I have just been for a spin to get some shopping and Lady Quim had left the wireless on Radio 2. Couldn’t be arsed to change stations. Jeremy Vine was on and this cunt off TalkRadio made my piss boil almost to the point of causing me to pull over for a walk to calm down.
This Nâzi cunt wants everyone vaccinated whether they want to or not (which of course would breach the human rights legislation 1947, implemented after the holocaust). I can imagine this grinning Cheshire cunt now, getting into his “little tank” with Johnson and Grüber, hunting down “non compliants” and shooting them at dawn.
Fuck me I’m still shaking at the arrogance of this authoritarian fuckweasel!!!, cunt cunt cunt!!!!
(Parry’s antics forced the break up of The Two Mikes, at least according to Mike Graham. Not forgiven – NA)
Nominated by: Captain Quimson
If the hairy faced cunt wants to have the vaccine then he can have it. It’s up to him.
But I wonder if the insistence that everyone else should have it is a fear thing.
I reckon that he is of the opinion that if things go tits up and there are damaging side effects that he doesn’t want to be in the minority.
His nickname is Porky. Presumably because he is a fat, hairy cunt.
He would serve more purpose being rendered into several thousand bags of pork scratchings.
The vaccine and whether to have it is a personal choice,
We’re lucky to have that choice,
You wouldn’t in North Korea.
Your having it or else…
But if you’ve decided not to have the vaccine you have to accept that with foregoing it theyll be drawbacks in where you can go, do, visit.
Testing has started, and soon if not vaccinated then you wont be welcome in certain places.
Just how it is.
No point whining about it.
You won’t be going abroad,
You wont be allowed in lots of places.
This DJ bloke is hysterical, fuck him with his forcing people,
But the decision and its consequences are everyone’s to make.
Vaccine or not, the thing that will do the talking (as always) is money…how is a grotty little local or Italian meant to implement the infrastructure to determine if somebody has been given a state sponsored experiment?
QR or barcodes? I could sit and make one up here and now that would fool it, no problems.
As quickly as the government bung some shifty cunt or pub landlord millions to come up with a system, someone else will have broken it for their own gain.
Bullshit mate. This notion that we must take an emergency approved experimental ‘vaccine’ to gain freedom back to live normal life.. that is medical tyranny, period.
And for a disease with a 99.98% survival rate.
Anyone who thinks it s reasonable on any level is fucking insane. If they try that on and we accept it then it’s game over.
Morning Chunky.
Then im insane.
Its a choice, I dont think its unreasonable at all.
Make a choice live by the decision, whats wrong with that?
I dont care what anyone does in regards to the vaccine,
But what I stated was fact.
If you can’t see the issue with vaccine passports and the world it’s going to usher in then you are actually insane.
It also demonstrates a complete ignorance of history. It’s called coercion, and it falls under Nuremberg and International law.
Forcing people to have a medical intervention they don’t want is immoral, unethical, and quite frankly evil. Why should I, someone who takes great care of my health, be forced to take something I don’t fucking need just to be able to enjoy the freedom to live a normal life? That is unreasonable.
The real issue here is the government has brainwashed people like you.
book me on the mothership back to mongo then.
I think its perfectly reasonable.
In fact theyre showing much more restraint than Id give.
Id have people on horseback with nets chasing you through the fields.
“emergency approved experimental ‘vaccine’”
You are blind, Ruff. It’s actually quite sad. They are both emergency approved for use by the MHRA, and they are both experimental vaccines.
The Pfizer one isn’t even technically a vaccine either.
I believe you’re correct, Chinky. Both in the US are not fully licensed and do have emergency approval (no law suits). One condition met was that it has to be ‘for the greater good’. I also believe that technically it’s a Chemotherapy gene therapy rather than an actual vaccine.
You forgot to mention:
“There is no fucking virus. It’s statistical manipulation, propaganda, and outright fraud.”
Brainwashed by the government versus radicalised by the Internet. I didn’t think it was possible to self radicalise yourself until this shit came along. In fairness you have to be paranoid and a bit slow to go fully swivel eyed, it’s definitely a phenomenon. It’s different to a rational fear of taking a new treatment, as that doesn’t have to include all the other utter tripe that gets forced down your throat like a new religion.
Radicalised by the internet lmao. I’m the one trying to get people to not harm themselves or the future of freedom in this country! I’m not coercing or forcing anything on anyone.
You lot on the other hand seem quite content to look the other way whilst the government acts like a dictatorship, media parrot one narrative without criticism or question, police enforce regulations (not law) heavy handily, etc.
But please, tell me again how I’m the dangerous ‘radical’.
Not coercing or forcing anything on anyone. Other than your opinion, which if ignored means they are ‘selfish bitches without a shred of humanity’
At least that’s what you called me for probably having the vaccine. I have reservations about having it, but not because of cabals or globalists or vampires or all the other guff.
I’ll do what I can to try and help others see how pointless and potentially dangerous taking the vaccines are, but if presented with all the info you still want to take it then that’s your choice.
I’m pro-choice, pro-freedom, and respect the sovereignty of ones body. If you respect that too then it’s fine.
Don’t waste your time trying to warn people and just play the long game mate.
All you can do.
You are the very soul of impartiality and forbearance. ?
Business as usual for one of local undertakers I’ve just done some work for.
I thought he’d have been rushed off his feet if you listened to the news.
You can take the media and government on their word
You can believe what you read on Facebook and see on various blogs and YouTube channels.
You can try and and make sense of the trial data and the science that is behind the creation of the vaccines.
I know which one I prefer.
The nomination picture: He looks overcome by Joker’s gas. Or has Dianne Abbott let one off again and the scent is being breathed in by an unsuspecting victim?
I’ve had the jab. I don’t feel any different.
I was a bit disappointed I didn’t get a cup of tea and a biscuit, or at least a sticker for bravery.
He just needs a fucking good hiding.
He looks in that photo to be loitering in a park, no doubt with a dirty mac and a bag of Haribo, Looks like the sort of old man our mums warned us about when we were kids…..
Cricket bat to his head
The past decades have seen the rise of the thick in all areas of the media ; they are now demonstrating their extreme limitations. It would be nice to think that Chinky Flu would prompt a clear out of the talentless but I don’t see that happening.
Mike Parry is yet another gob shite pretending to be a straight talking man of the people.
Big Vanessa Feltz was sitting in for the odious turd that is Jeremy Vine a couple of weeks ago and she happened to have another insufferable twat Charlie Mullins on, spouting similar garbage.
No jab no job
No jab no entry
No jab no life
As if daily life for most isn’t shrouded in enough abject misery and uncertainty as it is without cunts gaslighting the public with the insinuation of yet more and more of it.
Mr Parry, why not go the whole hog and demand the wearing of yellow armbands because you and your ilk in the media are on the right path.
You despicable Cunts.
Mike Parry is employed to say outrageous stuff, he’s talk radios Pierce Morgan.
No one takes him seriously, not even himself.
Where the fuck do they get these revolting cunts from to parade before the public with their odious views? Do they think it is more likely we will have the vakzine if it is promoted by shit weasels? Fuck off Mike Parry, even though I have never heard of you before this morning.
What do the likes of Parry have to say about a certain demographic, refusing to take the vaccine on religious grounds?
Or do they get a pass?
He wouldn’t dare.
Not a chance anyone in the media would say shit about that.
Sure as Archie Windsor likes banana diced in his rusks,
No one will mention the carpet kissing demographic.
Archie Windsor’s first word will be “nana”.
This whole saga really has revealed which people are human, and which people are just itching to unleash their inner fucking nazi. It’s actually quite incredible.
No doubt they’ll protest their innocence at some future point too. Cunts.
Physician heal thyself.
I wear my inner Nazi on the outside.
Hes better dressed.
Maybe you’d be a fitting candidate for the Israeli government then.
The first nation to fully implement the covid vaccine passport system where you are outcast without it.
An apartheid system on the back of a coerced medical intervention, implemented in the safe haven for Jewish people who.. escaped the exact same fucking thing in Nazi Germany. You couldn’t make it up.
I’ll consider it Chunky,
Does it pay well?
An dont have to be circumcised do I?
Besides apartheid was a wonderful thing.
Does the job come with a uniform?
It hasn’t taken much either has it BCC.
That’s the shocking thing.
God help these cunts if a genuine pandemic comes along.
Don’t worry. Those who’ve taken the Pfizer vaccine probably won’t be around long enough to see it.
Become a Jehovas Witness.
You don’t have to actually do anything like a door knocking initiation. You just state that you are one.
You then can’t be forced to have the vaccine for religious reasons.
I thought that but there was an English court case recently involving a minor, a Jehovah’s Witness. The judge ruled that the girl in question must have treatment despite her religious beliefs and the girl herself not wanting treatment. That’s that out the window then.
I think he used to be on the old Talk Radio, before it mutated into something like Sport Cunt Radio…that’s when I turned it off never to visit again.
I used to enjoy James Whale and Ian Collins and the Creatures of the Night…great days.
I have no idea what the station is now and couldn’t care less, they lost me with all the sports vomit.
He’s fat. What a disgrace.
Drip……drip….. drip as slow as boils the frog.
Now vaccination passports and violations of bodily autonomy are being talked about, one right here, another freedom there.
If Nigel Farage forms a new political party aimed at taking the country out of lockdown/quarantine (The Quexit Party) will he and his party be designated as “dangerous”, proscribed as extremist and banned from running for political office I wonder?
If a party like that aren’t criminalised, in order to maintain public safety will democratic elections simply be “suspended” for the greater good? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5u8vd_YNbTw
None of this sits even slightly well with me and I’m not even against taking the damn thing.
It shouldn’t sit well with anyone. We think catastrophes can’t happen to us, that we’re above that sort of thing. We forget the horrors that took place in the past 100 years and can’t see the parallels to today.
Everyone likes to think they’re smart enough to recognise the symptoms. Don’t they ever think that maybe it will happen in a new novel way, to bypass what you are expecting to see?
The truth is there is a small elite who are pulling the strings. It was true 100 years ago, and it’s true now. And they are not wise, beneficent, philosophical kings. They are murderous, psychopathic cunts.
Ordinarily a slippery slope argument is considered a logical fallacy, not least of all because it’s predictive of an outcome based on no evidence but we’re seeing tyranny happen before our very eyes yet some people still can’t see the wood for the trees.
Tyranny is tyranny regardless of whether it’s supposedly well-intentioned. Every dictatorial regime in history probably thought they were the good guy.
Exactly. Tyranny is tyranny.
They’re talking about vaccinating children now. There is no justification for that what so ever, and children can’t consent to it either. There’s an article in thr Spectator about it: https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/the-moral-debate-over-covid-jabs-for-children/amp?__twitter_impression=true
It even suggests that vaccinated children might be “given freer access to sports or group facilities.”. The fuck is that!
A society which can’t protect its own children is no society at all.
This government and other certain institutions proved with the Rotherham debacle, beyond all doubt, that it certainly cannot protect its children.
“It couldn’t happen here”
Always makes me laugh when I hear that one…
Afternoon TITS, you’re a bit behind the curve. Farage is no longer in the business of politics:
He always says that ……….until the next time. After all – you can’t barage the Farage.
Vaccine good, not compulsory, ‘passports’ only if another country requires it for entry.
Within the UK, vaccine passports can fuck off, I have had the first dose and will take the second but if someone in this country wants proof to enter anywhere they can fuck off.
The Two Mikes
Great radio and both top guys who don’t take themselves too seriously.
A personal choice, but for me taking something which does not vaccinate, has not gone through the normal testing procedures and is promoted with threats by people and organisations with a vested financial interest sets alarm bells ringing.
And if the narrative is “take it or you will be excluded” then I do not feel this is acceptable – it feels very much like coercion.
This has either been a massive fuck up or a most egregious con trick, and quite possibly both, and I think every political party will feel the heat at the next election when they are ousted in droves by independents and new political movements.
Fuck them, they had little of my trust to start with, and now none.
You’re more optimistic than I, Mr Fox. I don’t think there will be another Parliamentary election. We’re headed straight towards a post-democratic, global totalitarian system.
We’re still in the introductory phase. A cyber attack here, an economic crash there, plus a dash of ‘climate emergency’.. all still to come.
Interestingly enough, Bond villain Klaus ‘anal’ Schwab from the WEF has recently spoken with great enthusiasm about “ze coming cyber pandemic” which he alleges will make “ze covid pandemic seem insignificant in comparison”
TBCC@ – I asked our kid – a “noted thinker and philosopher” about politicians – he responded by stating they should “all ave a fuckin pickaxe handle broke over their backs, the bastards”!
I really hope our kid stands in the next election! ?
It should be your choice to have the jab. All I’m going say is, it’s bullshit to real off the 99% survival rate. You may well survive it, but it’s the damage it does. A good friend got it, fitness cunt, he’s mid forties, he now looks in his sixties, and still hasn’t fully recovered from 6 months ago, he barely resembles the bloke he was.