Stevie Wonder is a cunt, isn’t he.
Wonder claims he’s leaving America to live in …..Ghana because of…..wait for it….. Racism.
He recently gave an interview to ùber-normal, super-intellectual Oprah Whine-y where he said, “I want to see this nation smile again. And I want to see it before I leave to travel to Ghana because I’m going to do that.”
This is all very superstitious. Why didn’t he leave years ago? Why now? Also will he take his nine children and any of their five different Mothers?
? Isn’t he cu-nty…
Wonder seems a tad ungrateful. Hasn’t he noticed all the progress made by the BLM thugs, smashing up shops, vandalising statues, and even killing a few people? Can’t he see the difference they’ve made?
He could be just jamming. Lately there have been more rumours questioning Wonder’s blindness. A former lover has said he isn’t blind and Chaka Khan also hinted he is able to see. There’s long been the story that he had the operation in the 90s but has to keep ‘playing the role’ so not to shatter the illusion. Have to keep milking the fans.
? Signed, Sealed, Delivered, what a cunt.
Nominated by: Captain Magnanimous
What is this babble? Another rich twat claiming the sacred mantle of victimhood?
Apparently, Little Stevie is worth $110,000,000.
Random thought #20…
If the cunt could SEE Ghana he would. Probably change his mind.
Boy Wonder’s little rant puts me in mind of those precious celebricunts who vowed to leave the USA if Trump became POTUS. It never fucking happened – all piss and wind.
If – and that’s a big fucking if – Wonder does pack up and go to Ghana, will his children and grand children thank him? I certainly wouldn’t in their shoes. The silly old cunt will probably end up in some tribesman’s cooking pot.
(Disclaimer) I’m an atheist and I also don’t believe in ghosts!
This is the fucker who every cunt envokes for the whole (even Stevie Wonder could have seen that one coming) trope/joke…… well fuck you!
Whats the difference between god and a ghost…? Simple, the ghost exists.
Correction! – the ghost had the better movie series made about him…… (the God not so much).
I presume the cunt’s heritage is Ghanaian then…. what is it with fucking Ghanaians? They’re like a fucking plague. They’re everywhere and every last one of them is a cunt.
Ghana must be one of the best countries in the world, surely they must have exported all of their cunts abroad by now, no country can produce that much cuntitude surely….
Isn’t June Sarpong Ghanaian? And David Lammy….
Ireland is giving Ghana a pretty good run for its money. Ireland’s chief export has been cunts for at least 150 years now.
To be fair, I reckon the Ghanians are the dog shit from the shoes of the Nigerians!
I think that racist woman Afua Hirsch is Ghanaian. She doesn’t mention her Norwegian heritage often.
Ok, mr wonder, would you mind sending me your bank account details as I have a large sum of money to be deposited, I will give you 10% as a user account fee,
Regards prince femi umberto Kia ora butulezi Jones abwai smith
Thank you
I always liked Stevie Wonder’s music. Shame he’s a cunt.
It must have been a terrible struggle for Stevie Wonder in his early years, with the racist owners of the Motown label giving preference to all their white singers.
I am sure that he will be welcomed and treated just like a local when he fucks off to his preferred shit hole country with his many millions of dollars.
I hope that he sets a trend.
The cunt.
Come on it’s time to wheel out the old 70’s joke. Why is Stevie Wonder always smiling?? Because he doesn’t know he is ……. who gives a fuck where he lives, as long it is not here.
He’ll soon get fed up living in Ghana when he sees Ebola microbes swimming in his morning cup of coffee.
Oh. I forgot – he’s blind?
I reckon old Mumma Whinfrey gives her guests some strange drugs before they record interviews to make them spout bollocks like Markle and Hewitt did. I thought Wonder was blind, so he won’t be able to “see” anything – unless I am confusing him with aome other dark key twat who sings – he got riddim, init…
I sent the cunt a cheese grater for Christmas, He said it was the best book he’d ever read.
Isn’t Wonder just doing what we’ve been encouraging other whinging blacks to do all along? Publicity seeking has-been, irrelevant since the mid 1970s.
Meanwhile nice to see St George Floyd’s family getting $27 million blood money. Who says crime doesn’t pay? One family member said “I’d still rather have George alive than the money.” Liar.
Whys mr Wonder only just discovered the country hes lived in for decades is racist?
Is he slow as well as blind?
Seems ungrateful to me.
I worked with some Ghanaians years ago,
They have a pecking order tribally with Ashanti being the top boys.
They are also ‘no nonsense’ in regards to crime.
This Ghanaian bloke told me as a kid he stole a peach off a market stall.
A cry went up “Stop!! Thief!!’
He was chased getting punched an kicked, and had to take sanctuary in a police station.
So if mr Wonder tried any 5finger discount hes been warned.
*Great nom captain Maggie ?
I’d now like to see the victims of his crimes suing the estate and taking every penny of it in real compensation.
The pregnant woman who had the gun pointed in her stomach could sue the family for 27 million ?
Okay, the cunt is blind, but his sense of smell must also be fucked. I hear tell that as you approach Mugumbo, Mugumbo land, by boat, sorry I mean Ghana, the noisome humours assail the olfactory sense at a distance of twenty leagues. Apparently, tis all the rotting detritus and bodies hailing from this veritable shit hole. No matter though as old Stevie boy will be living on a rich compound surrounded by high walls and duskies with AK 47s. Let us hope he doesn’t wonder awf into the bush and get eaten by, crocs, lions or smelly tribesman. O, the humanity! Anyway, what would you call Stevie Wonder if he wasn’t black and blind. Answer: cunt. Ain’t dat the sad truth. Arse. FlaxenSaxon
Perhaps the Floyds will take their new found wealth and move into the mansion next to the Markles. I’m sure the vegan Sparkletits will appreciate the smell of fried chicken wafting across the tennis court.
?Ebony & Ivory ? . Yes that’s right , take that old Cunt Macca with you. Slap some boot polish on the scousers face and he will fit in perfectly.
Jacko in the other ghastly McCartney duo disaster:
”I’m a lover not a farter”
Ghana has been calling for black Yanks for some time, to flee oppression. I think 3 went.
Ghana makes the black ghettos look like the Hollywood Hills. However, as a country mired in the usual kaffir corruption, money will let him get away with whatever (rumoured and alleged) perversions he fancies. It’s a wonder (see what I did there?) michael jackson didnt think of it.
‘Pass me another small boy, Rastus. I seem to have split this one.’
Might as well drop him off in Croydon, other than the inclement weather would he really know where he is ?
Hurry up and pack your bags then!
Don’t worry about Covid in Ghana because their healthcare is pretty shite!
And don’t piss off the locals by living in a wealthy neighbourhood in a big mansion, high walls, security gates and cameras etc. Because why would you need to worry about safety if all your bros are not white?
Give us regular blog updates too. You may enjoy living “back home” but will you get the same kind of attention? Moreover, will you share some of your huge wealth with the bros to help them out of poverty?
Oh and when you do finally decide to fuck off make sure its permanent, not some 3 month token fucking gesture and then come running home – just like Sparkletits!
?Peace has come, to Zimbabwe?
No it hasn’t you cunt, try living there now!!!
Oh and it’s RHODESIA, and don’t fucking forget it!!!
Southern Rhodesia actually. Ian Smith dropped the ‘Southern’ when he declared UDI.
The neighbouring countries are Nyasaland, Bechuanaland, South Africa, South-West Africa and Northern Rhodesia.
Perhaps one can take a flight from those magnificent colonies of the mighty British Empire to Bombay, Calcutta and Madras.
Land of Hope and Glory!
He will be worth fuck all after he’s been kidnapped and chopped up with machetes.
Virtue signalling thick blek cunt.
(typo fixed – DA)
.. ….. …. . …… !
……. .. ……..
Sorry, thats just for Stevie Wonder to read.
Is he the music biz version of Lenny Henry? Both have very similar levels of ungratefulness.
Both benefited from a natural born gimmick. Lenny being black, Wonder being black and of very poor eyesight.
Both benefited from the help of their country’s big players, record companies, tv companies etc.
Both enjoyed taking white peoples money and adoration and then proceed to slag off their country and people.
Oh and I forgot to include Oprah in that too.
He called yesterday, but it was just to say what a colossal cunt he his.
He will probably say the keys on his keyboard are another example of subtle racism (even though he supposedly can’t see!). The white keys being bigger and more in number compared to the black ones.
Ah, but the black keys are higher which signifies status, dunnit?
Not higher but sharper. Like blades, innit.
I hope he leads his people (all of them) to the promised land.
If he had been born in Ghana he would have probably been dead by 12. Ungrateful whining cunt. You got rich in a country made by whites you dozy fuckwit. Feel free to fuck off and catch some nasty parasitic infection you moaning nappy wearing cunt.
Why did Stevei wonder Scream when the phone Rang ? Because He Answered The Iron
‘You are the Sunshine of My Life’ is a great song, but 1972 was a fuck of a long time ago.
‘I just called…to say…you’re racist’
Makes a pleasant change from some Indian called Bob representing Microsoft or a scouse cunt telling me I’ve had an accident.
True. And I already hate that breastfeed advert, with the ‘rugby hold’. Baby wont feed…well it may help if you get your fucking tit out, stupid.
You can be sure when he goes to Ghana he will be living in high security villa, because Ghana is a safe country ?
On the news yesterday, Northern Mozambique is the latest place to loose your head.