The opportunist chip on the shoulder of the effnik. Aided and abetted by the good old BBC.
From the BBC web site. Both on the same day.
First, some fucker who got a luvvie type job through affirmative action blames racism for being fucking useless. Apparently her English was poor which may be a handicap for a British actor. And she was called exotic. Apparently a racist word.
And then the parent of 2 poor girls murdered by a nutter in London. Not urgent cos they was black, although an arrest was made pretty quickly. However there was not the demo and vigil there was for the white murder victim. Racism innit.
I dont remember a woke posturing display for Claudia Lawrence 12 years ago. Nor for poor Libby Squire in Hull. Nor for hundreds of other poor girls murdered over the years by lunatics.
I am sick and tired of these bastards, living in a tolerant civilised country constantly blaming racism. And of the BBC for giving them publicity.
Racism? Try Africa, Russia, China, Islam and practically every where else in the world when compared to our society. And then fuck off there. And take the Jimmy Savile Protection Corporation with you.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Only one answer for these ungrateful cunts. Send them back to the countries from whence they originated. Then they’ll have something to complain about.
According to the race report England is the beacon of tolerance. Er no we are a beacon for cunts because we are a free country that doesnt have identity papers. If you can invade Iraq you can stop illegal cunts invading here. Never mind about “defunding the police” , lets defund the Royal Navy for failing in their 300 year old job.
Don’t like it here? Fuck off its simple really. Fed up of these retards whinging 24/7
We should alter the criteria.
If we don’t like them here then fuck off.
My old man was never a fan of Paul Ince at United. Nothing to do with his ability, as he could play a bit. But he was a self important (‘Guv’nor’) chippy cunt. My dad used to say ‘He’s a chippy little fucker. Always has a look on his face like copper’s one step behind him, or he’s got his fingers in the till’.
See also those arch-chippies, Ian Wright, Andy Cole and Sol Campbell. But there were also black players who weren’t chippy and were great lads. Laurie Cunningham, Remi Moses, Paul McGrath, Big Cyril Regis, Paul Parker.
Met some of the United lads in a club back in 98. Dwight Yorke was a top lad on the night. A nice bloke and a good laugh. Andy Cole on the other hand was a right miserable surly and suspicious cunt. Had a right attitude on him. They reckon that’s why Newcastle gave him the boot in 95, and I could see why. The miserable cunt.
Met Andy Cole in a nightclub in Newcastle in about 1994.
I can confirm he was a miserable test.
Damn autocorrect
Dwight Yorke showed his “true colour” when he had fuck all to do with Harvey. (Fuck off you cunts!)
Fergie quickly catapulted Ince out the door as soon as the chip on the shoulder attitude arrived.
Think I’ve told this before but im a repetitive old cunt.
When my dad was still working we went to Andy Coles to pick up some wine coolers and they were in his garage with his Bentley in front.
The bloke organising it was all secret squirrel about it but neither me or my dad follow football so didn’t know who he was or gave a fuck.
My dad said to him
“Ee ah mate can you shift that car?
Hey! And watch my van!
It cost me 3 grand!”
His radio in the Bentley probably cost more!
I started laughing an Cole got all upset,
Think he expected us to want autograph and selfies?
As we were going my dad said
“See yer pal”
Turned to me and said
“Right moody cunt isnt he?!”
Doesn’t surprise me one bit about Cole, MNC. Cole was also a right miserable fuck when signing autographs for kids at The Cliff. No smiles, said fuck all, didn’t even look at the kids when he signed (which wasn’t often). Peter Schmichel was also a bit of a cunt on this score.
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, Eric Cantona, David Beckham and Roy Keane were great with the young fans though.
I am really surprised you cunts watch the BBC.
They’re just a fucking rabble.
I hope they get something to moan about soon.
Like the oven.
Non stop cuntery from the state funded bbc. The BBC’s motto was “nation shall speak peace to nation” or something similar not “you whitey bastards are going to take it up the arse to pay for all your privileged facist attitudes. May I live to see the day when all this shit is smacked into oblivion. If not I will haunt the bastards mercilessly. No surrender ever.
A timely cunting. These cunts are permanent victims. No they’re not WE the white majority are the victims.
Fuck off you useless ugly fat mess.
Forget the pandemic, economic crises and all the rest of it. Big story on the BBC site under headline “Actress Thandie Newton has said she is reverting to the original Zimbabwean spelling of her first name, Thandiwe.” Apparently “Thandie” is an anglicised version of her name without the “w”.
All of her films will be credited with the name Thandiwe (pronounced “tan-DEE-way”) Newton in future, says the BBC. “That’s my name. It’s always been my name. I’m taking back what’s mine,” says Thandiwe.
She said she welcomed how much representation of ethnic minority groups has improved in the entertainment landscape. I wonder what her white dad, called Nick – who no doubt will be changing his name back to Nicholas – thinks about this.
I don´t know who the fuck she is either. However, this is what the BBC calls news so she must be important.
Mr Polly@ – So why doesn’t Thandiwe fuck off to Zimbabwe then?
I’m sure the sight of all the white farmers being butchered by black savages will gladden her little heart.
Pretty girl, shit actress.
Now it seems, a cunt too.
Is your career dissapearing into obscurity? Been off the front pages for too long? Is your skin tone slightly tanned or darker?
Dont despair, jump on the BLM fucking victimhood band-wagon.
Considering her actual first name is Melanie you could could forgive someone for thinking she might just be an attention seeking, jumping on the effnick bandwagon cunt.
Thandiwe can fuck off back to di Congo. Understandy, Jungle Girl?
I wouldn’t call the pidgin English actress at the top exotic, I’d call her a fat ugly moaning cunt, nowt racist about that for al beeb to get their wokeish panties into a twist.
The thing that I can’t understand is that of the black lads I know from playing rugby with or from the pub, most of them are great lads they don’t moan about racist shit because most of them don’t come across it much, they’re British lads who happen to be black, not Afro Caribbean British or African British.
The strange chubster specimen in the picture needs to cut down on chips and hamburgers unless she’s thinking of playing the lead in Jonah and the Whale.
Oooh don’t they love a chip to heft onto that shoulder, I am really sick of these effnic cunts moaning all the fucking time, it’s got nothing to do with colour, it the whinging, I’m sure they moan in their original countries, the problem with the UK is they are not ignored like places like Nigeria.
So the UK is tolerant of effnic clowns we should stop giving a fuck, and funilly enough its exactly what’s going to happen soon enough I’m sure, they will still moan but no one will give a fuck,,,,, job done, they don’t know when to shut the fuck up and I’m sure there are millions of coloured people who would agree…
The victim card is a very powerful one. We can only hope they over play it to where it loses it’s effectiveness. Problem is the meedjuh will keep it alive however they can.
Black people do themselves a massive disservice by playing the victim.
If someone plays the race card I assume they’re covering for their own ineptitude or inadequacy.
I respect any one of any race who can say
‘my fault, I accept it was my fuck up’.
And come back fighting rather than cry foul.
Its bullshit.
They dont know what real racism is!
But they keep this shite up they just might find out.
They come to our Country and don’t even have the common decency to learn our language. Then they lay the law down to us. The woke, the left, people in power do not live in the areas they live in but preach about diversity is our strength. Let them all move into Kensington and Chelsea then? Thought not. The gall of these fuckers biting the hand that feeds them takes some fucking beating.
Don’t tell Miserable Northern about the ethic chips on shoulders; he’ll start salivating.
*ethnic chips
Chips are a British invention and any ethnic who eats them is a culturally-appropriating, thieving poîkey.
Your right Cap, nowt more English than chips.
Theres the French fry for homosexuals, but chips?
As English as it gets.
But then we invented everything of worth.??????
What’s the funniest and most ridiculous thing of all?
A cunt acting the chippy black cunt when they are not even black.
The Markle Snake is gathering enemies and critics by the day on both sides of the Atlantic. She will end up having more enemies than Hitler. The Julius Caesar moment will come eventually.
Looks like she’s eaten too many chips. Fat cunt.