I am fucking sick of seeing these retarded one issue pygmies on the news every fucking day. Salmond, the turd you just can’t flush, like some rusty sash weight lurking around the u bend, has started another single issue jock twat party called Alba, probably after that cheap shit electrical brand. Basically the Westlife to the SNPs Boyzone, whose only goal is independence from the U.K. so they can grovel for EU rule. Hardly fucking independence is it?
They are all fighting like rats in a sack over who’s best at independence bleating, with sticky Nicky watching what she says, in case that blob Salmond takes her to court again. She has more lives than a cat too, keeping her job after all the other shit that kept them in the news the past few weeks.
All politicians are cunts, no exceptions, but what is that makes the Scottish fuckers so unbearable? Everything, it seems to me.
Nominated by: Gutstick Japseye
…and in a similar vain, this from Cuntybollocks
The mad jocks (and some non-Jock MPs) have voted in new hate speech laws. Here are the highlights:
You can be arrested for comments that ‘Stir up hatred’ (rather ambiguous, eh?)….in the privacy of your own fucking home. Say the wrong thing to little Hamish, be careful. He might tell his feminazi or far left teacher at school tomorrow (who knows, some cunt teachers might just ask little kids directly as to what their families think about certain topics). Next, Taggart will pop around. “There’s bin a misgendurr.”
If you ‘mis-gender’ some freak on the telly in your own fucking home you can be nicked, but you can express ‘antiphy, dislike, ridicule or insult’ against religion but not the gays, trannies or, it seems, immigration policies, if you don’t want too many third worlders allowed in.
Now before you say you should be allowed to ridicule religion…ok I don’t disagree. I just disagree that it’s not ok to not have freedom of speech on the other topics.
The Jock justice minister is a Pakistani too (Humza Yousaf – born in Glasgow, father is Pakistani, mother is Kenyan – DA). One could think he’s out to destroy western civilization, if one were into conspiracy theories. I wonder if he’d support tranny rights in Pakistan? Or if he’d agree with me going into the Pakistani Parliament (as he did the Jock parliament recently to have a go at there being too many honkies in Scotland) and saying “You don’t have enough white people in power. The Pakistani Police chiefs – all brown, the Prime minister- brown, all head teachers – brown”…etc.
Still, the porridge wotsits will still line up to vote for the SNP anyway, because they hate the English.
‘Fuckin’ eejits,’as they would say.
Link is to the Spectator which allows a couple of free articles so I guess it’ll work for most.
Please rip yourself apart Scottish Government.They are all as mad as a box of frogs
If Fat Boab Salmond does manage to form his Alba party and get voted in, then yes, give the Neds another vote that they so crave. However, this time let the rest of the UK vote. I guarantee you will then have your precious ‘freedom’.
Good luck with the Tommy Cooper economics. Ol’ Fat Boab will need some fiendishly clever sleight of hand to get out of that one…
Isn’t Alba a cheap make of radio ?
Yes, they made ‘quality music centres’ in the 1970s alongside Bush and Spinney Tronic.
Ahhhh… the good old music centre! I used to have a Gang-Bang & Olufsen Beocentre 2200 back in the day. Very sleek design, awesome sound, especially from the record deck.
Also had Technics/Aiwa/Marantz Hi-Fi separates with Wharfedale speakers. Oh the joy of spending hours cabling & labelling up all the hi-fi components, along with a stack of mains cables But the sound quality was exceptional!
Of course today its all Mp3 shite through tinny smartphone headphones. Total wank
I thought it was an acronym for “ALl ‘Bout Alec”.
Right there with you, Techno.
I had my own hi-fi separates set-up at age 13. Loved it. All Pioneer gear. Over the years my set-up has changed and currently, I have an Arcam FMJ amp driving a pair of Tannoy 611 floor standing speakers. They’re bright and very detailed, just how I like it.
Anyway, as I always say – there are people who hear music and there are people who listen to it. Anyone who streams music, thinks downloading MP3s is cool or whose music system is their ‘phone or some shitty ipod needs to be reminded they are clueless and are not the music lover they claim to be.
I thought ‘Bush’ might’ve been a better name for his new party, after recent revelations.
I think I’m right when I say that SNP is an anagram of ‘complete and utter racist cunts who should fuck themselves with a jagged piece of shortbread before overdosing on heroin and jumping in Loch fucking Ness.’
But I could be wrong.
The Scottish County Council and all who sail in her can suck my East Anglian balls.
Inspired by recent events in West Yorkshire…
Let Scotland sail off into the sunset and leave us alone.
There are similarities between the Scots and the Muslims, complete humourless bastards ?
Indeed. Once the UK disintegrates and the Great Nation of East Anglia wins its freedom, I intend to make an alliance with King Richard I of Northumbria to invade and depopulate Chilly Jockoland.
Morning Mike. Great link.
Off road a bit, but have you seen this?
Princess NutNuts bangs on about climate change but it’s Islam that’ll be the end of this planet. It’ll be the end of this country in less than 20 years.
I cannot abide that boated cunt Ian Blackford, who always has far too much to say for himself. He looks the type of mean spirited bastard who will delay a visit to the lavatory in his own house, so that he can use the Andrex of whoever he inflicts himself on, then stinks their lavatory out for an hour afterwards.
He looks as if he is about to expire from too many deep fried Mars bars. Next time he gets on his knees to put his tongue up Sturgeon’s rancid arse-hole might be the last.
Like the Labour party they are a bunch of crooks and perverts.
I understand Nazi Nicola is going to eradicate child poverty (whatever that means, beyond a percentage of average household income plucked from thin air for virtue signalling purposes) . Good luck with that. Stupid cunt. Obviously she has not noticed the second great depression that is waiting to happen as soon as furlough ends. Any sweaties falling for her drivel deserve to drown in the tsunami of shit she will bring down on them.
I’m fed up with hearing about these whining cocksuckers. For fucks sake give them a Referendum every five years and if they want to go then fuck off and don’t come back. Let the Krauts and Frogs listen to their endless fucking moaning and bullshitting. We’ll be well rid of the cunts.
Krankie as a similar appearance to Irma Grese. Look her up. And the same attitude, vile bitch.
Off at a tangent but I can’t resist passing on this one. Years ago I knew a man who was on the western front in WW2. In the closing days of the war he was assigned to guard duty on the handful of women who were guards in the concentration camps, some of them at quite a high level. Each day they were taken off to their trial and returned in the afternoon. One afternoon one of these women returned in tears. My acquaintance asked what was wrong and she replied with the word “morgen” and drew a finger across her throat. My acquaintance responded with “About fucking time!” for which he was reprimanded by his commanding officer.
The thing is, they had a “once in a generation” chance to become independent and voted to remain part of the union.
The Scottish economy can not be kept afloat by the sale of shortbread, malt whiskey and proclaimers records, alone.
Wake up Scotland.
I know quite I few jocks, all happily living in England, with absolutely no intention to return.
I don’t fucking blame em!
But don’t forget smoked salmon(d), wobbly accordions, C U Jimmy hats, stick on ginger chops, sporrans, tartan rugs, kilts and sgian dubhs.
Theres nae e in whisky.
I think you forget timber, fash, prawns, hairy coo and wooly sheep meat, Irn bru and most importantly the one thing Englandshire lacks most, drinkable water.
Pat Condell covers things better than most:
I bet he never gets invited on the BBC
I put the news on this morning and there was a 5 minute segment on the ‘appeal’ to blacks to take the vaccine, says it all about the media, pandering to a minority.
Words fail me when it comes to these obsessive self-parodies.
Just a few of their numbskull contradictions –
1.Leave a successful union to join one far more oppressive as an impoverished back water where you will have zero control over anything and be subservient to Ernst Stavro Blomarkel and her bum-boy, Emmanuel Microdick.
2. Come off the ever plentiful, soft, large English tit where those cruel Anglo’s have chucked shed loads of money at you.
3. Come out of a Union where you have dominated everyone for the past 300 years, through Whitehall’s Scottish mafia, and done rather well into the bargain.
4. Leave behind wealth and a plentiful supply of English bung money so your degenerate, obese, fat as fuck, Mars bar and chips munching population of useless in-bred, ignorant red haired ugly drug addicted cunts can no longer rely on a plentiful supply of social benefits.
5. Refuse to fly the UK flag but fly the EU flag, an organisation you no longer belong to and which doesn’t want you, instead.
I’m sick and tired of these whining cunts. Go to hell.
I meant Ernst Stavro Blomerkel – not Blomarkel. Confused her with another cunt.
Unlike many of you on this site , I find Scottish politicians to be a source of amusement which I haven’t enjoyed since the demise of Crossroads way back when. Benny, Amy Turtle and that odd Spanish chef are alive and kicking (one another) north of the border.
Lovely day here in Cornwall; Lady G and myself off to do a few miles on the Guzzi later.
From what I can gather 45% of votes went to the SNP last time around. Even if you assume these votes are synonymous with wanting to exit the UK that means 55% voted against. To say nothing of people who didn’t bother voting in an election but who might vote in a referendum (and be more likely to be motivated to vote to keep UK handouts).
It would be interesting to put a sub-option on Scottish election ballot papers to see if 100% of SNP votes were all in favour of independence. I’d bet not. Even if they were to be under half the vote wouldn’t swing it. The real danger would be Krankie trying to fiddle the result.
The real issues are that there’s not a strong opposition party to the SNP and devolution is a stupid idea that’s proven even worse in practice.
I think that’s correct. The vote for independence is, I believe, over-estimated. There are those that vote SNP for many other reasons. One of those is that they are amused by a Scottish Government that sticks it to Westminster and they calculate that Scotland will get more financial rewards as a consequence. But when it comes to actually voting for independence, they will hold back.
For a small country with the population of roughly half of London they do get a lot of media attention and coverage. Fuck ’em. I wish the English could get get a vote on whether we want the miserable whining cunts to stay part of the so called union. Fuck off and take your whisky with you. These plenty of other paces I can get a dram from.
Fuck them – a plague on all their xenophobic racist houses.
It’s great having soapy and krankie fighting. It can only split the SNP vote. Alba ffs. How original. Both are equally obnoxious and thick. When you question them and pick apart what they say they have no answer.
9odious little nationalist.
Any party with the country’s name in it should always be treated with deep suspicion. You know as in NDASP …nazis.
I blame the Chinese.
Be careful, if you thought things could get no worse, George Galloway has crawled out of the woodwork to be a pundit on this very matter!
Nationalism in England, is immediately slammed for being racist, and everyone who speaks/supports it is a bigoted, xenophobic, small-minded gammon cunt!
And yet, speak of nationalism in Scotland, and most people outside of the country (Islington and Chelsea, probably) support the idea. That the Scottish people should have their own voice/independence from the “imperialist yoke”, goes the usual socialist trope. And that’s there’s nothing “racist” about being patriotic etc.
So being nationalist in England is racist
Being nationalist in Scotland is a vote for “freedom”
Go figure
I cannot wait for Scotland and its Nazi party to fuck off. A fucking whining millstone. And If Hamza Yousaf wants wants a more diverse Scotland he can have all our Park is. Win win.
You will notice that are all rich.
We paid them to become so.
Privately I assume they gloat at our stupidity.
Only in the modern UK could such idiocy and immense drain on the public purse be tolerated.
Mustn’t cause offence.
Everyone has the right to be heard.
In better times every last one of these poisonous cunts would be tried then hanged.
A fucking mess.
If they join the EU they will have plenty of p*ncing w*gs of their own. That’s why we need to rebuild Hadrian’s Wall. Keep the Jocks out and all the peacefuls their EU friends are going to dump on them. Can’t see the A-rabs and Africunts surviving a Scottish winter. Shoot on sight I say.
Even the most retarded SNP loon knows that an independent Scotland would struggle. That isnt the point. The point is power so that glorified parish councillors can rule a country, however weak. That is their ambition.
Does that parking stanley prick support gay and trans right? If so he must reject Islam. If only someone would ask the cunt that.
That parking Stanley twat is worthy of a separate cunting. Sturgeons pet effnik. Twat.
Labour’s devolution has caused most of this. They thought that by giving the sweaties their own parish council they’d be forever grateful and keep them in power. Not working out too well that one.
When will people learn? APPEASEMENT DOESN’T WORK.
Independent Scotland?
Amusing – Krankie has a six year olds grasp on economics.
She wants Scotland to be independent for no other reason than sectarian hatred, Scotland would lose the 12 billion a year payment from the English taxpayer, and would lose the English taxpayer funded free Universities for everyone but the English who pay for them (cheeky bastards), free health and dental care paid for by the English, free nursing home care paid for by the English and would still be legally liable for 25% of the now massive UK financial deficit as well as their own budget deficit.
The EU have told Scotland, often, and in no uncertain terms that they would not accept an independent Scotland for a plethora of reasons, predominantly the budget deficit – so what’s Krankies genius idea?
Borrow money from the EU (which they have stated they will not loan) to pay off the budget deficit (which would just land them in more deficit – little Miss poison does not appears to grasp the fiscal basics that if you borrow money to pay off money you owe you STILL owe the money you have borrowed but just to someone else, for fucks sake) to then immediately try and give away Scottish independence to an EU which STILL would not let them join.
Faslane closed, the Scottish financial services sector decimated, the Clyde shipyards closed, North sea oil revenue gone and the funniest bit? – The UK would no longer be legally liable to pay any financial benefits to Scottish nationals living in the UK, so they would have to go back to Scotland to try and claim there – you can’t run a bankrupt economy with a 40% unemployment rate on haggis, whisky and shortbread love.
I would love a televised debate with this nutcase to put these points to her and watch her fall to pieces and expose her for the utter lunatic and fantasist she is – after I had finished the only one voting for independence would be Sturgeon herself.
But, typical of the greedy sly little socialist bitch that she is, Sturgeon the snake has arranged a breathtaking pension deal for herself and if Scotland were to go independent it would go up even more and she could pay herself any salary she wanted before retirement.
If the Scottish are insane enough to vote for independence fair enough – but all I will say is “should have done the sums and read the small print, daft fuckers”.
This is what you get when you have a communist parish council allowed to run a Country.
Mr Salmond may be many things, but he is clearly no etymologist. Embarrassingly enough, as I’m confident many esteemed cunters will already know, “Alba” is not only linguistically linked to inexpensive early 70’s “music centres” sporting inexcusably crap BSR™ or Monarch™ autochanger decks or cheaply made transistor radios.
It was, of course, the name given by the conquering Romans to the British Isles. More broadly, Alba simply means “white”. The Romans coined the term in all probability because of the rather striking “White Cliffs” of Dover which was the first thing they encountered.
There was a humorous variant of Vera Lynn’s There’ll Be Bluebirds Over entitled “I’ll Throw You Over (The White Cliffs of Dover)” but I cannot now recall whose. Poor old Alex: what a prat!
I have Salmon together with Sturgeon, Craig Murray, Stu Campbell (and John Lewis) as my active Deadpool candidates??
Thanks to Gutstick Japseye for typing this up – it saves me doing it.
In the council elections people have a first and second choice and the idea is the nationalists would like people to vote Alba and SNP to gain more pro-independence votes. The trouble is, it’s bollocks. The politicians who have defected are Westminster MPs. I think that when a person defects it should trigger a by-election in the constituency because the candidate is no longer serving the party that the electorate voted for.
The real reason is that Alex Salmond wants to split the SNP vote and cause them trouble because he’s a shitebag. His white paper was air-brushed from history because it was a tissue of lies and deceit. He was on trial for being a sex pest. How much does this cunt have to do before the people of Scotland tell him to fuck off and not come back? Alex Salmond is 66 years old. Let’s hope he retires before he can gain any more political power. The Nationalists are fucking disgrace.
I will only show interest in Scottish politics when Wee Burney Krankie is firmly tied to the stake and it’s about to be lit.
Please please please can us English have a vote on jock independence. I and i think most English would vote to fuck the jocks off. Let these cunts stand on thier own, no pound sterling just the jock currency which has about as much worth as monopoly money, no billions from the UK gov, no fuckin industry unless you count whiskey. The cunts want independence but want to join the EU, what a fuckin contradiction. Well fuck off jockland, us English have had enough of financially supporting you, we’ve had enough of your anti English bollocks, just fuck off and let’s see you dig yourselves into a bigger shithole.
Exactly how many referendums do you want?
“Och, we cannae put a number on it.”
Would you say five? Ten?
“Och, democracy doesnae work like that.”
Do you want one every ten years? Every twenty years?
“Och, it’s dufficult tuh say…”
Presumably you wouldn’t stop having them if independence was gained…?
“Och, well, if a ducision was reached…”