Scottish Politics & Scottish MPs

I am fucking sick of seeing these retarded one issue pygmies on the news every fucking day. Salmond, the turd you just can’t flush, like some rusty sash weight lurking around the u bend, has started another single issue jock twat party called Alba, probably after that cheap shit electrical brand. Basically the Westlife to the SNPs Boyzone, whose only goal is independence from the U.K. so they can grovel for EU rule. Hardly fucking independence is it?

They are all fighting like rats in a sack over who’s best at independence bleating, with sticky Nicky watching what she says, in case that blob Salmond takes her to court again. She has more lives than a cat too, keeping her job after all the other shit that kept them in the news the past few weeks.
All politicians are cunts, no exceptions, but what is that makes the Scottish fuckers so unbearable? Everything, it seems to me.

Nominated by: Gutstick Japseye

…and in a similar vain, this from Cuntybollocks 

The mad jocks (and some non-Jock MPs) have voted in new hate speech laws. Here are the highlights:

You can be arrested for comments that ‘Stir up hatred’ (rather ambiguous, eh?)….in the privacy of your own fucking home. Say the wrong thing to little Hamish, be careful. He might tell his feminazi or far left teacher at school tomorrow (who knows, some cunt teachers might just ask little kids directly as to what their families think about certain topics). Next, Taggart will pop around. “There’s bin a misgendurr.”

If you ‘mis-gender’ some freak on the telly in your own fucking home you can be nicked, but you can express ‘antiphy, dislike, ridicule or insult’ against religion but not the gays, trannies or, it seems, immigration policies, if you don’t want too many third worlders allowed in.

Now before you say you should be allowed to ridicule religion…ok I don’t disagree. I just disagree that it’s not ok to not have freedom of speech on the other topics.

The Jock justice minister is a Pakistani too (Humza Yousaf – born in Glasgow, father is Pakistani, mother is Kenyan – DA). One could think he’s out to destroy western civilization, if one were into conspiracy theories. I wonder if he’d support tranny rights in Pakistan? Or if he’d agree with me going into the Pakistani Parliament (as he did the Jock parliament recently to have a go at there being too many honkies in Scotland) and saying “You don’t have enough white people in power. The Pakistani Police chiefs – all brown, the Prime minister- brown, all head teachers – brown”…etc.

Still, the porridge wotsits will still line up to vote for the SNP anyway, because they hate the English.

‘Fuckin’ eejits,’as they would say.

Link is to the Spectator which allows a couple of free articles so I guess it’ll work for most.

51 thoughts on “Scottish Politics & Scottish MPs

  1. If Scotland was such a drain on the sacred union then why is Englandshire so keen to keep it together?

    Who knows what Salmond is up to but at least it will provide some entertainment.

    • They should let us English vote. Most English if not all would vote to let the jocks have thier independance. They can fuck off and hopefully we’ll be rid of the constant whining by fat bastard Blackford and the miget. It’s ironic and a joke how the cunts want to leave one union to join another union, the inept communist EU, who by the way have said they don’t want you. Well fuck off jockland other than whiskey you’ve got fuck all and don’t come trying to piggy back of our currency, you can join the Euro you cunts. The English gravy train stops.

    • Most English bods couldn’t give a monkey’s spunk.
      The Jocks have been taking the piss for yrs..
      ENDEX the cunts

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