The end of merit as a we know it.
‘The Bafta Film Awards have unveiled a highly diverse nominations list, with 16 of the 24 acting nominees this year coming from ethnic minority groups.’
Never mind the quality look at the skin colour. How long before we see Nobel science prizes awarded on this basis? Promotions in certain areas already work like this. And because the fuckers all regard themseves as victims they are not embarrassed by their lack of worth.
Downhill we go.
Nominated by: Cunstable Cuntbubble
Awards what a load of bollocks. What difference does it make. I haven’t a knighthood, so does it show compares to some cunt who as one? Not like in the old days when one had a castle and land. All pretentious crap. Fuck em, fuck em all.
I hope Rangi Ram from It Ain’t Half Hot Mum gets an award…ethnic acting at its best.
Also Gupte from Only When I Laugh must be up for an award.
The whole of society is being restructured to support the veneration of the dimwits, deviants, scroungers and the morbidly obese. A trip to the shops this morning convinced me that there was some sort of ‘Festival of All the Cunts’ going on, Verbalise your disdain for such unutterable twats and you will be dragged off for re-programming in the doctrine of woke.
Whoever said that “The Cunts shall inherit the earth” was spot on. Fuck off.
I’ve been a strong believer in meritocracy pretty much all my life.
Human nature being what it is means people play favourites, have personal or political agendas or are just plain biased. When it happens on a small, local scale there tends to be fall out to varying degrees and it’s often seen and acknowledged by some at least, that something is wrong.
When it happens on a national scale or in this case a bloody film awards, it lowers the bar and encourages the weak minded to believe it’s OK to be diverse for the sake of being diverse.
It seems that national or high profile events setting a high standard of integrity and professionalism are over. That said, I have NEVER understood why there are even such things as film awards or music awards or whatever. How can anyone objectively say this person or that person is the “best” actor or that album is the “best” album of the year? It’s all utter nonsense and those who join in, celebrate it and immerse themselves in that kind of event show themselves for who they really are. Cunts.
Black? Prize.
Wimminz? Prize.
Talent? No prize.
This is the revenge of those who won nothing on school sports day.
When I storm to power the national game will be called “Gladiatorial death day” – that will get rid of the wet fuckers and provide an excellent source of cheap protein for the Re-education camps ?
Quite right, Vernon. A few fucking heads on pikes would go a long way to restoring a bit of sense.
The ruling class don’t want smart people. They want obedient workers.
Whatever methods they can use, they will. This is just another on a long list of things designed to deliberately suppress humanity from evolving beyond their control. Fucking cunts.
The main method is of course, poison. Physical, emotional, or in this case intellectual.
Which ruling class are we talking about New Labour/Labour and the march through every institution in the country or tugging your forelock to the gentry in the nineteenth century.
The ruling class of royals, powerful dynasties, and particular institutions centred in Europe. They go back well before the 19th century.
New Labour, Marxism, Communism, all that funky shite is 20th century experimentation by these ruling cunts.
The world has gone so BAME mad that soon us whitey’s will be the ones moaning about a lack of diversity and representation
CM@ – From our concentration camps.
Blacks and gays are vastly over represented in all media. Oscars are rewarded to blacks exactly in line with their % in the overall population in the US. Yet every year theirs a confected outrage. Fuck the cunts. No ones watching.
Do you think China’s doing that? Letting political correctness get in the way of advancement ahead of the rest of the world? Fuck no! The West has become a silly people. China is a serious people. They don’t fuck around with this bullshit. We binge watch, they binge build. Are they winning? No. They already won. The returns are just not all in yet.
Woke diversity replacing merit is national suicide.
Did you see in retaliation for sanctions China has taken certain western shops off their maps and closed some western linked online shopping sites.
I say the best way to get back at these Chinky Covid starting cunts is for us to hit them where it hurts – stop making our fucking products there.
When their dirty little sweatshops start closing down they’ll soon realise we don’t need them.
Filthy peasants.
Nah you wait. They’re about to go through the cultural revolution we had in the 60s, minus the drugs. Their middle class is ballooning. They will demand more, especially the women. It’s a natural consequence of material gluttony.
China doesn’t control shit. They would still be a dank pit without western influences. Now they’re a concrete smoggy hellhole because their leaders are corrupt/corrupted by western agents who dumped all our industry there.
You can’t beat down 1 billion people forever. They will revolt eventually.
I hope you are right but the hold of the CCP over the minds of most Chinese is very strong. The CCP are currently the biggest bunch of cunts on the planet.
The Chinese people are like us by and large, they’re not terminally stupid. They can all see exactly what their glorious leaders have done to their country, to their culture, to their land. They know about the corruption at the city level all the way up to the top. They are just brow beaten into submission through fear and intimidation.
You can’t keep that lid sealed forever. Nature always wins.
Dumbfuckery for dumbfucks. I don’t give a shit. Look at what the content of the shit winning awards is. The fact they are virtue signalling about how woke they are by handing out meaningless gongs to ethnically diverse recipients shouldn’t take our attention from the toxic shit being produced and fed to the youth of our society.
Go find the video for Lil Nas X’s latest offering and ask yourself what’s really going on here.
This is what the entertainment industry is poisoning young minds with. I’m guessing most of you won’t bother to watch it but you should.
Once at a country show was a man who put merits down his trousers.
It was very funny.
Probably a lot safer than ferrets!
Trite autotuned and lightweight illustrated by degenerate kaffirs. Pretty standard nowadays.
Sadly, absolutely true. I`m an actress and this is my audition makeup.
Disgraceful racism….it’s saying to “minorities” that you have been picked only because you are different and have not been selected on ability but on ethnicity…Fuck me,talk about patronising.
I’ve half a mind to go and take a shit on Mark Commode.
I remember reading last year during the Floyd pandemic about some awards ceremony putting forth a new criteria for award selection. A nomination had to include a certain amount of BAME’s not only in its performance list but its production team also, to even be considered. The mad cunts.
Bad ideas if unchecked soon become bad laws. This is the future cunters.
I’ve seen the future brother, it is murder.
It’s clearly a result of the whining bastards stamping their feet and wailing about not having awards last time because, err, their acting is a load of fucking shite. I hope they at least have the self awareness to realise that they’re being pandered to with these nominations/awards. Cunts.
I don’t think that any actor or musician has been turned down for an award because of their skin colour.
But now plenty of white people will be.
I have read that only films where a good proportion of the ‘backroom staff’ are black will be considered for more general awards.
If these rewards were not worthless before, then they certainly are now.
Only Black Lives Matter and so creative merit can go hang.