I would like to Cunt the diversity is our strength Brigade and immigrants that are forever trying to change our once great country into facsimiles of their own shitholes.
No it fucking well isn’t. The fair minded free speech, tolerant society that was been created by white Britons over hundred’s of years of over coming hardships, wars, industrial development, the creation nhs, wealth creation by entrepreneurs, hard work by workers, changes to civil liberties creating a democracy, (of sorts seems fucked at the moment due to a lack of an opposition worth a wank). Is our strength. Generally Britain is/was a nice relatively safe place to live grow and develop.
I do not mind people from elsewhere in the world wanting to come here; many work hard and follow our laws. Sadly the cunts that don’t are the ones shouting out racist or phobia at every turn and doing their upmost to ruin our country. The Batley School episode is just one of hundreds of examples and these examples seem to be constantly supported by a media out of touch and running amok creating bad feelings and ill will constantly.
Simple fuck off, don’t need you or your diversity you used every trick in the book to get here, because you wanted our way of life, now accept our ways or do one.
Nominated by: Everyonesacunt
Seconded by Cuntfinder General:
I second this excellent cunting??
Diversity is our weakness. It is divisive. It is dangerous. It has destroyed our way of life.
Now they are trying to destroy the past and replace it with “their truth” & “their history”.
The hands that built Britania, were all white:
“The diversity of our society is its greatest strength and gives us so much to celebrate.”
Prince Charles, 2nd generation immigrant, heir to the throne of England.
“Do you and your type still throw spears at each other Mr Lamby (South Sea Islander)?”
The late Duke of Edinburgh – gaffe prone consort to the Queen.
Diversity is the greatest weakness ever inflicted on this country, led by motherfuckers who don’t have to live anywhere near where they promote it – in allowing and encouraging unlimited immigration into the UK, I didn’t see Blair, Brown, Mandy or Lord Adonis offer to go and live with the rabble in Tower Hamlets or Bradford, for example.
I don’t see Dame Keir or Lady Nugee offering up their jobs to Dark Keys r Parking Stan;ey’s – nor do I see Boris offering to give his job to a Chinky.
I’m allrightm Jack, fuck the rest of you is their mottto
They hide behind that short motto. The full one is:
“I’m alright Jack, fuck the rest of you, I’m importing boat loads of immigrants to vote to keep me in my manipulative position and I don’t care if they shit in your high street because I don’t live there.”
You must know North England very well.
“No such thing as diversity, only minority supremacy by stealth”
Captain Quimson KBE OBE
Whenever I hear this phrase, I think of Yugoslavia for some reason.
Yep, the hands that built Britannia were all white… only fitting that they’re also the ones who are destroying it.
If those who promote this ludicrous concept actually believe it, why have I never heard one of its proponents produce solid evidence in support of it?
All down to Allah in winning the world cup.
Second link.
That’s me convinced then, no need to watch cricket anymore.
I saw some black actor being interviewed this morning about awards and he went right off message by saying ‘stop making such a fucking big deal every time a person of colour wins something (he didn’t say fucking ?)
Diversity is only good (for those) when you don’t have to deal with it, I am sure the police and Joe public don’t really think diversity is all that great
Morgan Freeman and Denzil Washington have said the same over the years.
Would they be black enough for the BBC’s diversity chief? Apparently Idris Elba didn’t eat enough rice ‘n peas and have a mate called Kwame. And isn’t ‘Chief’ offensive to the Injuns these days?
These days, Idi Armin probably isn’t black enough for the BBC.
Another pat little phrase used by appeasers and first rate cunts.
Cultural diversity as it now stands is a cancer eating away at the national fabric.
The morally bereft and spineless elite will keep spoonfeeding us this garbage until the indigenous population lives in ghettos.
By then we should expect the rise of a new Stalin or Hitler.
What a fucking mess.
There was some cunt, in the UK (Scotland I think), who was an Iraqi refugee who’d fled persecution from Saddam Hussein’s regime.
She was then educated, free of charge by us. Housed, fed and clothes by us. Given free medical treatment and counseling for her experiences in Iraq.
Then given a fucking place in parliament I believe (it’s a bird, can’t recall her name).
So what does she do?
Thank the country for rescuing her and her family, and giving her such a good crack at life that she ends up in their Parliament?
Or did she say ‘More needs to be done.’?
I think you can guess. I think it’s the ungrateful nature of these cunts that annoys me the most.
We give them everything, but they call us a racist country and that we need to do more.
If i was ever in power, ungrateful entitled cunts like this would see that I would indeed do more…to revoke their citizenship and deport the cheeky fucking cunts as a matter of urgency.
Listen tic tok fuckos Britain was made by whites. Our culture created by us for us. If you immigrant/foreign cunts don’t like it then go back to the rat holes you left .
These cunts are upset because they live in a country that they and their ancestors did fuck all to build so they want to wreck it and rebuild in their image to make them feel good about themselves. The dozy cunts don’t realise that if they did that we would look like Africa or some Asian shit heap.
Fuck off you cunts.
“If there’s one thing I despise, it’s INGRATITUDE.”
– Napoleon
I remember when David Cameron stood up in the houses of Parliament and cried ‘ Islam is a religion of peace ‘
He actually said that with a straight face .
After that i knew it was game over for us.
India spending 639 million pounds this year on a space program, and we need to send them ventilators. Absolute fucking madness.
He did what? Fenton you jest surely? Tell me you’re pulling our chain.
No, Pigfucker Dave really said that. Boris may be bad and a useless cunt, but imagine the Covid crisis under Cameron and Clegg.
Excellent nom. Diversity is not our strength. It’s an industrial grade weakness which the Russians and Chinese are only too happy to exploit. I bet they can’t believe their luck as they watch the West implode in self destructive wokery. There no “diversity is our strength” bollox in China, I can assure you (not that I advocate becoming like China).
Immicunts are ok as long as they come in moderate numbers AND they assimilate and respect the UK. They need to become British and not hang out in Ghettos clinging on to the backward practices of their mother shit-holes, places they were only too happy to leave.
Diversity is a massive pile of cunt.
In the modern day west, everybody knows diversity basically means – fewer white people please. (specifically men)
Anybody with any common sense or any understanding of history should know, that in reality, it’s more often a tale of tribal conflict, bloodshed and genocide.
What’s particularly interesting is how the powers that be (only in the west – naturally) promote diversity as a land of rainbows, unicorns and everyone dancing and clapping happily together.
Diversity is a strength when it comes to cheeseboards.
An unnatural p*rversion of nature where the weakest prevail.
And another name for never the never ending demonisation of, and discrimination towards, the indigenous white population.
Be different when I am in charge – seeing Tubby Lammy and horrible Henry (amongst many others) being dragged bleeding (“They resisted arrest Sarge”!) and sobbing to the airport will give a good indicator of the tolerance level I will have towards uppity j*gaboo race baiters.
I wonder how many proponents of “diversity” live in a “diverse” area?
“Never the never”?
Need less brandy in my coffee! ?
Don’t be ridiculous.
Homosexuality is our strength.
Sorry predictive text-
Homogeneity is our strength.
Right-wing homosexuality would be a strength. You were loyal to your lover to the death. Agamemnon and Achilles and all that lot. Trouble is now we’re just all conflated with soy. Fuck that cunt-shit, I want to get my hands dirty and tear communists limb from limb.
I admire people, wherever they are from that just want to get on with life. No fuss no bother.
What I don’t like are people that cause trouble and get away with it.
To me, life is very short. I don’t understand people wasting time upsetting others when they could be doing good things instead.
” I don’t understand people wasting time upsetting others when they could be doing good things instead.”……..you and I are very different people,Spoons.
You see Dick, all that time invested in wrecking the villages family fun day with your drunk and disorderly conduct and plaguing elderly motorists could have been spent as lollypop man or hospital radio.
the blacks can do whatever they fukin like in black land
‘Diversity’ is amazing yes.
I love walking down highstreets on the eastside of birmingham. There are lovely arabic shopsigns, selling arabic stuff i dont even know what it is, everyone talks english. The people there are really friendly and talkative to me, i feel right at home. The streets are really spick and span, they aren’t filthy and run down at all.
I love going into costa and having to ask 5 times for a cappucino, its my fault though for having a regional accent, the language learning tapes only had plainspeak non accented english.
I like walking past the pissed up polish builders who for some reason sit and drink superlager on the asda carpark.
I love having to accomadate eid and friday prayers all year and the big arabic flags hanging from mosques but being told the countries flag causes offence come st georges day.
Diversity isnt a thing. Multi culturalism isnt a thing. These people have come from places where you are suicide bombed on your grocery shop, dont have electric and running water, dont have civil rights, dont have roads. They have invaded us and hijacked our infastructure to set up their own state and are now muscling us out of our own way of life. They wouldnt piss on you if you were on fire so i dont understand the love of them all and stampede to accomodate them.
Things muslim schoolchildren have said to my mum who is a teacher ‘thats nothing, the mosque teacher hits us with sticks’ ‘i feel sorry for you, you are actually nice for a christian but you are going to burn in hell for being one’.
You arent being diverse by going to a curry house once a month and apart from that turning a blind eye to the truth of whats really going on, the erosion of our way of life.
Well said. The only people that like diversity are the cunts that make a living from it and self-hating Woke white idiots. The toleration and encouragement of cultural diversity, along with cultural relativism, is a threat to our way of life. A massive policy failure on the part of government.
Cultural relativism another barmy idea created by someone mentally ill or with an iq below 40.
Dont judge another culture based on your own? The middle east operates under islamic based sharia law. The highlights:
Routine public executions of apostates and homosexuals.
Second class treatment of women.
Civil rights abuses.
Radical preaching.
Routine mass murder in the name of whatever branch you are on – kurd shiate or sunny.
Lack of politcal freedom.
Lack of freedom of speech.
Honor killings.
Arranged marriage.
Incestuos marriage.
But right ho. I cant judge them because i’m not part of it? Its just another barrier to bar islam from scrutiny and a good and rightful cunting.
I cant fucking stand the people who think that people come to britain from these places and suddenly drop those beliefs and become pro lgbqt and womens rights etc. Why do people stretch themselves to lie so much? It says it all that they ‘rehabilatated’ radical muslims here only for him to terror attack the very conference where they wanted to talk about the ‘success’ of the program.
In birmingham, the government leased a load of hotel rooms down the hagley road to some syrian ‘refugees’ without informing the local authority. It backs onto a catholic all girls school. Then, all over the news they were showing police and teachers ‘patrolling’ local bus stops etc as the syrian men didnt understand ‘covid procedures’.
Please can everyone spread it far and wide this was a cover up and they were actually there because of sexual harassment and hands up 12 year old skirts. I know because i am local.
Fuck the diversity brigade, they are enablers and as bad as the culprits themselves. you transfer 3rd world shit to britain, you get 3rd world shit. No discussion
Apart from a few decent Indian restaurants and Chin.keys what have these cunts done to enrich this country?
I remember Royan Atkinson in a sketch (NTNON I think) saying something to the effect that we’ve got the recipes now so they can fuck pff home.
All part of the NWO.
A subservient race of coffee coloured fuckwits for the masters to rule over without fuss or bother.
A multiculti utopia. For them, not us.
A conspiracy theory happening before our eyes.
the jews can fuck off and take the black with them to fuck off land
In all honesty, I would let a million red sea pedestrians in before letting a single um bongo or carpet pilot set foot on our green and pleasant land.
They integrate, keep to themselves and you rarely even notice them.
They’re the perfect house guests.
The agenda of Diversity is a shield against calling out bullshit, so it can be replaced with fear of reprisal. It’s all about CONTROL.
The ethnics are just the means to an end.
Diversity can fuck right off and then fuck off some more until they fuckin turds cease to exist…then fuck off all over again
The reason diversity is our strength is proclaimed loudly by members of parliament and other fucktards in enviable salaried positions is because the useless cunts are incapable of formulating an immigration policy that would actually benefit us instead of bankrupting us monetarily and culturally. With all the legal rats garnering huge amounts of public money for legal aid when defending/aiding our illegals in tribunal after tribunal, appeal after appeal our useless leaders appear to think that letting the fuckers in is cheaper than the legal bill, this could be so, anything goes now, men have babies, you can be a transit if you want, no road tax if your on higher rate PIP, DLA. Diversity is not our strength, diversity just means someone fucked up big time but does not have to enjoy the outcome. Diversity fuck off and take your 87 family members with you