A cunting to the cloth eared motherfuckers for promoting obese old tarts like this:
And for crowning “best song” – a tribute to George Floyd. Ironic in this woke week of empathy to wimmin, that they should laud a black career criminal, who held a knife to a pregnant woman’s belly. There is nothing like a good song, and that is nothing like a good song.
The lunatics really have taken over the asylum. Fuck them.
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
If it looks like a cunt, smells like a cunt, talks like a cunt, acts like a cunt, then it is a cunt, morning all
Reading that fawning BBC article it looks more like a gayers’ convention to me. Some slag i’ve never heard of says “ I wanted to talk about the pain only the black community experiences.”
Oh yeah? Well why don’t you stop stabbing and shooting each other then? Why don’t you stop stealing from each other and selling each other drugs? Why don’t you help out some piss poor black family by giving them a small fraction of what you paid for that dress you fucking slag?
Why don’t you shut your fucking cakehole and fuck off while you’re doing it?
Bravo Freddie.
Standing ovation for that post???
Perfect Mr Frog.
Simply perfect.
The bleck community must be taking lessons from Scousers when it comes to self-pity and self-indulgence.
Still another H.E.R is yet another token BLM post girl. The fawning fans are simply blind to the fact her words and actions are purely to line her purse and bring her fame and fortune. She likely couldn’t give two knobs of goatshit that Leroy and DeShawn are lying in hospital or a morgue freezer after one of “dem dissed da u-ter”.
As with the scousers, until BLM stop blaming others for their perceived woes they will remain in the festering pits.
Well, George Floyd’s family now has plenty of money to donate to disadvantaged blacks.
That was extremely erudite.
Instead of seeing the UK and U.S. as lands of opportunity they would rather see themselves as victims and put their hands out. If you don’t like it here then you can always leave or, alternatively, fuck off and make both yourself and those who remain happier. For those who argue that they were born here then the Duke of Wellington, who was always accused of being Irish, had an answer “If a man has the mis-fortune to be born in a stable does that make him an ass or a donkey?”
PS Her mental faculties must be impaired if she thinks those tramp stamps do anything to enhance her looks.
FtF@ – Arise Sir Freddie!
While BBC are writing bilge like this they are also banging on the doors of old cunts who have survived the killer cough to ask why they haven’t paid their woke tax to the BBC.
While the cunts in this article are swanning around in tasteless clothes that cost thousands and Boris is spending 200k on his flat, some of our veterans, people who have served this country are living in the gutter.
The sooner humans are wiped clean from the face of the earth the better because we are not fit to be here.
I’m also looking forward to human extinction. That will solve the ‘climate emergency’.
Bill Gates wants to chuck chalk at the Sun to kill us all, no I meant ‘cool the Earth’. What could possibly go wrong?!
He could fire all those unsold copies of Windows ME at the Sun and do us all a favour.
Not sure who gave the speccy cunt permission to do this on our behalf? Bill Gates needs to be pushed into the cone of Mount Etna, the cunt.
Somebody needs to update Bill’s autoexec.bat and get him locked away safely.
Bunch of self-obsessed freaks crying for attention. Simply ignore them.
WTF are the Grammys? Would the earth stop turning without them. More posing self loving cunts. Fuck off.
Ignoring them is not the answer unfortunately, you have to call them them out for the virtue signalling, self obsessed, hypocritical, seriously misguided cunts they truly are. Celebs are the worst because they are champagne socialists of the highest order.
I flushed more musical talent down the toilet after wiping my arse this morning.
The only important awards are the ISAC awards for being a cunt. It’s a very crowded and competitive field. Disputes are inevitable.
Mind you, I’d be more than happy to slide the old Hampton up that Doja Cat, despite her daft name.
After the most recent shooting in Colorado the BBC interviewed a person who happened to be passing. Her name is Sarah Moonshadow.
Little wonder we don’t take Yanks seriously.
I tried to read the story from the link as I always do but just couldn’t do it. I got as far as the orange bint “I want to look like a Grammy”.
You look like what you are, a massive cunt! Do people actually watch this fucking shite?
I like the Grammy or whatever it is.
I watch a few minutes of it and daydream about an airliner flattening the whole rotten nest of cunts.
Or them being crushed under armoured cars.
Really cheers me up.
Hold on, this bird calling herself H.E.R. don’t seem right to me. Has she never heard of gender fluidity? What about the 100+ gender identities the bum fuckers are always telling us about? Surely she should be called T.H.E.M. ?
Or doesn’t it count when you are rich, black and pretending you give a fuck about anything except your bank balance?
B.L.A.C.K or C.U.N.T. Would be my preferred pronouns for that lot?
Not a true awards ceremony without Dave “asslicker” Grohl or Paul McCuntly virtue signalling or fawning over the latest Democrat leader?
Or T.H.E.M. 2, Fred?
Van Morrison bagged the original half a century ago. Maybe he was born Morris Van until his manager told him to change his name?!
“And the award for best Latino Bluegrass Album Played Underwater by a Newcomer goes to…”
The categories are ridiculous now, there’s 83 of them. From 2009-11 there were 109 categories, dafuq? In the first awards in 1959, there was 28 categories. There was still an award for Polka music until 2009!
But it’s the politicalization that makes it a cunt, just like Oscars and other awards circle-jerks.
Vanity fuelled egotistical useless pointless bunch of cunts.
Fuck knows why people tune into the toxic puerile output created purely for celebrity self congratulation, turn the shit off.
Last time I watched an award ceremony, Jarvis Cocker gave Michael “suffer the little children” Jackson a well deserved cunting?
That’s still one of the greatest live TV moments along with Julian Clary saying he was, “fisting Norman Lamont” at the 1993 British Comedy Awards…
It’s Awards Season.
Predictably it enthrals the permanently star-struck BBC.
Stand by for yet more woke shite at the BAFTA’s and then Oscar soon. For some unfathomable reason that talent-free, goldfish faced nonentity Olivia Coleperson has been nominated again.
The best thing about this year’s awards is that Sam call me a cunt Smith is banned from nominations for best male or female artist because he identifies as “Them” (cunt).
Great nomination ?
I blame Blue Mink myself:
Take a pinch of white man
Wrap him up in black skin
Add a touch of blue blood
And a little bitty bit of red Indian boy
Oh like a Curly Latin kinkies
Oh Lordy, Lordy, mixed with yellow Chinkees, yeah
You know you lump it all together
And you got a recipe for a get along scene
Oh what a beautiful dream
If it could only come true, you know, you know
What we need is a great big melting pot
Big enough enough enough to take
The world and all its got And keep it stirring for a hundred years or more
And turn out coffee coloured people by the score
Rabbis and the friars
Vishnus and the gurus
We got the Beatles or the Sun God
Well it really doesn’t matter what religion you choose
And be thankful little Mrs. Graceful
You know that livin’ could be tasteful
We should all get together in a lovin machine
I think I’ll call up the queen
It’ s only fair that she knows, you know, you know
What we need is a great big melting pot
Big enough enough enough to take
The world and all its got And keep it stirring for a hundred years or more
And turn out coffee coloured people by the score
Idealistic drivel set to music…
…is still idealistic drivel.
Load of starry-eyed shite ???
Wasn’t it chin kids, rather than chinkies?
Sorry all.
Suffering a phone freak out.
Something to do with webmail app screwing every action up.
Or just me going nuts.
(I’ve heard about that. But there should be a patch out now to fix it – DA. ) https://www.xda-developers.com/google-confirms-webview-issue-crashing-android-apps/
Does anyone on here have an oven we could use to get rid of these self righteous cunts?
Oh aye quick crack round the skull with a lead filled Grammies statuette.
Then a long overdressed orderly queue into my oven.
Then drinks trolley.
I fucking hate award ceremonies, in particular the speeches. The only ones I liked were presented by Ricky Gervais who said “pick up your award and fuck off”
If Ricky Gervais never worked again, he has elevated himself to the status of legend, for calling out Hollywoke, alone!
All these awards shows should now just be called ‘patronise the tree swingers show’.
Too many dark keys on the telly nowadays. Vastly overrepresented. If you’d never heard anything about the UK you’d think you were in Africa after an hour of telly.
Fuck off
Black, black, black, ethnic ethnic ethnic, privilege privilege privilege.
Who were the last but one President and the current VP again?
This is like parents believing their potty-training toddler telling them they don’t need the bog, as they sit there with the room stunk out to holy fuck and the shite oozing out the nappy sides. But yet as a society we ARE putting up with it. Why?
As for those who ‘performed’ and ‘won’, almost exclusively dominated by the ex-tree dwellers and their mumbled mumbo-jumbo, as is now the norm. I wouldn’t know what supposedly makes lesbian porn sexy, but I’m pretty certain that ‘Cardi B’ and the other tranny clown scissoring and waggling their Kenny Everett-Rod Stewart arses in each other’s faces isn’t it.
Why can’t our peaceful friends perform a cleansing at one of these circle jerk awards ceremonies?
Save wearing unkle Terry’s oven out.
Why don’t they just rename them as The Blackys?
The only one who looked remotely normal and decent was Taylor Swift.
All the BAMEs have no style or class, Harry Styles is a bona fide f@gg0t, and Billie Eiilish looks iike monunmental cunt.
And why are these cunts larging it at an awards ceremony while the Batfink Flu is still rife? Was it that important to have it? Was it fuck. Narcissistic bellends who don’t give a fuck who lives or dies where Covid or anything else is concerned. Cunts.
And just who is the nonentity sambeau slag in the ridiclulous Trump frock? Looks like a piece of brown lard in a Topic wrapper.
and Billie Eiilish looks like a monunmental cunt.
Because she is a cunt.
Can anybody imagine say Roberta Flack, Aretha Franklin (RIP), Gladys Knight or Diana Ross turning up at the 1975 Grammys with ‘Nixon” printed on their dress? No, me neither. Because they were proper artists with class, and they didn’t need cheap and vulgar stunts like that to get noticed. And there’s the difference: all those ladies mentioned above will be remembered for their ability and talent forever. But in years to come, all folk will say about that cunt in the picture is ‘Oh, that cunt who wore that stupid dress. Don’t know her name though’.
Those who have the privilege of living amongst decent people use the very freedom and safety it gives them to permanently deride it.
So if the chiggun snaffflers and the white cockless cucks hate our society and whitey so much I have an idea – cash in, take your money and your whining arses to Africa and never come back.
And don’t dare think of calling our Embassy for help at 3AM when a bunch of murderous savages are surrounding your mansion and the black security guards have been bribed to fuck off.
Those who have the privilege of living amongst decent people use the very freedom and safety it gives them to permanently deride it.
Belt up or fuck off.
Simple as that.
All i’ve heard of it is Cardiac (Sub-waiting area?) B and acts of degeneracy.
Who watches this pointless crap anyway?
Never heard of any of those cunts in that BBC link.