I would like to cunt Space exploration. NASA have been getting excited about landing a Rover on Mars to look for remains of life.

How many fucking times has this been happening? Its frankly embarrassing. You would think 50 years after landing on the moon we would have made more progress.

Its even more worrying when the Saudis and the Chinese are racing to make their own death stars.

I hate all those Autistic desk drones telling us how we are somehow supposed to find a fucking rock exciting.

Say what you like about Elon Musk, but he has the right idea with making space commercially viable. Its what we should have done from the start, and frankly, that is something we should be paying more attention to.

Nominated by: Angryman 

36 thoughts on “NASA

  1. A chinese Death star would only have a months guarantee.
    You could bring it down with a air rifle.
    Im all for them exploring mars.
    After all, a mars a day helps you work, rest, and play.

  2. Without the moon landings we wouldn’t have had teflon coated politicians.

    Just rejoice at that news and congratulate our forces and the marines.

  3. I have no idea why they keep sending robots to Mars.
    We all know it looks like Iraq.
    We don’t need another one thank you NASA.
    Perhaps spend your time more wisely on a satellite with a weaponised laser that can seek and destroy the Dinghy Pirates of Calais.
    That would be fucking splendid.

    Stick Mars up your arse you Egg Head Cunts.

    • It’s understandable why they would want to explore other planets. They’ve looked for intelligent life on Earth and not had much success.

  4. I remember doing the tour at the Kennedy Space Centre. The best bit, for me, was being shown around the “observation bunker” right next to the launch site. The tour guide was a world weary type sardonic type. Top sort of bloke. He showed us around the bunker pointing out the reinforced concrete walls, the metre thick laminated glass in the windows, and the “emergency bunks” where people were supposed to sleep for up to a week if there was a catastrophe. He then said, with a thin smile on his face, “and if you’d like to follow me outside I’ll show you where they built the toilet”! NASA – top fuckwittery?

  5. Mars is a radiation hell hole that no human can live on, hence why we have never gone there. If we could wed already be there. Musk, Bezos , NASA are robber barons who have destroyed normal business for their own demented, irrational , messiah projects that will never come to fruition. Its a cult. Listen to the whooping and hollering as another rocket goes up( oooh now it comes down). Im not a luddite but it is pathetic.

  6. We definitely need somewhere far away to put all the peacefuls, pikeys, remoaners, vegans, tree huggers and other assorted trash.

    Planet Cunt.

  7. I find it very interesting, have since John Glenn went into space on my 6th Birthday. If you do not like it, I couldn’t give a fuck. I have more interest in a rock than ITV Be. I think Musk is great, at least he is spending/wasting his billions on rockets, and not giving it to poor countries to breed brats and fight more wars.

    • I thought John Glenn was an actor, or is it Scott Glenn… My fucking brain is a useless cunt.

    • When they land on Mars for the first time some cunt will do an updated Neil Armstrong statement:-

      “One vertically challenged step for non-gender, non-binary specific, ethnically neutral, environmentally-aware, zero-carbon, non-carnivorous, global positive, non-hating, all healing person;
      one vertically exaggerated leap for non-gender, non-binary specific, ethnically neutral, environmentally-aware zero-carbon, non-carnivorous, global positive, non-hating, all healing personkind!”

      Just trips off the fucking tongue!

      • The utterer of that shite will probably trip off the last rung of the ladder, not so much a step as a faceplant

      • One thing is certain, it won’t be a black man because the ‘Stansted 15’ types will chain themselves to the rocket to prevent the unlawful deportation ?

  8. When the astronauts finish their stint on the ISS they travel back wearing super duper space suits that supposedly can cope with extremes, yet when they land and exit the capsule they’re given a deck chair and a blanket….

  9. Billions and billions and billions of dollars wasted on probes poking around Mars, Jupiter and yes, Uranus. And for what? Who the fuck wants to live on a radioactive barren rock with fucked up seasons, a very distant sun, no water or broadband!

    They bang on about over population on Earth and therefore the need to explore the solar system. But who goes first? Men, Women, BAMEs, The Gays, Transformers, St Greta? And what happens to Earth when Mars is terraformed?

    Load of very expensive bollocks

  10. I watched the moon landing live on the BBC on a black and white TV when I was 3 – it was exciting even at that tender age. But wasting a subsequent fortune to tell us that planets are shit seems a bit daft to me.
    It is a search for a planet that will sustain human life, it smacks of desperation not science but on the flip side the curiosity of humankind means that we have evolved from caves to modernity – some of us, anyway!

  11. I’m all for sending robots into space. It’s a lot more cost-effective than sending humans. The real waste of money is the ISS. That’s all been done and is just a political and PR tool for NASA and contractors, rather than doing any real experiments.

    It’s also barely in ‘space’ at all.

  12. As long as anal probing is a no go they can boldly go anywhere they like. Got a list of cunts that should be sent to Mars but they are such a bunch of cunts we will probably fall foul of some galactic police force of super evolved lurgons.

  13. I don’t understand the excitement about the planet mars. Why don’t they explore the other planets as well?

    I’m sure Elton John with his fortunes could pay to probe Uranus.

    Seriously though they should check out the other planets and beyond.

  14. These Geeks get a real hard on for rocks and comets. Unless they find little green men i don’t give a wank.
    Fuck off you cunts and find something interesting to talk about.

  15. It’s actually more embarassing to think that the Chongs make me blush less than my ACTUAL fucking ethni…….. who fucking cares?

  16. BLM, BBC the Bat flu, Football, Rashford (the Bullshitter), Elon, Saudis, chunks, All fucking cunts.. Where is Terry and is fucking oven.

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