Virtue Signalling Celebrity gobshites

Celebrity gobshites deserve a nomination. Earlier today (Wednesday 17th March) some fucking numbnuts went into a massage parlour in Atlanta and opened fire. At the time of typing this, there were eight dead and at least one wounded. Six of the victims were Asian, or Oriental as we’d say over here. The shooter has been arrested and, despite saying that it wasn’t racially motivated, it didn’t take long for the gobshites, led by the out of touch, coke snorting retards in Hollyweird to claim that it was. The shooter is claiming that he has a sex addiction, and sees places like massage parlours as sources of temptation.

But of course, Hollyweird knows better. And because there has been a recent upsurge in attacks on Asian-Americans, they’re all saying it WAS a racist attack. Personally, I don’t know. What really annoys me about this though is that, in their rush to once again show how virtuous they are, these self righteous cunts couldn’t even muster the decency to wait even a few days before pointing the finger at the usual suspects. I mean, it was literally only minutes before the first tweets blaming evil white men started appearing, with various Hollyweird fucksticks leading the charge. For fuck’s sake, have they so little respect for the victims and their families? Of course they do, because they don’t really give a fuck that eight people are dead, it’s all about the virtue signalling.

One of the worst is George Takei, who has become a tiresome shite over the past few years, who has blamed Republicans, particularly Trump supporters, for the shooting. What an utter cunt. Fuck you George. You were one of the more forgettable members of the the original Star Trek cast, and haven’t really done much of note since then. What happened to all the #TimeToHeal guff they were spouting after demented Joe Biden was ‘voted’ into the White House? That went out the window pretty quick. Here’s an idea, how about shutting the fuck up, until you know the facts? And even then, keep shutting the fuck up, because normal are sick of your shit.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

51 thoughts on “Virtue Signalling Celebrity gobshites

  1. Talking of which, I am currently preparing a thermonuclear cunting for that anti-Trump cunt and arch-hippy hypocrite, Graham Nash. The cunt isn’t even American for a start…

    • Graham fucking Nash. I read his auto-biography, man. Fucking ludicrous hippy who reckons Joni was the love of his life. Ms Mitchell sees it rather differently.
      Claims to have saved Crosby from checking out a few times but again that does seem somewhat of an exaggeration.
      As for his ‘fame’, well I don’t think he’s ever written a decent song has he?
      Far Out, Man. You fucking idiot.

    • I heard somewhere around 80% of these attacks have been committed by dark keys.

  2. George made it to Captain of the Excelsior so he must be doing something right.

    He also voiced the same character in Shattered Universe and we all remember what a classic that was.

    Seriously, the thing with all these cunts telling us how to live while they do the opposite (jet planes, travel etc) is really starting to piss people off.

    • There’s nothing more tiresome than Star Trek has-beens. Only Nimoy and, to a more limited extent, Shatner had some genuine talent (particularly Nimoy as a director – Shatner is only really good at playing bombastic twats, but he can do this quite well). The rest of them, particularly George Takei, are talentless b-list actors that have made a career out of wanking cunt-nerds at Trekkie conventions.

      • I should have mentioned that DeForest Kelly was an excellent actor, the best on the cast and he had the best character.

      • The Ivan cunt – Chekov – used to irritate me. A lot of sci-fi is like that though. One or two good actors and the rest are arse. Those Star Wars prequels being a case in point. Ian McDiarmid ruled as Palpatine, but all the others: Ewan McGregcunt, Natalie Portmouth, Hayden Thingy were all cack.

        The classic Star Trek was a bit like Batman though. Neither West (RIP) or Ward were great actors, and only Burgess Meredith could be classed as a top drawer actor. But it was of its time and it all worked and was great fun.

    • Useless past-their-sell-by-date cunts like George, only say such controversial things in order to cling on (geddit?) to their last vestiges of fame in the public eye. Other than that they have fuck all to offer and fuck all to say!

      • LOL I met The Shat at the For the Love of Sci-Fi convention a couple of years back and I have the photo to prove it.

        William Shatner is a GOD in my world and can do no wrong, the talk he gave was refreshingly “not up own asshole” and he looks really good for his age….better than fucking Toyah anyway.

      • Have to admit that despite my rant I’m quite a fan of the original Star Trek TV series and movies. Never got into any of the follow up’s though, like Next Generation, which seem to lack the sparkle, humour and fun of the original. Takei is still a cunt though.

      • More fame equals more opportunities to engage in acts of depraved poovery.
        The bloke is a complete blowhard cunt.

  3. The killer was a born-again Baptist who was “big into religion” and came from a “good, Christian family (sic).” There ain’t no hatred quite like the Christian love, is there. Except perhaps that of Alläh.

    George Takei is an irritating, talentless cunt.
    Early life: Famous for pretending to be on a flying spaceship and occasionally leaning to one side
    Later life: Famous for being a homó and leaning over.

    • Takei was is that bloody awful Green Beret film, truly the low point of John Wayne’s career…

  4. I suspect the shooter was one of those American psedo-religous puritans (just suffering “sex addiction” as a fig leaf). the same sort of wierdo who want to stop the stripping and teasing in Bristol. Give me Hazel Honysuckle any day or Miss Maranda. Or Puss n’Boots or Greta Garter. Just give me the bumps and grinds, Night Train and Blues In The Night.

  5. I’d put them all in a concentration camp and watch Laurel and Hardy instead.
    The stupid empty cunts.

    • Arthur Daley uses the word “shooters” in this scene from the very first episode of Minder.

      He also uses the word “spades” when enquiring about the ethnicity of the hijackers. Funnily enough, the younger (black) hijackers don’t want to go to Ethiopia: “I don’t wanna go there – that’s Africa!”

      • And that Shane Richie cunt thinks all geezers say ‘shoota’.

        Minder was ace in the early days. Always had some cracking birds in it too. That revolting Shane Richie cuntbubble should have been sealed in concrete after trying to resurrect/murder Minder.

  6. I’m still struggling with ‘The end of porn’ from yesterday.
    That’s 80% of my act.

      • …and mine – watching the morbidly obese spouse watching Classic Emmerdale, munching chocolate, or watching Puss nBoots taking her panties off? – no contest (and no adverts for Over 50s life assurance either).

    • If it’s a multi billion dollar industry, several million of which will be going into the bank accounts of various members of Congress, both Demonrat and Republican, then I doubt it will go away entirely. Besides, in the age of t’internet, I think it would be all but impossible to completely get rid of the U.S. porn industry. Besides, Biden would never allow his hair sniffing fetish sites to be shut down.

  7. Takei made a big fuss about the treatment of Japanese living in America after the attack on Pearl Harbour, as at the time, no one could be sure of their loyalty to their adopted country, they were put in internment camps (not labour or concentration) until it became apparent that most benign. Although they were under guard, there is real allegation of harsh treatment.
    Perhaps the old fruit could compare their experience with that of Americans captured by the Japanese, or the experience of anyone who got in their way, military or civilian. Their behaviour, particularly to the civilians when they were being kicked out of the Philippines is especially grim. Sick fuckers weren’t they George? George?

    • …and elsewhere. Some of those tales of the Japanese torturing British and Dutch soldiers in Thailand while they were being forced to build the railway are stomach-churning.

      George? George?

  8. Celebrity virtue signalling is indeed an omnipresent cunt these days.

    Time was when just one or two of the cunts were at it. Early adopters as it were. Like that cunt Bonio. They weren’t so popular for it years back. I remember when Apple gave their customers a free U2 album and were inundated with complaints from people who didn’t want that shite foisted on them. It’s everywhere now, actively encouraged by the mainstream media who don’t seem to give a damn whether their customers want regular helpings of sanctimony or not.

    Here’s the thing though. It doesn’t make the world a better place. It just fans the flames of division, like in the example from this nomination.

    The MSM bear a lot of guilt for fostering this celebrity cult. I’ll bet you’ve all heard of Great Thunderbucket who gains relentless media exposure. I’ll bet you’ve never heard of Boyan Slat though. A young man who is actually making a practical contribution to improving the planet instead of playing the virtue signalling game. Thought not. That’s because the MSM aren’t interested in the real world.

    • That young fellow “cleaning up the oceans”, I do wish he would start with the English Channel.

  9. If there is a god, LA and especially Hollywood would be consumed in a pillar of fire. Fucking vile self centred arrogant cunts.

  10. What’s going on in America at the moment is truly astonishing. If you had told me just a few years ago that one day Yanks would be pulling down statues of Columbus and Lincoln and burning the Stars and Stripes in the street I would have called you a mental cunt, you don’t know what you are talking about. You have to hand it to the commies, they’ve done a fucking good job.
    Meanwhile thousands of cunts are gathering on their southern border and Uncle Joe is picking a fight with Putin. Big fucking trouble coming.

    • Biden is a fucking cardboard cut out.
      He’s picking a fight with no cunt except the reflection in his care home mirror.

      The Dems are carrying on from where St Barack’s administration left of pre Trump.

  11. In a multiracial society you are going to get people of different races attacking each other, Black on Asian attacks and vice versa are just as common but you won’t hear about that.

    The media stopped reporting the race of suspects for a long while but now it’s back, if the suspect is white that is.

  12. Celebrity Gobshites. Elevated because of the morons that follow. Plan: Get rid of the followers. Result: Gobshites fucked.

  13. This outrage by the liberal elites and MSM is in direct contrast to a story I heard about recently.

    Two teenagers aged 14 and 16 broke into a disabled mans home in Rochester, New York and doused him in a flammable liquid then set him on fire while they watched for a few moments and then fled. The man died in hospital after four days from second-and third- degree burns to more than 70% of his body.

    If you haven’t heard about this maybe its because it was a white victim and the alleged killers were two black teens. Unlike the Atlanta shootings there is no white supremacy or far right angle to push for the left, so who gives a fuck?

  14. I’ve got a good old mate, or used to have a good old mate more precisely, who virtue signals his bollocks off(debatable whether he physically has any of those) on any issue.
    As long as it’s a chance to put the boot into his own people, his country and his cultural heritage, he’s on it in a flash.

    Loves Jeremy Corbyn
    Loves Joe Biden/Kameltoe Harris
    Loves perpetual lockdowns/de facto house arrest.
    Loves WFH.
    Defends Islamic rape gangs.
    Defends St George Floyd but wouldn’t dare defend St George.
    Hates Donald Trump
    Hates anyone with a political view that’s to the right of Lenin.

    You know the type.

  15. It’s entirely predictable how this whole horrible tragedy has been framed as a ‘hate crime’ simply because the majority of the victims were Asian. If he went into a fucking city centre and the majority of the victims were Asian, then we’d have a blatant case for a racially motivated attack. But in the current age where its trendy to blame THE WHITE DEVIL for all of society’s ILLS, it doesn’t take much for these oh so tolerant and not at all anti white racist bastards to come raining down like a septum pierced, muesli eating hurricane.

  16. Blacks hate the Asians in the USA as they are, generally, hard-working and value education: an anathema to the people of colour. Their solution is to pick on them and bring them down to their level.

  17. I think the only thing celebrity gobshites deserve is being completely ignored. In fact, not just the gobshites, they could all do with some time out of the media.

  18. Fortunately, this cuntishness only appears on my radar, via IsAC.
    I thought most of the original Star Trek actors would have been long dead, by now.

    Wasn’t it the first ever interracial kiss on mainstream television? Kirk and uhera or whatever the fuck she was called?

    I saw a clip from the later series, starring that English, baldy bum bandit: it has the most grotesque creature ever to grace our screens. Truly horrific.
    Whoopi Goldberg, I thing it was called?

    • Afternoon General.

      Pedantic point of ordure: The first interracial kiss on mainstream TV took place right here in Blighty between Lloyd Reckord and Andree Melly in ITV’s Armchair Theatre production of Hot Summer Night, broadcast on 1st February 1959.


  19. When your the vilest people on earth who have trampled over everyone to get to the top through narcissism, entitlement and greed dont be surprised these Virtue cunts stick together. They all have unused houses in New Zealand where they can escape when the shit hits the fan and their beloved left comes for them to stick their heads on a pike.

  20. Sirs:

    George Takei is gay. Did you know he is gay? He is gay. Super gay. Mega gay. Ultra gay. And he wants you to know it. Because he’s gay.

    Blacks hate Asians because the cunning yellow devils hog all the shrimp and crab legs.

    Blacks hate gay Asians even more. So George should keep is head on a swivel on those rare occasions he ventures out into the world.

    Jumpin’ Jesus on a pogo stick, I am sick of these cunts.

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