In this case it is my local council who are being cunts by having a perfectly functional and fairly new, expensive system of recycling waste by combining the dark ages of only having one bin which is emptied weekly with a “eco deco” waste sorting factory which separates the muck from the recyclables.
Now they are soon to be introducing a system of several bins collected much less frequently, the types I have seen when I work away and get told to put stuff in specific bins to which I respond “what the fuck is a cardboard bin, are not all bins created equal?”.
While they are at it, they have announced they shall not be providing a bin for glass recycling and helpfully suggest you (I) take your glass to the nearest council recycling centre of which there are few and very hard to get to for tens of thousands of locals who don’t drive in this mostly rural area
I generate plenty of glass waste and I can take mine to wherever, but there is plenty who cannot so I predict a lot more broken glass on the street as a direct result of these lazy, money wasting cunts policies.
Nominated by: Cunt of all trades
Our local council charged £26 per year for a garden waste bin collected every fortnight then suddenly put it up to £40. Not a massive rise but more than some people wanted to pay, including us. So now several people on our street chuck all garden waste in the normal bin. In the meantime the lorry still comes down our street every fortnight, the costs of diesel and staff are the same but the income has been drastically reduced. WTG economic geniuses.
Some councils just can’t see the wood for the trees when they ramp up charges such as this. And then they wonder why fly-tipping is on the rise!
This ‘pandemic’ has been funny, make it almost impossible to get into a tip(1000 kids indoors at school, ok, 5 people outside at a tip, death beckons) then complain when the countryside is full of heaps of crap.
In Straya the wankers restricted access to the tips to commercial dumpers only. So the citizen waste generator had nowhere to dispose of their cinderblocks tree trimmings and other intractable waste. Facking prevert cunts
fuck it, burn it
We’re mostly lucky in that we have an area about 20×20 feet at the end of the garden which is basically a heap of all sorts of shit. We throw all our grass and hedge trimmings there. When it all rots down we should have some of the biggest nettles in Leicestershire.
fuck the council, I bought an incinerator bin a few months back and now burn anything that burns, no more stinking wheeliebin full of pet food packets hanging about for two weeks and no more having to give nextdoors kid a quid to jump up and down in the fucking bin …volcano just gone off in iceland, one minute of that spewing out equals 20,000 years of me burning my bit of rubbish…climate cunts
Its fucked up.
We have 4 bins in the garden look like fuckin daleks invading.
Paper in this, tiñs in this, garden waste in this..fuck off.
You want it recycled either pay me or do it your fuckin self.
I stuck a flat screen telly in the green waste bin the other week.
They are earning a fortune recycling paper, metals, etc.
Ive im not getting a cut im not helping them,
I dont do voluntary work.
That’s what pisses me off in supermarkets. If I’m scanning my own shopping, why ain’t I getting a discount? For the price I pay for some shit they should fucking carry it home for me.
oh and i recycle fuck all just like the council
So true, the cunts don’t even know what to do with it. Absolute spazdicks of the highest order.
Uncle Terrys oven.
My local council land fill a great deal of Recycled rubbish because they just can’t cope with the amount that’s collected.
As long as the population carries on growing at a massive rate you can recycle as much as you want , it won’t make any difference.
I often think about ‘land fill’. Such is my sad life.
‘Where has all the rubbish gone, long time passing…’
When falling off to sleep.
I don’t know where our nearest land fill is.
I remember when the word ‘biodegradable’ first came out.
I used to be the one who took the old metal bin out.
Getting to my point.
So I would take the bin out maybe 1973. The whole street would take their bins out to be emptied. Nay, the whole town, the whole county.
This is what I want to ask- were all those bins been emptied into land fill? And for the preceding years-1963, 53,43,33,23,13. And the years before. Is all that waste/ rubbish still in the ground?
I mean that would mean there is literally hundreds of millions of tons of rubbish in the ground.
Does it disintegrate, biodegrade?
Everything you need to know about landfill but we’re afraid to ask:
It all gets compressed and reintroduced into general life as Labour MP’s.
were afraid to ask – fucking predictive cunt! ?
Thanks RT.
I think what I’m getting at is something like the fact that nuclear waste last for thousands of years. I have hunch that that there will be problems with these land fills in the future. Maybe in the far distant future.
Or something.
Could be worse, could end up with this on your doorstep
I love the EU. NOT!
Up here in the Lake District it is rumoured a lot of the recycling (especially from those big skips in carparks) isn’t actually recycled here, but is sent out to foreign countries at a profit by private “recycling companies” contracted by local councils.
Which means that money goes to the council but next to fuck all gets recycled by them. Which means double-bubble for those cunts – money from those private companies, and money from the council tax. Plus an extra bonus if they charge households an extra monthly fee to take excess garden shit.
Moreover, one particular council up here has decided that because we all coped so well with just monthly garden collections during Covid, they’re going to keep it that way for good, rather than twice a month. But it doesn’t mean a reduction in council tax of course.
We have monthly garden collections but only from December through to March while the weather is shitty and I will easily fill a customers green bin in one go if they have a big lawn. Sweating grass in a wheelie bin for month during a heatwave is not one of my smells of summer.
I can do 2 bins for 1 mow. Pile it up in an out of the way place, rots to nothing. Leave the bin for the shite you can’t compost and fuck the council. All they get from me is bundled bramble prickly cunts, and a bit of Ivy. Immo loving fuckers.
I stick every thing in the street bin when I take my dog for a shit. Bollox to recycling and fuck “the Planet”, it doesnt give a shit about me !
If I ask for a bag for any shopping I don’t specify that it should be a plastic one, but that’s what I get because they don’t have any sturdy paper ones that will do the same job.
I don’t ask for almost everything that I buy to be wrapped in plastic, so find alternatives you useless cunts.
Once I have to dispose of the plastic waste it goes into the bin.
I don’t make a journey to the seaside to throw my unwanted stuff away and I can’t imagine that anyone else does either.
So how are the oceans allegedly full of plastic?
Governments all over the world pay countries like China and Rumania to take away their plastic rubbish for safe disposal.
Out of sight and out of mind.
I wonder how far a captain of a Chinese ship gets into open water before all of the waste gets ‘lost’ overboard and he returns to get more…. And to get paid again.
But of course, the guilt for the pollution of the oceans is levelled at the consumers.
Once the private companies that ‘do the recycling’ have enough for their quotas and needs, they landfill the rest regardless.
I burn 90% of mine, everything, plastic is the best, then when it’s cold turf the remains into the wheelie bin, they never fail to take it. Fuck em.
I always use a liner in my black bin, that way there is no evidence of what was in it. Great way to dispose of unpopular neighbours. The shouting and screaming as you murder them sort of gives it away, though.
Fucking mental Greta and her army of hippies.
The cunts should be burnt on a pyre of refugees nappies and wet wipes.
Oh and lots and lots of old engine oil.
I have a licence to transport waste.
So if you ask me to take something to the tip, they charge me,
the minimum charge is £100.
So even a small item would be £150.
I have to wear safety boots, hi-vis, mask, gloves, goggles.
I have to fill out paperwork.
Which they charge me for.
And sometimes search my van.
And they wonder why people flytip?!!
Local authority dustbin Nazis really get me going.
Once upon a time the dustbin was collected once a week by your friendly local dustman. There was just one bin and everything went in it. Now everything is colour coded into recyclable, non-recyclable, food and one is collected one week, one the next week and the other another week except when it’s a new moon in which case it’s collected the last Friday of the following month that doesn’t have a letter R in it. It’s so complicated you need a slide rule to figure out which bin is collected when and which piece of rubbish to put in which colour coded bin. I’d rather just dump my rubbish in the foyer of my councils swanky new offices. Cunts.
The local tips where I live have NPR cameras limiting your visits ffs. I don’t mind so much the giant skips but those fucking Adolfs that lurk around telling you which skip is which. Cunts. Last month I cleared a loft out and as I was grabbing a Xmas tree from my boot a member of the skip stasi comes up and says “Xmas trees go in the metals recycling skip.”
Of course I said, where the fuck else would they go. Twat.
About all you get for paying your massive Council Tax bill is to be fucked around trying to get your rubbish taken away.
Then, for items you can’t actually get collected, you’d think you could use the local, Council run, recycling centre. Good luck with that – it’s more than likely the traffic warden types running the place will tell you it’s the wrong sort of rubbish and they don’t take it.
So what do you actually get for the big tax bill? Increased fly tipping mostly…
I did a bit of dustcart driving for a local council on the agency after I retired, – because I was bored and was getting under the missus’ feet.
Green waste and household waste was mixed in the lorries regularly, and all tipped at landfill if it suited them. The Operations Manager would have me helping ‘green’ and ‘household’ crews on a spare lorry.
He would say……“You can just fucking mix it George for me”.
It suited me because I didn’t have to go to two separate tips. But don’t think these cunts are whiter than white, – they are not.
Local Cuntcils……. Do as I say,- not as I do.
My local tip is only a few miles away and not very well used so can go any time at least.
But I notice now the council will uplift up to 3 large items for £13.95, Bargain! Can get rid of 3 large sofas from my beer garage for that price.
Not looking forward to the multiple bins at all.