
I haven’t heard of this load of bollocks until I happened across the pile of bullshit written by this soppy cunt.

I have to confess I couldn’t be fucked to read the whole article but according to the author we shouldn’t be using expressions like, “fallen on deaf ears”, “turning a blind eye”, “acting crazy”, etc as it’s a form of micro-aggression that can harm a disabled person.

What a load of wank! They are just expressions you stupid cunt and they are not mocking the afflicted.

Anyway, since when is ‘crazy’ a medical condition? The actual dictionary definition of ablesism is ‘ a type of discrimination in which able-bodied individuals are viewed as normal and superior to those with a disability, resulting in prejudice toward the latter.’

I can’t see any of that in the examples she used, so stop looking for non-existent problems. It’s getting to the point where the list of things we can’t say because it might offend someone is far outweighing the list that we can.

Apparently she’s deaf, something she claims she likes. I’ve encountered quite a few people with disabilities through the years and I can say hand on heart that not one of them enjoyed their disability.

The only thing you could say she enjoys being is a total cunt.

Nominated by: Cupid Stunt The First 

50 thoughts on “Ableism

  1. Loads of deaf people are cunts. Dont go to the bogs in the British deaf association. They cant hear themselves taking a shit and it hilarious. Luckily they cant hear you laughing your bollox off either.

  2. If she’s deaf she won’t be able to hear me shot “fuck off you mad bitch”!
    Best throw her down the stairs instead..

  3. I would simply turn a blind eye to “abelism” and “micro aggressions “. Their protests fall on death ears. The whole concept has no legs anyway.

  4. Is an inappropriate horn a disability? Will try that at the magistrates next week.

  5. When my wife was tracing her ancestry she got a copy of a page from the 1861 census listing some of her ancestors. The right-hand column was for listing disabilities. Written free-hand in this column were descriptions such as “cripple”, “imbecile” and for one of my wife’s ancestors “deaf as a post”.

    • I researched my wife’s ancestry. Her great great grandmother was sold in a fucking pub.
      I never let her forget that now.

      • Did the great great grandfather have to chuck in a good sheepdog as an inducement for the other bloke to take the woman off his hands?
        I think that was in Paxo’s book, “The English.”

  6. Nowadays you can’t say any of the following:-
    Four eyes
    Dumb blonde
    ….. Hopefully we can still call cunts cunts!

    • I can and do use these terms . No one is going to tell I can’t. Who the fuck are these self appointed paragons of virtue telling us what we can or cannot say? Fuck them. Fucking BBC again. King cunts.

  7. ‘so stop looking for non-existent problems.’

    Hear, hear! Oh sorry. Sign, sign.

    • While I feel sorry for anyone with a disability, I admire people who act like its nowt and dont let it hold them back.
      Disabled people who make a big deal about it are just giving themselves another disability.
      The disability of being a moaning cunt.

      • It’s not the disabled that make these insane rules up it’s the care organisations and social misfits in social care that decide what’s best for them.

  8. I sometimes think my devastating good looks and overstated genitals are a bit like a disability in that underpants that can withstand 4stone of coiled python are hard to come by.
    Wonder if I can claim for it and get a badge for parking?

  9. Instead of looking at the speaker as being micro aggressive why not consider the listener to be micro sensitive?
    If someone is so fucking sensitive to everyday speach then it’s their problem and not mine.

  10. Recall my mother, who (still) isn’t with these new fangled words and phrases, at a funeral a few years back of a bloke with Down’s Syndrome.

    My old ma’, trying to be nice said to his mother “I know somebody who knows how you might be feeling. Oooh, yes. Mrs such and such had a mongoloid child too you know.”

    • My local pub changed hands sometime ago and the new landlady told me a party of Mongolians were coming on a day out.
      I had visions of camels, tents and sheep etc. Nope, just Downs.

    • As long as they’ve got a window nearby, they’re happy for the most part. Just remember to let them out of their cages now and again though.

  11. I have several disabled people in my family and circle of friends in addition to having Asperger’s myself. I also look after a disabled person for a living. I can honestly say that I do not give a single flying fuck about such expressions, and neither does anyone I know. The ‘wrlter’ of this article can fuck off.

  12. If ignorance and stupidity are disabilities then the disabled are the majority.

  13. My little boy is disabled with moderate autism; I call him my little Rain Main. Could you imagine the BBC bedwetting that would take place if this was shown on one of their documentaries?

    • Normie cunts wouldn’t give your son the time of day. Their lives consist of ‘likes’ and new messages. I despair. I wish you and your son every hope and happiness. If I ever came across the two of you in real life, I’d give you all the time and patience he deserves to get the best out of him. I know what the likes of your lad needs and it’s not what the BBC, MSM, Social Services and NHS tries to feed them.

      • Bang on. These ‘neurodiversity advocates are often some of the biggest bigots going when it comes to the disabled – talk openly about the drawbacks of a particular disability and they come down on you like a ton of bricks. The cunts need to learn that it isn’t an identity or a lifestyle choice and that there are very real and sometimes very serious challenges which come with it.

    • Especially if you taught him to call out “Black lives don’t fucking matter” and “Get to fuck you revolting tranny-loving arse-wipes!”

    • Paul-two questions:

      1) Can he count cards?
      2) Can you bring him to our next IsAC poker game at Lord Fiddlers?


  14. Let me tell you about albeism.

    My mother’s 76 this year. Blind in one eye, partially sighted in the other. Riddled with arthritis, has auto-immune disease. Came over mine on Saturday to stay overnight. We watched ‘The Proud Valley’ Saturday, and ‘Girl on Approval’ Sunday. Bitch beat me on Scrabble Saturday night, and it was my birthday, to boot. Told her she was a cunt and she told me same so long as I was a happy one.

    My dad’s 80 this year. Still does his coal fire and fires up the Rayburn every so often, despite habitually complaining about his knees, wrists etc. Still got charred black hands from being a farmer’s boy then a coal washery right-hand. Couldn’t give a rat’s arse about social distancing and whatnot when he’s doing his spuds out the front in the garden. Still got the same 1800s sash windows because he’s a stubborn/frugal cunt.

    I learned from the best. If you want to able me, you’ll have a fucking fight on your hands, a physical scrap if it means that much to you.

    • Your dad sounds a great old fella Wokey.?
      Reminds me of my grandad re- the rayburn an coalfire.

      • Haha he is. Constantly complaining but there he is, sorting out whatnot. He burned £200 in the Rayburn once because he forgot he’d put it there for ‘safekeeping’ ??

  15. Now being “newly disabled” (that means I lived a normal life and bits of my body have packed up).
    I can say there are “Disabled” and “Enabled” people.
    I found myself pushed into a corner on what I can and cant do, I can still lift a 60kg whacker plate into the back of your car with help just I am fucked for the next 20 mins.
    So when I had the “assessment” the company brought through their care policy and a few perks.
    I have a “perching stool” a bit like a bar stool but with a back on it, trouble is after loading the whacker plate, fucked if I can get on it.
    Next we have my hydraulic lift.
    A contraption that will lift equipment to waist height for me to inspect. They failed to realise that I now have to lift the equipment on my own 20 cm to load it!
    At the time of the “Gift” I pointed out that I was quite happy crawling round on the floor checking this stuff, The regional manager was quite indignant that he would not have his staff “crawling round the floor” but I pointed out that when I was able bodied I would not of picked the fucker up on my own.
    So in line with the cunting, there are those who get over it and carry on and those who milk it for sympathy.
    There is also a bunch of “walk in your shoes” pricks who write papers and make recommendations, Like my shitty hydraulic lift.
    Now I may come across as an ungrateful cunt here, but fuck sake stop making shit up to make yourself seem good, you are not helping

    • Lord Benny-please forgive the intrusion mate, what is the nature of your recent disability?

      • I have a shitty vascular disease that is killing my limbs, its great i recommend it .
        its also inoperable so do not go there.

  16. Two stories, more about colour than being deaf or blind, but consistent with the general nonsense that ocours nowadays.

    I was having conversation with two male blond colleagues. One of them says he has Jamaican roots and has cousins who are ‘a bit brown and might have different hair’. The other blond cunt chimes in, ‘I have a bit of Irish and German in me (crimes on both counts).’ My parents are from the same part of India and married within their caste. Hence my comment,’Am I the only one here who’s racially pure?’ Didn’t go down well but the truth never does.

    No idea what the second story was about because I’m on the sauce.

    • Good evening Dark Key. I’m assured that teaching is safe in your hands!
      However, I do note that you’re quite fond of the white mans fire water!

  17. Always remember being at a BBQ round s friends house and there were bits from a game scattered in on the floor, which were basically bits of card with words on them (I guess it was to help toddlers pronounce things). My lad was around 2 and unable to read.

    Friend in a wheelchair is talking to my son who hands him a card with ‘legs’ written on it. Fucking pissed myself as to be fair did my wheelchair bound friend.

    Most disabled people are happy to talk about it and share a joke about it. Seems this is more one person trying to force their opinion on every one, yet again.

  18. Those who are are willing to talk will talk. Those who aren’t burn loot and steal.

    The cunts.

  19. What do you name a guy with no arms or legs in front of your door?

    Same guy in a pile of leaves?

  20. So you can no longer mock the mongs, take the piss out of the paraplegics or sneer at the spastics.
    What’s the point of going on I ask myself.
    All the fun has been taken away.

    Viva La Joey Decon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

  21. That mute blonde bird in the Maltesers ad gives me the horn. She’s got to be the hottest in any of the current ads. Apart from Claire in the Wickes kitchen background ad, who growls like a terrier…

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