David Everett – Brexit Hater

A cunting for this no mark Labour poofter who wishes harm on those who voted to leave the EU – one of Starmer’s charmers. or Keir’s q ueers:


A typical cunt who farted his brains out in December 2019

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

30 thoughts on “David Everett – Brexit Hater

  1. Keep it up mr Everett!
    Won’t be getting the red wall back anytime soon!
    Besides, Brexit was done in the best possible taste!!

    • The most shocking thing about that is how such a pathetic Cunt could ever hold any position of responsibility or relevance…..
      Idiotic statement from a cerebrally challenged fool ……..

  2. The cunts are not content with well over a hundred million dead in the 20th century. Walking to their doom like sheep to the slaughter. Much more if you count the National Socialists, which you should. Were all heading in that direction once again. Time to squash the cunts with violence once again. Its the only thing they understand and fear. Nothing else will work.

  3. A whimpering little fuck stick who’s terrified of life, Brexit if it had been negotiated properly would have been so much better than it is.
    And Brexit as it stands, would be nowhere near the disaster were his party to get in power.
    Send him to one of Barrymores pool parties, and let mental Micky pleasure him with a scaffolding pole.

  4. I have an idea – any rewhiners who want to live in an EU Country fucking well move to one.

  5. Pure Labour…
    Total fanatical one eyed psychotic cunts, with no decorum or self respect.
    If they carry on like this, Labour will never be in power again. Which is no bad thing.
    Even Hitler and his mob showed more sanity and rationality than these cunts.

    • The greatest army ever assembled. They lost because they fought on too many fronts.

      Without the yanks intervention, they would have developed their nuclear capability and uppity knee-grows, parking-Stanley’s, pie-keys would have been vaporised ?
      My Arian looks would see me as Herr Cunt, leader of the New Joy Division??

  6. These lefty fucks will never forgive us for Brexit, they see themselves as europeans not British, they see patriotism as akin to Nationalism and as far right.
    We scored a right goal there!!
    Broke their fuckin hearts we did.
    Cant wait to do it again if we get the chance.

    • No good breaking their hearts, should be breaking their heads. Fucking cunts.

  7. I genuinely believe we are witnessing the slow death of the Labia Party. It happened in the 20’s to the Liberals and it’s happening now to Labour as they have systematically destroyed their voter base by trying to frustrate Brexit, electing an Islington socialist as leader and embracing every woke fuck-stick theory going. Good riddance.

  8. Kweer will sort these lefty fucks out, when he finishes taking the knee, apologising for visiting a church and claiming the racism report is racist. He will show the woke fuckers.

  9. The left are without a doubt ‘worse than Nazis’

    At least Adolf only targeted minorities

    • I thought us whites were minorities. They are if adverts and TV programmes are anything to go by.

    • The left are the nazis. The national workers socialist democratic party.

      A bunch of spiteful, inadequate, racist cunts.

      Why is it that any country that has ‘Democratic Republic of’ in its title always seems to have massacred large numbers of its own people at some point and a ‘socialist’ dictator for life at the helm.

  10. Another cunt dreaming of a Marxist utopia. A borderless world where were are all just workers paid in shoes,clothes and food.
    These cunts never learn. Being a vindictive cunt and calling folk names won’t make them vote for you.
    Float away you socialist turd . We won you lost now fuck off.

  11. I think I’d like to see him gassed.
    A reasonable response to agitation and treason.
    Fuck Off.

    • Especially as the cunt spelled flue instead of flu in his rant.
      Wouldn’t it be a shame if his flue was blocked up, and his house somehow became full of carbon monoxide.

  12. Had a knock at the door last night, when I opened it some fucking dykey looking pig stood there with a big red Labour party rosette on (local council election in a week or two) I said what the fuck do you want, she said there’s no need to talk like that, I reminded her that she was on my property and I’ll talk however the fuck I want. This party just seems to attract the ugly fucking misfits. I am just a working class bloke but these cunts are so far removed from anything resembling what I would call normal and vote worthy. I hope they all disappear up their own gaping orifices.

      • I had some fucking labour bluehair with a nosering turn up and ask me if I had voted yet and who for at the last GE.

        ‘The party least likely to get me stabbed by an illegal immigrant’ apparently wasn’t the answer she was looking for.

  13. The nerve cells that control my dog’s anal sphincter have got a higher IQ than the entire Labour Party.
    The stupid cunts still don’t get it. The idea of stealing money from people who work their asses off and handing it out to scum who’ve never done a day’s work in their lives is an anathema to most normal people.
    Fuck them !!!

  14. The problem with the wokies is that they are so convinced they are right and know everything. Therefore the only way to explain losing elections is that we are all stupid and ignorant. They can’t help expressing this view which makes us not only vote the other way even more but hate the cunts. The more we vote against them the more frustrated they get and the more they slag us off. They are caught in a spiral of self fulfilling prophecy. The only way out is to cheat, as we saw in the USA and as we have seen in immo infested shitholes over here.

  15. Sounds like your everyday Remoaner cabbage. Spits out these venomous death wishes, wishes atrocities on Trump supporters, loathes Britain and our flags yet cannot take criticism of anything and goes purple with rage with tongue between teeth if you suggest likewise about the wretched EU.

    There are always some craven, knock-kneed cunts who hesitate by the open cage door.

  16. Maybe the cunt will fall into a wood chipper and his slimy remains donated to the vulture park at local zoo. You lost a democratic vote, of course democratic is a word not in the cuntcillors dictionary so go boil your fucking head. The old joke comes to mind “if this twat had an arsehole transplant the arsehole would reject him”

  17. Can’t wait for one of these twats to knock on my door. They are anti British, anti White, anti Brexit, anti Straight ,anti History and both barrels are ready for them.

    The fact they have to step over the corpse of any Dim Lib that ventures on my sacred soil may just deter the fucking scum.

    A jolly good cunting Sir.

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