Middle Class Angst

So a middle class girl gets murdered. Terrible, hang the cunt.

Where were these women when hundreds of thousands of white children were raped, abused and murdered by jihadi rape gangs over decades all hushed up by the police. Its all still going on.

RIP Sarah. How about the other lot you fucking mong cunts.

Nominated by: Smug cunt 

54 thoughts on “Middle Class Angst

  1. We had a young woman in Hull murdered and thrown in the river. Claudia Lawrence disappeared in York 12 years ago. Both probably victims of deranged savages. Dont recall any posturing about them.
    What puzzles me is how can protesting about male violence and attitudes make any difference? Peter Sutcliffe would still have carried on. It was incompetent policing that allowed him to prosper not male attitudes to women.
    The whole fuss is trendy fucking angst. It shows no respect to the poor victim, just turning a tragedy into yet another excuse for hand wringing and blaming men in general instead of the occasional monster.
    Hang the monsters dont blame 50% of humanity.

    • I’m sure the Hull one was some POS Eastern Euro trash heap who liked getting his pavel dick out in public….no big uproar there but it was Hull, not oh so trendy LondonStabiStan.

    • Too right Cuntstable, incompetent policing is the cause that allows these crimes to grow. The Police seem to spend too much time on non crimes like perceived race hate, or some woke snowflake feeling agreived that someone doesn’t agree with them rather than patrolling the streets and nicking scumbags.
      This could be seen on the streets of Bristol this weekend. If Plod had arrested people and cracked some heads back in the summer when statues were thrown in the harbour instead of standing by and letting it happen, then maybe the scum might have thought twice about trying to burn down a Police station.

  2. So does a white middle class woman’s death trump a black male gangster’s death?

    Am just waiting for a transformer death to see if the white middle classes or the BLMs will be equally as vocal and demonstrative!

  3. Why are these people referred to as middle class?
    They are just fuckin’ attention seekers who do not adhere to any value system and are willing to hijack other people’s misfortune to serve their own aims and interests.
    RIP Sarah.
    I said at the time that Sarah’s death should have been kept out of all this shit.
    Load of air headed cunts.

  4. I am just surprised given that the suspect is a serving police officer, that the barmy Jenny Jones doesn’t insist on all male police officers being under curfew after 6 p.m.till 7 a.m. when she is on her way to Waitrose to get her Guardian. An old hag isn’t safe on the streets – she hopes. Thats what she wants for men in general. That is self defeating for her and Hattie Harman – they are not likely to encounter a flasher anywhere else.

  5. Will you guys please show some respect.
    Sarah’s family are in absolute bits about her murder.
    Not as many bits as Sarah, but that’s not the point.

  6. And where was the middle-class outrage when young women and girls were being pimped and used by Asian groups in places like Bradford?

    They didn’t much care about that did they?

    The middle class in this country is very self-serving. It’s not until something affects them that they complain but their voice is always the loudest and invariably gets things done.

    How will they cope without their annual migration to their luxury villas in Tuscany this summer if the lockdown on travel continues?

    Poor souls.

    • Ive never suffered middle class angst surprisingly.
      A young woman is murdered,
      I dont care what class she is,
      Its terrible.
      The copper was obviously a deviant and should do a little jig at the end of a noose.
      But definitely a class divide to this.
      If she was from a tower block in Oldham and called Chardonnay the media wouldn’t of give a fuck.

    • Any cunt currently whinging or babbling on about holidays abroad this year is either demented or the vaccine has got to their DNA and turned them into morons.

      Fuck, the every so honest and not corrupt and controlling government had decreed that you can meet your own family outside in a few week but that’s subject to them filling their pockets so more.

    • Well, UC, I would define it as those who came from a well_orf background, enjoyed a good education, mostly went on to uni and now have a “professional” career (white collar), a nice house in the suburbs, take expensive holidays abroad (France, Italy not Spain) and are determined to hand all the above advantages to their offspring. Thus perpetuating the system.

      • This is completely outdated nonsense. Myself, like many others come from a working class background. It is not just background that defines your class identity but your aspirations and to overlook this would deny any social mobility which of course is only denied to Blîck people.

    • Whining , over educated, no skills, bbc, woke, Labour, hypocritical, racist without consequences. lovers of mass immigration (without consequences) White BLM supporters without consequences. Haters of England without consequences, Movers out , ladder taker upppers, tennis loving wankers. Hope that helps.

      • We’re fucked the country is full of them. Thanks fellow cunters. I’m resigning from mankind as most just make me want to cross the road to avoid. Anyone ever seen someone they know in the street and deliberately tried to a avoid them? That’s me every time. Fuck off.

  7. No outrage from middle-class women on violent Dooshka-Dooshkas, räpey North/East Afrikans, or taxi-drivers from Paxtan and that’s if there’s no cover-up or “no case to answer” like that drugged then raped girl from Barrow-on-Furness. Masses of Asían gangs their but the Police can’t seem to find any or can’t be fucked to look.

    Good nomination, Smugsy.

    • That’s an uncomfortable truth that the chattering classes simply sweep under the carpet.
      Plus it’s not very trendy.
      The thick cunts.

  8. Talking of whimpering middle class cunts, aren’t the McCann’s due for their annual whingefest?

    • That pair of cunts can fuck right off. If these two were a pair of down at heels from a council estate they’d probably have served time for child neglect. The fuckers left their child alone in an unfamiliar situation. Bastards, It was their fault entirely Maddie went missing.

      • Always been something about them McCann cunts that stinks. There’s something that they are hiding (allegedly and all that shit). My parents lost two kids in one year. Both in unrelated incidents and both through no fault of their own, but it was hardly ever spoke of. It was terrible, but the family kept a stiff upper lip and showed dignity and respect.

        These McCunt fucks are to blame for what happened to young Madeline (whatever did happen to her. Cough!), yet they have milked it and her ‘disappearance’ ever since. The McCanns disgust me and I fucking hate ’em.

  9. Clapham and Balham are god awful middle class shit-holes. No blacks or east Europeans as their not welcome, depite the bullshit from residents.

  10. We’re all middle class now!
    As the Labour Party have found out, the Working Class no longer exist.

    • Labour sold out the working class when Blair came to power back in 97.

      Labour are sucking up to the disenfranchised middle class, the under class and the immigrants. The working class are only of any value come election time.

      • You have to be joking, those fuckers will never do a days work, much like any current uni students.

    • I went to Public school. Im a builder. My callouses on my banana hands along with me getting up at 6AM to go to work informs me im working class. Im with the red wall. Fuck the Tory party.

  11. I wonder if these molly-coddled middle-class types, so quick to jump on the woke VS bandwagon, would be quite so anxious if there was class warfare between them and the working classes!

    Imagine the working class of all demographics taking Umbridge against the privileged middle classes. I wonder who the latter would turn to then? No doubt they would be imploring the police to protect them from the unwashed plebs!

    I can see a scenario where class-warfare will be the next big thing. We’ve had race, we’ve had gender. The next will probably be class, and that’s when things will get interesting.

  12. Well nominated. The way I see this it is because it happened in a hipster posh part of London and all the young WOKEY COKEY types are up in arms probably because ‘we pay good money to live away from the rest of the hoi polloi’.

    We’ll guess what, evil is everywhere but I totally agree – give a bit more thought to those in other parts of the UK, particularly as the nom suggest as to the hushed up rape gangs (and I am sure this is the tip of the iceberg). If I knew shit like that was going on in my area I would love to take action – bit like in the film the purge.

    It’s always the “have’s” who make the most noise who end of being heard.

  13. The Male Online in Viz comes to mind with this one.

    Talking of Viz: anyone else notice how the late Phil Spector in his later years resembled the Viz legend, Fru .T. Bunn?

  14. The cunts that are suddenly ‘protesting’ about Ms Everard’s demise are the sort of daft bitches that brush their hair while trying to drive a car on a Motorway. The sort of stupid slags we see on Philidelphia and Maltesers ads personified. In other words, stupid fucking wimmin.

  15. How about this poor girl, murdered and cut up by a fucking asylum seeker:


    No national news headlines or protests. Why?

    Is it because it happened in Exeter and didn’t happen in London.

    Is it because the perpetrator was non white, non British asylum seeker?

    Is it because he wasn’t in the police force?

    Frankly whilst both murders are absolutely horrific and should have never happened, what makes matters even worse that one murderer shouldn’t even have been on our shores.

    Strange how one poor girls murder matters and is worthy of headline news and subsequent protests whilst the other poor girls murder is considered largely irrelevant by comparison by MSM and hardly gets a mention.

    • Furthermore the BBC and several other major newspapers conveniently forgot to report the fact that the accused is an Iraqi Kurd asylum seeker. No fucking mention anywhere.

      What the fuck is wrong with the MSM and our own government when one of our own is murdered by lowlife lying foreign scum and it doesn’t even appear to matter any more.

      Diversity is our strength? Absolute bollocks it is.

      Just get rid of illegal immigrants (and not asylum seekers as claimed). As we know there is a difference.

    • Wouldn’t even bother with a trial for this cunt. He’s already admitted to being part of the event.
      He probably snook into the country in the back of a wagon so I’d just take the cunt to Dover, the cliffy bit and throw the cunt off, let the tide take the piece of shit away from our shores. He would be the first of many if I had my way, fucking flat headed pervy cunts.

  16. The funny things is that these lefty do gooding feminists would not be as harsh as a ‘sexist’ like me (I believe a patriarchal society is the only one that works as it obeys the laws of nature, so fuck you, you feminist cunts).

    They’d probably send the guilty cunt down for life at best. They almost all don’t agree with the death penalty.

    Me? I’d execute those guilty of such crimes. Rapists would have their nobs chopped off and have it shoved down their throats, before being thrown into a wood chipper.

    Don’t tell me to look at myself, you daft bitches. I’d have the fuckers begging for death to arrive. This would include the ‘grooming’ gangs too.

    What would you do about it, apart from dye your hair red or blue and scream that all men are to blame, you stupid cunts?

    But yes, interesting they went nuts over this tragic case and were fucking silent about the working class girl who was (allegedly) put into kebabs by some peacefuls, who then got big payouts due to the cops fucking up the case.

    Not a fucking peep.

    Still an ongoing investigation, if you’re interested ladies?

    Didn’t think so. Fuck off.

  17. The middle class.
    Those who preach equality but will not allow a BAME or immigrant in their exclusive neighbourhood.
    Those who preach about Women’s rights but conveniently forget to demonstrate when it’s working class white girls or Women who are the victims.
    Those who preach inclusivity whilst shunning the proletariat.
    Those with children who smash, riot and destroy screaming “k*ll the bill, defund the police” but would be the first to call the police if a group of black Men were seen outside Mummy and Daddy’s house.
    Those who preach about racial discrimination whilst conveniently ignoring the social discrimination they deliberately perpetrate and continue.
    Those who preach socialism but would never live in a socialist Country.
    Those who love the EU but will never move to an EU Country.
    Those who are so anti war but send the poorest to be sacrificed to keep the privileged from ever feeling the effects of war.
    Those who dine at the highest table and shake the tablecloth when they are forced to so those beneath get a few crumbs and stay in line.
    The middle class.
    Think that about covers my thoughts on the middle class.

    • Evening Vern.

      I am none of those things, but I am middle class. Oh well…

      • Ruff@
        Please could you put down a doily?
        Foxys getting crumbs everywhere!!

      • Doilies are distinctly lower-middle class, Miserable.

        I am middle-middle class – strictly no doilies!

      • The Queen is very lower-middle class. Especially with her dress sense and handbags.

      • RTC@ – I shall forgive you Sir, and come the revolution I will leave instructions for your good self and Lady Creampuff to be spared the labour camp! ??

      • Foxy@

        What really annoys me about the middle classes is the prissy cunt ones who ask you to take you shoes off at the front door!
        What the fuck?
        Ive not tred in dogshite
        Im not a jap
        Its not a mosque
        My socks are worse than my boots
        Get fucked.
        Sorry ducky its health and safety I cant.

  18. @Uttercunt@2.26.
    Yes am with you on seeing someone i know in the street and trying to avoid them. Found myself saying out loud lately ‘so it comes to this after all we’ve come through’. Bleak times for a once great country.

  19. The middle class is the most fucked-over economic class of people. If you are a white, straight, Christian, conservative, middle class, male then….holy shit! That’s me!
    Lock and load.

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