The Third Wave

This was an Emergency Cunting BTW, if such a thing exists.

The “Third Wave” is a total cunt.

Just in case you were getting excited to see your OWN FUCKING FAMILY again don’t be…Boris the tubby porky philandering liar has been droning on about it today so expect the media to whip up the inevitable THIRD WAVE (c) which will be blown into a shit storm to scare the weak minded and permanently baffled.

I’m not super wealthy, but in my own way, I’ve been pretty successful and I’ve done this by going on gut feeling, when something looks and feels wrong it normally is and I either change it or have nothing to do with it.

This government, the ludicrous powers it has passed, the vaccine, the lies and corrupt dealings all feel wrong to me and has the stench of rotten fish..with flies buzzing round them.

No doubt we will see uber contract awarding Matt “shifty” Hancock talking the same rubbish in the next few weeks so don’t get too excited that the phony vaccine was the “way out”….do me a lemon.

Fuck the lot of these corrupt cunts and I hope one day to see them all strung up.

Nominated by: Spanky Mc Spank

62 thoughts on “The Third Wave

  1. Shouldn’t it be the fourth wave? Fuck knows, i’ve lost count. All good preparation………”papers please, I must see your vaccination certificate.” Pubs… closed, cinema….closed, theatre…..closed, music festivals……not happening, football….. do fuck off. “Papers please, papers please. Is there a reason you are on the street sir?”
    Just stay at home and watch the BBC. We’ll tell you what to do, what to think. We must take care of your mental elf now mustn’t we?

  2. “Say hello-wave goodbye”.

    Should be this “Cunt-try’s” new National Anthem.

    Sand n**gers of various dubious origins, free to arrive, free to stalk playgrounds, all at our expense. Meanwhile Granny Smith passes the final years of her life, locked away from her loved ones, in abject loneliness.

    All to save the fucking N.H.S?

    Fucking lying cunts.

    • Yes, we live over the flight path to Manchester. Loads of Islamabad flights come in every week. As do Dubai and other assorted shit holes.

      • You need a launcher with BO or seeking missiles . Locked on and away we go.

      • Watch out for falling dark keys from the undercarriages of passing aircraft. Might want to install a giant trampoline over your house.

  3. The description of third wave would be better attributed to the filth arriving on rubber ferries as we head into spring and summer.

    The sooner the EU countries are added to the ‘red list’ the better, close our borders and open up the UK, over 50% of adults have had the first dose, all the over 50’s and those younger with summat will be done by mid April, give a couple of weeks for it to kick in any open up at the start of May.

    Foreign travel can be banned until June or July to all red list countries.

    • Pity the stupid cunts who booked summer holidays to European destinations a few weeks back, thinking that the gradual lifting of lockdown restrictions would mean being able to take foreign holidays this summer!

      Quite frankly, regardless of what is about to be lifted (no shirts one hopes!), it would be fucking crazy to attempt to book any kind of holiday this year for precisely this reason – we ain’t out of the shitpie yet, and Boris will change his mind on relaxing restrictions quicker than Katy Price drops her drawers!

      • yeah be crazy? get this I am fucking crazy about been locked up can’t go out never mind on fucking holiday yet the cunts in charge bring in hundreds of fuckers into my country every day bastards fucking hate them PS had to cancelled 4 fucking holidays since this fucking mess began. That’s right I’m fucking pissed off Covid is a cunt, but Boris and is useless gang of twats are bigger cunts…pps hope I’ve not offended anyone looks like I’ve got a life ban on twatter 7 weeks. Bet it took less than katie hopkins trumpy or T Robison. Cunt

  4. Was it really worth bankrupting the country to the tune of £400bn, along with masses and masses of jobs lost (and soon to be lost), businesses closed, people suffering all sorts of physical and mental disorders, losing their freedoms and being told what we can and can’t do… all to save the fucking NHS!!??

    There will be 3rd wave, along with a 4th, 5th and 6th. This virus is here for keeps, just like the flu virus and any other common virus that affects a small minority of people on an annual basis!

    This is political fuckwittery on a massive scale, and most of the cunts who dropped us in this shit will all get a pass when its all over (China, being the biggest example, with BJ Boris all too eager to keep trade ties strong)

    Quite frankly when the government hands out the £400bn invoice to the populace, you may as well be dead because the forthcoming recession will make the Great Recession of the 1920s look like a picnic in the park!

  5. Just three weeks to flatten the curve.

    Just until the old folks are safe.

    Just until we can make sure the NHS isn’t overrun.

    Just until we have a vaccine.

    …and so it continues.

    Are you still buying this shit..?

  6. If all this negative shit from the government doesn’t stop the the recent Bristol kick off will only be the start of it.
    Go to fuck.

  7. Some dozy trout from the SAGE and onion party quoted “we will be wearing face coverings and social distancing for years.”Rubbish.People will rebel.Riots ahead.Guaranteed.Oven please Unkle Terry

    • The first lockdown didn’t work. So had another.
      That didn’t work either. So we had another.

      How long are the bovine herds going to stand for this shit?

      Now it’s vaccines. We will be in lockdown until we have injected you wirh fuck knows what and you’ll come begging for more if it means you can fuck off to Benidorm for two weeks. But not this year.

      Darwinism in a hyperdermic needle.

  8. The 3rd wave soon to be followed by the 4th, 6th, 7th,8th,9th and 10th wave.

    Now the cunts have found a way to control us they won’t give up that easily. Autocracy is opportunistic and moves by stealth. Income tax was introduced in 1799 as a temporary measure to pay for the Napoleonic wars. Napoleon is long gone but income tax hasn’t. Cunts.

  9. The government have spent £100million on Covid advertising.
    What sort of deadly virus needs a fucking PR team.
    Latest is a £2million contract handed out to Genesis Advertising to continue ‘Covid advertising’ which runs until 2023….

    • Yes-saw that on a Lotus Eaters podcast-PR firm handling Northern Ireland advertising.
      I wonder what relation to Boris or his cronies, the MD is???

  10. Just so you all know, I DID take part in the doorstep vigil last night but instead of standing there like a gormless cunt with an Asda tealight, I merrily and generously stood and windmilled my cock in tribute to the gold plated job that “Boris the Cunt” and “Matt Shifty Hancock” have done.

    I salute you both with the cheese from my crusty cock.

    (I was contemplating having some cheese on toast for brunch. Gone right off the idea now. Can’t imagine why! – DA)

  11. How can a third wave in the EU hit us if we’re locked down and they’re locked down?
    Bunch of lying cunts just want to continue controlling us.
    I notice that the Bill to INCREASE their powers passed with barely a murmur.

    • Come the next general election you will be TOLD who to vote for, otherwise face a good kicking in the police cells for a few weeks until you conform for the “greater good!”

  12. As sure as night follows day, by this time next year, the UK will be in a ‘lockdown’ scenario.

    If Hancock and his cronies advised a piss pot on the head to help control the virus, you could guarantee to see half the public wandering round with them on within days.

    • I don’t know about anywhere else but most of the public toilets in Leicester are shut so carrying your own piss pot might prove to be useful. Yet shitting in the street is still not acceptable?

  13. So we have herd immunity and all high risk groups are no longer high risk due to vaccination.
    But in order to stop more mutations we have to stay in lock down indefinitely?
    Interesting approach.
    I hope there are many more mutations so that the clowns have to face the fact that we either get on with life,with all its attendant risk factors,or return to the Stone Age.
    This is the modern age.Crammed with cowards,thieves and traitors.
    Fuck Off.

  14. Any cunt wanting a holiday with “our friends” in the EUSSR can stay there as far as I am concerned. As for the ex Pat’s whinning they haven’t been vacced, fucking tough luck you should have stayed here. Cunts every fucking one of them.

  15. How many bodies in the street have you stepped over this week folks?

    This shite has gone on for OVER ONE YEAR of all our lives. If you believe the mainstream narrative now there’s truly no hope.

    It kills 0.something % of the people who catch it. With or without the ‘vaccine’ it’s becoming increasingly apparent. And of those 0.something %, nearly all are ancient and or have multiple morbidities. For those who have it, it ranges from a lingering irritant to temporarily incapacitating, and yes no-one WANTS to have to deal that unpleasantness, but then do we demand the entire world get stopped every time we get an unanticipated raging toothache and can’t get an appointment for the next few days?

    Since we’ve reportedly had 100 something thousand ‘deaths’, which makes up our 0. something % of them, add that to the 99.9 something % of ‘survivals’ would mean that well over 50 million out of our 68 million population must have ‘had it’. Has more than every 3 out of 4 people you know had it?

    Statistics lie but Maths doesn’t. We’ve been had, and it’s now a war of recalcitrance to believe we’re still in a ‘deadly pandemic’ and to go along with all the accompanying shit. Governments across the world are all combinations of gullible idiots, incompetents, liars and treasoners, and outright murderers. The tough luck for us is that after all this time, the people who are going to stop this are not them. Whatever it is that they’ve got invested in it, it’s more to lose for them than coming clean to us is.

    • Any switched on person knows only too well that the west in particular is being ran and has been ran by traitors to its own people for many years now.
      Fully aided and abetted by media propaganda.

      Are these same treacherous cunts now somehow trustworthy?

      • That’s the most mystifying aspect of the whole debacle. Up until 2020, everyone with an average IQ was at least cynical or outright distrusting about their governments, MSM and ‘the truth’. But this hits, and all of a sudden the mass belief becomes that they are altruistic and want to ‘save us’. I believe it’s called selfishness…

  16. Third wave ? Of what exactly?Bullshit?

    This isn’t going to end because it’s not about a virus. They’re lying through their fucking teeth.

    If all the vulnerable are vaccinated, and loads have had CV19 already, then so what about any wave? The NHS won’t be overrun. By the government’s own logic a third wave is irrelevant! We should be opening up now.

    I notice the BBC isn’t talking about Florida. Open for business. Has the highest incidence of the super-duper ‘Kent’ strain in all the US, but is not full of dead bodies. Funny really, given the prevalence of old folk in Florida.

    They’re prepping to push back the summer date. How many more times does it take until everyone fucking wakes up to this utter FRAUD.

  17. Merkel announced an Easter shutdown yesterday and then cancelled it today, we aren’t the only country who doesn’t know it’s arse from its elbow ?

    German efficiency ?

  18. Will the Third Wave hit the UK? ITV asks…

    Of course it fucking will. Planes taking off and landing every five minutes. Where I live, the first cases of Batfink Flu were brought over from cunts who had just come back from Italy. And this was only days before the first lockdown started. Some cunts will arrive in Blighty from Paris or Berlin and that will be that. Rest assured, it will happen again. Because that’s how it started in the first place. But that’s the Johnson regime for you: Knows nothing but also learns nothing.

    And all the human filth turning up after crossing the Channel won’t help either.

    • Right now there are at least two passenger plans from the states, Cinicinatti and LA, landing in Heathrow in the next couple of hours. You know, that country over the pond that happens to have the world’s worst C19 numbers.

      If Boros and Wansock really wanted to protect us, shouldn’t the £5 grand fines be slapped on people coming in, not people going out?

  19. I called this a year ago when I said the “Government” would use what is effectively a cold to launch a power grab and steal our freedom. I got called an idiot, a tinfoil hatter, conspiracy theorist, nutcase, racist,mentally ill etc from friends I have known for decades and Family who I thought would know better.
    SAGE have more psychologists than virologists and epidemiologists, and along with Downing street Harlot and harpy Carrie Antoinette are now running the Country, as we are invaded every day by dinghy and Priti Patel, who has had fifteen Months and done FUCK ALL continues to talk tough and eat the equivalent of her own weight daily – this is nothing less than a takeover and unless we do something pretty serious and pretty fucking fast we will be gone without a shot being fired – I have a pretty serious bee in my bonnet about this one because I see all too clearly the Country me and our forebears built, fought for and paid for being removed from its rightful owners every single day and every single way – the jackals sense weakness, smell blood and are circling for the kill.
    We had none of this bollocks when we had SARS, MERS, swine flu or bird flu – all more deadly and the masses sit in front of the idiot lantern listening to the fearporn, propaganda and outright lies from the MSM then the ads come on and it carries on.
    We will NEVER get our freedom back unless we are prepared to stand and fight for it, and if that means I am the last Man standing saying “fuck you – I am a FREE MAN” then this is a hill I will die on.
    I am sick and tired of the piss wet, weak, scared, cowardly, snivelling nation we have turned into and astonished that a people who have stood up to invasion, brutality and the threat of being usurped, enslaved and eliminated have folded so easily and so weakly.
    The socialist dictators masquerading as a “Government” will never, ever stop this and it is up to people to do so.
    WAKE UP GREAT BRITAIN!!!!!!!!!!! ?????????????
    Give me fucking strength..

    • You’re wasting your breath, on the way home from a job just now on the radio it was wall to wall fucking covid, vaccines, masks, propaganda…it went on and on and on.

      People are even CELEBRATING it, as an anniversary…give me fucking strength.

      Last year, people on here, some who have changed their tune were all hating the new normal, we even had noms on it and now it is here and people seem to just accept it….

      Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!

      • I decided to try the cuntish NME commercial radio station at work a few weeks ago as an alternative to the beeb and couldn’t listen for more than an hour before knocking the thing off in anger.
        It was fucking disgusting the levels of fear porn propaganda and bordered on dystopian.
        Every 1 to 2 songs played maximum had a covid warning in between.
        Nothing else just Covid.
        It was an assault on the fucking senses.
        The crux of these sinister ads were that they were repeatedly trying to say that anybody… yes anybody outdoors exercising or walking their dog probably.. yes probably had the ‘virus’ and to avoid them at all costs.

        Oh please do Fuck off you lying treacherous fear mongering bastards.

      • Re the ads – the government must be spending a fortune on ads across radio stations. They’re even on Talk Radio.

        Who hasn’t heard of ‘hands, face space’, ‘Covid-19’ and all the new nouns that go with it by now? The constant ads are a waste of money. Governments are good at that, always have been.

    • Top comment Vern.

      Agreed 100 percent.

      Something about this whole half truth/outrageous bullshit debacle, just feels incredibly wrong, has been wrong from the very start and is getting more outrageous.

      The fake news from Chinky fucking land last year was never called out either. People having sudden seizures and dropping dead at work.
      Because of Covid!!! What a fucking joke that turned out to be and not a very funny one, at least for the plebs in the west.
      Hilarious joke if you’re a corrupt traitor politician or a virtue signalling sleb though.

      With regards to the “tinfoil hat” crap, I’ve had similar sentiments from so called friends and family for calling this racket out for what it is last year.

      Well fuck the lot of em is all I can say because they’ve been well and truly had.

      • The usual response I get is “that sort of thing couldn’t happen here”
        I’m sure everyone working in the offices of the World Trade Centre thought the same thing just before they got vapourised…

      • I love this response. As if somehow we’re magically immune to catastrophe or tyranny, just by virtue of being British.

        It is soviet style thinking and level of delusion. Fucking dumb cunts.

    • Spot on! I am appalled that so many have swallowed the lies hook line and sinker. Very depressing. If a load of us don’t push back we are never going to enjoy life again.

  20. Now IS the first time when we can see what this government is playing at, given most people over 50 are now vaccinated.

    I don’t pretend to know what is actually going on, and I don’t think people here should, either. There’s a fair bit of tin foilery here when it comes to Covid, from anti-vaxxing to denial the virus exists, so i’m not inclined to take those people seriously when evidence to the contrary is abundant and evidence for their own position is based on hearsay, anecdotes and memes from social media.

    • I only know what I can see with my own eyes, if you actually look, it’s like Dawn of the Dead out there with cunts shuffling around with double masks, welding helmets and stay away signs round their necks.

      I’m no expert and I cannot trust the ones I’m told to trust because they cannot BE trusted.

    • Mr Prime, you should keep an open mind to all possibilities.

      Vaccination and viral theory are both open for discussion and critique, yes? The issue is they’re dogma and we get tunnel vision preventing us from considering alternatives, and we believe ‘experts’ would see errors before us. But we don’t take into consideration vested interests, money, bias, etc.

      CV19 is a convincing narrative, but it doesn’t stack up with actual statistical data for mortality – where are flu deaths? Why is India not in ruins? Why is Florida seemingly ok, or other places open for business?

      The death statistics come back to a positive ‘diagnosis’ by PCR. This is fraud, because the number of cycles used is way too high and the test itself was calibrated, by Drosten, using a theoretical model of the virus! Hence why people have gotten positives from cola, fruits, all sorts. It’s bogus.

      They never isolated the virus, and they never do. This is scientific fraud. The method itself is all wrong.

      If the virus is a phantom then all vaccination is pointless and unnecessarily dangerous, regardless of the ingredients.

  21. The cunts knew about the batfink flu way before March last year. I heard rumours about people catching a chinese virus as far back as October 2019. But nothing was done, airports weren’t closed, and chinx and the like were still landing at Heathrow, Gatwick and Manchester even after the lockdown started. When Patel asked Bozza to shut down airports and cancel flights, he responded with something about airlines and customers getting upset. Nothing about people dying because some blue mink cunt is coughing their guts out on a 747. The useless avaricious cunt.

  22. Certain death awaits under the Tories. I blame the government. Vote Lib Dem and no one dies, ever, fact.

  23. If the vaccine works, then why should there be a third wave?
    And if it doesn’t work, then why are people being told to have it?

    • Dissenter!! Unclean!!

      Anyhow, we can all go and look at the weekly ‘Notification of Infectious Diseases’ and corresponding ‘Causative Agents’ reports on, as I frequently do. Latest update week 11, week ending 21 March 2021.

      ‘Cases’ as defined by ‘causative agents’ ie Lab test results?


      Cases as reported by any doctor who saw a patient, suspected they had C19 and therefore reported it as statutorily required?


      So 39,099 people who ‘tested positive’ for this ‘deadly pandemic virus’ didn’t bother going to see a doctor about it.

  24. The only waves i’m interested in is, the ones in the North Sea at Robin Hood’s Bay.

    Might see them again someday, if this communist-style controlling government allows me to go back to my caravan.

    Worst of all I’m still having to pay ground rent.

    The ‘third wave’ is indeed a cunt and so are all that perpetuate such scaremongering.

  25. These lockdowns have had virtually no effect on my lifestyle. I can drive where I like ,go fishing on what rivers I like. I don’t eat out because the food’s shit and I refuse to pay the silly prices that pubs charge. The locals that sit in most rural pubs with no atmosphere and stale beer look as miserable as fuck.
    I would love to see more lockdowns where the feckless entitled snowflake lefty cunts are prevented from enjoying themselves.
    The only annoying thing is that I have been unable to visit my favourite filthy slutty “escorts” who cater for all the depraved sexual perversions that I wouldn’t dream of exposing the wife to.

  26. You have a claimed “wave” that appears just at the right time, just like the last two? Bullshit. Absolute bullshit. This isn’t about saving Britain it’s about destroying her from within.

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