Zack Snyder

Zack Snyder is a cunt. An arrogant, ungrateful cunt. Why? There’s a channel on YouTube called Geeks + Gamers. It was founded by guy from Florida called Jeremy and he has a crew of other YouTubers that the Leftwaffe find somewhat distasteful, to the point that they have been called far right, white supremacists (including a black YouTuber associated with them known as Young Rippa), racists, misogynists, etc. It’s all bullshit, they just happen to have views on movies, comics and other related stuff that differ from the ‘correct’ views.

However, on Tuesday (16th March) they organised a charity livestream in aid of suicide prevention in the U.S. They asked Snyder onto the stream because his step daughter self deleted while he was making the Justice League movie, which was later completed by Joss Whedon after Snyder left. They were also part of the campaign to get the Snyder Cut of the movie released, which was successful. The stream was going well, and they’d raised $60,000, until Snyder showed up. They initially cheered him, then sat there in what I assume was stunned silence as Snyder proceeded to distance himself from Geeks + Gamers and call them and their followers hatemongers. At least he did it to their faces, but what a fucking cunt for doing it at all.

I have to say, the G+G crew have been far more polite about it than I would have been, and some have even defended him, which I find fucking baffling. I would have unloaded a nuclear sized bollocking on the snotty prick. Some are saying that he was ordered to do it by the higher ups at Warner Bros, in which case he should have told them that he just wouldn’t go on the stream. I think it’s bollocks. Snyder is full on Hollywood, and therefore part of the Leftwaffe. He should have just said no when he was invited on to the stream, but being an arrogant cunt, I think he saw it as a chance to virtue signal to his fellow Leftwaffe.

They raised $79,000 for the charity, but they could easily have made at least $100,000. After Snyder’s snotty little rant, the donations stopped for the 30 or so minutes he was on. And it never really recovered. That’s because he didn’t just insult the G+G team, he also insulted the viewers. And it should be simple common sense that if you insult people donating to a cause that you claim to hold dear to your heart, they’re going to tell you to go fuck yourself. The charity still got the money that was raised, but if I were G+G, I’d think twice before inviting someone like Snyder on again. What a cunt

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

29 thoughts on “Zack Snyder

  1. Who is Znack Syder. Think I’ve vaguely heard of him.

  2. Googled him. See he’s a Hollywood director. Ergo, woke cunt. Nuff said.

    • Those poor geeks an gamers.
      Basically told to eat shit by Zack.
      Bet they were traumatised?
      Sucking their inhalers and thumbs in terror!
      Gary spilt his ear medicine too.
      Their mums will be livid.
      They were raising money for charity, seems a bit of a cunts trick to go on and slag them?
      If theyre nazis a big nosed jew like zack shouldn’t of gone,
      Last time they tangle the score was 6milion-0.

      • The Jews have made significant contributions to western societies – more so than peacefuls ever have. No, sounds like he’s being cunted for being woke, which is an objectionable characteristic, regardless of colour, religion, heritage.

  3. God nom. Snyder is a cunt. His movie, The Watchmen, was utter shit (unlike the book, which is rather good).

    • PS Yes, the use of the word “movie” was an example of irony intended for Freddy!

      • “300” was good for a laugh, but his Dawn of the Dead remake ran out of steam after the Johnny Cash title song…

  4. Breaking news –

    Alex Salmond has lunched a rival Scottish Independence Party to challenge Krankie and the Krankie Party. That’ll split the independence vote nicely. Tossers.

    • Revenge: a dish best served cold. However, sometimes a piping hot serving is equally effective.
      Nice one Salmond?

  5. Another cunt who lives in a palace in Hollywood.
    A very important chap,I hang on his every word.

  6. I have to admit I bloody love his films, he has a real flair for striking visuals and action set pieces. And his daughter commiting suicide is fucking terrible, heartbreaking. So it’s irritating then that he’s part of the ‘everything is racist’ club. Bastard.

    • I was starting to actually admire Snyder for sticking to his guns and making the film he wanted to, rather than being a Hollywood yes man like JJ Abrams or “Ruin” Johnson. Even the Geeks and Gamers brigade are saying that he was obligated to distance himself from them in order to keep his career..
      His visuals and setpieces are indeed often close to genius level, but he seems not to be able to spot wonky writing. Barbara Broccoli will probably want him to direct the next Bond film. He’ll get on like a house on fire with Purvis & Wade, who I wouldn’t trust to write a coherent laundry list…

  7. Never heard of him. After reading that, I don’t want to. He as a face that needs “AMENDING”. Fucking arrogant cunt, fuck off and die.

    • They object very strongly and vocally to all the woke bullshit infesting modern film making, particularly in fantasy, horror and science fiction…

  8. Ah geeks and gamers is shite man! I personally agree with his stance on the majority of what he’s spouting, but I’d rather hear it from EFAP (without him) as their personalities are better and I don’t have to listen to his annoying accent

  9. Also fair play to Snyder for sticking to his guns. Yes he could have pretended like many do to arselick the cause for their pay check/spot light but he remained true to himself. Not that I could give two tosses either way but most Hollywood types are chameleons depending on who their target audience is. Also, seeing as the event was for charity, why should anyone stop donating just because the person talking at that moment is rabbiting crap?

  10. Science fiction as an art and a genre is dead. The Mandalorian was its last gasp. It is now just woke propaganda that would put Goebbels and Riefenstahl to shame.

    • Snyder’s “Man of Steel” is a pretty solid film with a brief but very respectful Christopher Reeve tribute in one scene.
      That and the first Kingsman film are the only ones that have impressed me in years. I sat through Casino Royale thinking “well this is a decent thriller about a depressed spy, but where’s Bond?”
      Cinema in general is indeed dead…

      • The first Kingsman is legendary. I’m not joking when I say it is an absolute masterpiece and one of the best films to come along this century.

  11. I’m sure its soon to be renamed the Social Justice League.

    Batman has a new enemy called ?(drum roll please)…The Woker

  12. Not awfully keen on Joss Whedon either.
    I’ve heard stories.

    “I’ve seen things maaan”

    • Matthew Vaughn has lots of style and flair, but being a bit of a posh cunt I’m expecting him to go all woke at any time, probably with the next Kingsman film (if it ever gets released that is)

  13. Never heard of the cunt, never want to.

    I watched the film Aquaman the other night, it was total and utter dogshit and if this cunt was in it fuck him.

  14. I don’t really watch this sort of shite anymore. Hollywood can do what it likes. I barely watch its output these days.

  15. Meh. Filmaker tells youtubers to fuck off. There are no victims. If it turned out Hitler made my favourite movie…it would still be my favourite movie. “Behind the scenes” doesn’t fucking exist and every single thing you have seen a screen is a lie.

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