Parking on the Grass Verge

If you want to make your street look like a low class shit slum then just pull your fucking car on to the grass. After a few times and a couple rains, the ruts and bare dirt where nice greenery once was will look like a scene from a World War 1 movie.

This is a cunt move that scars the entire neighborhood and makes the property value suffer. If you don’t have enough pavement to park then use the street. A few extra steps would do you some good you lard-assed fuck.

I hope you lose traction and get stuck and bury your fucking tires so your oil pan is sitting on the ground.

There is a certain kind of human trash who does this to their yard and the look of the street. I see this shit and mutter, “Cunt. Ugh.” as I pass by.

Maybe if you cleaned out the collection of clutter in your garage you would have room to use it for it’s intended purpose.

Oh, and don’t level up and put old lumber in the ruts when they get too deep.

Don’t be that yard-trenching cunt. Take care of your shit and keep it nice. Cunt.

Nominated by: Meat Curtains 

37 thoughts on “Parking on the Grass Verge

  1. Same with cunts who park on pavement, don’t buy fucking cars if you have nowhere to park them.

    • Great system in Japan

      If you are not able to park your car off road- you are not allowed to have one.

      They come round with a tape measure and check the space and whether it is big enough for the vehicle.

  2. One cannot park ones armoured personnel carrier in ones garage. It doesn’t fit. Pretentious bullshit cunts have to have the largest vehicle they can. Small knob syndrome. Total cunts all of them.

    • Nothing that can’t be sorted out by the keys of a small Fiat Uno. Better still if the Fiat Uno is white and can be used to chase the owner of the massive motor into a tunnel.

  3. There ain’t many streets with a grass verge, not in Londonstabistan anyway. The problem is too many cars, a reflection of overpopulation. This is a small island bursting at the seams. W*gs need to go back where they came from starting with peacefuls and pikeys. By the time we’ve got that shit out of the way we can probably let the others stay. ??

    • I don’t condone what the police in Burma are doing to the protesters over there but we could certainly do with a few of them in Batley to break up the protests there.

    • Wait until we all go electric and you will be tripping over cables laid in the ploughed verges

  4. Cunts that park their whole car on the pavement are also fucking fucks.
    My mother was in a wheelchair in her later years. And I had to wheel her on the road when I took her out, because some selfish shit had parked their car full on the pavement. Scores of cunts do this, they need shooting.

    • Indeed and knocking fuck out of the inconsiderate cunts vehicles is an ongoing hobby of mine.

      • Keys in left hand. Make a first.

        “Oops! Sorry. If only you’d not parked on the pavement, I wouldn’t have run out of room and accidentally scratched the fuck out of your new Audi.”

  5. If the cops could manage to go out once in a while and neglect their hate crime duties they could make a fortune fining these cunts.

    • Yes, it seems a bit obvious but the poor dears have so much on their plate placating peacefuls, investigating imaginary hate crimes and hounding the granny feeding ducks at the local pond.
      However, when the bill for Chinky Flu arrives it could be a useful source of income.

    • True, Cuntstable. But first they’d have to turn a blind eye to the proliferation of non-crime hate incidents requiring investigation.

  6. Oil pan? Lumber? Do you mean sump and wood?

    It won’t be long before ISAC requires a nomination translator!

    Ghastly carry on. I think I will retire to the drawing room for the evening!

    Fuck off!

  7. Another bug bear of mine. Usually SUVs are the main culprits. I pay £50 a year for a parking permit for my road but can very rarely get parked on it. Non permit paying cunts who then take the piss by taking up two spaces instead of parking up to the next car. Complained to Sheffield Council but may as well try finding a nun in a knocking shop. Useless Labour cunts.

    • A brick through the window or slashed tyres usually gets the message across. Just remember a lot of cunts have Ring doorbells and so black up and Wear a hoody.

  8. Nobody gives a fuck about anyone else these days. In my terraced street every cunt seems to have several cars, vans, and fuck knows what else. Hubbys car, the missus’ car, works van, and maybe a fucking VW T5 to play at being a beatnik on the fucking odd weekend. And every cunt has to have the biggest car you can buy, regardless of having nowhere to keep it. Fucking spunkers can’t drive the fucking things anyway, have no idea how wide they are, or have the faintest idea where the indicator switch is located.
    Fuck the fuckety fucking cunts.

  9. It pisses me off no end the trash cunts who do this. Needs a wall of shame to post photos of these twats

    • Yes plese. Nice bit of green near me has been trashed by cunts, particularly in pick-ups.

  10. Some cunt is doing something similar with a fucking dog at Canary Wharf. There is a little stretch on the dockside where some massive turds have been laid by this disgusting hound. Somebody needs to take this mutt by its lead, swing it around several times and let it fly into the dock. Then the dog owner should be force-fed its pet’s dog shit and pushed into the dock with concrete shoes on.

    • My uncle had a thing about 20 years ago when a local resident walked his dog and allowed it to shit on the verge outside my uncles house. My uncle had a word with the guy and nothing changed so he collected all the shit and then followed the guy and knocked on his door. When he answered he flung a weeks worth of dog shit in a carrier bag at him with the words of ” I think this belongs to you” ………Never seen again

    • HBC, my experience of London is that large turds are usually human. Plenty of homeless with no access toilets.

  11. If you want to see a “neighborhood” that has been ruined by cars visit a trailer park in the US. Some of these places look like those wrecking joints in films where the Mafia takes a victim to torture before throwing what´s left of him into a car crusher.

    About 20 years ago, I was visiting an affluent area of North Carolina near Raleigh/Durham and went for a walk. I noticed a sign ahead that announced I was entering another county. The pavement immediately disappeared and was replaced by a dirt track. The neatly trimmed hedges were also replaced by jungle from which old fridges, prams and other metal and plastic garbage stood out. Within a few minutes I was surrounded by yapping, snarling, growling, slavering dogs and started to hear music being played at full blast. I turned a bend and then saw my first trailer park. Each trailer was worse then the next like a Russian doll with one rubbish dump within another. Every trailer had about four rusting cars and trucks parked outside on what had once been pristine grass. The locals were chewing baccy, swigging Jack Daniels and glared at me as if I was a wetback who had just crossed the Rio Grande. An estimated 20 million people live in these places. That´s 6% of the American population.

  12. The Asians round here all seem to need about ten cars per household, all of them fucking massive.

    About a mile from here, about twenty German tanks got keyed in one night and it made my day…they caught the little fuckers but they will probably get of with their Twitter taken away for a week.

  13. Agreed….. There is no excuse for fucking up any green space.
    But cars are being squeezed off the road by greedy councils.
    If it’s safe to park somewhere then why the fuck can’t you? It’s not like you don’t pay road tax.
    Councils put yellow lines on sections of roads where it is perfectly safe to park.
    And what the fuck are parking meters all about?
    If it’s safe and reasonable to stop somewhere then why are motorists having to pay for the privilege?
    Same with residents parking. You could have happily parked outside your own home for years, and then some cunt decides that you have to pay a yearly fee for a permit.
    Fuck yellow lines and double fuck double yellow lines.
    Have just red lines on stretches of roads where it is unsafe to park, and then hand out fines for anyone who is stupid enough to stop on them.

  14. It won’t be a problem when you can only buy lecky cars, there won’t be 2 or 3 car households anymore.

  15. As someone who works in Highway Services for a Local authority, these people are commonly referred to as CUNTS. End of.
    Piss is on the boil.

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