The Anti-Pub Motley Crew

What is in these peoples heads that every pub evening it’s so uncivilised pint glasses get chucked at people? Don’t get me wrong I’ve seen a fair few funny moments and so has the cunt in the corner on his own reading the guardian or mirror on his own. It’s no excuse not to frequent the establishment.

These cat-loving cretins with velure curtains love to watch EastEnders every night and never venture out their shit pit because they are scared of the Farooqs hanging round the corner shop. Yet they try to get it to shut down because they live so a lonely existence. When in reality these people would help them.

Secondly is the gym cunt, these bastards are a right pain in the arse. They might spend 20 quid a month running on a piece of rubber but fuck me, what’s the point unless you join the forces? Get all that lycra and bend over on Instagram, it doesn’t make you anymore appealing. I’d much more a deep conversation over a can of black rat quite frankly.

Do these people not realise that pubs are in some respect the last bastion of culture in this once great country only to be screwed over by corner shops (run by shady tax-dodging cunts selling overpriced cans of orange boom) and supermarkets and religious zealots.

The pub is the hub. When a lockdown is over, let’s make it work. I don’t give a shit if you hate Tim Martin or not, the guy is a legend in my eyes and so are all landlords for having to put up with these cunts trying to fuck you over. I take of my hat to you!

Nominated by: Clown Clown the Cunty Man 

56 thoughts on “The Anti-Pub Motley Crew

  1. Ha, you’ll be lucky if any true pubs survive this business destroying monster that is our present government.

    Quiz night will now be mask night and the disco will now be held in isolation with appropriate distancing and a scotch egg.

    • The pub♥️♥️♥️
      Been thinking about it a lot lately.
      Truly the cornerstone of a community?
      Nothing more British than the pub.
      Not really sure what the noms about, but im all for the pub.
      And the first rounds mine.
      Chin chin

      • I’m on about people who are anti pubs reopening because they assume that everyone who goes to the pubs are some sort of subhumans. Usually the boring noisy neighbour who keeps on moaning about noise outside etc who has a thousand cats because she grasses all her mates up. I got a word for them. They shouldn’t move near a pub.

        You see it on lots of comments why are gyms not reopen before pubs, well I don’t sweat all over the tables. Makes perfect sense to allow pubs to open to generally allow older people to get out and about rather than being cooped up in four walls.

      • I want the gyms open too.
        Not as much as I do the pub.
        But be nice to get back to normal.
        Think it was the cat thing that threw me.

      • “Nothing more British than the pub”…..that’s why they want to destroy it.

  2. Any fitness cunt who goes out of their way to use a treadmill is a moron. I do hour long runs outdoors and it’s much more enjoyable.

  3. I am looking forward to sitting in a pub and having a drink again; oddly, sitting around at home, I haven’t even felt like much alcohol (apart from the Imperial Stoat and fruit beers Sam Smith’s sent me).
    Apparently, Phil the Greek is back home, so hopefully I’ll be able to raise a glass to the old bastard on his hundredth. If he doesn’t make it, Liz bought a couple more corgis recently…

  4. Not being much of a drinker I hardly ever go to the pub. I would be sad to see it go though. But these Wetherspoons places never feel like pubs to me. They have as much relationship to a pub as McDonalds does to a proper restaurant.

    • Well, that’s fine. Your choice to frequent it or not. What I don’t like is the wankers who flagged off Tim Martin when he employs thousands of staff who actually pay taxes.

      • Tim Martin is a greedy selfish millionaire who told all those thousands of staff he employs to go and see if they could get a job at Tescos and held out as long as he could when it came to paying lockdown wages despite the fact that the government plays in back!

        I rather hope Wetherspoons goes down the pan and that goblin faced cunt goes skint!


    • Tim Martin is ok in my book for defending Brexit to the hilt.

      • ….and the idiots that attack him are probably just sour-puss remainers (a.k.a cunts).

      • ….with the exception of my fellow cunters above of course, whom I am sure are not remainers or cunts.

  5. Can’t wait to go to the pub and talk bollocks with my mates. Pile of cunt this Boris shit.

  6. Looking forward to going out for a curry, followed by a couple of pints and an ogle at the ladies as soon as possible.
    Sort it out, for fucks sake!

  7. Enjoy your pubs and clubs, with your undercover stasi officers amongst you.

    • Fuck um, they have already had the Brexit vote stuck up um. Why you worried?

      • Not sure what you mean? The police are being given powers to go undercover in bars and clubs, to protect teh wimminz in the wake of Sarahs murder.

        For the safety of wimmin, and nothing more of course!

      • @Clown I think you’ll find that all you need to be is white maley. Rapey, murdery and brown is the way to get away with it.

      • Oh, I’ll get down the knackers yard then. I might even move to Bradford and get some lessons and join the gang.

  8. I’m out for a pint in the local first chance I get.
    Should be the duty of every proud Englishman.
    Fuck the likes of peacefuls and perpetually frightened, dull cunts.

    • You’ll have fewer from which to choose, Herman. Probably a quarter closed due to Blair’s fuckwitty smoking ban and then the Chînky Flu hammered in more coffin nails. With an exploding Muzlîm population it’s looking grim. I reckon in ten years they’ll be as rare as old-fashioned tea houses.

      • Yeah the peaceful population/cultural encroachment is a huge problem Captain and one that doesn’t go unnoticed.
        Not enough people seem to notice or even care – especially as half the younger traditional white working class are trendy arseholes more interested in sipping lattes in coffee shops.
        Fucking insipid cunts.

  9. I’m fucking gagging for a pint. If those cunts Johnson, Whitty, Vallance etc delay the opening………

    • Afternoon Bob.
      You were gagging for a pint months ago wasn’t you?
      Imagine how good that first one will be mate??

      Not long now, cant wait either.

  10. They may open the boozers but it won’t be the same. You will have to sit at a table and have some bird bring your drinks over. You will probably have to order a meal and then fuck off because some other cunt has booked the table. It suits the ruling class not to have working class blokes together moaning about the cunting government, the dinghie bastards, the wokies and the w*gs. It will never be the same again.

    • Give it a matter of time, it will fade out. Bat flu will be confined to Room 101.

      • I hope you are right Mr Cunty Man but you give these cunts an inch and you know what happens. They would much rather we were sat at home staring at the idiot box absorbing their relentless propaganda.

    • I can’t wait to sit in a pub again, have a few beers with friends without having to eat or put on a face nappy every time I want a gypsy’s kiss.

      Alas like you Freddie, I wonder if we will ever get that full freedom back. I see the eating, table service and face nappies being part of going into a pub for a long while.

  11. I’m gagging for a few beers in a real pub. No meals, scotch eggs, TV, jukebox, fruit machines, karaoke and any other of the shite that has wormed its way into these hallowed establishments. The dart, cards, dominoes and even pool can stay for me as long as it looks and smells like a pub. I’m drooling now thinking of a pint or more of Joey Holt’s bitter.

  12. i used to spend allot of time in my local pub The Hollybush, but it was taken over by a new landlord who was a totally rude fat wanker of a cunt.
    They knocked all to walls down and turned it into a food pub full of giant tv,s and gobshite cunts
    We could live with paying more for beer but not being able to hear yourself think, have a conversation or avoid the football, cricket, fucking horse racing, shite music pissed me off in the end.
    The beer garden has become a bio hazard area where you cant even breath because of the smokers, even my dog gagged.
    So i thought fuck it, i will stay home, drink what i want at a resendable price, listen to what i want, watch what i want.
    but its shame, bring back a bar and a lounge, if i want to go to a fucking zoo i will, but its not my idea of destressing after a shit day in work and thats why pubs were in the shit way before the yellow Pangolin fever,
    So after the initial interest due to the lock down release all the pubs will be turned into flats i thing , full of dooshka,s and Somalian slave traders screwing the system…..

  13. I was in the pub at every opportunity between lockdowns as well as beers in the park etc.
    I personally think that visiting pubs was safer than visiting the supermarket with regard to Covid.
    We have to use them more than ever to make Sure they survive.
    Reading an article in the Beer 52 magazine and they are predicting we may lose 10% of pubs due to Covid.
    I’ve got two pub crawl organise an ready to go upto and including St George’s Day.

  14. Adding to what Fuglyucker said, Enfield, North London lost 30 pubs in 13 years and mostly in areas where goat worrying peacefulls moved in.
    Never trust a cunt that doesn’t drink!

    • To think that these dirty untrustworthy bastard peacefuls nonce on young girls whilst sneering at people who drink alcohol.

  15. Nowt better after a hike with the lads than a rake of ale in a proper country pub.
    No or other mutated shite.
    The watery hide behind the curtains cunts who disapprove can Fuck Right Off and live in Bahrain.

  16. Many years ago I was in the pub every night. Got married and had kids, and now can enjoy a beer or two at home whilst watching the idiot box. Can enjoy some really strong imperial stouts that you rarely get in a pub, but there is still something about being in a pub.

    It’s the talking with your mates and having a relaxed laugh. I’ve missed that and hope it comes back.

    I live opposite a pub and it seems sad to stare at it (longingly) whilst it’s been closed.

  17. I went to my local on new years eve afternoon, got told that if I booked a table all was good.
    Did so, went on the night, had a look through the window, place full of people I had never seen before.
    Walked in to be told I had to write down my name, address, mobile number and wear a mask before entering – I pointed out that nobody inside was wearing one and the chappy on the door (different one than the regular guy) decided to get “a bit chippy” – I restrained my somewhat quick temper and decided to get some booze from the local garage instead, as they went down I became more and more minded to go back and smack that little prick around, luckily common sense prevailed but I decided that night I will never walk into a pub which has any kind of restrictions again.
    I will no longer put up with masks, social distancing, vaccine passports, booking tables, restrictions on numbers, social distancing or any of this kind of BS in a place I choose to spend my hard earned – either I drink in peace or I don’t go.

    • Fucking right, with all the yes people out there Fat Cunt Boris and his bunch of corrupt money spinning shysters will keep all this mask and distancing shit going as long as they can.

  18. As Minister for Health, I would have allowed pubs serving food to stay open but only country pubs.

    • As Minister for Men, I will make it compulsory for all men to be in the pub between the hours of 6-8pm, in order that Females can enjoy all other facilities, without feeling intimidated.


      • Good point General. I’d also propose a beer curfew where it is compulsory for ALL men to drink at least two pints of beer on their way home from work. Anyone found trying to abstain on religious goat worrying grounds must be flogged, forced to dink eight pints and also made to buy the next round for the whole pub, after which they are then deported to a country of their own choice.

  19. That’s a relief!
    Judging by the demographic profile of the woke Shitty, if I ever found myself visiting one of these establishments to neck a few beers whilst waiting for my train home, I would be disappointed to see that the “ dancers” were all effeminate omoze or a bunch of tr@n-ny fuck-ups.

  20. I have seen people say that people pubs get drunk and start hugging, I have never hugged another bloke in the pub.

    It’s just people who hate pubs so don’t want anyone to go.

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