The EU and Covid Vaccine

(An extra nom for today given the current media frenzy – DA)

A long overdue cunting for the European Union and their role out of the Covid vaccine, in particular the AZ/Oxford version.

First the complained that they weren’t getting their fair share and for one day threaten to effectively block the border in Northern Ireland.
Having come to their senses they then start rolling it out and the top Frog says if useless in the over 65’s and therefore slowing down the vaccine program.
The latest ploy to undermine the AZ vaccine is by claiming it causes blood clots, country after country in the EU suspending the use of the AZ vaccine. The evidence for this is very thin indeed and the EMA have said that the role out shouldn’t be halted.
At the time of writing this the EMA are having a meeting about the issue and will make a statement (probably tomorrow) so watch this space.
I would say that the WHO say it’s safe but they are cunts so fuck them.

The UK regulator MHRA say there isn’t an issue and the UK are continuing with the role out.

Dear EU, if you don’t want to use AZ, then don’t use it it, you cunts!

Nominated by: Sick of it



and in a similar vain, this from W.C.Boggs


A blue and gold flag cunting please for the Strumpet of Brussels, that daft mixed up cunt der Leyen, who is still shitting her panties because her beloved dictatorship have not got their act together on Covid vaccination, and is now yet again trying to fuck up us because of Brexit, no doubt:

She and her goons don’t want our vaccine – not in my opinion that she is intelligent enough or qualified in medicine to make such a big decision for all the countries concerned – truthfully, she is as dim as a glow-worms armpit, but she is trying to fuck our supplies up – no doubt an extra hissy “punishment” fit because we dared to leave the corrupt motherfuckers of the EU.

Hitler in knickers ought to be removed from her job, and if the twenty-something countries that still have the misfortune to be locked up with it, had any bollocks they would arrange a campaign to rid themselves of the daft cow. Not that Germany, France or Ireland would support such a move – they are too busy licking her arse and cludge.



…and more support, this time from Quick Draw McGraw

Ursula Von Der Liar and the rest of the EU. After all the bullshit over the past couple of months about the Astra Zeneca jab, including false claims that it isn’t very effective in the elderly, and that it causes blood clots, Von Der Liar today (Wednesday 17th March) threatened to block exports of the vaccine to countries that had a higher vaccination rate than the EU, which is pretty much everyone. Von Der Liar said:

“We will reflect on whether exports to countries who have higher vaccination rates than us are still proportionate.”

Make no mistake, this is directed entirely at the UK, because the EU are STILL sulking about us leaving their shitty club. So now they’re threatening to deny us the vaccine that has been legally bought and paid for, because the EU fucked up with it’s own vaccination programme. This wouldn’t be quiet so jarring were it not for the fact that once again, the sour Kraut is telling porkies the size of the moon.

She’s claiming that AZ haven’t delivered enough doses to EU countries, as if it were the fault of AZ and the UK. The fact is, it’s the fucking EU’s fault. They placed their order THREE MONTHS after the UK, and expected the vaccine to be delivered at the same time. That was never going to happen. And despite EU claims that the contract was binding, AZ NEVER made a firm commitment to deliver at the same time as the UK. And EuroNews are reporting that FIFTEEN million doses have been delivered to the EU, but less than half have been used. How is that the fault of countries that have done better with vaccination?

And this latest whingeing rather proves the falsehood of the claims of it’s effectiveness in the elderly, and that it causes blood clots. If they were really THAT concerned with the AZ’s vaccine, then why are they complaining about not getting enough of it? Because they’re fucking lying, that’s why. Like I said, this is an entirely political move on the part of the EU. They’re trying to punish us for exercising our democratic right. And in my opinion, the fact they are using such immature tactics just proves that we were right to leave.

FUCK EU. Bunch of cunts.

69 thoughts on “The EU and Covid Vaccine

  1. Oh, what drama!

    Still couldn’t give a ye olde rusty fuck. Until Hancock and all the other traitors are given million dose AZ enemas, I shan’t give’th one either.

    About as convincing as ‘shortages’. Come on folks, this is a shitty clown circus, and you’re all enamoured by it.

    • entirely agree with you – has anyone on here actually asked what’s in these dastardly jabs no matter where they come from …. ? it’s all a marketing ploy for their fucking gene therapy primer – and most are glad to have it … ffs – what has happened to people?

      • Lana, people are intellectually lazy and far too trusting of authority figures. Plus a little dash of fear and hysteria too (fight/flight supersedes critical thinking).

  2. Wait until the wind is blowing east and then nuke Brussels. Cunts. Voted out and glad we have left.

  3. Interesting that Germany hasn’t also halted use of the Pfizer jab which, if you believe the blood clot bullshit, is statistically equally culpable.

    Could it be because the Pfizer vaccine was developed in Germany and is being distributed for profit, unlike Oxford AZ which is being offered at cost?

  4. Who gives a fuck?

    If they are short a few million doses of alien juice, just have a quick work Matt Hancock’s bartender and he’ll set you straight….a quick word in his shell like and all manner of non existent products can be yours…..nod nod, wink wink, say no more.

    • What I give a fuck about is that the brainless tart and her lickspittle officials are doing everything they can to harass Britain for daring to leave their corrupt shithouse “club”.

      They are like the playground bullies we recall from schooldays – weedy little bastards who just go round threatening or striking when nobody is looking. They give a good thrashing, but whimper like little bitches if they are hit back

      It is vaccine this week – it could be anything next week. They are controlling bastards trying to fuck us over and no doubt giving a warning to any other country that has the balls to leave.

      The most galling thing is that they are being encouraged by some British politicians, and let’s face it – with cunts like Blair, Heseltine, Mandy and cocksucker in chief Adonis on the EU side they might even be advising the EU on where to hit next to bring us to our knees – they are fucking fifth columnists and Leyden needs a kick in the cunt, not rncouragment.

      • I would add Jellyfish Johnson to that list Mr Boggs, he seems terrified of upsetting them.
        It’s almost as if he never believed in Brexit, the fat two faced cunt. (His mrs is even worse)

      • WC@ – Sir, I salute you! ?
        The EU are petulant, bullying gutless rats, and like every bully they just need someone with a pair to stand up to them and face them down.
        Unfortunately we have nobody in any position of influence willing or able to do this and far too many Quislings in our own ranks willing to kowtow or fk us over.

      • It is a great shame for all the people of Europe that UVL’s and the Frumpenfuher’s parents weren’t standing underneath when the Lancasters were doing their flypasts over the Fatherland.

  5. O Remoaneo, Remoaneo, wherefore art thou Remoaneo?
    Deny thy homeland and refuse thy nation;
    Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love
    And I’ll no longer be a Cuntlet.

  6. My wife has just had the AZ jab and the doctor said the main cause of the blood clots is cause by people sitting on their fat arses all day during lockdown. Just a coincidence it happened after the vaccination. They probably would have got clots without the jab.
    The EU are fucked. They couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery.
    The UK infections will plummet, our economy will bounce back whilst theirs will collapse.
    We should prepare to invade France later in the year and finish off what we started during the 100 year war. ?

    • Every day more people within the EU are asking themselves what is the point of the ‘organisation ‘. It will only take a couple of the big net contributors to walk away and the whole rotten structure will collapse.

  7. It’s all about giving stick to the UK. The EU can’t abide the fact that the UK were smarter, quicker and more efficient. With any luck this shit-storm will be the beginning of the end for the EU. Incompetent and malign dipsticks.

    • The EU, Ursula von Küntface, and the whole Reich have been incompetent, useless, petulant, and quivering with shitty, envious rancour.

      I hope it continues.

      • No fear on that score, Cap… will continue. It will continue because the EU has delusions of grandeur and yet is run by appointed political failures such as the hapless Von Der Liar (a.k.a Field Marshall Broomstick) and generally because Europe’s political culture is bureaucratic, autocratic, incompetent and cuntocratic. My only pleasure is that they will take the Irish Republic down with them. Cunts.

  8. Fuck the useless cunts.
    I hope that old bitch ends up in an iron lung.
    I know,I’m going soft.
    Pass the sherry.

  9. The EU and those unelected unaccountable totally corrupt hypocritical vindictive and power hungry nasty cunts running it will always be amongst some of the worst cunts on the planet.

  10. Yesterday in the chinky flu briefing JVT ( the man who likes compare everything to football for some reason) had a little dig (I assumed aimed at the EU countries) ‘ the vaccine isn’t any use sitting in fridges its only useful when it’s in people arms’

    Ursula Von Cunt is complaining they aren’t getting enough AZ vaccine but the EU countries have stopped the role out, the EU should have stayed well out of the vaccine saga and just allowed individual countries to sort out their own supplies.

    Watch this space, the EMA verdict is due today on the AZ vaccine.

    There is a report today of possible delays with deliveries of AZ from India, could be the start of the vaccine wars.

    • We have two AZ factories in the UK. They need to ramp up production – even build or extend those factories with government funding. If the EU want a vaccine war let give it to the fuckers.

      • We are already at war with the EU. The difference this time is that they are using economics instead of guns and bombs…

    • They’re setting the stage now for why we can’t open up in the summer, and why we’ll inevitably go back into lockdown in autumn.

      Meanwhile, in Florida..

    • I bet they’ve been pleasantly surprised how easily they can push people around.
      No matter how intrusive or absurd, cunts en masse just lap it up like downtrodden numpties.

  11. Pull out of NATO and bring all our forces out of Europe. If Vlad invades them, pull up a deckchair and enjoy the show.
    I’ll have a strawberry Mivvi.
    Fuck Euroland.

    • What forces ? All UK tanks left Germany a long time ago. The once mighty BAOR ( British Army of the Rhine ) is gone. We actually have more MOD civilians than soldiers !

  12. Well, this puts the Remainers in a bit of a quandary. Looking forward to seeing what mental gymnastics they use this time.

    • I imagine James O’Gobshite is ‘leading britains (remainer) circlejerk’ right now. Followed shortly by the hambeast harridan man hater Sheeelah.

    • As demonstrated many, many times, Remainers not usually known for their flexibility of thought or rational argument despite the facts often being patently obvious so should be interesting to see. I rather suspect regardless that everything will continue to be the fault of the Brexiteers.


  13. Here are 12 important questions and answers before considering getting vaccinated:

    ●”If I get vaccinated can I stop wearing a mask(s)?”

    Government: “NO”

    ●”If I get vaccinated will the restaurants, bars, schools, fitness clubs, hair salons, etc. reopen and will people be able to get back to work like normal?

    Government: “NO”

    ●”If I get vaccinated will I be resistant to Covid?”

    Government: “Maybe. We don’t know exactly, but probably not.”

    ●”If I get vaccinated, at least I won’t be contagious to others – right?”

    Government: “NO. the vaccine doesn’t stop transmission.”

    ●”If I get vaccinated, how long will the vaccine last?”

    Government: “No one knows. All Covid “vaccines” are still in the experimental stage.”

    ● “If I get vaccinated, can I stop social distancing?”

    Government: “NO”

    ● “If my parents, grandparents and myself all get vaccinated can we hug each other again?”

    Government: “NO”

    ● “So what’s the benefit of getting vaccinated?”

    Government: “Hoping that the virus won’t kill you.”

    ●”Are you sure the vaccine won’t injure or kill me?”

    Government: “NO”

    ●”If statistically the virus won’t kill me (99.7% survival rate), why should I get vaccinated?”

    Government: “To protect others.”

    ●”So if I get vaccinated, I can protect 100% of people I come in contact with?”

    Government: “NO”

    ● “If I experience a severe adverse reaction, long-term effects (still unknown) or die from the vaccine will I (or my family) be compensated from the vaccine manufacture or the Government?”

    Government: “NO – the government and vaccine manufacturer’s have 100% zero liability regarding this experimental drug”

    So to summarize, the Covid19 “vaccine”…

    Does not provide immunity

    Does not eliminate the virus

    Does not prevent death

    Does not guarantee you won’t get it

    Does not stop you from passing it on to others

    Does not eliminate the need for travel bans

    Does not eliminate the need for business closures

    Does not eliminate the need for lockdowns!!!

    • Even after pointing all that out people still fucking take it. There’s nothing you can do to reach some people. Unfortunately they must suffer trauma before they learn to think again.

      Which is fine by me, I won’t interfere with nature, but not when my life suffers too as a result of your ignorance being used by the state to enforce unjustified tyranny.

    • If you scare people enough they will comply with anything, and I mean anything.

      Basically (and it’s just my opinion) you could tell people at the moment to inject absinthe into their eyeballs and some would advocate it….some would even do it if the government said so.

      The other thing is that people are now forgetting the way we used to live and the “new normal” is really here…big business open, small business shut, people injecting God knows what on the flimsy word of known charlatans, being told you cannot meet your own fucking family while the rich and infamous do what the fuck they like…it doesn’t and won’t end until people realise what’s happening.

      Fuck Boris and Matt and may they both toast on the Devil’s pitchfork….preferably inserted into their anus.

      • A statement by NHS. Sorry that phrase does not comfort nor convince me in the slightest

        (i) as usual, what are/is the numbers based on,

        (ii) whatever it is that published number will be skewed to to their favour to the extent that limit of errors within allows, and probably more after that too.

        Every possible piece of propaganda designed to herd us in their direction

        Fuckers fuckers cunts cunts

    • Well there has been a statement from the NHS, the vaccine is effective, reduces the chance of death by 80% in the old cunts, reduction of 60% in getting severe disease and around 30% of being infected and passing it one to others.
      Not perfect but better than a kick in the cunt.

      • Not perfect but better then nothing in my opinion. My daughter works in the frontline of the NHS and I’m damned glad she’s had two jabs.

        You don’t it. Then don’t have it. Your choice but stop spreading bullshit to put others off…

    • Just a coincidence that our death rate is falling fast ( and Israel’s ) ?In EU blunderland they are locking down again ! Luckily the French are OK with a curfew – having had more practice that us plucky Brits.

  14. Should have left this shitshow years ago, Boris the balls up has sold us out by promising the earth and giving us Treason Mays deal in a different font – the gutless little rodent should have just stared them down, left with no deal and then begun negotiations.
    Spiteful petulant fkers who still can’t handle the fact we are not being fleeced and ordered about by them (it’s only the former now, and half the latter – thanks again Boris)
    Every episode like this reinforces my opinion that we were right to leave – Rome is falling, the vandals are at the gate and they swan around in their EU togas dining on lead pipes. A Le Pen led France (distinctly possible) are rumbling about jumping ship, as well as Italy, Portugal and Holland – we could q**er (lesson learned – cheers RTC!) the pitch by offering leavers very favourable and profitable trade terms – and much more uppity EU nonsense and I will be fuelling up The Black Pig for the annual IAC “slaughter a foreigner” trip abroad!

    • AZ causes blood clots, yeah right. And some cunt who’d had the Pfizer jab fell over on his arse while crossing the road and got run over, so they’ll have to stop that one too. Playing politics during a pandemic, that’ll help.

      • Statistics prove conclusively that 99% of people who have road accidents eat potatoes.

        There are lies, damned lies and statistics. You need to apply a brain in order to weed out spurious correlations…

  15. The government care so much about your health they’ve kept you inside for a year and made your business history.
    Like governments across the globe they’ve let the cops hit you with batons for your health.
    For years they’ve told us about the evils of CO2, now they want you masked up and breathing it in.
    At the peak of the pandemic masks were apparently pointless, JVT, Whitty, Hancock, Valance, they all said it. What changed?
    I’ve put on a mask once, I had to pay money in at the bank and they wouldn’t let me in without one.
    What sort of fucked up world is it when you’re only allowed in a bank if your face is covered.

    The chances of karking it from CV are next to zero so this eagerness to get jabbed seems weird. I know Elton John and Katie Price said have it, but I’m not convinced.

    The Government have said you need something and then sold it to you.
    This is day one, page one, at salesman school stuff.

    If this ever was about a health issue, it’s not anymore….

    • What sort of pandemic requires dedicated propaganda campaigns, media hamstrung by government OFCOM, censorship by tech companies, online warfare by spooks and the military, etc

      A real pandemic would not need to be advertised and curated. It’s so obvious ffs.

      • Substitute benches in Football with players sat out in the open air, all with face muzzles on.
        Forgive my ignorance but aren’t all these cunts ‘tested’ regularly and clean of the ‘virus’ and it’s not like stadiums are fucking rammed is it.
        Why promote a pandemic for fucks sake?
        An example of how the ‘pandemic’ is being advertised and sold by every single part of the televised/visual media at every possible opportunity.

    • A bunch of Z listers, has beens and unqualified TV types telling me something is safe is “an unconvincing argument”.
      It would please me greatly to see every member of SAGE being led from the dock to a prison cell – this is not about a vaccine, it’s about gauging how much shit they can throw at us before we snap and they must be laughing their bollocks off at what they have got away with for the last year.
      Massive worldwide anti lockdown protest on Saturday, I shall be playing my small part.
      Enough is enough – end this.

      • They care so much about health JR they kept liquor stores and fastfood joints still wide open for business

        People are drinking themselves stupid and getting fat cause they got nothing to do and can’t go anywhere

        My own alcohol consumption is drastically decreased since pandemic last I had anything to drink was on Christmas day. I had some eggnog whisky and a pina colada cunttail. The reason I cut down so much is because of experts saying alcohol can lead to greater chance of exposure to virus and of spreading to others yet they still remain open to sell

  16. Post Brexit the UK is still due to pay the EU monies until the year 2057. Supposedly “only” another £25 billion with £18 billion off that due before 2024.

    Meanwhile the EU is behaving like a spoilt child at pre-school not letting others play with its toys, stealing toys from the other children, screaming at the top of its voice and all the while the other parents are paying for this obnoxious brat to attend.

    Brexit was supposed to be about taking back control. It’s high time we showed the EU cunts that this is exactly what we are going to do. A good start would be to stop paying them and to tell them to behave like a grown up or we’ll impose further sanctions. We’ve stood up to the cunts before, despite being the David compared to, supposedly, Goliath and we could do it again. Will we though? For all the talk from our politicians it’s probably more likely we’ll kowtow to the cunts again.

  17. Let’s not forget that Von der Liar was elected to her position.
    Number of candidates on the ballot paper………a certain Von der Liar.
    Exactly the sort of democracy the remoaners love.

    • Juncker was elected with only one name on the ballot paper. Think from memory Nigel said it was also a secret vote!!

      As he says “you couldn’t make it up”.

  18. What a world we now live in: BLM, XR, woke this and woke that, political correctness, wall to wall MSM propaganda, climate change bollox costing us billions, and the EU.

    The E fucking U.

    We voted to leave the EU and four and a half years later we have, supposedly, done so. But have we though? The EU still fucks us about on a daily basis and steals our money. Now it wants to bin our vaccines.

    Enough is enough surely. Time to rip up the capitulation deal and put in in the bin!

      • BloJo is increasing our stock of nukes. Maybe for this very reason?

      • Let’s invade? They still wouldn’t get the message! They’d continue sending invoices for the billions even while the bombs were falling.

  19. An iron lung strikes me as a good machine to administer non-air gas mixtures!

  20. How’d this end up down here? it’s a replay to unkle Terry’s excellent suggestion

  21. It’s simply this. Europe f~€ked up their vaccine rollout and the natives are getting restless.

    So the politburo simply try to rubbish the ASTRA vaccine rather than fix their supply problem.

    Typical EU….

    • So long as Verminhofstadt, von der Liar, and an EU cast of thousands all get fatal blood clots, I’m OK with that.

  22. So the boche don’t like our AZ vaccine? Well, they should stick to their own. What’s it called, ZB?

    Wonder if all their “vaccination centers” are near railways.

    “Covid passport”. What, a fucking number tattooed on your arm?

    I’ll bet the a fucking big heap of vaccine covered a towel (with a swastica on it)

  23. Well I’ve had the AZ jab and I’m fine. Can’t wait till May to get the other half.
    I don’t want to end up like these “never been ill in my life” / “no underlying health issues” millenial fuck-ups that you read about in the tabloids.
    I reckon that there IS something that makes these 20-30 something people susceptible to Co-vid, whether it be the fact that they’re woke( i.e. weak),
    have been damaged by recreational drug use or a history of repeatedly acquiring dirty STIs (especially through taking it up the arsehole)
    If I caught measles as a kid I would be immune.
    Why is it that when someone catches gonorrhoea, chlamydia or syphilis they do not get immunity? Fucked if I know.

    • What makes the 20 somethings more susceptible to covid is that the stupid buggers refuse to observe social distancing and refuse to wear face coverings and then go on mass protests because it infringes their yuman rights innit.

      Stupid fuckers deserve to catch it. Trouble is they go on to infect the rest of us. Selfish bastards…

    • The French medical staff only work 12 -1.30 and have an Hour and a half for lunch – may explain the slow roll out ?

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