Meghan Markle (7)

An early morning emergency cunting, please for the pampered Mrs. Hewitt, who has been giving an acting masterclass for the benefit of old Mama Winfrey:

She felt “suicidal”. She told Harry Halfwit that “she didn’t want to live anymore”. Mr Hewitt said h felt “let down by his father” – well seeing that Jim is his dad, why is he whinging at Charlie?

I didn’t watch the Hollywood bollocks – I heard a trailer from it (on the BBC!) and it had a music soundtrack added to the dogs breakfast.

It is time this pair of scrounging cunts grew up and started acting their sodding ages. Neither are teenagers any longer, and the quivering heaps of shit should now just shut the fuck up.

If Mrs. H still feels suicidal, might I suggest a mixture of barbiturates and a bottle of whisky should do the trick.

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

166 thoughts on “Meghan Markle (7)

  1. Cant escape this story today.
    All over the media!
    Shes fuckin puddled.
    Car accident for two please…

      • Morning Sid,
        No problem!
        Stick her in the boot,
        She’ll help act to weigh the car down for impact!??

    • “Car accident for two please”.

      Agreed. Whilst reading this cunting, I lamented the fact that Phil the Greek is in hospital and therefore unlikely to be able to organise a white Fiat Uno to follow the Duchess & Duke (order deliberate) of Hewitt when they are being driven around by their chauffeur.

  2. If the bitch felt suicidal unkle Terry would have been obliging, I hope Phil the Greek still has enough strength to arrange a late night drive for this cunt

  3. Next time those pair of devious money grabbing pair of fuckers go on a car trip best they plan it avoiding any underpass.
    What a weak grovelling little cunt that Hewitt is .

  4. I think that they have reached their high water mark. From now on the tide goes out and there will just be brown, smelly mudflats.

  5. Marker=black=good

    Royal family=white=bad

    Oprah Whingey (The Billionaire) should stick to playing the same role in every fucking film she has ever made (black victim), or to teaching Archie Hewitt hoe to peel “nana’s“ with his toes!


    • Oprah Whiney is a Bloated cretin Billionaire loudmouth. She must’ve loved having these guests: Ginger prick and his self-obsessed, vain, parasitic, money-grubbing, rat-in-a-dress wife.

  6. This is only happening because Prince Philip is in hospital and unable to administer a horse whipping to the entitled little cunts.

    • Exactly if Philip was 20/30 years younger in his prime, he would have given the pair of them a fucking good tongue thrashing. Harry is so weak he would probably have been sick.

      I saw a photo of them in a newspaper where they were holding hands during the interview for added sentimentality – it reminds you of those elderly married couples who shuffle round Tescos holding hands, holding everybody else up. Mrs Boggs and me have never done that,not since the first week back in 64 – these days you wouldn’t get her into Tescos, and you wouldn’t walk with her – you’d walk amongst her, like the ruins of Hastings castle.

  7. It’s all very well saying the Royals were concerned about her having a kid with a touch of the tar but she’s going to have a job coming up with the proof. Extradite the traitors now and throw them in the tower.
    Never been a fan of the Royals but now it’s personal.
    Fuck em.

  8. What a pair of Cunts. Its like Lewis Fucking Hamilton crying about the horrors of Tax Evasion.

    Media Whore her own family can’t stand – they must be racist too.

    If she still feels suicidal – I’ll lend her the fucking rope.

  9. What the fuck did this slag expect.

    I am absolutely bewildered by this circus of tripe. It is so comical the whole thing looks lie a set up to bring down the royals (not that I am a massive fun of them, sponging cunts).

    But let’s be honest, what does it really matter as Hazzer isn’t a real royal anyway as he is son of Hewitt.

  10. With her shadowed eye sockets and toothy grimace, Markle looks like He-Man’s cadaverous foe Skeletor in drag, but obviously considerably more evil.

  11. Fuck them, I don’t watch soap operas. Don’t get me started on Naga Machete.


    • Naga? I presume, SV, you too have been reading the article below.
      Poor wannabe basketballer Corey. Can’t show all his obnoxious personality traits so its racism at work is it? Could it not be just good manners and showing consideration for others?
      Covert racism? Difficult to prove or a load of non-existent cobblers made up by second rate university tokens trying to justify a career in tosh?
      As for “exploring different viewpoints”, don’t make me laugh. If you’re an older hetro pale male and nominally Christian then these days you aren’t allowed to have a view never mind express it without some SJW bleating and labeling you an “ist” of some description.
      Silly c0w she is.

      • She’s a toxic cunt, should be grateful for her highly paid public sector job but bites the hand that feeds her, the British Public.

        She is the enemy within and she is a cunt.

        The BBC today alone has multiple articles on race, some guff on the gender pay gap in sport and multiple other articles of wokeness. At the same time it’s loving the Meg n Arry show.

        Harry should of embraced his responsibility as a member of the royal family but instead got cunt struck by a used ride.

        The BBC however in its left wing bias thinks it should take the side of the cunt because she has a tan.

        Back in the day Meg was a caucasion according to her modelling profile apparently.

        The two tone two faced one.

      • The schizo left. Wanting to discuss race constantly yet ignoring anyone who is white.

        Not worth the time.

  12. California is prone to earthquakes, fires and mudslides. C’mon Yasur summon your strength to end these two, especially when they’ve got PeloXi, fat Reg, AOC and Oompah (get that mouse Thomas!) around for brunch.

    • Jeeeesus-what a fucking table of cunts?

      Isn’t she supposed to be in pup again?
      Time for the Manson family reunion ??

    • If the Cascadia region has a bit of a ‘rumble’, things might go your way. It lies on a subduction zone in a similar manner as the Sumatra-Andaman region.

  13. Mick and Mairead Philpot eat yer hearts out!

    I wonder how long Meagain and Oprah spent rehearsing that shite.

  14. Just heard on the radio that she was so depressed with her five minutes within the royal family that she considered taking her own life. I wish she had as we wouldn’t have to listen to this shite.
    More fiction than the Crown.

  15. Did I catch a headline somewhere that she was upset the sprog wasn’t black enough? if I had her address I’d post her a tin of black Cherry Blossom and some white lipstick. That would sort it for her?

    Seriously, the worst thing about this is the fact that she is pushing her story so hard, and the MSM are so greedy for it, that you can’t even surf for some current news headlines without this shite surfacing. Then, once you’ve seen the strap line, you can’t unsee it. Supposedly she wanted to step out of the limelight. This behaviour really does take hypocrisy to another level – it’s the new gold standard!

    • I’m surprised that SHE was surprised by the offspring’s light-shaded skin. If Harry is indeed one of the royal brood, that closely protected bloodline must be so strong in him that his gametes must have come out like battery acid. Hard luck Wallace Simpson.

  16. I feel a paternity test for the Hewitt boy is now an immediate must. Once the result is public, the Royalty can cast the little ginger cunt out & sparkle tits will drop him like a hot spud.
    Fucking whining cunts.

    Breaking news: Phil the Greek is a racialist apparently!! No shit, sherlock!

  17. Disgusting pair of True Cunts.

    I couldn’t give a shit about the royal family…the whole bunch of them are stupid,entitled parasites and once The Auld Trout departs for The Grand Tea-Party in The Sky, I’d hope that would be an end to the most expensive soap-opera in the world…I’ll happily pilot the tumbril to the guillotine for every last one of them.

    That said, Harry and Megan have actually managed to make me detest anyone “Royal” even more…sitting there wailing about how hard-done-to they are from a mansion in California…no money worries,no job security fears…just a life of self-indulgence. The stupidity and arrogance is truly breath-taking…they would be nothing without this Country…he is too thick and arrogant to have amounted to anything except being a mediocre professional footballer and she would have ended up as a fluffer at a porn studio.

    She is the brains of the outfit and hopefully once she has finished squeezing every drop out of Debrett’s Peerage’s answer to Harvey ( Hello You Commoners) Price, she will gaslight the simpleton out of the picture altogether..she can then move on to a (hopefully) brief life as an increasingly desperate ” Hollywood Wife” type….endless botched plastic-surgery and a succession of younger husbands who rob her blind.

    Their brat should also be taken into care..not handed over to The Windsors to rear…it doesn’t stand a chance if raised by any member of that dysfunctional family of greedy,selfish morons.

    Fuck them all.

    • Excellent post your Grace.
      Will you be throwing your hat into the ring, as our first El Presidente of the Republique of Brittania?
      What will be your manifesto?

  18. My brain is hurting from the stress of trying to avoid coverage everywhere of this pair of cunts.

    Fuck me there’s even an animated article about the cunts in The Daily Prophet. The headline reads “Harry the Half Blud Claat Ginger Whinger & Megan the Half Blud Claat models herself on Queenie in Blackadder”

    What Cunts!

  19. I was really hoping the little cunt was born a coco pop, maybe we might get lucky though it seems unmanageable ginger hair and a leaning towards being a total hypocritical cunt seems more likely.

    I care more for the shit stains in my drawers than these people.

    • Get ready for her tell all book after she very publicly divorces the fucking half wit…”From slavery to royalty and single life”

  20. These cunts are a perfect example of everything wrong with today’s self obsessed shallow greedy thick as shit generation.
    They have no idea and how anyone could have even an ounce of sympathy for them is quite beyond me.
    Wretched debased specimens.
    Oven with a Winfrey dessert.

  21. Just when you thought they couldn’t grip your shit any tighter, they take it up a gear. Fuck off you pair of cunts.

  22. Off topic, but my piss is boiling having heard a wireless report that the cop who allegedly killed the heroic George Floyd will be sentenced soon at his show trial. The reporter said he was on trial for ‘killing a black man’. Fucking divisive racist cunts. He is on trial for killing a man.

  23. I dont believe a thing this pair of cunts have to say. An Oprah has managed to get away with being Harvey Weintiens pimp.

  24. Note their crude attempt at “divide and rule”:

    MEAGAIN: “The queen has always been wonderful to me. I’ve loved being in her company… she’s always been warm, welcoming, and inviting.”

    OPRAH to HALFWIT: “You just said your dad (Jug Ears, not Hewitt) stopped taking your calls. Why?”

    HALFWIT: “Because I took matters into my own hands. It was like I need to do this for my family. This is not a surprise to anybody; it’s really sad that it’s got to this point, but I’ve got to do something for my own mental health, for my wife’s, because I could see where this is headed.”


    Queen = nice old lady.
    Prince Charles = Evil successor who the Queen should disown and elevate Halfwit to second in line for the throne.

  25. If that family were potless they’d be on Jeremy Kyle’s show every other week….

  26. They are just so stunning and brave to have ‘survived’ what they went through, which, let’s face it, was worse than being in a firefight in an Iraqi compound for days on end or an ICU in January. It must have been so hard picking outfits for flower girls and choosing a tiara to wear for their £30million quid wedding. Editing Vogue must have been really tough, and even tougher having to choose free furniture and decorations for the enormous Frogmore Cottage, enough to give anyone PTSD. No wonder Meghan threw a cup of tea at someone, who could blame her after all that? I’m sure I’d feel suicidal too with all that money, staff to help me and patronages to keep me busy.

    Its just so heart warming to know that they have found happiness by being forced to do mega-million deals with Spotify and Netflix on top of Harry’s immense trust fund left to him by his mother and what she made out of Suits. At least now they can live in a mansion of their choosing and I’m so glad they chose one with 16 toilets.

    Now they have all the privacy they want by making statements all the time and being interviewed by Oprah Winfrey. Must take a lot of getting used to all that privacy and not being the focus of worldwide media attention. It must be of some comfort that they have a brand new gas guzzling Range Rover and are now free to talk about climate change without the faintest whiff of hypocrisy.

  27. Just watching Harry Halfwit Hewitt, you can see the concentration on his face; he simply can’t keep pace with the interview and clutches his pet monkey’s hand for comfort.

    This is a classic case of a simple-minded man being led by his plums and then rinsed clean by a wily, gaslighting, power-crazed woman. This woman is estranged from her own father and sister. She has now ensured Hewitt Jr is following her in the same footsteps.

    A simple DNA test would enable the Royal Family to fuck the pair of cunts right off for once and for all and they can then retract the titles. I wonder what the good people of Sussex feel about a ginger simpleton with an IQ of 60 and his pet monkey from the Good Ol’ USA becoming Duke and Duchess of their county? I would be fucking livid.

    • ‘I wonder what the good people of Sussex feel about a ginger simpleton with an IQ of 60 and his pet monkey from the Good Ol’ USA becoming Duke and Duchess of their county?’

      It is our lot in life. We have Brighton to account for as well.

      Personally I’m astonished his IQ could be as high as 60.

  28. Disgusting pair of limpets, the mama ju-ju voodoo interview was so tacky, I wonder if Ken Russell was the producer?

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