A once in a hundred year, Lloyds of London cunting for fuckers who do not insure their property and then cry for assistance when shit happens.
We have just had major flooding here in New South Wales following a bloody long torrential downpour ( 7 days and nights ) and yes, many poor bastards have lost everything and yes, my heart goes out to them.
Many who have been interviewed on TV and Radio have said things like “At least we are insured ” so of course they are traumatised but will get some financial recompense and nothing can make up for the sentimental losses
but the ones who make my piss temperature elevate are the ones who are begging for Community or Government compensation because they did not have insurance. Fuck off, don’t build your house on a flood plain and then moan if you get flooded and don’t have insurance. If that makes me a heartless cunt then so be it.
Nominated by: Grumpy Old Cunt
You are an heartless old cunt GOC. You are also absolutely correct.
Sorry for taking this off-topic so early. Hope admins won’t mind.
However, anyone out there with an Apple device (iPhone, iWatch, iPad etc.) MUST install the latest Apple security update ASAP, if they haven’t already done so!
There is a zero-day virus currently doing the rounds (first discovered on 29th March) that has the potential of either wiping vulnerable devices, and/or stealing data. And is embedded in Apple’s web browser, Safari.
You may have already been alerted about installing the latest security patch from Apple. If you haven’t then go into your settings and push for the latest updates, install and reboot.
Apple Release Urgent Security Update
Thank you Techno
It wasn’t even an automatic update either, I had to go looking for it!
Thanks Techno. A patch? It was more like a fuckin’ big bandage.
Worse than putting the clocks forward with 5 apple devices in our hoos to check!
Phew Bertie, I hope you saved your stash of titillating Jane Fonda pictures in time.
Libs – you’ve set off the horn now. I’m thinking of Barbarella but a little gerontophilia with an 83 year old wouldn’t go amiss!
The only caveat I’d add is if they can’t get cover. Insurance companies like the income but not the risk.
In my experience they fight like hell to find any old reason not to pay out when you do need them. Cunts.
It’s also worth checking whether the house you’re buying in the middle of an old river bed can be insured in the first place.
Very true.
But you could have had a place for 20 years with insurance but a refusal the next.
Is there no way of editing comments?
I was in Marine insurance as in underwriter for almost 30 years.
The reputation of an insurance company is generally regarded and judged by the quality of service of their claims department to their assured.m
The cheapest insurance is often the cheapest for a very good reason.
Totally agree.
I wouldn’t wish flood/fire etc. on anyone but how people dare live in a house without insurance is beyond me…..you’re always just one electrical fault away from losing everything. Some folk seem happy to spend thousands of Pounds on holidays or cars and yet won’t pay a few hundred for home insurance…fucking incredible. I do have sympathy for those people who can’t get cover…must be fucking terrifying.
Of course,if Fiddler Towers were to flood or burn down the loss to the nation would be incalculable…my vast collection of foxes’ brushes alone is world renowned,never mind all my other priceless antiquities.
Dick, I know you have a smidgeon of antipathy for “Down Under ” but if you have an absolute hatred for “Old Reynard ” ( and I believe it to be so ) then, when travel is permitted, you should take a sojourn down here to NSW. You can snipe away to your hearts content at the cunning bastards. When the furs were worth a bob or two you could make some decent coin, and there were so many weekend shooters making a quid, the population was kept at reasonable levels. The anti-fur brigade caused that market to collapse so now the bastards are in plague proportions. The sheep farmers will even pay YOU to separate them from their breath. I got 17 last weekend!!!
It’s not as much “Down Under” that I’m not wild on…it’s the fear of running into Shane Fucking-Warne that frightens me…what if I didn’t have my rifle to hand?…I’d never be able to live with the disappointment.
I do hope that you keep your clandestine piss cam videos in a fireproof safe.
As a unique record of the nation’s seedy underbelly, their loss to the dirty mac brigade of Blighty, would cause an anguish too great to bear.
Morning, Dick.
Up to much ?
Doing a bit of fencing,Jack. Having trouble with the strainers because the ground’s just shitty peat and one or two of them are shifting when the lads are pulling the wire…I’m just keeping out the way,I tend to lose my temper with things like that and start accusing people of not putting them in properly even though I know that it’s actually just the conditions that are to blame.
Spring’ll see you busy,eh?
I have emerged from winter, with gusto. Although I’ve been busy during the dark months, doing jobs on the Rookery, it’s good to be out and about doing jobs again.
I’m looking forward to getting further afield, now that Lockdown is easing.
As it happens, I was doing a bit of reminiscing the other day, regarding a holiday we had years ago, in Northumberland, when the kids were little.
We stayed at a boarding house in Bellingham, run by a wonderfully no nonsense old woman, who would provide us with a magnificent breakfast, before waving us off,as we went mooching around Kielder and Redesdale forests, in the Land Rover.
It’s somewhere that I fancy visiting again.
I can sympathise with the fencing problem. Thankfully, not something I bother about any more.
Out of curiosity, do you use the NFU ?
Use the N.F.U. ?…for insurance?…I used to but after a couple of claims they got too expensive ( and were glad to see the back of me,I suspect).
It’s the midges that spoil Kielder…I remember doing a thinning job for the Foresty….just near the lake shore. Some days it was literally unbearable when the little fuckers started…in your eyes,ears,hair…petrol when you filled the saw. Tried sprays,nets,everything,but it was impossible to work through them.
To try and avoid the dreaded midge, we’ve always tried to go up there and Scotland, early in the year. It doesn’t seem as bad, or perhaps we’ve just dropped lucky.
I used to be with NFU until very recently, but as you say, they’ve become quite expensive.
Enjoy the day ! It’s glorious here.
Why people would pay for junk food takeouts, hideous German cars and holidays to Elsbells and leave their property uninsured is a mystery that only the cunt or chav brain can figure out.
As for buying a house on a flood plain or one that Jaws used to live in….get to fuck.
More common than you may think. Many people consider that having the latest iPhone and/or a large flat screen TV comes higher in the list of priorities than having boring old house insurance. Just like the ones “too poor to feed the kids” and those who are “forced” to use food banks.
Similar to the numbskulls who don’t have any pension to speak of but “must have” what they believe their peers are enjoying. I have zero sympathy for these people when the turds hit the rotors.
I wish Owen Jones would be burnt to the ground or washed away in a torrential downpour. Natures revenge would be our gain.
You see the appeals. Some chavs have lost everything in a chip pan/fag end/dope accident.. Please help.
Fuck off.
Correct CC. The standard procedure now is the Go Fund Me option. It speaks volumes for the current state of society that these are actually responded to with donations – there should be a Get To Fuck button that sucks ten quid out each time it’s clicked & puts it into something worthwhile. Scrounging fucking cunts.
Yep, these Fund me pages tend to attract the less honest in our society..like the woman who had “cancer” and wanted to fund her chav wedding and “honeymoon”
I do not give to any of these scams…life worked well before them so I see no reason to and I wonder if the generous people who run these websites would want to open the books so we can see how much they skim off the top?
Fucking crooks.
What’s the point of insurance when in a few years, you’ll own nothing and be happy.
If I lived in that region my home would be a retired Royal Navy MTB.
Replete with torpedoes for the crocs.
And nosy neighbours.
It is the same class of cunt who buys a house in a flood prone area then complains about flooding as the type of cunt who buys a house above/near a long established noise generating place, be it pub or club or sex dungeon, Then complains about noise.
Don’t insure and suffer loss, no sympathy here.
Can’t insure and suffer loss, no sympathy here either, you bought a house in a stupid place you cunt.
Where exactly is this sex dungeon? There was one in Attercliffe Sheffield but I was unfairly barred.
Like all insurers you have to watch these crafty slimy bastards. Always shop around when it comes to renewals.
Upon checking my late father’s bank statements and after him being with them for over 40 years, Lloyds home insurance had managed to con him out of £270 a MONTH, with their add-ons and automatic renewals!
Over to confused.com and exactly the same cover and contents cover is £105 a YEAR! And that includes free legal assistance should you ever need it.
What a set of cunts.
If it was by direct debit claim it back and fuck them.
You’re right Unkle but unfortunately legally they have done nothing wrong. Morally however they had been fucking over an old man of 83 for a good number of years.
I did find a good way of infuriating Lloyds though. I moved all of my money from my savings account to my current account. With interest at only 0.15 it didn’t make any difference to me but it makes a hell of the difference to them not being able to lend it out at 29.9 APR.
Whenever they contact me aking about me moving my money back to a savings account I aways remind them how they screwed over my father and tell them politely to fuck off!
Lloyd’s Bank is full of wankers, I work in the industry and they are cunts. This describes them well. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lloyds_Bank_coprolite
Hahaha, Well played, CCTCM.
You are 100% right, it does sum them up very well and I shall be using that link with gusto, with an acknowledgement to your good-self of course. Thank you.
If that fails, just give it some of this. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=nazis+with+lloyds+bank&t=brave&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.gettyimages.com%2Fphotos%2Fthe-paris-branch-of-the-british-lloyds-bank-with-a-swastika-hanging-picture-id3395276
I used to work for the NFU as a claims investigator – they have bounced the premium prices up hugely due to “unwashed caravan enthusiasts” thieving everything from farms that is not nailed down.
And just down the road from where I am they have recently finished a field full of egg boxes – said field is situated right next to the river Ouse, below the level of the banks and has flooded pretty much every year I can remember.
Perhaps it would have been wise for buyers to check this before paying a minimum of 200K for what is effectively a bath with walls.
Some people are such Cunts. I went to a 4 bed detached in Kent , No Mortgage , lovely Alfa on the drive and no fucking Insurance – we are talking about £30 pm – £50 if you are shit at shopping around.
I must also be a cunt , as I do fucking laugh when I see a ‘ Go Fund Me ‘ poor Wayne crashed his scooter in Thailand and had no insurance – My only donation is this ….. CUNT
Fuck in, they’re choice. They obviously think it’s a rip off. Their progrative.