok Abdul, so you don’t like whitey ripping the piss out of your sky fairy. We get it ok?
So, here’s the deal. We shut the fuck up and every carpet kissing, kiddy fiddling cunt goes back to the shithole they came from. You can’t get any fairer than that.
What’s persuaded this cunt to start mouthing off all of a sudden? Is there an election imminent? Do they have elections in his shithole of a country? Nothing like having a go at the decadent West, especially when you’ve spent so much time there and made so much money.
Being a politician means being a two-faced shithouse, whatever part of the world they’re from.
Parking Stanleys should boycott Yorkshire teenage girls then. Not to mention cricket clean water and AK47s.
Sky Fairy ????
Allu Snackbar
These are genuine questions…
1/ what benefit has the ideology of Islam brought to the West?
2/ why does this ideology cause such problems everywhere it goes?
Answers on a postcard to…
Some Cunt
Jimmy Savile House
There is absolutely nothing, not a fucking thing that Islam contributes to the West or the UK.
It has caused so many problems over the years, Cunts!
I don’t know but it’s brought plenty of Iqbals, Mustaphas, Mohammads, Faruqs, and Achmeds to the west.
With respect to Q1 CMC, a similar question can be asked: What benefit has the ideology of Islam brought to Islamic countries?
Answers on an atom please.
Talking of religious maniacs, it seems there were a load of orthodox front wheel skids crushed to death in a stampede as part of a building collapsed, due to them doing what looks like that cunt dance that foppish footballers do when they win something.
This happens almost yearly in mecca, and I’m wondering where was their god? Allowing that to happen. What a cunt.
I have seen a few of these Ultras in action, no regard for anyone else, hard faced bastards the lot of them.
Strange one that. Never hear of the front wheels doing shite like that. The moose limbs? Every fucking week it seems. Four be twos? New one on me that.
It’s those crazy twizzle haired freaks that fuck through a hole in a sheet so they don’t have to touch a woman. Silly dress up cunts.
Why the fuck do they dress for the Polish winter in the middle of an Israeli summer? I bet their scrotums and minges stink to high heaven – one must feel sorry for Jehovah.
P Stanley Grooming gangs…. any comment Mr Khan, as for you fucking prophet, he can fuck off as well, kiddy fucker.
Cunt, I hope he encourages more Stanley’s back to the homeland.
Mr Khunt- fit in or fuck off
Have a walk around several areas of Sheffield and delight in the areas they have enriched.
I live in Sheffield and they’ve made it look like down town Basra
Imram Khan would be better paying attention to problems closer to home like terrorism, poverty and the national pastime which is chasing little boys. If you don´t believe me, check out this documentary called “Preying on Young Boys: Pakistan´s Hidden Predators”. Khan himself appears in the first scene and admits it´s a scandal but some reason even he as prime minister can´t eradicate it. It seems that a Moslem truck driver can´t complete a trip without sodomizing some young kid. God is Great!
What a moronic khant. How the fuck is a ‘trade war’ with the parking stanleys going to hurt the West? The only people this will harm is the ones in your own country you fucking up yourself prick. Maybe the twat should have looked at North Korea before opening his stupid gob.
Don’t offend islam?
How does fuck off sound – and Imran Khan is welcome to visit me so I can deliver the message in person.
1400 years of theft, hatred, intolerance, r*pe, p*edophilia, theft, misogyny, enslavement, invasion and murder.
Islam is a cancer on humankind and the sooner this cancer is removed – by any and every means necessary – the better off the world will be.
These cunts must be laughing at the weakness of the West especially the ones who have got their thieving arses through the door and are already here. Khan, knows only too well how wokie and weak we are which is why he’s blatantly taking the piss. Fuck off cunt.
Well without western good Pakistan and other Islamic shit holes would be even more backward that they already are. They’d literally have nothing, oh and if they want to boycott the west we can stop paying the cunts aid money too
India GDP 2.89 trillions.
Pakistan GDP 278 billion.
Fuck off you goat bothering cunt.