Government Vaccine Desperation & Passports

Government vaccine desperation is a cunt. Dollar Store vaccines.

Get it now, while stocks last…free pen for anyone willing to take the stuff.

Shortage scare stories are the latest tool in this dogshit government’s armoury to try and get people who dare to question having an experimental drug injected for a virus that you have to be tested to know you have in the first place.

The Evil EU coming over here and grabbing our vaccines, vaccine syringes laid out on the sun loungers that Bosch will get to first.

Come have the vaccine, factory clearance and you will be free…free to wear masks for “the foreseeable future”, free not to see your family and friends, free to do nothing but work, pay for Boris’s flat and Matt’s mates new Bentley.

Nominated by: Spanky Mc Spank

But then there’s this from The Big Chunky Cunty 

Domestic Vaccine Passports

Papiere bitte!! Schnell! Schnell!!

Well well. Here we are, at last. The tyranny of the covert ‘conspiracy theory’ finally becomes the overt reality. Satan, aka Blair, has whipped out his rotting putrid black member and demanded Boris bash you across the face with it on April Fools of all days. “Ha! April Fools, you fucking peasant plebs!”.

Despite the repeated denials by MPs, despite the ‘public consultation’ review not having even been concluded by Gove, the glorious leader has now decreed that Brits will in fact have to submit to the most tyrannical intervention in British history if they want their old lives back.

This was always the plan evidently. We also learn stadiums and companies have already been investigating facial recognition systems to tie into this bullshit. How long do you think that has been going on behind the scenes?

This IS coercion to get a vaccination. It is against the Nuremberg code. But the ruling class don’t care. Why would they? They are nazis at heart anyway.

Accept this and our country is actually finished.

…and a late entry from W. C. Boggs

Ugly Lateral Flow Tests

A special fuck everything and everybody, words-fail-me cunting for Boris, the bloody Chinky virus and the BBC in no particular order,

Boris has got a bee in his bonnet again about LFT which are notoriously ineffective, giving both false positives and negatives with alacrity. No guarantee anyone will adhere to the “rules” anyway. Bollocks to the bloody tests.

He wants all of us to have 2 a week. Fuck that for a game of soldiers. Count me out.

Are the government REALLY trying to finish the country off once and for all economically?. Don’t do Dame Keir and his commie poofs work for him.

The BBC, ever anxious to leap on the bandwagon put this photo up overnight:

What a revoltingly ugly woman to foist on us in the early hours of a Monday morning.| If they had to do a photo, couldn’t it have been lovely Lisa Nandy in her bra and pants applying the cotton bud.#

Virus, rules, test, track and trace – I aint bovvered.

119 thoughts on “Government Vaccine Desperation & Passports

  1. Im not sure how effective the vaccine is, if at all, its new territory.
    But I had it because I knew that restrictions would be part of the easing of lockdown and as I go into carehomes and places where people are vunerable id have to at some point be tested/prove id been vaccinated.
    A small price to pay for carrying on working unmithered.

    • The vaccine is 70 – 95% effective.

      Or 100% effective presumably, if you believe the tinfoil brigade who insist that the virus is non existent.

      • That’ll do for me.
        Im not scared of covid, dont think itd do for me!
        But if I thought id give it some old dear or someone with learning difficulties and they died Id be heartbroken.

      • ….but the therapeutic (not vaccine) does not stop you from becoming infected or transmitting Covid-just suppression of the worst symptoms.?

    • Whatever the strange ones bang on about the death and serious illness figures speak for themselves. Or is it a conspiracy cooked up in empty hospitals by vaccine altered DNA slaves? Inventing viruses. Which dont exist.

      Dont agree about passports though. Would expect commercial pressures from airlines and such would require them for certain purposes.

    • lateral flow test, sounds like an ordeal where men are consigned to suffer, (for about a week).

  2. We all knew this was coming. The BBC, the Guardian, the fucking Labour Party and all the other commie bastards must be pissing themselves laughing at the Jellyfish doing their job for them. Fuck you Johnson you CUNT!

  3. As for me I say bring it on, the sooner the tipping point is reached the sooner these enabelers get what’s comming. Remember that the pathway to power is through fear and if the power is enabled then then they can promote fear. So lack of fear is lack of power ,where I come from these cunts are given the bird. Fear is a construct they try to form in your mind, without this they have no power. When the populus no longer fear them they are in deep shit and they know it. Keep up the cunting!

    • Exactly – none of it makes any sense.

      We want as many people as possible to have a jab.

      Don’t want a jab? We’ll come to your door and offer one.

      Want a jab? Then book one 100 miles away via our website.

      I received a letter from the NHS inviting me to have a jab. It said to book at a “national hub” online or wait for my doctor to contact me to have a jab locally. As there is a large “local hub” 2 miles away I waited patiently for the call. After two weeks I decided to chase it only to hear a recorded message, narrated in a nasal and whining tone, along the lines of: “we aren’t vaccinating Group X locally because we are concentrating on the group below you – don’t blame us it’s the Government’s rules and the letter you received was wrong”.

      Luckily, by this point, a “national hub” had opened up only 20 miles away and I managed to get in there.

      I think Clarkson was right on in his recent Times article (I’ll post a link).

    • From the start they should have said only white people can have the vaccine, the blacks and p*ki cunts would be up in arms demanding they have it ?

      Instead we are pandering to the cunts as usual

  4. More money down the bottomless pit that is test and trace, some cunt must be making a fortune.

    Bunch of cunts just want to find more postive cases to keep this bullshit going.

  5. Needless to say, I will decline participation in this LFT bollocks test.

    (“LFT” almost spells “Left”. Perhaps this is a way of getting everyone to support the Left via testing and doctored vaccine jabs in the bloodstream! Cunning bastards – DA)

    • Like Churchill said (paraphrased): “it doesn’t matter who is right, but who is Left”.

    • My sister in law was asked to perform the LFT test on her daughter twice a week.

      She opened a test kit and it was made in China!

  6. Good morning, everyone.

    Another day, another pile of government shit to shovel our ways through. Boris will speak to us again today, ruining yet another bank holiday, if we let him. He can fuck right off.

    I can honestly say that I have never really hated anyone before now, but Johnson, Gove, Hancock and Williamson? I fucking hate them and what they have done to my country, my family, and my friends. No, Covid 19 is not to blame, they are.

    • They still don’t quite top Blair though. That cunt had the temerity to lie on TV to the world knowing full well there were no WMDs in Iraq.

      And he’s the one pushing these vaccine passports now too. Fucking cunt.

      • Thank Dog Bliar is no longer in charge.

        Kweer Starmer says he’s against vaccine passports… oh yeah?

      • Starmer is the definition of an opposition puppet. Member of the Trilateral Commission. He can’t even pretend he’s impartial and for the common good, fucking shit weasel.

        He’s done nothing to oppose any of this thus far, and only called for more of it. Fuck him.

      • Starmer is a butt pirate of the highest order.

        Wow, what a missed chance he’s had…he could’ve called the government out on dodgy contracts, money wasting, nepotism, lies, corruption and he could’ve pointed a way back from all this hysteria.

        But he’s done nothing, fuck all, nowt and just droned on about wimmminzzz and coon rights…fuck him to hell.

        (oops! Another word WordFence doesn’t like. Improvise next time – DA)

      • The “Opposition” that doesn’t oppose. A snip at a mere £174 million annual cost!

        (Institute for Government puts the annual cost of running Parliament at £560 million and LieBore hold 31% of seats.)

    • Just don’t bother. I’ve not listened to a single pronouncement from the scruffy scarecrow and his band of merry Muppets. I don’t feel I’ve missed out on anything.

  7. We will will never return to the old normal. That is just a pipedream. No, they’ll never let go of all this lovely control over us, hence their repeated phrase to ‘get back to some sort of normal’.
    In other words not normal at all.

      • They’re the UK replacement population of the future SOI.
        Something as insignificant as a pandemic isn’t going to get in the way of that.

  8. Let’s hope Boris doesn’t go near the “I’m a fat useless cunt” test…

    As for vaccines, passports, testing two times a week and logging it on a .gov portal so it can sold to the highest bidder from Matt’s contact list…no thank you.

    I can feel from the things I hear each day that things are slowly changing, saying the shifty vaccine will set you free and then when you’ve had the muck injected Boris comes on the TV and says it might or might not work…fuck me.

    People are starting to wise up to this stuff at last…I hope.

    I will keep wearing my “tin hat” because my thoughts do not work in the lateral flow which the people making money wish they would.

    • If the average cunt didn’t have such a pathetically short attention span they might remember we were supposed to be free by Easter, if we met our vaccine targets.. which we have exceeded massively in fact!

      When the bill for all this shite comes due and we can’t pay, and the ruling class and bankers extend a financial olive branch covered in the most outrageous T&Cs, maybe then?

      • I had to check someone hadn’t slipped me a acid tab when I saw Fatso Boris on the TV the other day saying the vaccine which was going to save us may or may not work.

        I had my voting card through the other day, local election but I will vote for a lump of dry dog shit before I vote Conservative or Labour.

      • As luck would have it there will be lumps of dog shit to vote for – the Lib Dems are standing.

  9. I’ve stopped paying any attention to the daft cunts.
    The whole caper is a complete shambles.

    • My sentiments exactly, Unkle T.

      No TV or radio on in the homestead-works for me??

  10. The final bill for this fucking farce has been mooted to be around £500bn!

    Not only will we have a totally decimated economy, mass unemployment and a $2tn world debt to pay off, but it looks like we will all be “registered” on some central database, which adds a bit more of what remains of our personal information, probably to be sold off to Big Pharma or some other big faceless corporation.

    And when does Boris actually say “it’s all over!” and restrictions are finally lifted? Will it be September of this year? New Year’s Day 2022, 2023….2024?

    Boris is taking us down a very dangerous path with his over-cautious bullshit. All it takes is a few pissed off scientists, some test-tubes and whatnot, and a bunch of bacteria or virus samples, and we could see a “Covid-19 Part 2: The Sequel” Does that mean more lockdowns, more restrictions, more money wasted, more freedoms removed, more privacy opened up?

    Boris would find himself out of his depth in his own piss puddle, the stupid cunt!

    • Maybe it would’ve been better if Boris had made the ultimate sacrifice last year, not wanting to break the rules of the forum but every time I see his face and hear his voice it makes me want to vomit.

      Ahh, but Corbyn would’ve been even worse? yes, I agree but he’s not the one calling the shots and the wife cheating fatso cunt is so that’s where my hatred goes.

      • Bad as Boris and co are, I’m fucked if I would want to be bossed about by Starmer’s Black & Gay Minstrel Show – Lammy, Thornberry, Bradshaw, Streeting, Russell-Moyle, Phillips, Abbott, Butler, Lewis etc

      • We seem to be getting that “more regulated world” that Grandpa Corbyn has always craved.
        Funny that…

    • Don’t worry – hyperinflation and major devaluation of Sterling will soon make that £500bn disappear?

  11. Did anyone else notice Boris slipping a law through parliament a few months back allowing the police to forcibly enter your property for no reason and then have you forcibly injected against your will?

    Did anyone else notice the government statement that the vaccine will need a booster every six months, where the government can inject you with whatever the fuck they want, with no legal right to sue if it makes you ill or dead?

    Did anyone else notice that the government are now drafting their no jab, no job laws to ensure anyone who hasn’t had, or doesn’t want / need their vaccine can be sacked without a leg to stand on?

    If you missed all this, then you seriously need to wake the fuck up.

    This has nothing to do with a virus and everything to do with a bovine and ovine population who need to be told what to be scared of this week. Fear = control.

    The government have even admitted to using emotional wording in their campaigns to scare the shit out of the morons and set family members and friends against one another.

    It isn’t a conspiracy theory if they tell you exactly what they’re doing to you and your liberty.

    • I missed it, I am sure if it were true there would have been shit loads of MSM all over it, I can’t see any law allowing enforced vaccination, if it’s true a link to a valid (government) source would help

      • You didn’t miss it. There is no law allowing enforced vaccination. In fact most of the post is spun bullshit.

      • The Coronavirus act 2020.

        Not bullshit. They now have the power to detain and inject you for your own safety and to prevent infection to the wider community.

        Obviously they won’t be abusing that power at all. Will they?

        (But obviously the usual suspects will be exempt from such domestic intrusion. But if you’re a white male of English extraction – watch out! DA)

      • It seems less innocuous when you find out what certain parts of our army, intelligence and security services are up to behind the scenes!

        Ukcolumn have been covering this. It’s disturbing. I don’t think anyone realises how dangerously close we are to reliving some of our worst moments of the 20th century.

      • Please also see regulations 174 and 345 regarding unregulated medicines and protection of the suppliers from being sued.

      • Thats an old one RTC. From May last year.

        The Danish government were pressured into not signing a similar bill after a week long protest outside their parliament as it was unconstitutional.

        Our government happily signed it into law about a month later with almost no fanfare and only a couple of column inches in the Daily mail.

      • The Coronavirus Act of 2020 came into force in April of last year. The article was written in May and remains valid. But you stick to your Youtube videos if you want to.

      • Schedule 21 of the Coronavirus Act 2020 allows for an immigration officer to take someone away for C-19 screening and to detain them wherever they want until they’re no longer infectious. Also a police officer can do this so it seems to that you could be taken away and put into forced quarantine. There are no provisions to force jab you!

        Read the legislation for yourself here:


        Read more here Cuntologist.

        It spells out what you have stated and adds the somewhat vague ‘any other requirements’ .

        The Danish case was in November last year. About a month later the UK gov. Signed it into law, where you can be forcibly removed and forcibly vaccinated against your will.

        This was in a national newspaper and not some conspiracy theorist hypothercising on you tube.

        I remember thinking at the time that this is in direct contrevention of the Geneva convention and I am still surprised that it hasn’t registered with vast swathes of the population.

        This isn’t a criticism of you or RTC. The government slipped this one under the radar and hardly anyone noticed.

        Much like their recent law which states it is now illegal to have knuckle dusters, zombie knives or ceremonial swords in your own home.

        Zombie knives I can understand, but all of the other items could be purely decorative and would still get you a criminal record for having them hanging harmlessly in your study.

        There’s fuckery afoot and we as a nation are going to be on the receiving end of it.

    • If you dare to question at the moment your a loon, tin hat nutter or weirdo or strange.

      Last year people said forced vaccinations, covid passports, government propaganda campaigns? vaccines that are not vaccines, job or job, ahhhhhhh get your Bacofoil hat on BUT here we are and it’s happening.

      And after all this, how much are they giving you? you can now leave your own house and next week you can shop for junk you don’t need with money you don’t have.

    • Just another completely impractical Boris proposal. What we need is a terminator to go back in time and have a quiet word with Boris’s mother…

      • To be fair Ruff, you were one of the only ones on here reminding us that Boris was a total lying waste of chip fat but most with me included were keen to get the cunt in…..

      • I was so desperate for anyone oust Theresa may that even Boris seemed like a good idea at the time. And I was thankful that he won a convincing general election in 2019. onwards and upwards I thought and a return to conservative British values.

        But oh my god what a complete and utter wanker he and his front bench of toss pots have turned out to be.

        perhaps winning the election by such a huge margin has given him some kind of carte-blanche as to what he can do with the general public at large, knowing full well the next election is still at least three years away.

        I will not forget this and he will not be getting my vote come election time. And I certainly won’t be voting for labour or the liberal democrats.
        So who else is there to vote for I wonder?

      • You share these thoughts with a lot of people I suspect.

        There’s not only the Covid response debacle but the awful Climate Change Bill and kowtowing to anything woke to say nothing of the colossal debt being piled up.

        There is no viable alternative to vote for. “None of the above” is the most attractive option right now. If enough of us were to vote this way in the upcoming local elections would the bastard sit up and take notice? Unlikely on both counts.

        ISBN 9780307409584 ?

  12. Crisp Shitty wants ANOTHER 2 YEARS of social distance,mask wearing etc etc etc.Bore off.Everyone is sick and tired.Same old bullshit.I say continue rioting people.Boris is blinded by data and science.Utter buffoon

    • Sorry but are you seriously saying that the government is being blinded by Facts?..

      • I would say that the government have not put anywhere near enough effort into determining just what the facts actually are. All they ever seem to refer to is the opinions of their select group of ‘expert scientists’ and there are more than a few opinions that are contradictory but fit the facts and are just as plausible.

  13. What? You haven’t had a vaccine? You’ll have to wear a ‘special symbol’ to indicate that you’re a non-vaccine person. I know, we’ll use a yellow star that you have wear on your sleeve to show all of the ‘good and special people’ that you’re different to them. If you continue not to take a vaccine, then we might have to put you all on a nice big train and take you to a ‘special place’ were all other yellow star people go. You’ll like it there – free showers and everything. Hmm..I’ve seen this before somewhere.

  14. Some cunts seem to think that it’s over once they’ve had their vaccine. All smug and condescending to those who question the whole pandemic.

    China is roaring ahead and they’ve only vaccinated 5% of the population. Partying in the street in Wuhan, no masks and no vaccinations.

    The virus kills people who’ve already passed the U.K. average life expectancy and flu has disappeared. Let’s see how smug these cunts are in the next lockdown taking their 3rd or 4th dose of snake oil.

  15. Personally I’m sick and tired of all this Boris Bashing / the government are all cunts shit.

    They’ve done their best in a diabolical situation reacting to a biological warfare attack by the Chinese and let’s face it, do you really want a Labour / SNP coalition running the country because that’s the alternative whilst the SNP dominate Scotland.

    I’ve had my first jab and waiting for the second. I’m in favour of vaccine passports and the right of hospitality business to insist on proof of vaccination. I’ve got a cruise booked for June (not on a floating monstrosity) and have already been notified that all passengers must have been vaccinated. I have no problem with that as it seems sensible to me.

    You have the right to refuse Vaccination, but then again you have the right be a stupid cunt as well…

    • I’m in favour of Boris bashing when it comes to C-19 passports and LFT. A vaccine passport for foreign travel seems logical but not for domestic use. It would seem 72 MPs agree with me.

      The govt should not over spend, not over legislate nor over step its role and that is what it is doing with regards to its proposals on C-19 passports and spending yet more money on LFT.

      The figures that matter are hospital capacity vs admissions and deaths due to C-19; these have plummeted and are easily monitored.

  16. Who had ever heard of Chris Whitty or Patrick Vallance before COVID?
    I agree with Chunky Cunty that Whitty is one of the Lizard men from Mars. Assisted by Vallance, they now have a hold on Boris which is unbreakable.
    As we speak, they are preparing their troops for a Summer invasion.
    Stock up with toilet rolls now as the shit will soon hit the fan.

    • Normal folk are worried about getting in the pub or some tacky holiday but some of these cunts in charge are making money that would make Scarface blush.

      Most of the big corps and bean counters are in on the covid pantomime and are literally printing their own money.

    • I’m thinking of taking a break, Bertie. Maybe join Komodo and DCI Gene Cunt at the seaside boarding house they currently patronise…

      • Maybe you should, Ruff. Take some time to contemplate whether you’re actually perceiving the entire picture and not just seeing what you want (and don’t want) to see.

        Sooner or later you will anyway. You all will. This situation is not ending any time soon, and the sooner the public wake up to the painful reality the sooner we can work to start fixing it. You’ll love it.. we’ll get the rope and piano wire out!

      • Indeed Chunky. It would be nice to get away from your interminable tinfoil paranoia and fear-mongering for a while.

      • Just me? What about the growing list of cunters who see or are beginning to see something is wrong. Or are you going to dismiss all of their concerns too?

        Think you need a dose of ? A full 5g dose this time. Got a little crud on the third-eye that needs a squeegee!

      • Ruff@
        You stay where you are.
        Dont need another decent poster AWOL.

      • Don’t go RTC, where else are you going to get such informed comment by our group of virologists, epidemiologists, cosmologists, physicians and structural engineers, all providing verifiable, peer reviewed evidence to back up well researched and agenda free views on current issues.
        On second thought, any room on the bus out?

  17. IF, Lisa Nandy come knocking at my door wearing a low-cut top and 10 denier black stockings, and said, “I’m hear to give you your injection Mr Atkinson, – but I need you to give me one first”, and then raised her knee up and pulled her panties to one side, – I might just be tempted to take this vaccine.

    Until that day, nothing including a passport is twisting my arm!

  18. I have seen nothing whatsoever in the Government, or politicians in general, that gives me any confidence whatsoever they are willing or able to do an honest or competent job.
    They are all utterly shameless, utterly unelectable and utterly unfit for purpose.
    What is needed is to clear out all 650 at the next election and get in right wing nationalist politicians who will make (and maintain) a start on putting right the many, many things wrong with the UK.
    If we do not we face a very unpleasant future.

    • Afternoon Vern.

      I wouldn’t count on the Government being “utterly unelectable” if I were you.

      After all the shite they’ve served up they’re still comfortably ahead in the polls. Yes, I know polls are cunts, but my gut feeling tells me they are correct in this instance.

      Are you still planning to stand for Richard Tice’s Reform Party?

      • RTC@ Evening RTC – there are a few to choose from but I don’t think The Reform Party will offer anything different or better than what we have.
        I am thinking of standing as an independent – the balance of the “none of the above” votes and independents may force a coalition which destroys the two main parties.
        A lot of things are up in the air at the moment.

  19. You really do need to be thick as fucking pig shit to plug this experimental vaccine into your veins. Mouthbreathing wankers.

  20. Alcoholics, drug addicts and people who are grossly overweight are authors of their own misfortune and we shouldn’t be using NHS resources to treat their health problems. They have every right to choose their own path and should therefore accept the negative impact on their bodies that their actions have caused. At least they aren’t spreading a disease which can directly affect others.
    No-one who wants to live in our society should be allowed to refuse the coronavirus vaccine unless they’re prepared to stay at home and wear an ankle monitor. It isn’t a case of opting out and asserting one’s rights as an individual, and thereby putting the health and lives of others in jeopardy, it’s a case of being mature and responsible in an emergency situation. When the Luftwaffe were dropping bombs on us in WW2, anyone saying ‘Fuck the blackout, I’m switching the light on’ would have been dealt with swiftly and effectively.
    There are idiots and inadequate arseholes everywhere who might want to risk their own health but they can’t reserve the right to risk contaminating others through obstinacy or ignorance. Individual rights are fine when it’s not to other people’s detriment. They could claim the right as individuals to drive on the right hand side of the road but it would make sense to put their brain in gear first.

    • What about people who have already had covid and now have the antibodies to fight off further infection?

      I’ve had covid and don’t need a vaccine. Why would I take something I don’t want or need?

    • I think we’ve been round the to be vaccinated or not to be vaccinated question, so without stirring up a hornet’s nest, when you said “No-one who wants to live in our society should be allowed to refuse the coronavirus vaccine unless they’re prepared to stay at home and wear an ankle monitor”, would you be giving exemptions to those who can’t have it for medical reasons or will they have to stay indoors for the rest of their lives?

      Also people who advocate a mandatory C-19 vaccine never seemed to shout about the voluntary flu shot despite flu killing thousands in the UK every year, up until its displacement. Would you be making flu shots mandatory as well then, given that you imply the risk of spreading any infection and killing others is wrong?

      Obviously one has to stop the spread of a serious killing disease but Covid-19 isn’t one of them because it has a low mortality rate overall, though 7.8% in the over 80s. If we did nothing, the models said half a million in the UK would die; that’s less than 0.8% of the UK population. There might be a case for enforcing vaccination in the groups most at risk from C-19, but that doesn’t sit well with me. Force vaccinating swathes of under 50s, who are at very low risk, seems to make no sense. And as Chris Whitty said “Most people will have a mild illness”.

      As it turns out, there is no need to mandate the C-19 vaccine at all. Most people are eager to have it and look at the difference the take up in the at risk groups have had to the daily hospital admissions and deaths. Its an interesting position to be in favour of enforced vaccination when the at risk groups now have high protection and people under 50 are at miniscule risk anyway.

      • The Nuremberg trials and UN human rights charter both state forced medical procedures are against the most basic of human rights.

        It just goes to show how fear can be used to motivate people to partake in fascism. Fear of Jews in prewar Germany or fear of those who refuse a vaccination now. If the vaccine works so well there should be no reason to fear those who’ve not taken it. It’s not a vaccine though is it?

        No one knows what the vaccine is going to do to people long term and one of the top vaccine scientists has stated he fears that those who’ve taken it may just become factories for the next covid variant.

        Seems to me a lot of people have chosen to put their heads up their arses and believe the BBC and the government despite the evidence of their own senses.

        What kind of person advocates excluding people from society because they’ve not been vaccinated against an illness that really isn’t that much of a danger?

        I sincerely hope the vaccine is safe and the long term effects are not as ugly as some people in the know fear they maybe.

        I’m wondering if born again fascist advocates will be handing over their pension funds and property rights to tackle global warming, of course they won’t but they will stand back watching it happen to everyone else and cheer on the corporations taking everything we have.

    • What planet are you on??
      Ankle moniter???
      Comparing Con-a-virus to living through the blitz???
      Seems this pandemic has brought out the inner Nazi in some frightened cunts.
      I’ll have some of what your smoking.

    • What an absolutely ridiculous post full of both strawman and logical fallacies, Allan.

      I’ve seen some absolute nonsense posted here, from both sections of the for and against vaccine camp, but yours really does take first prize!

      ( Be constructive, not destructive please – DA)

      • I think you’re being completely unfair to Allan here.
        If you’d been on this site for a few years, then I think you’d know Allan was someone who is not in the best of health.
        I hope you forgive me Alan if I’ve got it wrong but there are many people like myself and Alan where it’s not sufficient just to say “have your jab and hide away.”
        Many in their 60’s and 70’s still have some living to do and want to get out and about. However, in order to gain adequate protection, it does require a certain level of uptake of the vaccine which is where you are relying on others.
        I agree that mandatory jabs are just not acceptable but some thought for your fellow man is not too much to ask.
        Unless of course you are a complete and utter cunt!
        And before you say you are, remember you said it and not me!

      • @herman

        My bad, I skimmed over Allan’s rant the first time. If Alan wants to try come locking in my house he’s welcome to try, of course he wouldn’t but he’d watch the STAZI give me a going over as he touched himself from the safest of a gap in his curtains.

        Go do some real research Allan ffs, that doesn’t mean reading the latest BBC release it means comparing annal death figures over the ast 15 years say, checking out how many people died of flu or pneumonia over the last 12 months compared to the years before. I know we don’t cunt fellow cunters but if the prevailing view in here is people who don’t comply with their paranoia should be excluded from society, fuck it I’m done with it,

        Do you wear your mask in your car on an empty road when your in the car alone Allan?


        (From green to amber. Please let don’t let this sub-thread go to red – DA)

      • You obviously didn’t understand my post you wouldn’t of posted that. Read Allan’s post and then explain what part of my reply is destructive.

        (I did understand and was looking at the bigger picture to all involved in this little simmering tête-à-tête – DA)

      • There is no bigger picture, DA!

        Alan’s post was full of both strawman and logical fallacies, in other words his examples are ridiculous and I have been constructive in pointing that out to him. Ankle tags and driving on the right hand side of the road indeed!

        I understand why you may want to nip things in the bud but there is nothing simmering here as far as I’m concerned and if this is a tate-a-tate as you suggest, it is the politest one I’ve ever seen.

        (I hope so – DA)

      • Not use NHS resources to treat drunks and fat cunts, among the others on Alan’s ‘list’? That would be half this sites congregation in big trouble! No mention of smokers though! I wonder why?

    • Allan@ – will you be extending that list to motorcyclists, cyclists, drivers, people injured doing keep fit, Women who choose to give birth?
      They all had the choice not to do it.

  21. Ankle tags for known cunts is a great idea, with explosive charges in them.

    Anyone who dares to question having some unknown soup shoved into them should be made to wear those neck collars, like in The Running Man…then any place that serves alcohol or sells cheapo package holidays can have the perimeter detectors in place so said outcasts can be identified and dealt with.

    I’m amazed how quickly people give up their freedoms and turn into part time Nazis.

    • It’s not the way they give up their freedom the boils my piss but how easily they would take my freedom from me.

      I’ll die on my feet before I’ll live in my knees.

    • It’s disturbing, but revealing of true human psychology (not the crap in books).

      If you explained the sequence of events happening now to someone 5 years ago, most people would say how absurd it all is. Logically they could see it.

      But in the hysteria driven moment.. It’s like a hypnotic bloodlust, a dark cloud that descends on people. It’s like there’s a subtle promise of a sudden surge in power that is irresistible to some people. The devil playing the pied piper gently into their left ear.

  22. Seems that casual totalitarianism is the way forward for some.
    Vaccine passports for the already crippled hospitality industry and ankle moniters for the non vaccinated.
    Jesus H Christ!

    • Great Reset??
      No surely not!
      Nothing to see here JonDoe.
      Move along now, pop your face nappy on and take your mandatory experimental vaccine, if you would like to exist inside the new normal that is.
      Should you decline the experimental injection then an ankle moniter and yellow armband will be required to be worn at all times.
      Always believe the daily bollocks from your government (who definitely have your best interests at heart remember) and its propaganda arm… sorry… the media. They, just like your government always want what’s best for you.
      Question nothing.
      Do as you’re told.
      There’s a good comrade…sorry citizen.

  23. Fuck me. Any “discussion” of Covid on here and we get a demonstation of exactly how a Variant of Concern or VOC comes about.

    A quick s-m subsitution and an ‘ addtion to the first part of the genetic code of this webpage and, voila, “” suddenly mutates into “i’”.

    We are near the end of this shit, Summer is on its way (not today though) and the pubs are opening soon. Relax, chill, put that tin foil away. Please.

    • Don’t count on it, Boris the Bulshitter said it was 3 weeks the flatten the curve, over a fucking year ago
      This bollox ain’t over by a long shot
      Boris is a CUNT

    • What’ll you do when this time next year life still hasn’t reverted to normality and we’re still in a Demi lockdown?

  24. Maybe it would help people decide if the government hadn’t told so many whoppers and used the situation to line cronies pockets?

    Just a thought.

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