TV Shows, “Traffic Cops” and “Police Interceptors”
I’m not nominating the boys in blue for a cunting. I’m sure some other twat will do that.
I watch these programmes with increasing dismay at the pathetic, limp-wristed slaps these criminals get by way of a sentence when found/pleaded guilty in court.
So this is for the fucking pathetic sentencing guidelines, that allow these destroyers of peace of mind out on the streets to wreak more mayhem and distress.
Try explaining to your mugged 11 year old that the naughty boys will be out in a few hours to do it again, not mention threatening her if she “grasses”
Praise the Lord and pass the bullets.
I’m cunting our justice ( but only just ) system.
Nominated by: Jeezum Priest
The sentences passed by courts seems to defy comprehension on a regular basis. A friend of mine is a magistrate and he told me ten years ago that they were instructed by the ‘high ups’ to avoid custodial sentences except as a very, very last resort. Magistrates who were deemed to be ‘ prison happy’ were replaced.
All by design.
All part of the systematic demoralization and destruction of our institutions and culture.
It feels wrong because it is. These judges are not stupid, they’ve been forced. Same with the police. All from ‘higher ups’ decision making.
Wait until the court in the US inevitably and conveniently choose to ignore the evidence presented regarding the death of St Chicken George.
Fuck justice when it comes to pandering to the likes of the Wokerati and Burn Loot Murder.
God forbid you tell the rozzers of the ethnicity of your assailant. Frequently, my local arse-wipe newspaper has reports of muggers and thieves, and has a full description, but leaves out their colour.
Drug pedalled?
Career mugger?
Career burglar?
Career investment thief?
Career granny robber?
Death by hanging.
No appeal process.
Pedlar ffs
Cunt of a phone
In that context, more correctly “peddler”. (“Drugs pedlar” is not in correct usage. Google it; I can’t be bothered.)
The cunts can spell it as noose slips around neck.
As a drugs peddlee myself, I’m acutely aware of possible hypocrisy here – but I broadly concur, Terence.
When it comes to crime, no matter how serious, just make sure you commit it in a car.
Preferably a stolen one with no license or insurance naturally, preferably be an illegal immigrant, preferably intoxicated and immediately flee the scene.
A 6 month driving ban and a 3 month custodial sentence (suspended) will inevitably ensue.
Most people involved will blame “sentencing guidelines”….basically, theft of money from those who have too much or damage to property of the rich will be looked upon poorly while every day, dirty peados walk free with some form of counselling.
Most “sentences” are halved or sometimes only a third of the sentence is served.
Most people involved in the system live so far removed from the results of their handiwork that it makes no difference to them.
Sentencing guidelines decree that you can suck my balls.
What really boils my piss is that the cunts who beat and mistreat animals in the most loathsome manner, very rarely get a custodial sentence, and if they do it is just a mere week or two. Usually just a fine and perhaps “being banned from keeping animals for ten years”. All the fuckers do is go to another town or answer an advert.
I genuinely wish Britain did as Singapore does and send them off to the Caning Room, where they ould be dealt with in a like for like manner.
Like this idea.
Yup a buck-fit little Singapore ninja to do the caning, and one of those half inch diameter canes with some weight in the wood but excellent stiffness. twenty cuts for the first offence and then he can go to home custody or do his community service with something to force him to ponder mending his ways.
The finest example of this is Tony Martin, not only did he get punished for protecting his property but also prevented the little shit he shot from reoffending, the law is always on the criminals side, they’d be out of a job if there was no crime, nest feathering cunts!!!!
Brendan Fearon is notorious in Newark; a complete cunt he is the nearest thing to a career criminal that you can get. Fortunately, he is fucking thick; he was nicked for selling heroin outside Newark Police Station!
That Fearon cunt really reminds me of why pie keys are so hated, lying comes naturally as breathing to the fucker, I believe Tony is still about, a local hero apparently
The little cunt who Tony Martin shot was a serial offender and an absolute shit. The scum of the earth, and the little fuck got what was coming to him.
Tony Martin-the pin up boy of the British shotgun manufacturers??
Thought that was Ted “fit the best” Moult, Cuntfinder
Not in my circle, cs?
The simplest way to explain the apparent idiocy of the criminal justice system is in terms of the direct trauma it causes victims and their families. Mr Robinson whisked off to jail while the rights of Muslim child rapists are vociferously protected is a classic example. This is not accident, but design. The current lockdown shit is the same thing only a bit more blatant/in your face and on a grander scale. A traumatised public is a biddable public. Fuck off.
The general public are like a pin cushion Twenty.
They will accept anything. I’m becoming more and more convinced by the day.
12 months of lies bollocks, crap and constantly moving goalposts, yet they just get pushed around with ridiculous ease, prevented from doing basic things and encouraged to do the absurd.
While the country is invaded on a daily basis and freedom of speech or thought for that matter goes down the fucking pan.
I hate the stupid cunt public even more than the lying government and media.
Quite right, Herman. They respond only to dog whistle shit. Gay, trannie, race victim, workshy = good. Let’s have special days to celebrate. Straight, mortgage, kids, hard working, tax paying = objects of ridicule. The silly cunts seem to put up with it. Now it has moved on to stay indoors, shut up, live on shit, have stuff shoved in your orifices. Things are not moving in a good direction.
Absolutely Twenty.
The holes in the plot of the Con-a-virus narrative, the every white person is a racist bigot narrative are way beyond a joke.
Stay indoors – Save lives – Live on takeaways prepared by complete fucking strangers delivered by a mask wearing delivery driver.
Fuck me rigid!!!
It ceased to be a joke a long time ago.
If this country is back to normal (no fucking pointless muzzles or social paranoia) any time in the next 12 months at least. Please wake me the fuck up.
I hold the braindead non questioning masses fully responsible for this now.
3 weeks to flatten the curve
Fuck off!
The vaccine is the biggest joke yet in this charade.
Take your jab… Nothing whatsoever will change except you’ll be ill for a few days, you’ll still be living in a lockdown scenario, you’ll still be expected to wear muzzles, avoid elderly relatives so they die in social isolation etc etc etc.
Just take the jab. It might not even work but that’s really not important.
Just take it you anti vaxxer!!!
The country is officially fucked.
“The public sucks, fuck hope! There’s a nice campaign slogan for somebody!” – G. Carlin
This ‘place’ is a madhouse. A fucking madhouse. People don’t know themselves and unfortunately the ruling class figured out a lot of psychology in the past 100 years – knowledge is power.
It’s going to take a fucking miracle to stop the impending catastrophe.
Crazy. Fucking. World.
Great cunting the differences in sentences beggars belief Crazy fucking judges.
Is that Poc vandalising the cenotaph ? If so the puke should have been put in the oven. Fucking little cunt. I remember seeing some little cunt trying to pull a flag off the cenotaph and I believe he was the son of a member of Pink Floyd. If I’d been strolling down Whitehall at the time I would have banjoed the cunt. Yes yes I know I would have been charged but it would be worth it to hear the cunts jaw snap.
Once upon a time there would have been a queue of like minded gentlemen waiting their turn to hoof the little commie cunt in.
Charlie Gilmour.
Spoilt little posh cunt par excellence.
Would look good in an oven…
Jurisprudence was once the word that many members of the legal system choked over. I propose the the word justice should replace jurisprudence as we no longer have a justice system just a piss poor legal system. With the rulings and judgements being thrown around to day by our legal system I and others fail to see how Russia and China are such a threat to us when the chance of being, robbed, stabbed raped is much greater by a holder or not of U.K. citizenship than a Cossack, or a member of the PLA
In order to cast judgement on a man one must first determine the answer to the question of free will. If a man is not in control of himself then how can our system be anything other than a pretence, and nothing more than protection for the elites who make the rules?
Thought for the day.
And in news from the funny farm that is soy-boy Justin Trudeau’s Canada, a man has been gaoled for ‘misgendering’ his daughter.
Peacefuls who murder their female relatives in so-called ‘honour’ killings are treated more leniently.
Unbelievable. Canada has gone to the dogs.
Like every other formerly enlightened Western country.
Insanity = Sanity
Up = Down
2+2 = 650
Coming soon to a country near you…
HM Court Service Sentencing Guidelines
Murder -16 years (reduced to 1 year for Pikeys who persuade the jury otherwise).
Armed robbery – 16 years (unless you’re a Pikey in which case forget about it).
Desecrating a war monument – off you go sonny Jim and don’t do it again.
Calling a tranny a man – 80 years hard labour.
Denying black genoicide – death.
Denying the Holocaust – its free speech, don’t you know.
All sentences waived for dark keys, peacefuls and parking stanleys who can do what they want.
Burglary? Homeowner gets legal free reign to “dissuade” scum from doing it.
Gun crime? 20 years.
Knife crime? 10 years.
Street robbery? 5 years.
Vandalising or damaging public monuments? 5 years.
Murder? Full life sentence, sentence ends when the murderer dies in prison.
NO early release – time added on for misbehaviour instead.
P*edos? Automatic prison, time dependent on severity of crime.
The legal system and the law should be a harsh deterrent, or it is pointless having it.
The justice system is a joke, and those who choose to be law abiding but are victims of crime seem to be treated worse than the perpetrators – I believe in an iron fist, not a kid glove.
I have heard of a group of chaps where I live who “put offenders right” if they misbehave and walk from Court (if it even gets there) laughing or get away with criminality – I have no idea who they are but understand why they do what they do without of course ever condoning it.
Criminal types do not tend to reoffend too often where I am.
“without of course ever condoning it.” You’re a better man than me. I wholeheartedly condone it. If the justice system will not act then punishment of an offender must be via a ‘jury’ of their peers. This will only spread as criminals are let off altogether. I mean, how the fuck can some cunt who is in breach of 2 suspended sentences (Leicester Mercury this week) get another suspended sentence? That is taking the piss and no mistake.
The jails are full, that’s why. To which I say – build more jails you parsimonious cunts. Or reintroduce the death sentence- that would make extra room.
They ought to bring back the death penalty for parking on double yellow lines, the population of Leicester would drop by 90% within weeks.
Moggie@ – I was covering myself legally! ?☠?
I imagine we have probably all done daft and sometimes illegal things, but we now have a system which simply does not deter crime, which is treated with contempt by criminals and when victims have no legal recourse or protection it is understandable that people look for alternatives.
VF@ I’m happy to go on record as saying that if any cunt breaks into my house there will be trouble and any threat to my wife or cat will be met with extreme prejudice.
Whereabouts do you live Vernon? I’m going to move there.
Arfurbrain@ – North Yorkshire, not far from York – very few young ruffians and scamps up to no good round here! ?
Not one of those web-footed cunts from Tad or Malton??. Born and bred York, but work dictated moving to W Yorks. Fucking Stanley’s everywhere.
Better and better! In my youth (a long time ago) I visited a place up there called Thixendale. Stunning. Amongst the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen.