World Health Organisation (WHO) [2]

The WHO, again.
Yes, everyone’s favourite busybody group is giving the world the gift of its wisdom again. Not content with misleading the rest of the world on the danger of Covid, and a blatant attempt to exonerate China, as not only the source, but continues to assist them in covering up its origins, now they want the developed countries of the world who crashed their economies to buy enough vaccines to hopefully save as many of it’s citizens as possible, to give large quantities of vaccines to the third world, as they, as usual, sit on their arses with their hands out, waiting for their racist oppressors to save them again. Guaranteed this will now create another surge of migration, as they will use getting a vaccine as an excuse to invade Europe. I foresee a dinghy shortage this summer as the English Channel starts looking like the world’s biggest raft race..

Nominated by: Gutstick Japseye

39 thoughts on “World Health Organisation (WHO) [2]

    • 8 billion of our Great British Pounds has already been spunked on buying the vaccine for some of our Colonial friends. Here’s the thing they don’t fucking want it. By all accounts it’s been invented by whitey to eliminate the few non Whitey’s that are still left in their homelands. Might as well of just given the money to the local warlords or something. God forbid.

  1. Why should western countries pay the bill for 3rd world vaccination?
    We need to take care of our own.
    The World Health Organisation should go to Beijing HQ see their paymasters,
    Get some cheques rubber stamped if theyre so concerned about the 3rd world.
    Its like the next door neighbour knocking at your door complaining that his dogs not been fed.
    Fuck right off.

    • The Chinks should be paying to vaccinate EVERYONE. It’s not as if they’re short of s bob or two.

    • Absolutely. Every economy has been shafted, but the Bat Munchers have seen their economy grow very nicely.

      The WHO should go cap in hand to the cunts to vaccinate the third world. They won’t though, because the Chinese don’t give a fuck about other countries and they fucking know it.

  2. The cunts are even trying to claim the virus didn’t originate in fucking China. Fuck off. A whole city gets fucked by a virus before anyone else and they try to claim it didn’t originate there? Get fucked!

    Funny how every economy on the globe has been royally fucked up the arse, but the Chinese have seen their largest economic growth in a few years.

    The WHO are Chinese cock smokers.

  3. You never know your luck, some dinghy jockey might bring the gift of a new variant. Let the silvery moons and tyre swingers pay for their own fucking vaccines. Sponging cunts. Oh and fuck the rinky dinks too.

    • Right on CuntyMort. Africa doesn’t need any more white saviours according to Sir Lenny of Henry.

      • Africa certainly does need white saviours, but not for the people, for the animals. They’ve had bushmeat markets for years, and it’s been the cause of a few diseases that thankfully stay local, and now the rinkies have exported the disgusting practice of wet markets which these cunts get right into. I bet the cunts had never heard of pangolin soup before the rocusts showed them.
        I had such high hopes for Ebola…

  4. Bloody Hell! Roger Daltrey is looking a bit rough.
    The WHO and the UN are both unless, toothless dogs. Completely pointless, do nothing but sit around talking all day. Just as bad as the EU.
    Maybe it has something to do with being able to shorten your name to three letters or less that makes you a cunt.

  5. The WHO and WTO both stated that it was in the interest of rich countries to send their vaccines to the poor nations. Significantly, neither organisation explained why it was in the interest of the nations to do so ; perhaps it was because they were spouting bollocks.

    • In addition, as the rest of the world and the EU has been accusing the U.K. of being a selfish,racist etc. nation this is a golden opportunity for a bit of pay back. The rubber boat brigade should be dealt with in a robust manner as HMG can claim, quite correctly, that the parasites are endangering the indigenous population.

    • because they want the mineral resources Africa has – such as cobalt to fuel their zero carbon agenda – we give you a ‘vaccine’ you give us your minerals – so simple to understand when you see it – this is yet more power grabs by the parasite psychopathic elite cunts

  6. An organisation which has a serpent wrapped around a pole as its logo is automatically a cunt.

    • They point the finger at decent countries like the UK, Australia, America,
      But never China or the oil rich Saudis.
      Let those cunts put their hands in their nighties or whatever they call those frocks they wear.

  7. When the UK have vaccinated all our population we can sell our excess vaccine to anyone who wants it at a profit.

    Fuck the cunts, fucking umbongos at the head of the WHO and the WTA, it’s a disgrace.

  8. The World Health Organisation (not The Who!)

    About as useful as Keith Moon lighting up a Cherry Bomb and flushing it down the pan.

    Rumours of a virulent new type of virus in China. The WHO investigate and decide “nothing to see here”.

    The virus spreads worldwide on every flight and boat out of China. The WHO advise “nothing to do with China keep on flying around the globe”.

    A concerned doctor discovers a low cost prophylactic (HCQ) that can lessen the effect of the virus (like it has done for similar viruses) if administered early. The WHO shut this “rumour” down.

    Please Mr Farage don’t quit politics just yet – get us a referendum on whether to keep paying these cunts $64.7mil a year!

      • There is a god then RTC ? Will Laurence Fox finally turf out the bus driver’s son ? I hope so. I drove through Runnymede yesterday where the Magna Carta was signed. I wonder what those who set out the rule of law would make of the Ferral shithole London has become. It’s an embarrassment to the English.

      • Chances he’ll split the Conservative vote and Suckdick will be back stronger than ever…

      • I agree. The Conservative vote will undoubtedly be split.
        Suckdick is an interesting case study.
        He claims to be a devout follower of the religion of peace yet also pretends to be in complete support of LGBT, extremist wokeism, feminism and other associated debauchery.
        Also a proud Londoner who loves his “siddy” yet is working fervently to remove its monuments and rewrite its history.
        He’s also a slimy little cunt.

    • A bit like the Orange Man rattling the NATO members. Why do we pay for this shit?

  9. I listened to their top cunt stating the bleeding obvious the other day, that we all need to work together to beat the spread of Covid.

    Is that really the best they can do and what idiots do they take us for?

    What fucking wisdom from a pointless and irrelevant organisation that doesn’t even want to recognise where the virus originated.

  10. The usual disgusting mess.
    Why we fund these cunts is a mystery.
    Oh no..wait,it’s easier to write a cheque than tell them to Fuck Off and listen to people criticise you on Twatter.
    If the dozy cunts in Kenya and Indonesia can’t afford the vaccine then tough shit.
    Another illustration of just how totally inept all these shithole countries are without their colonial masters to sort it all out for them.

  11. Where is Rishi going to get all the money? The rich, me, you ? How about the CCP and China for their man made China virus. How come you can have a UK or South African variant but you cannot have a China virus. The yellow cunts should be made to pay by the world. If we dont stand up to the cunts we will be their little bitches for the next 200 years.

    • He’s going to trouser USD500 000 000 from combining his wife’s preference shares in Infosys, together with assorted Consols, Gilts, and other more exotic financial instruments¹ of course! Couldn’t it be more obvious?

      Mr Suntan is our saviour, don’t you know!

      ¹ thinking here, more specifically, of “The Magic Money Tree”, as Mrs May had put it. She clearly had to go after she went “off message” with this reference but very very much moreover she has also simultaneously “spilled the beans” about MMT in her now-famous HoC speech. Such details as these are/were (rightly in my opinion) supposed to be kept
      “ringfenced” from the plebs (aka the vast majority of voters), and that error of judgment was indeed, in point of fact, the reason behind Theresa May’s unravelling political career. She had effectively, albeit unwittingly, broken protocol. I believe she thought her “magic money tree” reference was sufficiently “encoded” to avoid this. She was unaware.

      That is not only true, btw, but also a relatively well-hidden (from the plebs) secret.

      • The most worrying, unmentioned “elephant in the room”, thing about MMT at the moment is the possibility of the “inflation lever” being pulled to clear down the spiralling debt. Certainly, the tax increases just announced won’t scratch the surface of the existing debt, never mind the money yet to be splurged. 15% inflation anyone (just like “Uncle Dennis gave us in the mid-70s)?

        Nobody (in a position to) asks the question though. Too busy being “on message”?

      • There are many “elephants” in the room, as I understand it – of which your exemplar is certainly one.

        Thankfully, this is not only not (going to be) my problem, but also one which I shall be vindicated about (after some highly-charged arguments over the Roquefort, ripe pears and elderly tawny).

        Genuinely not my beef

  12. The WHO, so feared and respected they were denied entry into China to investigate he viruses origins.

    A team of amateur two bob wankers. Fuck off!

  13. A pointless bunch of cunts who’s second largest donations come from a computer software salesman which seems strange.
    In other news, why do the British Government cherry pick WHO recommendations.
    Do not use the PCR to test for Covid, an unreliable test, but we still used it.

    Do not use lockdowns, as all that lockdowns do is make poor people poorer, but we’re still doing it….

  14. Give ugobogo land all the vaccines they want – paid for by leaving the corrupt WHO and its alleged genocidal leader, and dump the useless and corrupt UN as well.
    Incorporate an agent in it that sterilises the fkers, then send Charlie Chan a bill.
    In fact, don’t bother with a bill – just write off what we owe China and call it reparations for the damage they have done, any whining and slap a 100%tariff on every piece of cheap shite we import.
    Sick and tired of our leaders weakness being exploited, being laughed at and being the cash cow and punchbag for the world – time to harden up.
    Fuck them.

  15. The only way any of this Planets shit is going to resolved is Thermo Nuclear War and then we can all start again, first thing I’ll do is wash the car. ?

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