Stevie Wonder

Stevie Wonder is a cunt, isn’t he.

Wonder claims he’s leaving America to live in …..Ghana because of…..wait for it….. Racism.

He recently gave an interview to ùber-normal, super-intellectual Oprah Whine-y where he said, “I want to see this nation smile again. And I want to see it before I leave to travel to Ghana because I’m going to do that.”

This is all very superstitious. Why didn’t he leave years ago? Why now? Also will he take his nine children and any of their five different Mothers?

? Isn’t he cu-nty…

Wonder seems a tad ungrateful. Hasn’t he noticed all the progress made by the BLM thugs, smashing up shops, vandalising statues, and even killing a few people? Can’t he see the difference they’ve made?

He could be just jamming. Lately there have been more rumours questioning Wonder’s blindness. A former lover has said he isn’t blind and Chaka Khan also hinted he is able to see. There’s long been the story that he had the operation in the 90s but has to keep ‘playing the role’ so not to shatter the illusion. Have to keep milking the fans.

? Signed, Sealed, Delivered, what a cunt.

Nominated by: Captain Magnanimous

59 thoughts on “Stevie Wonder

  1. Hey Stevie, what’s it like to be born blind?
    “ Could be worse, I could have been bl@ck”

  2. I quite liked his music until the truly cuntish ‘I just called to say I love you’
    He became a contender for the unborn ISAC site even then.

  3. Can’t be arsed searching, but I heard there is footage of somebody dropping something and him picking it up.

    It was a ‘bloke down the pub’ rumour from years back though, so you know it must be true.

    Still, 9 kids 5 mums. There’s almost a pattern here, but I can’t quite work it out?

  4. Mr Wonder would desperately like to “see” the US smile again.
    Is that some sort of piss take?
    Just as long as you remember to take Cher and Madonna with you to Ghana Stevie old boy.
    Now fuck off.

  5. And didn’t Biden win? What more does he want?

    Can’t he see that Biden is on his side?

    Oh wait…

  6. This cunt can fucking see and all. Another chiggun chewer playing the sympathy card. Also, hasn’t made a decent record since 1981. That Woman In Red soundtrack was shite. Only good thing about that was Kelly Le Brock in those red knickers.

  7. Like Frost on Nixon, Bashir on Wacko, or Parkinson on Ali, Oprah Lordymama could title her show Victim on Victim. One ‘oppressed’ and ‘downtrodden’ professional Mills & Boon talking to another ‘oppressed’ and ‘downtrodden’ professional Mills & Boon. The Markle Snake and Stevie 20/20 having already appeared.

    Except the Snake isn’t really black. But playing the race card gets her much more noticed and more sympathy, the venal fucking viper that she is.

  8. Top plan – get the cunt on a plane (using the smell of fried chiggun and white pussy to tempt him on) – fly to England, land in Kent, the stink, violence and ugabogu language being spoken will convince him he is in Ghana – and a bit of stabbing and the mutu slaying of a couple of his kids should convince him further if he has any suspicions.
    Why do rich black fuckers whine about going “back to their ancestral homeland” but never do it?

      • I quite liked ‘Uptight (Everything’s Alright)’ at one time, then I changed my mind. Moving to Ghana so he’ll be surrounded by ‘his people’? Like all those who were leaving the States if Biden became President, he’s going nowhere. Who would leave luxury behind to live in a shithole just to make a point?

  9. Didn’t Paul McCartney give him a cheese grater for Christmas in 1986? Stevie said it was the worst book he ever read.

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