Meghan Markle (7)

An early morning emergency cunting, please for the pampered Mrs. Hewitt, who has been giving an acting masterclass for the benefit of old Mama Winfrey:

She felt “suicidal”. She told Harry Halfwit that “she didn’t want to live anymore”. Mr Hewitt said h felt “let down by his father” – well seeing that Jim is his dad, why is he whinging at Charlie?

I didn’t watch the Hollywood bollocks – I heard a trailer from it (on the BBC!) and it had a music soundtrack added to the dogs breakfast.

It is time this pair of scrounging cunts grew up and started acting their sodding ages. Neither are teenagers any longer, and the quivering heaps of shit should now just shut the fuck up.

If Mrs. H still feels suicidal, might I suggest a mixture of barbiturates and a bottle of whisky should do the trick.

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

166 thoughts on “Meghan Markle (7)

  1. It was a shame to hear about Megains car crash next month, taking bets now for the next deadpool

  2. Utter bollox. Two of the most privileged people on Earth whinging about how hard done by they are. So hard done by that they had a £30,000 pound wedding and a free grace and favour home which they decorated at the tax payers expense. It’s Little Miss Sparkle that’s the problem. That sociopath has alienated every family member she’s ever had. Mark my words, Harry’s day will come as Sparkle sets her eyes on someone else that can fulfil her career objective of being a total cunt.

    • Similarly to the nominator, I didn’t watch the Hollywood lie fest, just ‘news highlights’ – the gems I heard were :-

      “I didn’t know what the Royal Family were like” – Not living in your own private bubble, a 30 minute google search or a 10 minute chat with Halfwit Harry surely could have educated the dumb bint.

      “I wanted to live permanently at Windsor Castle in our own private wing” – A palace not being good enough, she wanted the Queen to give her half of her castle retreat. The fucking nerve of the nobody poisonous bitch is breathtaking.

      “The Royal Family cut us off financially” – This is best of all. Halfwits worth millions, the bitch is now worth millions. If she wanted Her Maj to pay for everything, she needed to accept her palace, shut her mouth, grin and shake a few hands. With millions now unemployed, due to be unemployed, homeless or worse, this spoiled fucking witch is really pleading poverty.

      They both make my piss boil !

  3. Every other hour the media has been drip feeding more shite about this interview, I see ginger pubes and sad act are now claiming they left the UK because of Tabloid racism according to the BBC:

    Hmmm…. interesting so….. they up shop and go the land of the free which is probably one of the most racist countries in the world, ask George Floy, but, we can’t

    In the land of the free
    He got a knee
    Right in the back of the neckee
    and now he is deadee

  4. Professional race baiter and wokery pokery preacher, Sparkletits, better stay out of this country or Her Maj will have her in the Tower. What a fucking lying, self pitying old bike. So she was going to top herself was she? Well be my guest and don’t hang about you old slapper.
    As for the half wit… muggy cunt!

  5. I’m hoping and praying the mystery person wondering about the Sprog’s shade of color (c) turns out to be …… The Duke of York!!!
    If so then honorary membership of ISAC surely beckons!

  6. The more I see of this silly bitch the more she reminds me of Wallace Simpson – another deranged Yank divorcee who set out to wreck the Royal family.

    From what I’ve heard about this racist shit fest of an interview, dear Meg seems to be inhabiting a fantasy world entirely of her own imagination.

    I just wish this pair would just the fuck off to the privacy they proclaim so loudly to crave…

    • The difference is that Mrs Simpson kept her mouth shut, never had kids and stuck with her man to the end. I predict within two years of the second child dropping gingerbollocks will be out the door. Those brats are royal and nothing can change that. They are her meal ticket until she marries some mega rich old cunt who will snuff it and leave her his fortune. I see her more as a Jackie Kennedy than Wallis Simpson.

      • Mind you. It’s nothing a quick DNA test of the major and Harry halfwit can’t remedy.

  7. That stupid ginger half-blood cunt has properly shit in his own copy-book this time. What his half-chat bint doesn’t understand is that the RF are much more powerful & longer in the tooth than she will ever be. Orca has simply enabled the pair of them to strike a puny blow at an institution that will metaphorically grind their bones to dust, regardless of how much the woke twats of this world support her pathetic outpouring of lies & deceit. The boy Hewitt would have been better off sticking with The Family than siding with the poisonous little bitch, no matter how good at taking it up the arse she is.

  8. I haven’t got much time for the Windsors to be honest, but I’m fucked if I want to see them slaughtered at the alter of wokeness that this lying pair of cunts represent. Same as I didn’t like the antics of a certain horse faced sloane ranger back in the nineties.
    If we end up becoming a republic, I sure as fuck don’t want it to be the result of bullshit accusations of racism by a pair of weapons grade cunts like these two.

    • Also. I wonder how our woke sections of the press are going to react to the accusations of racism levelled at them this morning!

  9. Whatever your opinion of the Royal Family, this charade goes beyond the Windsors and is an attack on the very fabric of our nation.
    As a youngster, I used to refuse to stand for the National anthem. I now stand shoulder to shoulder – with Kate especially, in this hour of need.
    The British people will be the ones who decide what direction our Parliamentary democracy takes.
    Fuck off you slimy pair of miscreants.

  10. Charlie Boy’s favourite tune and Beatles thrash epic ‘Helter Skelter’ has an eerily prophetic line about the coming of Rachel Markle Rosa Parks Colour Purple Fucking Ono.

    I am sure there’s a line where they screech ‘Look out! Cos she’s a cunt!’

  11. I bet sex pest Andrew is relieved that he’s slid under the radar for now. Cunts lot of em

  12. As millions prepare to watch the ‘royal interview’ tonight ( I’ll be watching a programme on CBS Reality about a serial killer ), the question we should be asking ourselves is, why are we still worrying about kings, queens, princes and princesses in the twenty first century? These cunts should only be talked about in history lessons. It’s a joke that, to this day, many of us take all this royalty crap seriously.

  13. I wish these two twats would just fuck off into obscurity like they apparently wanted to do. The cunt Markle is a media hoare and the ginger cunt is under the thumb. I hope Lizzie strips them of their titles and they are banned from ever entering the UK again.

  14. I never truly realised what an utter think cunt ginge of Hewitt is… It would be nice if Netflix and Co got cold feet now and fucked them off, oh dear who will pay for their authentic lifestyle. Cunts.

  15. TOP TIP

    Take advantage of a rare window of opportunity between 9 and 10 pm this evening¹ to do some shopping without the unpleasantness or impudence of meeting any other members of the public².

    ¹The much-vaunted Oprah/Markle interview is due to air on Freeview ITV1 in quarter of an hour (9pm).

    ² I’m popping out to Aldi in Didsbury very shortly to acquire some refreshments. Normally this branch is completely rammed, so this will be a total treat.

  16. I see Megan is wearing that frock she borrowed from Monica Lowinski, what a crock of bollocks this interview is, bullshit bullshit, we will see the real Megan soon enough when she files for divorce that will be a drive by colonoscapy for ginger boy, he going to be so fucked….

  17. I wonder why the MSM doesn’t run stories on Andrew like they do with her/this pair?!

  18. On the upside, they have played every woke card, and will get money from this. They will need it because this the only chance they can earn money (anyone remember eddie doing a theatre company?) They spent all they had in public support. Fuck off

  19. This is how stupid these 2 Cunts are, they complain about having no Royal Security when it was RS that did in Hewitts mum,they should count their lucky stars. By the way that thick slag shouldnt have mentioned having suicidal thoughts coz shes probably written her own headline:
    “Meghan Markle found dead after massive heroin,crack cocaine,Tramadol and alcohol overdose”

  20. Can’t help thinking they’ve shot themselves in the foot here. While the mention of racism – even though she’s about as black as he is – will get the usual sorts stamping their feet and pissing their pants with indignant rage, their timing is very poor. If they, or rather whoever advised them to do this had said “look, we’ll postpone this until 1) the covid stuff is over and 2) my grandfather gets better / has been laid to rest” they might have got some respect. But whining “poor us” when people are dying / grieving / facing destitution and with an elderly family member seriously ill just makes them look like selfish, spoilt cunts.

  21. I am not a monarchist at all but I do have great admiration for the queen and the job she has done her entire life.I feel enraged by that stupid ginger wanker and his lime light grabbing ,spoiled little nobody whore bride.That sociopath is gonna fuck him sideways. Ginger locks will be a bald shadow of his cock sure self before his 2 brain cells figure this all out – He has been played like a fiddle , the utter sap .

  22. Fuxx saxe, I thought you said “strips them of their titties” for moment there!

  23. The Royal Family, in a statement this evening, do not deny that they have been racist toward Meagain.

    Apparently they are “concerned” about the issues raised and will be dealing with the matter in private.

    Woke bunch of privilaged cunts.

    Meanwhile Piers Morgan has been encouraged to leave ITV for questioning the word of the great Meagain and her poodle.

    A plague on all their houses.

    • Or even a plague on all their horses.
      The number of insipid women interviewed who seem to sympathise with this pair, start off on the basis that the poisonous dwarf is telling the truth.
      She’s a lying cunt who’s destroyed her own family and won’t be content until she’s seen off Halfwit’s.

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