A give ’em an inch they’ll take a mile cunting for our rodent bothering friends, please.
I’ve always been a live and let live type, but it seems I got it wrong as far as the gays are concerned.
I thought if we stopped putting the gays in prison for being a gay, then they would just live and let live too. So where are we now, a few decades on?
Trannie freaks in primary schools asking 5 year olds what ‘gender’ they feel they are, after listening to the tranny tell a story about a trannie penguin.
I can’t even escape when the footy is on. Not only the knee taking bollocks, but the rainbow corner flags, laces and captain’s armbands are promoting the gays and their ways.
I can’t watch a film or show without gays snogging or even bumming on them. They even get onto kids’ shows and ruin them too.
Therefore, I take it all back. I would give the gays the following choices.
1. Repent and receive 10,000 lashes from a monk in black screaming ‘Repent!’
2. Life in prison.
Nominated by: Cuntybollocks
and in a similar vein from Halloween Cunthook
What the fuck is this about !!
This virtue signalling woke PC “American Mom”. Has actually filmed herself and posted teaching her toddler learning the “GayB,C’s”
Sickening cunt.
And this from Meat Curtains
Gay Signalling.
If your choice to be gay is supposedly as normal and acceptable as my choice to be straight, why the fuck do you feel the need to remind everyone constantly in subtle or obvious ways that you have chosen the gay way. I already have this shit forced on me by advertising, entertainment, and everything else that pelts me daily. For fuck sake STOP signaling your gayness. I don’t signal my choice of who I fuck nor should I, so stop it because all I think of you is that you’re a damn CUNT and whatever you were expecting me to think is lost. I don’t give a nanofuck about your choice of sex partner and I don’t expect you to care about mine. It’s not fucking relevant! Do you fucking hear me you cunt?!
Be gay. Do your thing and let do mine and we’ll be fine.
Don’t be that cunt.
Oooohhh, you bunch of bitches.
Don’t worry Mis, New Mills will always support the gay community ?
Get the van ready with rainbow flags for the Pride Parade ?
Morning Sicky!
We dont seem to have a pride parade yet, too steep!!
The float would gather pace and end up in the river.
They had a gay prude parade!
“You look a slut!”
“Wear longer skirts!”
Morning Mis, maybe go for northern pride, celebrating all things northern, Beer, Lard, Chips, Black Pudding, Farting, Coal and it would have to be held in the rain.
Ill get us all tickets.
The prize at the raffle is a pink flatcap.
The header pic just goes to show how time has taken its toll on the Spice Girls.
Speaking of time taking its toll, take a look at the state of Daniella Westbrook these days.
She looks like a right rancid slag.
Morning all and sorry for ruining or bringing up your breakfasts.
Sister of Davros.
Don’t you know it’s a lifestyle choice nowadays? Check out the telly most other media.
The BBC website is awash with wonderful enlightening stories of unnatural acts and liaisons (even their Newsbeat pages aimed at kids gives helpful advice in the joys of gayness).
It’s perfectly ok to virtue signal that you like to dress in women’s clothes and pick up men I clubs. If however, i was to virtue signal that I like to dress in jeans and t shirt, pick up women in pubs to take home and shag. I’d be slopping out in Parkhurst pretty fucking smartish!
That’s equality for you.
Naughty, naughty!
Homosexuality is not a lifestyle choice. Greg Clarke was hounded out of his job as FA Chairman for saying so and also for using the term “coloured footballers”.
Dr Gideon Micro-Penis of Fuckstick Metropolitan New University was greatly distressed to hear of Greg Clarke’s use of “racist, hateful” language.
Gay isnt a choice. Just wondering, is there astraight pride parade and is it/would it be homophobic? If so, a gay pride parade is heterophobic. One cannot be offensive if the other isnt.
I am afraid that logic is beyond these creatures so I am sure that a ‘Straight Awareness Month ‘ and its associated celebrations would be met with hostility.
Mind you, the thought of Cressida Dick taking the knee or similar salute at a heterosexual parade does tickle my fancy.
I agree. Though it would be the government and the PC, diversity and woke brigades that will raise that point.
I would give Cressida on her knees a wide berth.
Next year expect to see a MAPs Parade, and the year after that a Necro’s Parade
(actually I am reminded of that sketch from the classic ‘Monty Python and the Holy Grail’, with someone shouting “Bring out your dead!”)
They just keep forcing it down our throats. Cunts.
Spat my coffee at my tv with that. Ooh, matron!
At times like this, I miss Goths. The girls were sexy as fuck, and loved that I call myself Diablo. Only goths I seen recently is Joy/Raven and chums on that advert.
Elvira, mistress of the dark!!!
Elvira? Isnt that Tony Montana’s wife? Haha.
Your thinking of Johnny Vegas.
According to my square eyed wife, they have a goth (albeit a lesbian one) in Coronation Street. For some reason Mrs. Boggs likes gay men in her soap but not “those odd women”
Just googled that as not watched soaps for years. She is sexy! Holy funk. Goth or Emo though?
She is a bit on the chunky side but underneath that goth exterior it’s worth a bash ?
Saraya-Jade Bevis
She looks like she’s had some work done these days, but I still would.
Prison please
Concentration camp for the lot.
The picture for this nom looks a still from Night of the Living Dead.
The girl bottom left, worth one. Unless thats a very feminine-looking dude. Of course, if it a girl, she probably a lesbian so no chance either way.
I think we ought to consider, for a moment, those “ladies” who have yet to come out of the toilet, er, sorry closet (my American isn’t what it was). I am thinking of people like Eddie Izzard, with whom I’d like to couple misandrists like Harriet Harman, the Thornberry woman, Jess Phillips, that woman who looks like Virginia Woolf’s granny, Jenny Jones, and not to forget the baritone voiced Kate Green.
Dame Keir could make a fortune if he covered the niche’ film market and used his HQ to turn out stuff for Pornhub. I can just see the aforesaid “ladies” having fun in “Lesbian Dungeon”, with Izzard cracking the whip, and, indeed the cat o nine tails while Phillips is trussed up and taking David Lammy’s outsize butt plug up her arse.
I think the one in pink in the middle is definitely Kravdaft. Nice to see he’s keeping busy after his death at is a cunt. The cunt.
I noticed ISAC’s formerly resident poof hasn’t been around for a while.
He flounced off after B&W Cunt aimed some homophobia at him. The cunt.
He pissed off Admin one too many times.
i.e. he was banned.
The strange thing is that a lot of gay people just want to lead normal lives and don’t go about mincing, dressing in women’s clothes/bondage gear and camping it up. But switch on the tv and that’s the only type of gay you see. It’s almost like the BBC and the other channels will only show the extroverted, John Inman type gays as the norm.
If you desire to stick your cock up another blokes arse, then good for you. It’s not an achievement, it doesn’t make you special.
I agree FM – when I was in the Royal Navy, there were quite a few men who were homosexual, but i the main, the kept their proclivities to themselves – it was like a little private club, but they never bothered us straight lads. When occasionaly you did get a “flamboyant” one, the gay men resented it just as much as the rest of us did, because it was openly rocking the boat literally.
I remember when my old man knew I was joining up, he thought I was on the turn – RN was well known for it, hence stuff like “On shore it is wine, women and song and onboard it is rum, bum and concertina”. I plead guilty to the first but not the other two. Nobody tried to coerce you even when you were a young rating, unlike the BBC with their recruitment posters for the “gay lifestyle”
My gay next door neighbours would agree. They dislike the attention seeking, narcissistic, militant trans, LGBTQ bollocks as much as most cunters posting here do. Well, almost as much… ?
My best friend is/was gay and fancied me. I was nearly 30 before I found out. Clearly, I’m not the most observant.
Put them back in the closet and nail it shut!
Most of us don’t really care if you’re gay or not. In normal day to day life a persons sexuality should be invisible.
Gays are posit people off because they jump up and down in front of us all the fucking time shouting about being gay.
It’s pathetic, it’s like the first time a teenager is allowed to go to a party. What’s annoying is the rest of us don’t just tell them to fuck off.
Gay Pride parade? How about I like sucking a shit covered cock parade? Apologies to the gay cunters on here, I know not all gays are the same.
Trannies? You realise you creep most of us the fuck out?
Not to mention how every other advert features a gay couple in the interests of diversity, i.e. not featuring a mixed-race couple.
It wasn’t too long ago that Cadbury’s was cunted for its Creme Egg advert featuring a pair of dirt-track riders perversely sharing a Creme Egg with each other.
Oh, for the days when the Cadbury’s Flake advert starred a sexy model consuming a Flake in a sensual, suggestive manner. Enjoy some blatant heterosexuality, lads.
Brighton Gay parade. Who can forget that it took 1000 people to clean the place up after the nonce show. These freaks only care about smelling shite, and it must be on the agenda of every school,we have to indoctrinate them young. Why this allowed to go on beats me. Too much wrong with this country and it will all end in tears.
(Be careful of using the word “nonce”. WordFence doesn’t like it and dumps it into the MQ – DA)
If you fuck a woman you make a baby. If you fuck a man you make a mud pie.
Reminds me of a very old joke that went something like….gay is desperate for baby and becomes severely constipated. When he finally releases the build up, his partner throws a little chimp behind him. The gay guy turns around, picks it up and announces “You’re a shitty little bastard, but you’re all mine.”
Right.. breakfast time for me.
“I don’t mind what they do in the privacy of their own home, just don’t ram it down my throat”, Arthur Atkinson, Confessions of a Door To Door Cucumber Salesman (1976).
I don’t mind the gays but I don’t want a 6 foot 4 tranny that looks like Bet Lynch banging my arse.
I was behind a tranny in a queue in Superdrug a couple of years ago, who was buying three bottles of Veet (a hair removal cream), I wanted to say jokingly ‘bet you spend a fortune on that’ but know it wouldn’t have been taken as banter. Had broader shoulders than a rugby player and looked like Mrs Doubtfire.
Wouldn’t wish any harm and part of me thought you’re bloody brave to go out dressed like that.
Deep down most people don’t care if someone is gay or a tranny, the problem comes when the media keep persistently forcing it onto you.
Watched master chef the other night. Five contestants, two BAME’s, another a obvious gay. Only 40% were white and straight. Next night, 2 BAME’s, one half Chinese.
In Morrisons Evesham over Christmas, I had an rather analogous experience, Fish Mitten. On that occasion, the TS was an employee who was marking down various seasonal items of interest (like oven-ready geese, outsized “premium” turkeys, large dry-aged wing rib joints etc) as well as a lot of shite party food that nobody wanted due to the contemporaneous covid damp-squibbery.
The employee was around 6’3″ and blessed with a prominentia laryngea which put Andy Murray’s bobbing exemplar to shame and s/he wore a great deal of foundation and lipstick, as well as vaguely worrying footwear; I was in truth a mite intimidated. Eager, however, to fill my mum’s freezer with the abundant joyous provender as I was, I engaged her/im in friendly conversation as nonchalantly as I could muster.
Nice as pie s/he was, and even “walked me round” to show me where the Piccalilly was located. I suspect s/he was genuinely taken aback to be spoken to like a normal human being.
Top marks for having the balls to dress like that in an Evesham supermarket. The town is long-since awash with Polish these days, who other than their devout Catholicism are not well known for their indulgence(s), at least not of such blatant and extreme displays of high-level sexual deviance/deviancy.
This is why I have no time for homos and trannies. Fine, you are what you are so just get on with it. But no. This lot have to remind everyone just how gay they are at any given opportunity. It really does boil my piss. Kids should not be allowed to be involved in this bollocks until they are 18. Fucking disgusting. Soon enough the White, Straight male will have zero rights and zero free speech.
Quite right. I don`t bang on about being black.
Admin: for future use. Nonce isnt a word, its an acronym. N.O.N.C.E not of normal criminal element. Just a heads up. Plus, back when gay was a crime, that was the term used for them in prison…along with all other sex criminals.
(Indeed, but Wordfence doesn’t differentiate – DA)
You need to get yourself a dictionary.
Dictionary definition of nônce is: “A person who commits a crime involving sex, especially sex with a child.”
By your logic the word Forest isn’t a word either:
F.O.R.E.S.T. = Freedom Organisation for the Right to Enjoy Smoking Tobacco.
Not is Radar:
R.A.D.A.R = RAdio Detection And Ranging.
Nor is Radar… ?
Your own comment proves me correct… Acronym: abbreviation formed from the initial letters of words. As in UN, UK, USA, USSR, UAE, RSPCA, NASA, WHO.
I think you’re perhaps struggling to accurately divine the nuance that the distinguishing feature of acronyms is that they are actual neologisms (new words) pronounced with standard phonemes. This is to be distinguished from simple abbreviations, which are traditionally read aloud by speaking their constituent letters, DiabloLordOfTerror.
Your given working definition
adequately and succinctly demonstrates and reifies your confusion. Of those capitalised exemplars only one is an acronym; the rest are not acronyms but simply abbreviations. You pronounce “UN“ as the two letters “u” and “n” and NOT as the phoneme /ʌn/ [as in, eg, unbelievable]. Ditto UK, USA et seq. NASA is indeed an acronym as it is pronounced as the disyllabic word IPA /ˈnæsə/ and not simply as the syllables of its constituent four letters (n, a, s, a).
Over time, such neologisms often simply become an established part of the language – such as radar, snafu, fubar; the capitalisation has by then fallen away¹ and has become little more than an aspect of the word’s etymology.
In the case of radar, interestingly, you can take your etymological pick between «ra(dio) d(etection) a(nd) r(anging)» from the 1940s original coinage or the more accurate «radio azimuth direction and ranging» from the 1950s. Etymologically-speaking the latter is more accurate, as it was only in the 1950s that the neologism RADAR (thereafter: radar) actually entered the vernacular language. [It had been ultra secret in the 1940s and as such the word strictly-speaking didn’t exist]. A bit subtle that last point.
¹ cf Tammy Wynette’s (et al) D.I.V.O.R.C.E. [or: D-I-V-O-R-C-E]
Further enquiries in the first instance (kindly enclose an SAE, in the usual way) to:
K Knowles
KW17 2LN
I gayness isn’t a lifestyle choice then why does pride exist, doesn’t make sense.
Sticking cock up a blokes arse isn’t a reason to be proud, unless you make the cunt squeal like a pig.
Stop bragging Sicky.
Scream bitch, Scream! ?
‘proud to be born gay’ I suppose. Nothing against them, had gay and lesbian friends, just dont ram it down our throats…metaphorically or literally. Same issue with veggies/vegans, dont bang on about you being one as I dont give a toss.
The problem is being forced to have an opinion. People can do whatever they want in private, as long as it’s consensual, and no one else has to put up with it. I know a couple of gay people, one of my favourite colleagues in work is gay, and have no issues whatsoever. I don’t want to hear details of their private lives in the same way I don’t want to hear details of my heterosexual friends private lives.
The difference is, the gay people I like aren’t public personification of their sexuality. If you can tell someone is gay before you meet them, I’m probably not going to get on with them, as if being gay is the most interesting or important thing about a person, they inevitably turn out to be quite shallow.
When you see cunts like the ones in the photo above, they think their sexuality is like a fucking superpower. It isn’t.
Trans is a physical manifestation of a mental illness, as you can no more be born ‘in the wrong body’ than you can be born in the wrong species.
Very well put GJ. The Gayness is being used to bludgeon the rest of us like an instrument of submission.
Oh and The Gayness IS a choice. God would not have condemned it if it wasn’t and there are are large numbers of ex guys nobody likes to talk about among other proofs.
Not a choice. And GOD didnt condemn it, religious PEOPLE did.
Well said, Diablo. ?
Hard to imagine there are still people around who believe that sexual preference is a matter of choice.
“as you can no more be born ‘in the wrong body’ than you can be born in the wrong species.”
I feel rather aggrieved.
I think the point I was drunkenly trying to make was that gays are fine if they shut the fuck up about their sex life. Most of us find the thought of their acts utterly disgusting. And being gay is nothing to be proud of.
And the creeping move by the gays to indoctrinate little kids, has proved all those ‘bigots’ from the 60s and 70s who wanted to keep homosexuality as a criminal offence right, hasn’t it?
The university where I am currently working on my Ph.D is lucky to have the world renowned expert in The Gayness as Chancellor.
Surprised that Dick hasn’t had his say on this topic. I assume he is either hungover or balls-deep in Gemma Arterton.
Two condoms are walking past a gay bar, one turns to the other and asks “Wanna get shitfaced?”.
One up the bum, no harm done.
Up the batty, it’s all natty.
You’re an appalling bunch of bigots….you’ll probably be starting on The Dark Keys next.
For Shame.
I was watching American Gods on Amazon Prime untill i was confronted with 2 Gays giving each other a Bum Full… They were attempting to make it look all lovey dovey , sensuous and romantic. FFS it just looks seedy and lascivious, an affront to masculinity and God.
Fuck off
I don’t understand the celebration of sexuality in general. Sex is a burden of the mind, something nature forces you to do whether you want to or not. It’s fun and all, but why make it out it to be something more than it is?
If you paraded in the streets about how you birth stink logs each morning you’d be locked up in no time for being a nut.
I breathe, and am proud! Breath pride!
I think you should take your parade through downtown Minneapolis. Maybe give yourself black face makeup too haha.