The Media’s obsession With Pakistanis

The media obsession with Pakistanis? Just what the cunt is all that about?!

It seems that even though these cunts behave as badly as possible, many on TV, radio and in the press are incredibly eager to promote this lot at every chance they get.

For a start, there’s the BBC and Doctor Who. In their now infamous ‘Rosa Parks’ episode the box ticking Asian bird sidekick mentions ‘Pakistani Heritage’ at least half a dozen times when it has no relevance to the plot whatsoever. She also gives a sob story about how she gets called a terrorist when she is coming out of the mosque. First off, what the fuck has that got to do with a science fiction series? Second, I have seen loads of people of a peaceful persuasion (there are a lot of them, after all), but I have never once seen one called out as a terrorist or anything else. This was only a short while after the Manchester bombing. Yet here were the ‘Beeb’ trying to sell this lot as the poor victims of nasty name calling by the wicked white man.

Then there was the ITV series, Endeavour. Hitherto excellent, but in the last series they went sickeningly woke. One episode had a nasty oafish NF type movement, led by a white middle aged Enoch Powell meets Nigel Farage type who mindlessly hated these poor lickle victims. But what was even more ridiculous about it was the Asian family in the episode were from India (it was explicitly stated that they were from Bengal) and they were obviously Hindu in their appearance and habits. Yet all the police and other characters referred to them as ‘Pakistanis’. Most Asian migrants in the late 60s were from India, but any put upon minority on TV now has to be peaceful or Pakistani. What is wrong with calling the characters Indian? I am thinking that – for some mind boggling reason – the TV companies and their woke employees want to airbrush over any antics like terrorism or grooming gangs, and try to promote this mob at every opportunity. Why, I will never fucking know.

Nominated by: Norman

43 thoughts on “The Media’s obsession With Pakistanis

  1. If the BBC is anxious to give every community its representation, why don’t they give the opinion of your average Indian – who can’t stand your average Pakistani – any air time?

  2. Because (indigenous British) people’s are apathetic cunts, in the main and will happily surrender traditions and historical facts, so long as their lives are not affected to much.

    Witness the ease with which this country has been subjugated over Covid?

    Mostly though, it is because of elements that have managed to plant themselves in positions of power in our universities and other educational establishments and now how a huge amount of influence (it should that be effluence) in the media.

    The historical revisions continue, whilst the complicit cunts at the Black Broadcasting Corporation cheer ?

  3. If one includes in

    The Media’s obsession With Pakistanis

    then fair enough. Otherwise, less so Norman.

    • No, Cuntfinder, but I do occasionally nod my head for “no” and shake it for “yes” (just like chaos from Hyderabadl

      . I ascribe it to living in Sofia, Bulgaria where they have the same odd habit.

      • No/yes??

        I had an acquaintance, originally from Lebanon, educated in London and highly articulate-just like you?

        He also worked in the legal profession and his emails or text messages, could have been written by you!
        If your name is Amir, I would not be the least bit surprised ?

  4. I don’t care too much about people from Pakistan…or India…or Bangladesh etc…it’s those horrible buggers from Muzzaland that I can’t stand.

    No idea where Muzzaland actually is…there seems to be some kind of conspiracy to never specifically mention the sandy Sandy Shitehole in the Press..but I’d send ’em all back there.

  5. To be fair to the producers of Endeavour, I suspect they were not trying to be woke.

    In the 60s/70s all Asians here were labelled as Pakistani, Pak1s or Stans, irrespective of whether they were Indian, Malaysian, etc. or even Pakistani.

    Therefore a pretty accurate representation of life back then.

    • The medias obsession with Pakistanis is a PR exercise after a number of own goals,
      IE- grooming gangs, bombs, forced marriage, heroin import, support of terrorism etc.
      Make them more the acceptable face of home grown terror.
      A hard job.
      I was invited to stay in Pakistan once (true!)
      Obviously I didn’t go.
      But think I would of been a excellent ambassador for UK-pakistan relations.

    • Agreed. I saw that episode and it was a fair representation of attitudes and of life back then, certainly as I remember it.

  6. Unfortunately for them they all get tarred with the same brush excuse the pun jab,,,, sorry, so many off them especially the muzzy variety are misbehaving cunts one way or another the vast majority are classed as cunts you wont/trust in the same fashion as you see someone driving like a cunt and 80% of the time they are driving an Audi, therefore all Audi drivers are concidered cunts by association, or people of a type from North London stab each other and eat lots of KFC, nine nity nine innit, or the rinkydinks spread diseases because eat anything that walks, crawls swims, swims, squats in the mud.
    This is unfortunate for them because there are some good ones, so you would think they would try to re educate the bad ones in their own circles, but they choose not to, so fuck em all, start behaving cunts and you will find yourselves more popular…..

  7. Peacefuls will never be popular, they are hated wherever they go. Just like pikeys. There are reasons for that. Yeah, there are some good ones but their shit smells the same so…….

  8. The BBC should be forcibly reminded by our government that it is not actually they’re job to promote any race or to disproportionately represent racial groups in they’re output. Be it news, sport, soaps, drama, documentaries or otherwise.
    I honestly think that the likes of the beeb believe they only broadcast to young university types with brains like sponges that will happily absorb propaganda if repeated enough. The reality is that the majority of us don’t want to know. Especially those of us who have witnessed areas change from pleasant urban civility to third world fly blown cesspits by certain peace loving and KFC loving types.
    They don’t need promoting. They need to integrate and behave.

  9. The media is riddled with hand wringing, apologetic, woke, left wing tossers. Mainly, but not exclusively, white.
    Good morning.

  10. Let’s face it, we are kafirs and that’s all we will ever be to these fuckers. I think you have to live nearby to these degenerates to fully realise what they’re like. I live in N Manchester amongst the Jooooos and the Stanley’s and despite outer appearances they don’t give a flying fuck about anyone else other than their own. Taxi drivers, overpricing shopkeepers or working in their uncles petrol station is mostly their lot. You won’t see them in many other workplaces, the women don’t work except for state funded cons in Islamic centres. Never met one with a pension plan, never met one who owns a donor card, never met one who can think for themselves etc.

      • My experience also. No integration except on their terms and that is mainly benefits system. Basically transported their culture to another country and carry on as if they still live in the original country (but use all the freebies). As an aside I do believe that Pakistan received the largest amount from the U.K. foreign aid budget in 2019. Not a bad deal for a country with nuclear missiles. Some big pisstake methinks.

  11. Does anybody remember that media darling Malala Youafzai?………. no I thought not. The wonky-faced bint from Thatplaceistan? No, neither does anybody else.

  12. I have no idea why ethic Britons can’t, in many cases, stand the Joe Dakis.

    I wonder if it’s because:

    Of grooming gangs
    Poor personal hygiene
    Rip off smelly shops
    Cruelty to animals
    On the take
    Tax avoidance
    Deliberate car insurance rear shunts
    Breeding like rats
    Bringing over as many illiterate family members as possible
    Did I say always on the take?
    Always crying ‘wayciss/islamophobia’
    Sharia law
    Illegal ‘Sharia patrols’
    Drug dealing
    Postal voting ‘irregularities’
    Having as many kids as possible, despite being on the dole, to get more benefits and a bigger home.
    Incest (cousin or 1st uncle/aunt marriage)
    Having spacca kid after spacca kid due to inbreeding, which puts more pressure on the NHS
    Calling in the entire neighborhood to threaten, if somebody says/does something they don’t like – even when that person may just be doing their job (landlord/copper/bailiff etc).
    Washing their feet in the sink at work
    Wiping their arse with their hands and then sharing the same workspace with others.
    Claiming go be 100% British when it comes to benefits, but you watch the cunts when England play Pakistan in the cricket.
    Did I say terrorism?

    No, I have no fucking idea why people are sick of the cunts.

      • I was racking my brain for something he’d missed, all I could think of was standing on the toilet seat and missing the pot, prayer rooms and washing facilities. Dirty fuckers.

    • I used to work in a Bangladeshi restaurant – in the time I was there I saw what thick, deviant, hateful vile little bastards they were.
      They hated Pakistanis because they had a civil war and split into Pakistan and Bangladesh, just after the war in India they caused, they hated Indians because they believed (amongst other nonsensical shit) that Indians deliberately caused Bangladesh to flood every year – I tried to explain that monsoons were not something the Indians could control and maybe not living in an area that floods every year might be an idea.
      I have worked with UK born second generation Pakistanis – lazy, thick, smelly, not safe around Women and constantly trying to pull cons, blags and unfounded allegations of racism.
      I despise Pakistanis, despise muslims in general and especially despise the BBC who laud them as some kind of loveable misunderstood victims.
      I want muslims out of this Country and back in the lands they have turned into barbaric medieval shitholes – I am sick and tired of being diplomatic and politically correct as my homeland is being invaded and the indigenous white population is slowly being exterminated by muslim shit.
      I fucking hate them.
      Think that about covers it.

      • The first step in getting muslims out of the country is getting the BBC out of the country.

      • Agree100%. I have to work with these cunts every day, i hate them with a passion. Cunts.

    • Evening Father.

      Would you not be prepared to make an exception for orange cunts like Blair & Trump?

  13. I have no time for Parking Stanleys. The only one I ever really respected was a Christian, polite, engaging, hospitable, and he paid the bill without bartering it down to fuck all, AND he gave me a tip. The rest are complete cunts.
    I boycott all PS shops, garages, and curry houses. The only curry house I eat from is run by Nepalese, and I can guarantee no fucking halal shit. They even serve pork.
    In general I find PS arrogant and they stink, lie and cheat. Although I’m not that keen on a cashless society, the one good thing to come out of it would be those cunts not being able to get away with fraud.
    One thick cunt rang me to fit a new lock.
    PS cunt” I need a new lock fitting to my new door”
    Me. “ what’s the address?
    PS cunt. I’ll come to you, where’s your office “
    Me . “ I don’t have an office, I’m a mobile locksmith “
    PS cunt. “ I’ll bring it to your house”
    Me. Cancel call.
    Utter cunts

  14. Sorry to pop your confabulatory cogitations, Cuntfinder, but you have (largely) misread my pedigree.

    As they say in AAᵃ: Hi. My name’s James¹, and I’m an alcoholic².

    ¹ true

    ² as a 54 year old, I still drink far too much and continue to abuse recreational drugs – as I have since Cambridge 35 years ago, I suppose I am really a bit of a pisspot. But as a barrister on around £150 000 — £250 000 gross pa, who enjoys life to the full – as far as one can at this time – and am looking forward to a second marriage to my long-term girlfriend (when this shit has passed) and likely early retirement to the Caribbean to start up some businesses, I suppose you’d have to add to “alcoholic” the adjective “functioning”.
    I have no desire to live to the age of my maternal grandmother (106) anyway, so thank you and gdnight to that!

    ᵃ I went once or twice when on remandᵇ around ten years ago, in order to “get off the wing” on a Wednesday. It was hugely entertaining.
    ᵇ 5 months is a bit of a stretch inside when you’re a Cambridge-educated posh boy. Actually, as I knew that there was a “walk-out” inevitably in the offing (a long, fascinating but private story), it flew by and I actually enjoyed it. I also learnt greatly from this almost unique (to a barrister) experience, which has subsequently been indispensable to my quite stellar career in Criminal defence work. As you might imagine.

    Apologies for the prolixity; it’s been another long day.

  15. The bottom line is every time these cunts act up (a rape, a bombing, a huge fiddle) the BBC always digs up some fairytale/sob story featuring these cunts so they give it the ‘But… But… They’re not all bad’ noise. Programmes like Doctor Whoke try to sell them to the British public. While the likes of Newsnight turn a blind eye to any antics they get up to.

    The last series of Endeavour was woefully woke. Nasty Powellesque racists, demented knife wielding Me Too feminists, being told how rotten and sexist white men are, and BAMEs saying they were here in Britain before Anglo axons and even Romans. A great series on the road to ruin.

  16. The pandemic has provided the BBC and shit rags like the Grauniad to up the ante and do more feelgood pieces on these backward curry rats. There is always something on a peaceful in his rags delivering a food parcel to some old Doris or Muzza bin collectors out on the streets because the local council binmen are self-isolating. Community this, community that, the same fucking communities that say sod all on grooming gangs for decades or radicalized teenagers intent on jihad.

  17. Never deal with a Parking Stanley, they are the most disgusting creatures on this Earth closely Followed by Ch!nk’s, African Munkeys and Albanian Gypo’s.

  18. Most people I know will not deal with them in any aspect
    They are taking over the motor trade funded with drug money or imported cash from home
    They even change first names and give companies English names to suck punters in
    As soon as they are caught up the owner is in Pakistan so a name change score the vat man tracks them down
    Have reluctantly employed them but the lying cheating and stealing is built in so it always ends badly
    Not far off dealing with travellers but that’s another story

    • Thats because in the Quran Muhammed cheated people (wicked non believers) out of money but for what was a good reason. And the Quran teaches that the greatest thing you can do is emulate Muhammed. Hence the widespread belief in their faith that if you have a good use for the money, its okay to con wicked non believers out of theirs.

      Its like Muhammed had a 12 year old bride and the reward for everything is virgins in paradise. Must be like some sort of roman orgie up there. Thats why there are Islamic paedo rings systematically set up around the country as we have seen in recent years, because what are underage girls more likely to be?

      We arent allowed to talk about any of it or question it though or criticise their barbaric 2000 year old farce of a belief system. Lets face it, if a load of white guys did it to underage muslim girls half the fucking country would be on fire.

      We let them take over whole sections of cities and towns in this country while crying ‘multi culturalism’ because we go for the odd curry and some school kids get a field trip to mosque. Its not. Its parallell culturalism. They just set up their own state within ours and want fuck all to do with us.

      • Regarding whole sections of towns. Spot on. I lived in Oldham. Used to be a proper working man’s town .rough but good people. Now an absolute shithole run by a Labour parking Stanley Council, where elderly people are scared to go during the day let alone at night. Cunts.

  19. I think white working class men are grossly under represented on the BBC Asian Network and Al Jazeera and I want something done about me. Its grossly offending and makes my piss boil.

    Oh wait. I never watch those channels, in fact have been trying to figure out a way to delete them off of my channels list for years. in much the same way that those lot who the bbc scrotum lick never watch the bbc bar the asian network.

    Does anyone remember when the hindu or sikh (cant remember which) guy in eastenders turned queer and started seeing his ‘imam’ (islamic priest)?? for some counselling?

    If he had for real he would have been found dismembered in several suitcases in the thames estuary somewhere. its an embarrassment that the woke fuckers know so little about what they are promoting that they criss cross religions without realising whilst creating some sort of misrepresented fantasy

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