The Leftwaffe & St Greta

The Leftwaffe, yet again. A comedian I’d forgotten all about tweeted a joke about Swedish eco loon, Greta Thumbnail and predictably, the left are all over him. The joke was:

“As soon as Greta discovers cock, she’ll stop complaining about the single use plastic it’s wrapped in.”

Not the funniest of jokes. But then, Lee isn’t the funniest of comedians. I view him as a kind of white Nish Kumar, but far less to the left. But, it’s freedom of speech and she’s 18 now. She put herself in the spotlight, and people are entirely free to satirise, lampoon, criticise or deride her in public. Unless you’re the Leftwaffe of course. In which case, all negative words against Saint Greta of Thumbnail MUST be erased.

I’ve never found Lee particularly funny, and the joke certainly isn’t. But he has ever right to say it, without entitled little Nazi lefties getting their Bridget Jones type knickers in a twist. So, fuck off Leftwaffe. You bunch of cunts.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

57 thoughts on “The Leftwaffe & St Greta

  1. Saint Greta can see CO2. How dare someone bring cock into the life of a saint. This is 1460, not 2021 for fucks sake.

  2. Highly unlikely that St Greta Thundepants will ever discover cock, so it’s all academic at the end of the day. She’d give any cock her death ray stare and accuse it of attempting to steal her future. I wish she would discover cock – it would probably shut her up.

    • He fucked up the joke. He should have said single use plastic it COMES in. A condom.
      Reminds me of an Andrew Dice Clay joke: what’s a pussy? The box the penis comes in. Oh!

  3. I sadly believe we are stuck with this sanctimonious rubber faced attention whore until the end of time or till she dies, whichever comes first. It’s not like it used to be. Cunts had their fifteen minutes of fame in the 60s, 70s, and 80s and then they disappeared into obscurity (too many to mention). But ‘celebrities’ with neither looks or talent who appeared in the 90s still linger like a bad fart and can’t be gotten rid of. Victoria Skeletor Spice is still around like a rotten stench after all these years. Katie Price is another. We won’t be rid of her until she carks it. I dare say this will also be the fate of the Markle Snake when the gullible ginger cunt divorces her. She will a turd that will never flush.

    And that is what I fear we will have to endure where Greta is concerned. No lad is going to tub it (unless he’s insane or on the make), so getting up the duff and having a family is out of the question. So this horrible gurning little gargoyle will be in our faces and on our screens for years to come. A horrible thought, but there you are…

      • According to the article Greta’s sister has ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), Asperger’s syndrome, OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), and oppositional defiant syndrome. But these are apparently “superpowers “ rather than disabilities, so that’s ok then. Bollocks.

        Scroll down the article for a picture of the blessed St Greta and her sister when they were toddlers in their prams. StGreta looks EXACTLY the same as she does know, even the death ray stare. Holy fuck – it’s a miracle and evidence of Thunderpant’s divine status.

        What a family!

      • Oh theyre creepy and their kooky.
        Mysterious and spooky.
        The Thunberg Family.

      • Both their DNAs are liberally sprinkled with double recessive disorders. Should’ve left them out in the snow at birth.

      • Ffs something went wrong in the mix when nature made this family. A few broken chromosomes there.

      • The Mong Maker !! I like that ?

        Sounds like a new Liam Neeson movie. “Liam Neeson is…The Mong Maker”.

        In real life it’s Keith Allen that’s the Mong Maker (Lilly’s dad).

    • Moggie, I bet their mother craved something a bit radioactive. I am also certain that any of their anal output could etch glass.

      • My money’s on U-235. It would have been kinder to just baseball bat the pair of them. Does that make the old man a mong maker?

  4. As she talks out of her arse, does the said implement of the joke need shoving where the sun doesn’t shine???

  5. Oh dear, dirty little Greta has been making her own cock jokes. She has cited some spurious research by some nutter claiming that air pollution is shrinking blokes’ cocks and then wryly suggesting that this will boost support for her cause.
    Naturally she has been congratulated on her stunning wit by the usual suspects.
    The stunted little witch may have cock on her mind at the moment but I suspect she will turn out to be gay……as any good wokie should be.

    • If the comedian is Stewart Lee im surprised he made the joke at all as hes a po faced lefty cunt still crying over as he sees it Morrissey’s turning to the Far Right.
      I think the jokes funny, I dont hate Greta,
      Shes a kid, doing what she thinks is right,
      And a bit spazzy, but don’t think shes evil just manipulated.
      Comedians are at their best when free to say whatever they want and offending the uptight types,
      Ive not heard a good comedian in years.

      • MNC@ – Andrew Lawrence is funny, looks mildly scary but worth a watch on Youtube! ??

      • Try Nicholas di Santo on YouTube. Italian but very funny. The wokies hate him.

      • The comedian is Lee Hurst, bald cunt used to be on the telly all the time but not seen him for yonks. Having a pop at Greta may get you some attention (and suspended from Twitter) but the wokies who dictate what constitutes entertainment won’t be impressed.

  6. If ever a female was screaming out for a length it’s this moomin faced cunt. If no-one is up for it, I’ll take one for the team . The look of disappointment on her face would be my revenge for putting up with all the virtuous shit she spews out.

  7. When she discovers cock there will be all the dirty talk, as it goes in, ‘you’ve robbed me of my virginity, how dare you! (but don’t pull it out)’

  8. Once the country has stopped wringing it’s collective hands over a cold and cough cunts like this one are just waiting to steal the limelight again….

    We have that to look forward to.

    And you wonder when old cunts die the last things they talk about are “how things used to be”

  9. Hopefully the plastic he is referring to is a plastic bag and the perpetrator will wrap her snarling spoon faced head in it. An ironic end I might add.

    Fuck off!

  10. When did the wokeflake leftwaffe get to be such thin skinned insufferable cunts?
    Oh yes – after fifty years of marxist left wing indoctrination and preaching manufactured outrage, to be offended by every easy target and the unnatural practice of survival of the weakest. I have seen this dolt being interviewed – if anyone dares ask anything but the prearranged questions agreed beforehand she is like a rabbit in the headlights, looking desperately around for a grown up to rescue her – she does not have a clue what she is talking about and simply repeatedly screeches “listen to the science” – whilst obviously having zero clue or proof about said science.
    But Greta the goblin keeps very quiet about becoming very, very rich or the fact that the tat she sells is being made in “somewhat less than carbon neutral facilities by people of a religion the Chinese don’t like, somewhat against their will” in China, then shipped and transported around the world, just like she “forgot” to mention the yacht she did her comedy rowing in being transported by air round half the world in bits beforehand and the flotilla of gas guzzling support vessels just out of camera shot behind her.
    What saint smelly does not ever do is protest outside the embassies of the most polluting Countries, or appear to understand that there probably will be more emissions (especially of hot air from her mouth) when the world population was around 1.8 billion in 1921 and is now, just a hundred years later, almost 8 billion.
    “How dare you! I’m so offended”!
    Belt up, chippy little bitch.

  11. Whatever the woke/ left/ greens announce is treated like holy writ by the BBC/ Sly news.
    Anyone normal who disagrees or takes the piss must be arrested or at the very least cancelled.

  12. Meanwhile Winchester University has splashed 24 grand on a statue of the saucy little minx. Apparently it’s made of bronze so , hopefully, some dirty pikeys will nick it and we’ll never see it again.

    • The little scandi muppet has thousands of followers hanging on her words of wisdom.
      But bet her drawers are full of skids and she cant use a tin opener?
      If your going to follow anyone pick a role model who doesn’t lick their eyebrows and eat the contents of their nostrils.
      Get a suitable guru.
      Or better yet ignore everyone and everything.

  13. Her mother is worth giving a large portion to.
    I bet that she’s a right dirty slag in the bedroom.

  14. She’s a bit mongy. Not too many lads will be keen. Of topic a bit now, sorry…

    Just watching the build up to the Chiggun George trial on Court TV which starts in about half an hour. The family are looking dapper it has to be said…but 27 million buys some nice clobber I suppose.

    Still, they’re chimping out and making sure the country gets set ablaze if they don’t get what they want.

    Get the popcorn in because they’re ranting about what the defence will say about George’s record and character.

    I think it’ll take them six weeks to get through the cunt’s record by the sounds of it.


  15. One thing that would improve Mr lee’s comedy routine and bring merriment to millions would be if he gassed himself on stage.
    I am not one for standing ovations but I would be first on my feet clapping wildly if I witnessed that.

  16. Quick Draw, what Lee in particular is it? There must be thousands.

    My favourite Lee is Sara Lee the cake lady.

  17. Not too keen on the neologism ‘Leftwaffe’. It’s an insult to brave German men who flew to their deaths against the Hurricane and Spitfire. I know they blew up a few cockneys but we cooked a few of their’s in Dresden. I hold the Luftwaffe in far higher esteem than the spineless shits of Twitter.

    • While I agree that many of the Luftwaffe elite were the finest pilots of the conflict, up against far superior planes, the term Leftwaffe was coined purely to group the “enemy” together with humour.

      • Sure, the Gestapo and Stasi are more realistic comparisons. I bristle when people try to lump the Weirmacht and Luftwaffe in with the ideological zealots.
        When you read about the first half of the 20tb century and everything that was happening it really does shock you out of a sense of easy complacency. The sheer gravity of what went on is astonishing.

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