MISTER Potato Head (No, not Tom Hanks!)

After spending 15 minutes writing up a perfect nom for Brighton Health Service and their insane “chest feeding” shit; only to see somebody else’s nom take the hit spot and mine not appear at all; I’m tempted to nominate admin as a cunt and say fuck you.
This morning’s news story re the rebranding of Mr (that’s MISTER!!!) Potato Head, into a non-binary Potato Freak is so far beyond the pale, I simply have to!

What the cunting fuck us wrong with these people?! It’s a fucking anthropomorphised fucking vegetable for fucking fuck sake! It’s not REAL! You dozy fucking woke CUNTS!!!
Toy Story 5 will be lovely for the kids though eh. Buzz Lightfoot havi g a strangle wank dressed as a ballerina; Woody and his cowgirl swapping clothes to experience the other point of view, that pig character getting pegged by the kid’s Mum. And all the merch will have to be adequately accessorised of course.

It’s a shame Covid is on the way out. I can’t make up my mind if I want it to take them or me.

Nominated by: Brian Stoat 


Seconded by: Cuntybollocks 

Hasbro toys/Mr Potato Head

A stop the world, I want to get off cunting for toy makers, Hasbro..

Mr Potato Head will now be know as ‘Potato Head’ to promote ‘gender inclusivity.’.

Well, I though the big fuck off tache was a bit of a giveaway, but what do I know? Will he have stick on tits and fanny now?

I’m hearing that Thomas the Tank engine will also feature more female trains. Is there any end to this madness?

Action Man will be ‘Action Pansexgender’ and be wearing a tutu while walking his/their poodle onto the battlefield. Action man’s tagline on the advert will be, ‘Because on the battlefield, it’s important to look fabulous, dahhhhling!’

Half the players on Subbutteo will have tits. Barbie will have a big cock and Evil Kneivel will have both.

It’s a fucking disgrace.


49 thoughts on “MISTER Potato Head (No, not Tom Hanks!)

  1. What a shite toy.
    The original was just eyes, lips, etc
    You supplied your own spud!!
    I got this under the Christmas tree id burn father Christmas’s fuckin house down!
    Proper yank toy,
    Vegetable for vegetables.


    • Evening MNC, you are right. Mr Potato head was just a load of moulded plastic features and hats and shit. You were expected to use your imagination to make a person out of your own spud. Cue hours of fun for us as nippers.

      No doubt the marxist scum cunts would say that we were deprived as kids, I would say we had great times. Gender neutral plastic Potato Head can fuck off.

      I also used to get chocolate smoking sets from Father Christmas. Brilliant. Of course these too are now banned by Libtard twats who never had a proper childhood.

      • Evening Twenty, im very liberal in outlook to potatoes.
        I embrace them in all their creeds,
        Chips, mash, roasties, crisps,
        Even jacket!
        Im the Martin Luther king of the maris Piper, the JFK of king Edward’s,
        But toys they aint.
        Little lads like guns an swords,
        Not vegetables with moustaches.

        Yeah smoking for kids available in sweet shops?
        Different era eh?

    • All I ever wanted was a Stretch Arm Strong but all I ever got every year was a stretched ham string after being chased up the stairs by my Dad (apparently that’ll tend to happen after telling him a lump of coal is a shit present).

  2. I always thought they did Mrs Potato head as well. It said so in the Toy Story film.
    Fucking twats. Is it too early to start drinking?

  3. Gender-neutral potatoes. They will be banning carrots for being phallic-shaped.

    Shove some carrots up the arses of those who perpetuate this woke shit and roast them in Terry’s oven.

  4. I just cannot comprehend why this shite continues. The more these cunts block up the plumbing with wokeness and ridiculous actions, the more I resist having anything to do with them. Unless some twenty something non binary fairy is going to buy their rebranded piece of tat because of the change then I really cant see the point. For fuck sake let kids be kids and let them decide their own identity in the same way they have for centuries. Oven or Semtex for the cunts that instigated this bullshit, and the same for those that are thinking it but not yet carried it out.

  5. The entirety of both the SNP and the Lib Dems, look like they were hastily assembled by a group of 4 year olds with “Potato Head” parts?

  6. Fakish news!

    Mr and Mrs Potato Head live on. Hasbro are also introducing a toy called Potato Head to their range so the woke and gender neutral can play too….and maximise their profits of course.

    Let the mass Potato head hysteria cease.

    • Phew-I am sure the collective membership of IsAC will breathe a sigh of relief and sleep better tonight?

    • Hasbro are trying to make more money by acknowledging or at least pretending to acknowledge that there are more than 2 genders.
      They may be keeping the titles Mr and Mrs for 2 of their toys but that doesn’t make the company any less cuntish.

      • Indeed.

        Who plays with these toys? Oh yeah, kids. Very young ones too. Therefore, the cunts think it’s ok for parents to push ‘gender changes’ (which includes irreversible hormone replacement treatment) onto 5 year olds.

        Which makes them massive cunts anyway.

        So fuck them.

  7. I had the SS Stormtrooper Action Man. Imagine the woke riots if they sold them today?

  8. I was going to nom potato head, but i can nom the the neutral action man tranny or for MNC a stretch Armstrong in a dress, i think we have have something different from Hasbro.
    Here are some realworld ideas, stretch immigrant or bi polar bears, or for girls the my little pony abutuoir set or the poison Nerf gun…..i want one of those

  9. I always thought Potato Head was a sexual position for Vegans.
    Live and learn as they say.

  10. What is wrong with these people? You ask. They are not people, they are total and utter cunts. The problem is the majority of real people just stand there gawping and let the cunts get away with it. Good evening.

  11. I assume Mother Nature will be next on the Woke list of “I’m offended”?

    It will piss off the fems if the “Mother” bit is dropped, and hopefully that will provoke them to attack the gender-neutrals/transformers

    Woke will eat itself, lol

  12. Mr potato head? He’s had his chips…oh a he is cheap as…I’ll get me coat…taxi for sid please…

  13. The only person who could want to cancel Mr Potato Head is Rebecca Watson https://freethoughtalmanac.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/rebeccawatson.png

    If anybody doesn’t know who she is (apart from Mr Potato Head in drag) she is a progressive, feminist, humanist activist who started a curfuffle back in 2011 at an atheist convention (yes I know……what the fuck is an atheist convention?).

    Following this convention, Professor Richard Dawkins told her in an elevator that she seemed really interesting and asked if she would like to go back to his room for coffee………. she took umbrage with this and made a big hoo-haa out of it for the sake of publicity before #metoo was even a thing…… more like #mefirst.

    I think Richard Dawkins should get a cunting for having a Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Potato fetish……. and for being a remoaning cunt but I think it might be a bit late for either nomination. What say you fellow cunters?

    • I’d say that “kerfuffle” comes from late mediæval Scots [“fuffle” meaning “throw into disarray” + “car” meaning “twist”], whereas “brouhaha” is a late C19 onomatopœic French expression.

    • Freethoughtblogs ran an article on that very same subject.

      I am always intrigued by sites with “Free Thought” as their, or in their, web address. In the above site’s ‘Join Us’ page notes are…

      “We demand that contributors are in favour of social justice causes. If you are not for feminism, or racial equality or trans-rights you are going to clash with our values and you won’t last long here”

      Yes, how very ‘free thinking’ they really are!

      • “We are an inclusive space and if you disagree with us you shall be excluded!”

        ……. I don’t think inclusive means what they think it means……. or equality……. or sexism…….. or racism…… or female/woman etc.

        Lefty cunts will be lefty cunts I guess.

    • Was it Dickie Dawkins or another in attendance?

      Watson is an attention-seeking cunt who makes a habit making videos along the lines of ‘If you’re one of those liberal guys who isn’t okay with being labelled a feminist, you’re worse than a rapist’.

      She was one of the first to get Internet fame for latching on to a subculture and then hijacking it along with her feminazi chums. Anita Sarkeesian continued with videogames.

      Anything with a large following of male dorks gets targeted.
      I’ll leave fellow cunters to imagine why that is.

      • Some of the first Youtube videos I got into back in 2014/2015 were videos by Thunderf00t and Sargon slating her for being a cunt.

        A few years after that, it really pained me to see Thunderf00t try to debate Sargon regarding Brexit.

        I felt really bad for Thunderf00t so sadly had to unsubscribe to him as I couldn’t stand his low self-esteem…….. or politics…….or personality…….or voice for that matter.

  14. I’m not that fussed whether or not a potato had a gender although interestingly in French it’s feminine (la pomme de terre).

    Without the moustache, that photo above would resemble IAC favourite Barack Obomber. He’s not feminine but he is a cunt.

  15. I find it a bit tragic that someone has so little to do with their time that they can sit around agonising about the gender of a plastic toy.
    A disappointing sign of the mental world we live in – forty years ago these nutters would have been laughed at by all and sundry, now we seem to have dance to their insane tune.
    Well I’ll teach them – I’m off to draw a beard on me Barbie doll! ?

  16. With the moustache he looks like Freddie mercury, can to imagine mr potato head cottaging in mens toilets? All mr potato head needs to complete his ensemble is some stone washed Jeans, leather chaps , leather bikers cap and white vest, and a cock ring around his arm….fuck sake, I have disgusted myself thinking about it, think I need unkle Terry’s oven

    • I regret that I agree with your diagnosis. Back in the day such erudite degeneracy would easily get you loaded into the cattle truck, in these self serve times you will be required to do deliver yourself. So get yourself down to crematorium of happy release

  17. Potato, potatoes.

    Remember Dan Quayle? He thought he was correcting the child by putting an e on the end. Potatoe he wrote. Oh dear.
    He put his big foot in it
    With a ‘toe’ on the end.

  18. Unless somebody fat-shames the Big Yellow Teapot I’m not getting involved.

  19. Dad, can I smoke ?
    No you’re fucking five.
    Dad, can I drive?
    No you’re fucking five.
    Dad, can I drink.
    Don’t you listen? No you’re fucking five.
    Dad, can I change sex?
    Sure son, you know best.

    • Dad, can Abdul rip my hoop in 2?
      I’m not racist.
      Dad, that wasn’t an answer to my question……… and Abdulism isn’t a race!
      Ssshhhh! They’ll hear us!
      Dad?…… Who’ll hear us?
      …….. (in hush tones)…….Alexa!

  20. I seem to recall that Boche is a French taunt that means (or at least meant) “cabbage head” as an insult to Germans.

    Now seems a time to repurpose “potato head” into an insulting French collective noun for the legions of woke fuckwits attacking our institutions.

    it signifies the time when a much loved harmless toy was placed on the block, and a thin skinned, starchy vegetable, covered with dirt, of nil mental capability, is an appropriate simile for those wankers.

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