The Gays

A give ’em an inch they’ll take a mile cunting for our rodent bothering friends, please.

I’ve always been a live and let live type, but it seems I got it wrong as far as the gays are concerned.

I thought if we stopped putting the gays in prison for being a gay, then they would just live and let live too. So where are we now, a few decades on?

Trannie freaks in primary schools asking 5 year olds what ‘gender’ they feel they are, after listening to the tranny tell a story about a trannie penguin.

I can’t even escape when the footy is on. Not only the knee taking bollocks, but the rainbow corner flags, laces and captain’s armbands are promoting the gays and their ways.

I can’t watch a film or show without gays snogging or even bumming on them. They even get onto kids’ shows and ruin them too.

Therefore, I take it all back. I would give the gays the following choices.

1. Repent and receive 10,000 lashes from a monk in black screaming ‘Repent!’

2. Life in prison.

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks 

and in a similar vein from Halloween Cunthook


What the fuck is this about !!

This virtue signalling woke PC “American Mom”. Has actually filmed herself and posted teaching her toddler learning the “GayB,C’s”

Sickening cunt.

And this from Meat Curtains

Gay Signalling.

If your choice to be gay is supposedly as normal and acceptable as my choice to be straight, why the fuck do you feel the need to remind everyone constantly in subtle or obvious ways that you have chosen the gay way. I already have this shit forced on me by advertising, entertainment, and everything else that pelts me daily. For fuck sake STOP signaling your gayness. I don’t signal my choice of who I fuck nor should I, so stop it because all I think of you is that you’re a damn CUNT and whatever you were expecting me to think is lost. I don’t give a nanofuck about your choice of sex partner and I don’t expect you to care about mine. It’s not fucking relevant! Do you fucking hear me you cunt?!
Be gay. Do your thing and let do mine and we’ll be fine.
Don’t be that cunt.


89 thoughts on “The Gays

  1. Riddle: why do gay men prefer ribbed condoms?
    Answer: More traction in the mud.

    Who’s hungry?

  2. Condoms don’t guarantee safe sex anymore.
    My mate was wearing one when he was shot dead by the woman’s husband.

  3. Two things I don’t get about this mob.
    They are supposed to fancy men, right? Yet they don’t idolise any. The doughnut punchers always worship old slags and decrepit trollops like Madogga, Cher and Kyile. Also, the musical taste is also appalling (all of the above and other disco shit). And if any man (for want of a better word) is idolised, then it’s some cunt like Ru fucking Paul.

    Another thing is why do so many dress as wimmin? I adore the ladies (well, nice ones that is), but I don’t fucking dress like ’em.

    • I dont often either.
      And this isnt a pink tutu!
      Its a Brighton kilt,
      thank you very much.

    • I aways fancied Amy Lee, the chicks from Ace Of Base, Mel C and Rachel White.

      • Always fancied giving Geri one during her Spice Girls days. Rachel Stevens (S Club 7) was another one.

    • I liked Julia from Tatu aswell! People always preferred geri and baby spice. I liked Mel, much hotter and didnt feel a need to dress as slaggy. Not like those little mix sluts.

  4. What’s the difference between a gay man and a microwave oven?
    A microwave oven won’t brown the meat.

  5. Not so much the gays as people that bother me but the invented and confected LGBT movement push promoted everywhere when in reality none of them get on.

    As for gay pride parades, many violate public decency. The evidence that the police have been politicised when they not only look the other way but promote it and have patrol cars painted in rainbow livery.

    Crypto-Marxist bullshit.

  6. The ones that ‘come out’ are the fucking worst.
    One day they act completely normal but hours after declaring their deviance to anybody that can be bothered to listen they develop a mincing walk and the obligatory lisp.
    They start blubbering in situations where they didn’t only days before and cackling in laughter at the slightest innuendo.
    Stupid cunts.

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