Covid Passport Roulette

If you are concerned about the roll out of the COVID passport and the possible restrictions for not having one then look no further than the Caribbean Island or St. Vincent.

The island’s volcano is at the point of eruption. It has been belching out ash and rocks for many days. Although the volcano is in the North of the island, the streets in the south are deep in ash. Houses have collapsed under the weight of the debris which has now spread to neighbouring islands. Today, cruise ships turned up to evacuate people from areas in critical danger, taking them to various other islands.

But only if they have had a covid vaccine. The ones that haven’t can go fuck themselves. St. Lucía stepped up to the plate and took some of these desperate unvaccinated people to their island, but they will have to be vaccinated on arrival. The fact remains that although scientists are totally convinced about the benefits of the vaccine they cannot agree on whether a vaccinated person can still spread the virus. It is therefore clear to me that the vaccine has not been fully tested. The vaccinated people from St. Vincent who were allowed to board the cruise ships could possibly spread the virus just as quickly as the unvaccinated people left behind, but perhaps more smugly.

This demonstrates the future of travel and social interaction. Vaccinated people having privileges that unvaccinated people are not allowed, but everyone having to still wear masks and keep social distancing because everyone can potentially spread the virus.

The madness continues.

Nominated by: The Artful Cunter

32 thoughts on “Covid Passport Roulette

  1. Perhaps they could just wear tin foil hats to prevent the hot ashes landing on their heads ??

    • As long as they remember to double up on the surgical face-masks, remain 2 metres apart at all times and agree to be injected with something or other at the first port of call, then I’m sure they’ll all be saved.

  2. Welcome to the new 2 tier society where blatant discrimination can reign supreme.

    Taken the experimental, completely unproven to even actually fucking do what it’s supposed to, snake oil injection? – then welcome aboard.

    Not taken said injection? – fuck off and make sure you carry a bell with you to ring at all times.

    What a load of fucking crap.

  3. Fuckwitted Boris Clown Cunt is already well on the way to being utterly convinced that we will be facing a further wave in a couple of week;s time. This cuntery will never, ever end. He has already admitted that vakzines are not the answer, so how exactly will vakzine passports help? Send answers, on a used mask, to Bedlam Hospital.

    • I reckon we are well on the way to another lockdown followed, not too much later, by a Labour government. I would never vote Labour but nobody in their right mind would vote Tory at the moment.

  4. Now that’s what you call discrimination. It’s what the nazis would have done, saved the aryans and left the jews. Same thing make no mistake. These cunts are morally bankrupt.

  5. They just left the unvaccinated to get melted and burned to death and thought that was the best thing to do; there are no words for how wrong that is.

    • It is wrong, very wrong. A commonwealth country and up to recently islanders serving in HM forces. I served with some, great people.

  6. This will never stop.
    This will be our lives permanently unless we do something about it.
    But the problem is that too many people are waiting for the cavalry to arrive over the hill to save their freedom and liberty.
    By the time they realise the cavalry ain’t coming it will be too late.
    A “Government” which is a socialist dictatorship in all but name, SAGE and Carrie Antoinette running the Country, a different laughable lie every day and the people still don’t to have twigged that we are being played.

  7. Notice how the quivering turd Johnson suddenly grew a pair of balls over this Super League bullshit, despite the fact it’s got fuck all to do with government.
    So why doesn’t he do it the rest of the time? The Jellyfish should understand what we voted for……we didn’t vote for wokery pokery and rule by the Twitterati, we didn’t vote to be prisoners in our own homes, we didn’t vote to carry identity papers like we are living in fucking North Korea or Cuba.
    This cunt supposedly has advisers. Who the fuck is advising him?……Tony fucking Blair?

  8. The answer is simple. Get vaccinated. I don’t see what the problem is.

    • St Vincent & The Grenadines have a population of around 111,000 and only 12,764 had been vaccinated as of Feb this year.

    • And the people who cannot have the “vakzine”, because of allergies. What about them?

      • Sorry to come all over Ajax, but I do love your spelling of vaccine, like there’s an invisible ‘das’ in front of it.

  9. You’ll still need your mask on and you’ll still be in perpetual recurring lockdowns by the way but if you don’t get injected – you don’t fit in and you are not welcome.
    Shove your masks and your injections and your virus which is particularly deadly for octogenarians the world over.
    De-facto medical tyranny.
    Fuck off!

  10. So much for ‘we’re all in this together’, ‘unity’, ‘diversity’, etc. Take the experimental vaccine or experiment with a pyroclastic flow, you cunts!

    This is medical tyranny starting to show its true colours. Obviously the cunt PM of that island was given orders and wasn’t very subtle. Probably not surprising for an island dwelling empty coconut headed cunt bureaucrat.

  11. The walls are closing in. I am going to not get the vaccine simply because I have been lied to all along with this Covid shit and have no reason to believe any of what I’m being told now. They can take their toxic cocktail and drive a forklift load of it right up their asses.
    Donald Trump Fasttracking the vaccine makes me even more against taking it. I guess the general public are the research subjects.

  12. so if someone decides they don’t want to be vaccinated isn’t it only themselves they have to worry about ? especially when most people around them have all been vaccinated. Or am i missing something here ?

  13. I’ve got no interest in leaving this country ever again. I’m not getting a vaccine or a passport you can fuck right off with that.

    • That’s probably for the best. I think the era of cheap free for all travel is coming to a, deliberate, end.

      The whole eco-fascism is about to get going. We’re already getting a preview of it now, where only the super rich, celebs, and business cunts are allowed to fly.

  14. The only good news about this I learn is that quite a few million in funds as well as some practical help has been given to St Vincent.

  15. A cunting close to my heart.
    Two tiered society, punishing freedom of choice.
    Tyranny indeed.

  16. that is my problem with the vaccine and the politics behind it. if I had the two jabs, would it prevent me spreading it? no. If I had the two jabs, would it stop me getting ill, no ( I have known people who have had sever reactions to the jab but let’s just dismiss that bollocks for now). Can I dispense with the mask? No. So all in all the vaccine would stop me getting so ill that I have to have hospital treatment. So in short, it does nothing to stop the virus. Not even a vaccine, just more of a placebo. So how will this passport assure our safety. Open ended question……..

  17. Reading the news the other day, I noticed that those who have had their two doses of fuck knows what can look forward to their booster of fuck knows what every six months.

    I’m starting to wonder when the vaccine is found to sterilise the young people who are stupid enough to take it.

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