I’d like to cunt cops in America. Probably not for the reasons you’re thinking though.
It’s clear to me that if you’re a cop, particularly in an area dominated by the black community in the USA, and you kill a black person, even if they’re in the act of trying to kill somebody (as seen today
-see link below), then you’ll be demonised. Check out how the BBC headline the story. Interesting, isn’t it?
I’ve seen tweets from BLM calling this incident murder. If the cop did nothing, the black girl would’ve killed another black girl. I’m sure if that happened, they’d have gone nuts and called for the cop to be charged with murder. Can’t win. They just hate you.
It’s also clear the state has not got the cops’ backs either.
Now, there are good cops and bad cops. Some sign up to lord it over others, but many do it out of a sense of serving their communities.
Thing is, they’re all hated figures due to the media, BLM and wimp politicians jumping on the bandwagon.
They should all quit.
Indeed, from now on, if I hear of any cop in America whining about being charged for trying to help a difficult situation, and then being left out to dry and demonised, I will have no sympathy.
Because if you’re still going to work and answering those ‘subject is a black male’ calls, you must have some kind of death wish.
Quit. Let the cunt politicians see their cities burn down and see how they fucking like that.
Quit. You’ll get no sympathy from me when it goes tits up for you. It’s fucking obvious that you’re hated, not wanted and that they want to put you in prison at the first opportunity.
You need your head testing if you want to continue doing that job.
Nominated by: Cuntybollocks
They are already quiting in California I believe and Portland in Oregon is now a shit hole because the scum politicos didn’t back them so many have quit.
If I were a cop there I’d tell em to stuff their shity job. Burn city burn.
If they tried shaking hands like civilised gentlemen and stopped all this bleck crap and slavish devotion to misguided street culture that would be a start. These cowards bumping fists just re enforce the mindset. Twats.
I’ve seen the body cam footage several times and in slow motion. What amazes me is that they did all this shit in front of 3 coppers and didn’t give a fuck. First you have a 43 year old man sticking the boot into a teenage girl on the ground……what a big brave boy he is! Then you have the fat bitch delivering a roundhouse blow with a knife to some other bitch and getting her arse shot up. All this in front of armed coppers! What the fuck? I’ve seen fights where the cop car pulls up and the two blokes start brushing each other down and claiming they bumped into each other and fell on the ground. But that was a long time ago when cunts were scared of the coppers and the law. Those days have gone, especially in Yankland it appears.
They are not scared of the cops because they know the cops won’t act or they will be indicted on charges of racism and have BLM, Biden and every other woke cunt in the world on their backs. So America goes un-policed. Crime runs rampant. Vigilantism takes hold. Well done snowflakes – another fine mess you’ve gotten us into!
The only yank coppers I could name are Dirty Harry Callaghan and Derek Chauvinist.
Seem alright to me?
Now that would be a TV cop duo show I’d watch.
Dirty and Chauvinistic
They wouldn’t fuck about.
Dirty: So I hear Mrs Waters has been riling up the dark keys again.
Chauvinistic: I think it’s time we paid the old lady a visit (starts flexing his knees).
Dirty: This time don’t use your knee. Remember the trouble it caused you last time? We’ll just push the cunt down the stairs and blame it on the boogie.
Dirt Harry would sort the cunts out for sure, MNC. ‘Go on Dark-key…make my day”.
The US needs more Harry Callahans and the UK needs more coppers like DI Jack Regan of the Sweeney.
Perhaps they could do us a favour and shoot Cressida Male-Genitals.
In some states there’s a waiting list for guns and ammo.
I’d have two guns and at least 200 rounds. Gimme a semi automatic with a scope too just for good measures.
Defund the cops in the black areas, concentrate on keeping civilised people safe. A cop of any hue will be hung out to dry if restraining or harming a black criminal.
Let the fuckers get on with it.
I watched this story in an episode of the excellent, Lotus Eaters, on YouTube.
The fat dark-key’s mother describes her daughter as caring and nurturing ?.
You can see the dollar signs in her eyes ?
Nothing like the female William “The Refrigerator” Perry, with a knife, as seen in the footage…
The cop who shot her, deserves the adoration of the Black community, for saving a young, black victim.
Race grifting cunts?
I quite like the Lotus Eaters, but Sargon’s voice gets on my tits after a few minutes.
Yeah, I saw the interview with the fat bitch’s mother ( I think she’s actually her foster mother so she’s lost a big chunk of her income) and among the other platitudes she described her as a “promoter of peace.” ??????
Yeah she looked very “peaceful” to me stabbing some cunt in the street. With Uncle Joe’s open door policy they’ve still got the peaceful experience to come. It won’t be street stabbings in Yankland though. Every mosque in the country will be like an arsenal. Purely to protect themselves against the white supremacists of course.
If she’s a promoter of peace then Bernard Manning was a promoter of gays’ and dark keys’ rights.
It’s amazing, how all these drug taking, knife wielding, crime committing Mills & Boons are all so peace loving and saintly, isn’t it?
Oh, and they’re all aspiring doctors, architects, sports stars and church goers and all.
Convicted arm robber and drug dealer, Chiggun George, is known as ‘a hip hop artist and religious mentor in his community’ on Wikipedia.
The funniest suggestion I heard (from BLM – Buy Large Mansions) was for social workers and not cops to be sent to incidents like this.
If karma exists, one hopes to see the results of Ms’s Pelosi, Waters and the BLM mansion buyer, trying out this theory.
I’d like to see the look on Pelosi’s wrinkled hag face when the Chiggin George family move next door with their “reparations “ money. I’ll bet she’ll rupture her colostomy bag, the hideous old cunt.
And Trumpy should buy the house on the other side ?
In fact, if I was Trumpy I’d buy all the homes in her area up and move pikies and dark key ex-criminals into them. Whenever she moves, just keep repeating it.
I’d also (if I was Trumpy) buy the home next to her and sit on my lawn in my underpants now and again, (during the odd visit) staring at her with a big fucking grin on my face.
I predict a lot of dead social workers and even more dead ‘jam spoons’ if Burn Loot Murder get their way.
Coppers in the US are quitting in droves and I don’t blame them.
Nobody in their right mind is going to get in the middle of a couple of 25 stone battlesows, or a gang of ‘youths’ killing each other over the last piece of KFC or some such stupidity.
A problem with their policing is that they recruit from ex-military which is a totally different way of approaching civilians. The sick ‘Woke’ pounce on the few that use Military tactics in enforcement. So, count the number of cops and what is the percentage of bad cops? Fuck all and the ‘Woke Media” will wonder why eventually they are censored as in third world countries! It’s because they don’t give a balanced view. Welcome to the Feminist view of the world and how the Toxic ones have taken over in politics and the media. So fellow cunters, what is the ratio of good cops vs bad cops?
Just build a fence around the inner city areas and leave the cunts to stab and shoot each other.
I would not fancy doing a job where half the ethnics in the neighbourhood wanted to kill me to get a notch on their belt.
Try and use a knife?
9MM of stop required, irrespective of colour.
It sends a message and reduces reoffending – and if black people don’t like being shot try committing less fucking crime.
If I was a yank cop and was treated the way they are I’d quit too. I’ve seen the video of the ungo bongo girl being shot and in my opinion the cop did his job.
I object to the statement ‘She didn’t deserve to die like a dog on the street’. Dogs don’t go around with knives trying to stab people.
Similarly when people are being described as acting like animals. They’re acting like people, animals know better.
I’d rather be a tramp than a copper.
Between woke managers and Blek Lies Mither what chance have they got at all?
Fuck all that.
Brick the blek rioters in their ghettos and forget about them.Chuck their apologists in with them.
Chiggun all round.
Where am de wattermelon?
What’s the American version of ‘lessons will be learnt’?
What’s going on with the world?
Bring it on .Let’s have mass looting, raping and murder.
Well done you stupid Democrats and all the fucked-up cunts who voted for you!
I wouldn’t live in the States even if you paid me.
Those coppers in the photo should have been sacked on the spot as should their equivalents in Londonstabistan. “Taking the knee” has certain connotations…….. submitting to the conqueror being the most obvious one. Even the cowardly French didn’t do that during the Occupation. A fucking disgrace to the uniform.
I have no sympathy for these cunts either. When blm were burning down businesses and attacking people in the streets they refused to do their jobs, yet when the politicians that want them defunded and support blm get attacked, they spring into action….
They won’t attack blm and Antifa, who hate them, but they will happily attack “back the blue” with relish.
Same thing over here. The police are quickly losing any support they used to have.
The copper who saved the girl is a hero, great shooting even though it’s a shame a 16 year old lost her life. The BBC are just complete cunts. The headline should have been ‘hero cop saves multiple people from being stabbed to death’ and that lanky basketball cunt LeBron James should have been arrested for doxxing the copper from his gated community mansion.
Indeed. I’m surprised nobody has nommed LeBron James for that yet.
He was bang out of order. Not even mentioned by the msm though.
It would be fucking great if the cunt is being chased by a nutter with a knife one day, and the same cop is nearby and refuses to help saying, “Thought I’d best do what you think is the right thing. Nothing.”