I’m an oldish cunt who plays video games using a fucking pile of shit called Steam. I play a game called Dirt Rally 2 for the pure enjoyment of driving rally cars old and new. Pure escapism from the current absolute bullshit.
Ad banners are an accepted part of games now, advertising codemasters new games, computer related, energy drinks etc. I have absolutely zero problems with that, they pay to have the ad banner.
A few months ago I noticed the banners had changed to NHS banners saying ‘Feeling Low’ and other bullshit with the point pushing help for mental health problems. After a while I got a bit fucked off with all this bollocks so Wednesday I stated to the community I was quite offended by NHS propaganda. (The NHS are not selling a product). Yesterday I checked my comment on Steam, 6 comments from obvious admins saying I’m a bit of a crybaby, then discussion locked. Hmmm. Today I logged in, played the game for 30 minutes, tried to exit game, black screen. Restarted pc, the game is uninstalled. I did not uninstall it. Now I’ve been thinking of asking why this happened, but I know for a fact if I make a valid point I will be banned forever. THEY ARE SHUTTING DOWN ANY ARGUMENT.
Nominated by: Harry cunt and the Mrs off shit
And added to with a little twist by Two In The Stink
I’d like to second this nomination but with a slightly different bent!
This nom is still relevant to censorship in gaming and gaming forums/fora but the initial cause isn’t wokeness; it’s sensitivity to supposed “profanity”.
Let me explain and expand on my nomination.
I’ve been a member of Steam since about 2014 and have mostly played games such as Elder Scrolls and Total War games on the platform in an individualist manner due to my reclusive, borderline-misanthropic nature so I’ve never really had to interact with other human beings on Steam on account of the fact that I find other people to be largely irritating and cunty. (Us too – NA)
During lockdown I’ve become more gaming-orientated (of course) and have subsequently started posting on forums/fora for those games. As a result I’ve been exposed to all types of “humans” and as a result I’ve had some negative experiences so feel the need to post about it here.
I recently got into a blazing row in a Steam gaming thread (I was sober) with an arrogant boomer cunt who had the fucking audacity to accuse me of all sorts because I wasn’t a “craftsman”…… whatever the fuck that means! (I do actually respect non-hipster craftsmen, just as long as they’re not arrogant cunts about it).
In response to his rude, demeaning and condescending comments I said some pretty well thought out, witty and cutting comments but I also called him variations of “nasty little prick”, “horrible bloody bastard” and “spiteful fucking cunt”.
Even though he was initially incredibly rude and offensive to me (although he never used swear words), I never complained about it and I never complained to Steam about it.
Never the less, I had numerous posts aimed at him removed from the forum because they contain sentences like “f*****g c**t” (no, I’m not fucking joking about that).
So this cunting addendum is more about the lack of understanding of tone and context (especially as it pertains to the written language). It doesn’t matter WHAT you say – it matters HOW you say it (context).
Eeerrrmmm….I once hit my brother over the head with the monopoly board and chucked the money,cards etc onto the fire when he beat me.
I was 7 or so at the time.
I thought you might have been playing Risk wearing a miniature Pith helmet and brandishing a pop gun.
Morning all, morning Fiddler.
I used to enjoy Risk….I seem to remember playing a horse racing game too…do people even play board-games any more?
Apparently they’re more popular than ever. The son of one of Lady Creampuff’s friends is obsessed with them, has a room piled high with the fuckers, including Risk & Monopoly & something called Othello.
Morning all.
How much Lego can you stuff up your bum?
Not now like…..when you was younger.
I wouldn’t give them the Steam off my piss.
Manhunt on the old Xbox is more like it.
I liked conkers.
And split the kipper.
But nobody plays it anymore.
I used to bake my conker in the bottom oven of the Aga for a few hours…came out like fucking bell-metal. I also used to deliberately aim for my opponent’s hand.
I liked marble too Dick,
And discovered theyre much more entertaining in a Black Widow catapult!!?
Fucking hell, far too dangerous for today’s snowflakes. They’d get taken into care these days.
I wonder if you can still buy caps?
Just don’t make the mistake I did if bored!
Dont go on the park, show the kids your lock knife and say
“Hey kids wanna play split the kipper?….
Some of the parents got very irrate….
We just used to call it ‘ Split ‘. Played it with sheath knives, which we carried about on a day to day basis.
But not at school.
I’ve carried a knife, of some sort, since I was in short pants. But we didn’t go round knifing each other, not like stabby cunts today.
Morning MNC.
Morning all.
Morning Jack.
Same here!
My dad gave me a small pocket knife when about 8yrs.
I felt like Tarzan!!?
My dad collected militaria and would allow me an my cousin’s to play with cavalry swords in the back garden.
On reflection maybe I should sue him for child endangerment?!
I have a small penknife, that belonged to my grandfather, who was a tall imposing gentleman, like his father. He had a magnificent moustache and was very no nonsense. Loved him to bits.
A man of Empire !
The knife is stamped ‘ Viners Sheffield Cutlers to His Majesty ‘
I treasure it.
Sheath knives were all the rage when I was twelve, wore them openly, adults didn’t turn a hair.
Still have a couple of flick knives picked up on family holidays in Spain. Love the mechanisms. Still illegal here I think.
PS: We used to play a game called ‘Chicken’. Possibly the same as ‘Split’?
Start with two boys* facing each other, feet spread as far apart as possible. One throws a knife into the ground between the feet of his opponent who must then move one foot next to the standing knife. Then it’s his turn to throw the knife.
The feet get closer and closer together and the amount of ground in which to stick the knives gets smaller and smaller until one chickens out.
* one of our most fearless players was a ten year old girl.
Morning Ruff.
Yes, pretty much the same game as split the kipper.
Elastic bands linked together made a useful catapult especially when used with tin foil folded into pellets. Aim at the bus ,fire then run. Brats today wouldn’t know where to start.
When I was a kid, all kinds of weaponry seemed to be available.
The most desirable being the bows and arrows, sold at the local toy shop.
These were the real deal, with proper metal heads, very sharp.
The fat kid, from over the road, who was spoiled rotten, had one. He almost shot himself once, pointed the cunt straight up and let fly.
It was funny as fuck watching him wobble around, trying to avoid the rapidly returning arrow. Which he did, unfortunately.
When access to dangerous weapons was denied, we just used to throw stones at each other. I can remember being knocked out, on the morning of the Labour club’s kids annual outing to Southport.
I adamantly refused to stay in bed and miss the trip. Purely because you got a ten bob note.
A veritable fortune to a youngster.
Happy days.
Do toy shops still exist ?
If so, they probably sell Action Man in a lovely pink camo uniform.
Get To Fuck.
That’s right. The new Action-Flake wears pink and is a transsexual. He carries a broomstick and wears one of those fuck-retard beanie hats with the LBQT rainbow logo on it. Pull a string on his back and he says “the only reason white people have babies is so they can simulate the experience of owning a slave”. Cunts.
I had a Action Man Christmas present many years ago. When I unwrapped it, the box was empty. It’s the new ‘action man deserter’ character, I was happily informed by the folks.
Tie the cunt to a post and shoot it, at dawn.
Garden Darts, attached to a length of cord and swung violently around ones head until escape velocity was reached.
Let go and see how far they could fly, hopefully missing any one in the vicinity.
The elf and safety polis would crap their pants at what we used to get up to.
I’m not sure what the law was, but we had air pistols and rifles. Remember regularly going to the sports shop and buying tins of pellets, am sure I was well under sixteen at the time.
Yep, the fat spoiled only child, who had everything was revered as he had an air pistol. Trouble was the local ‘toy’ shop that sold the pellets said he was to young and refused to sell them. We’d have been 12, 13 years and instead got me old grandfather to make the purchase. Having fought in the war he reasoned an air pistol was pretty benign.
I remember being about 13-14 when Hasbro started rebranding Action Man as some ‘Xtreme sports junkie’ with the gladiator ‘Trojan’ portraying him.
Get some dog shit on the end of a small branch. Flick it at the cunts on the rear platform of the bus as they are waiting to get off at the next stop.
Then run like fuck.
Happy days. ?
Wokedom is going to end up devouring everything before it eventually devours itself and disappears up its own fundament. That even the seemingly innocent world of video games is not immune from this cultural variant of the COVID virus is no surprise.
I’ve been reading this morning about the new woke outrage at SOAS – The School of Oriental and African Studies in the University of London. They have a new director, Adam Habib, who has a history of fighting real racism in South Africa. In a Zoom meeting with students he was asked the usual woke fuck-stick question of how he would treat lecturers that referred to the N word in lectures. Habit said that offenders would be investigated. Unfortunately, whilst saying this, he uttered the N word himself. The predictable happened, with various snowflake students screaming in horror, running around banging their heads against walls, passing out and having epileptic fits. Result – he’s been suspended pending investigation.
Cupid stunts. Like something out of a Tom Sharpe novel. Couldn’t make it up.
SOAS – Are you woke enough
……and yet, if you are a rapper you can use that word every other sentence as well as advocating shooting, stabbing and violence against women and arse bandits. Why don’t the wokies cry about that?
My Sega Saturn has none of this, it’s what I would expect of trash if you buy big titles on STEAM.
I am enjoying Valhiem though, very good and not at all woke.
I liked’ kick the tin’ but have nobody to play with nowadays. Cant remember arguing about terminology, although cunt would have been used.
Never been into computer games.
Remember other lads getting into Pacman and Space invaders, but did nowt for me.
Both my kids are gamers,
Whatever floats your boat really?
I prefer axe throwing.
Medal of Honour on the old PlayStation was great fun. Shooting Germans with an array of authentic weapons. Fantastically exaggerated German accents and grenade retrieving dogs. Not a dark key or a hint of wokeness in sight.
I haven’t played online games since Xbox live back around 2008.
I got sick of all the obnoxious, entitled American teenagers.
There’s only so many times you can listen to some web-footed, gap-toothed, swivel-eyed, redneck kid make jokes about the British, tea, and thinking its funny to say the word ‘F@g’.
I used to enjoy the Hitman games. Might dust off the 360 actually.
Thanks for this nomination – I had wondered what “Steam was” and whether it would make up ground lost by the crappy graphics card in my ten year old laptop. Now you have confirmed it is a load of woke shite I shall make sure I give it a wide berth.
As for the death of freedom of speech we desperately need to apply a defibrillator to the patient but there doesn’t appear to be one within reach.
How long before freedom of thought is also outlawed by the woke?
I heard years ago, that young men and teenage boys would flip the camera to try and get close ups of Lara Croft’s tits and arse – desperately trying to see if they could get a glimpse of a nipple or cunt flaps at the right angle. “The dirty sexists, objectifying a strong female character like that,” one would say to pater.
Obviously, I know nothing about doing such things myself…
I enjoy a bit of virtual slaughter on the Xbox. It was definitely something to do during lockdown, and I prefer the based on reality stuff not the fantasy crap, where nazis or ruskies or snackbars are dispatched using various weaponry.
Currently playing an older title called Mafia 3, set in a fictional city based on New Orleans in 1969. There seems to be no censorship regarding the use of language, as every racial slur you imagine being traded by black, white and Italian cunts is gloriously voiced in 5.1 surround. It’s quite rife with misogyny too, and homophobia, so I imagine it will be of a dying breed. An example.
Sneaking up on two cunts guarding a mafia stash, I was about to shoot them in the face, but I heard one of them saying to his mate, ‘you’re a good looking guy Vinny, if I was a fuckin’ fudgepacker I’d fuck ya’
Sonic the hedgehog it isn’t.?
Fortunately I am a red blooded heterosexual, the last video game I owned and played was Attic Attack on the Sinclair Spectrum.
After the age if 13, all of my spare time (which wasn’t much, as I had evening and weekend jobs to earn my own money), was spent chasing fanny?
Due to the nature of those jobs I did, whilst at school, I had unlimited access to farmland and large private woodland to murder various indigenous wildlife with air rifle, shotgun and .22 rimfire.
The perfect evening back then would be driving around the fields in the farmers ratty old series 2 Land Rover, taking it in turns to drive with his lad, whilst the other took rabbits with the .22 rifle.
Once we had filled the farmers freezer with bunnies, off to the girlfriends to fill her?
Happier times-how I wish I could live in the England of my youth, not perfect but 99.9% better than the present fucker.
Pre Michael Ryan, it was still a common site to see groups of youngsters with sheath knives and openly carrying air rifles and pistols, at least in rural areas.
I remember staying with a mate in Cumbria and we were all taking it in turns to shoot empty beer cans off the wall, at the back of the village hall, with an old air pistol. A police car pulled up and and the copper came over-to have a go at shooting them.
10 minutes later, it was “behave yourselves, lads”, before driving away.
Imagine that scenario today-probably SO16?
We were too poor to have toys and so we invented games like Shit on a Stick.
It’s a bit like “It” but you run faster. ?
When I was a kid video games, as they were known back in ‘t day, were a rare thing and usually only owned by the kids with parents who had money.
We got given an Atari thing which had a tennis game on it – beeping from one side of the screen to the other, a bit boring after a while.
Then I got a Gat gun which was so weak I would have to shove the pellets through the barrel once or it would not fire them. Then I used some of the money working on farms in the holidays to buy a BSA Super Mercury air rifle and a Greencat bow, one of the first modern designs of compound bows.
I got to be a dead shot with both, but just used the rifle for targets after killing a starling with an amazing long range shot and being racked with guilt about it.
Sold the bow and bought a pair of Doc Martens with the money.
Great memories. I had a Gatt air pistol, which I bought with some of the first proceeds from a paper round when I was 13 or so. I went out with my mate to shoot some things up over on the common land and we passed the local Bobby. He arrested me! The irony was I didn’t know I was doing anything wrong. My gun was confiscated and I was fined 10 weeks paper round money.
A painful lesson but I had learnt to stay covert in future when I bought a BSA Air Sporter .22 (with scope). I swapped this for a Barnett crossbow, as my mate “wanted something less dangerous”. What a beast that was. Target practice with cars dumped on the common could put a bolt clean through one side and out of the other. A close up “demo” could put a bolt through the drivers door, through the seat and out through the floor leaving the bolt stuck in the ground at an impressive angle.
My Mum was annoyed at a squirrel, pinching food from a bird table, so I shot the sucker with the cross bow at close range. The bolt went through it, stuck on the flights, picked the body up in the air and the bolt ended up stuck in a nearby oak tree complete with skewered squirrel. I left it there to show Mum as I was so proud of my shot (turned out to be another big mistake as I was made to get rid of my beloved crossbow shortly following!).
Got a Gamecube years ago. But that was only because it had the original Atari Star Wars, Tempest and Asteroids on it.
I also think I still have that Grandstand Astro Wars game. That was great.
When I was in junior school me and a mate used to play with a .22 air rifle in the entry between the old terraced houses: we must have been nine or ten years old. At the age of thirteen with another mate we used to make nitrogen triiodde which for those of you not up on chemistry is an explosive so unstable that once it’s prepared and dried out will detonate if you stand beside it and fart loudly. At the same age I set up and ran a carbon arc in the living room at home one day; this is the technology used in searchlights for lighting up enemy aircraft in WW2. The level of light in our living room was something to behold. I think the reason my parents, who were in the room at the time, didn’t chastise me was because they were overwhelmed by the spectacle. I might add that these latter two stunts were performed using information from books in the school library. I doubt they are still there.
Truly great stuff. Did you ever try any experiments with Sodium Chlorate, Sugar and Jetex fuse? Pre IRA kicking off in the mainland the Chlorate was sold by hardware shops as weed killer (and it was never mixed with fire suppressant back then).
To complete the ensemble, as it were, 3/4” copper pipe was used in some way, allegedly, to contain the mixture with the Jetex fuse running through a small hole in the middle and the ends of the tube soldered shut (with a high wattage electric soldering iron – a flame might have been quite dangerous!). Used to make quite a good bang of the sort not available in firework shops.
So a friend told me of course but it sounded fun!
The most i’ve spent on a game on Steam is probably about £14, probably for a bundle.
Most of the games I played during lockdown are at least 10 years old.
How is Dirt Rally 2.0?! I’m not big on racing games I’ll play them tho if they are fun and not too difficult. Its been sitting on my list for a year sort of forgot about it I still haven’t played it yet
I thought it was more like a motocross game at first but this appears to be a off road racer which is a bit more up my alley. I wonder were the NHS ad banners region based? I imagine mine would be PHAC or HC then… I don’t mind mental health awareness or whatever but blm bullshit I would have a problem with. Come to think of it EA pulled that exact shit with Need 4 speed a few months back fucking stupid woke twats