Claudia Webbe (2)

David Cameron is making the news for some sleazy lobbying of his former colleagues on behalf of a finance house that has gone bust. Of course, Labour are screaming blue murder over this despite being full of corrupt cunts themselves. Which brings me on to my nomination…

Leicester East’s MP until 2019 was the ultimate sleaze-ball Keith Vazeline, magnet to scandal and consumer of rent boys, although not rubber johnnies. However, not being satisfied with one scum-bag, the citizens and (greater number of) non-citizens of Leicester East elected the cunt Claudia Webbe following Vazeline’s retirement as an MP.

This nasty bitch wants to “abolish the rich” to combat climate change and over-population.

She thinks the world has too many rich people but does not mention that there are billions more poor people than rich people. She also claims that climate change is the reason for migration from the global south to the West.

She failed to declare her extra income as a councillor in Islington to the Parliamentary Standards Committee and was suspended from the Liebour Party for threatening a woman

It has been pointed out that her MP’s salary puts her in the world’s top 1% of earners.

I am sure that Unkle Terry has room in his oven to abolish this cunt but other methods of abolition are very much welcomed.

Nominated by: Hard Brexit Cunt

and seconded by:mystic maven

A nomination for suspended Labour MP Claudia Webbe who has said the “rich must be abolished” to combat climate crisis.
She earns £81,000 a year plus expenses and was responding to a report which found the world’s wealthiest one per cent of people produce double the carbon emissions of the poorest 50 per cent.
She tweeted: “Earth is overpopulated; there are too many rich people. To solve the climate crisis; the rich must be abolished.” I wonder if she includes the founder of BLM who has spent $millions on properties, in exclusive, predominantly white neighbourhoods – Marxists are very good at spending other peoples’ money.

The daft cow was suspended from the Labour Party in September after being charged with harassing a woman over a period of nearly two years. The 56-year-old denies the accusations and is due to stand trial later this year.
In addition to being a nasty hypocritical cunt, she is also under investigation for fraud. In February, she was found to have breached the MP’s code of conduct after it emerged she had continued to claim – without declaring – a councillor’s allowance of almost £1,000 a month from the Islington authority for more than half a year after becoming an MP 100 miles north in Leicester. She said she made the profitable mistake because of the pressures of coronavirus. She was a former adviser to comrade Corbyn – says it all really.

57 thoughts on “Claudia Webbe (2)

  1. I imagine a good proportion of the Leicester vote is postal. I wonder why?

  2. Have any of these cunts ever read Orwells Animal Farm? Its 76 years old. I recommend all cunters buy it for their children and grandchildren. Theres a really good cartoon version for kids on youtube.

  3. So she wants to abolish the rich!

    Does that mean getting rid of Queenie, who is one of the richest people on the planet?
    Does she want rid of the some of the Dumbocrats in the White House, who are millonaires?
    Does she want rid of millionaire liberal Hollywood types?
    Does she want rid of rich TV celebs like the Khardisians or Oprah Winfrey?

    It will be interesting how she gets on taking money away from those very same champagne socialist/liberal/black cunts in order to save the fucking planet!

  4. Getting fed up of privileged blacks telling me how privileged I am.

    She possesses less brains than my 9 year old daughter with such illogical thinking.

  5. At first glance the picture in the background looks like a freshly-laid, malodorous pile of shit.


  6. Another hypocritical arsewipe with the brains of a road kill. Amazing how quickly she was able to slime right into a typical vazaline scenario (she must be using the rent boy rider as an advisor). How long will it take the great mass of people to realise if you vote for shit you get shit, giving someone a massive salary plus expenses does not guarantee that if they are a cunt they will stop being a cunt or crook in this bastards case. Fuck her out, have another election and keep an eye out for dodgy voting patterns and if detected a la a certain Peterborough bye election do something about the offence not roll over and cover everything up cos it’s ethnics who are fiddling.

  7. There is too many people in the world mind,, but it’s too many poor people and dar quays that are the real problem, silly cunt!!!!

    • *Fingers crossed, Covid will start to perform its intended purpose-massuve reduction in brown filth??

      • fukin chinks that designed covid should have thrown sickle cell into the test tube and done the planet a favour

    • Just Another Prosecco socialist, these Cunts have infected the Labour Party over the corbyn years, probably considers traditional red wall voters as racists but gently scratch the veneer and you’ll find who the real rascist is , hates everything the U.K. stands for and wants our history wiped the pages of history….. proper Cunt and a nasty piece of work too…..

  8. Total Cunt. POP explosion see Sub continent ching chong land and Afrikka. Daft fucker.

  9. I can only apologise for casting my vote for this vacuous tart. I won’t be making that mistake again.

  10. I might consider running as an MP.£81,000 a year Yes please.Travelling to Londonstan and talking bollocks.Chuck her in a bin.Witch.

  11. Ignore the dizzy bitch. Another spectacularly stupid mutt who rambles without thought. Dump it in Somalia, preferably from 10,000 feet.

  12. Webbe has stated she will resign after the trial, creating a by election.
    And the opportunity for the first independent candidate to be voted in.

    • According to Private Eye, a certain machine-washing salesman is head of the local Labour Party. If he doesn’t stand (which I think he can’t) anyone selected will no doubt have to have the Vaz vote.

  13. Another treacherous monkey?
    What a shock to the system.

    A filthy bullshitter.

  14. Zipetty doo dah and fuck right off, you champagne-socialist Midlander cunt.

    Why can’t people like this add something constructive towards society instead of creating fucking problems? If I want more problems, I’d join a fucking crossword club. You BB cunt.

  15. Looking at the header pic, I feel inclined to take her up the arse!

    As for being rich, well wealth is relative – £5 is fuck all to Richard Branson and most “ordinary folk” and yet would keep Mbongo rich with food for a month.

    So is she suggesting that everyone who actually goes out to work for a living should be taxed with a “population tax” just because some cunts in Africa can’t stop fucking and bearing more sprogs and thus fucking up Earth’s resources further?

    If she thinks she’s getting her piss/shit stained fingers on my £88k after years of hard graft, she can go fuck herself

  16. It would be useful if this silly woman could give examples of where ‘abolishing rich people’ has worked.

    • who cares what that baboon thinks it should be cleaning my toilet and then fucking off

  17. Another Labour hypocrite and a proper racist cunt ??
    I agree another candidate for uncle Terry’s oven ??

    • David Cameron is the epitome of Tory sleaze and entitlement. But he was a politician, so what would we expect from him, integrity?

  18. Liebore are like the US “democrats”. They both hav “squads” of nonwhite females. They are not only extreme leftists but pig fucking thick as well. The States is going down the shutter and they are doing their best here. Cunts.

  19. Just another corrupt anti-white running the country.

    Nothing to see here, you racists.

    • it will love sitting out side its hut poking shit with a stick in a few years when its baboon arse gets kicked back to monkeyland

  20. Seems to be a modern trend…….some immo gets elected in an immo area (with a little artificial help at the polling station) , then goes on to help themselves to copious expenses while making a name for themselves spouting lefty bollocks about racism and inequality. You can see the same trend in Yankland with that Cortez whore and those muzzie bitches. Fucking cunts.

  21. Is Bill Gates at the top her list then? What about President Biden and that skeletor cunt Pelozi, both are millionaires? Go to town on it.

    • these monkeys are all cunt, in a few years they’ll be begging to go back to their mud huts..nothing lasts forever

  22. The sun is out, the birds are singing.
    It’s time to bring out Unkle Terry’s Industrial BBQ and cremate these uppity fuckpigs?

    • it would still be hunting its dinner with a blowpipe if whiteman hadn’t put clothes on it and taught it how to drink PG tips

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