Mark Drakeford [3]

Sheepshagger in Chief, Mark Drakeford.

Link to his whining is here.

Fuck me, what a link.

In comments rejected by Downing Street, First Minister Mark Drakeford complained of a lack of interaction with Boris Johnson and claimed there was “no institutional architecture to make the United Kingdom work”.

This weasely little parish council leader has Krankie like ambitions. ‘Free Wales because Boris doesnt seem to bother with me, look you’
What a cunt. The Welsh assembly is a fucking joke filled up with unemployables and misfits. Devolution has been a fucking disaster. There is no appetite for independence outside of the barely populated areas where the miserablewelshbastards live (battle cry ‘ they stealin all our water’) The industrial south and the civilised bits of the north will tell the cunt to fuck off.

We are no different to the English regions. Same problems, same feeling that fucking London gets the lions share.
Drakeford is a pathetic, Labour, chancer cunt.

Nominated by: Cunstable Cuntbubble

42 thoughts on “Mark Drakeford [3]

  1. This is the same cunt that refused to rule out a curfew on men following the remarks from that Baroness Fuckwit cunt in the House of Lords. A Sturgeon fanboy and the worst politician in the UK after Sturgeon and Suckdick.

    You are right – devolution has been a disaster. All it’s done is a give a platform to pain-in-the-ass cunts with delusions of grandeur. Without devolution no one would give a toss about these freaks.

    • To be fair, he looks like an old woman himself, or a pre-op transexual.

      The Mayor system has just given a shot in the arm to failed politicians, like Burnham and that twat from Bristol – and of course, Drakeford, a true Labour arselicker.

  2. His son is a real man of the people too…a solid upstanding member of the Welsh community.

    A model citizen if you like.

  3. We need to abolish devolution now. All it’s achieved is the fragmentation of the UK. Yet another Blair legacy.

    • Exactly – there’s a lot to blame BLiar for and not the least of it devolution. Scrap it and even up services/taxation for all the UK (stop all the free stuff the Welsh & Scots get at the expense of the English taxpayer first). Shoot this cunt and Krankie as well while we’re at it.

  4. Independence for Scotland, independence for Wales, with that England cuts all their respective funding, then let them eat cake!

    Fuck off!

    • The Welsh and Scots should be given a referendum the alternatives being along the lines of ‘Devolution has failed,vote for either independence or a return to the previous set up.’

  5. The shit head jumped on the 6pm curfew until he remembered the fruit of his loins is doing her Majesty’s time for rape. Both are total and utter cunts.

  6. Fucking right. Devolution has been a monumental fuck up. Bulldoze these assemblies and just have politicians in Westminster. But wait I hear them cry that’s too distant. Doesn’t seem to stop the USA or Canada or Australia….from working and their cities are further from the capitals.

    • He likes like to sort of pervert that would spend his evenings cruising for shemale escorts.

  7. With any luck this cunt will be gone in May, I saw one of these YesCymru rallies, there was a lot of fourth reich flags there too, oh the fucking irony!!!,

    Not going to happen on 5% approval either, stupid woke cunt!!!

  8. Without our money this cunt would be a tramp.
    The devolved governments are simply a disaster.
    Cure this parasite with white phosphorus.
    Shite on an English gent’s shoe.

  9. In political circles hes known as Lilly.
    Lilly of the valleys.
    A halfwit no matter where he hails from,
    A simpleton for all seasons.

  10. Devolution has certainly attracted Drakeford and other assorted mental commies, and all with the same narrative – “the reason we are lousy at what we do and constantly fuck every single thing we do up is because of the English, not our power mad greed, dishonesty and incompetence”.
    Blair sold the people down the river with regard to devolution on three things – more money and control over their affairs and the grateful serfs being so overjoyed with this that they would permanently vote Labour.
    A spectacular own goal – greedy thieving socialists weaseled their way into power by stirring up anti English nationalism, stole and wasted the extra money and blamed Labour for it, ensuring Labour will never have a meaningful political presence again.
    I am getting pretty sick and tired of the other home nations bleeding the English dry and blaming us for every one of their self made problems so I would offer a choice – stay in the Union and be directly ruled by Westminster or piss off, pay your own way and stop blaming England for everything YOUR politicians who YOU elected have screwed up.
    Problem solved one way or the other, and I no longer care which option it is.
    Failing that there is the equally attractive option of invasion and giving the haggis snafflers, potato munchers and the leek botherers a good thrashing for their outrageous impertinence! ??

    • You Yorkie fuckers owe us Taffs. I spent 10 years as a missionary in Yorkshire and thanks to me some fuckers in Doncaster can now use cutlery and a cunt in Rotherham bought a round . Only once but small victories.

      • I share your pain, CC. I lived in Sheffield and liked to take my Tyke friends out for a fish supper. Never had to buy them any chips.

      • I’m partly welsh so… Been in plenty of Welsh women too. The only thing I hate about welsh women is when they say I’m cold. In cawlldddd

  11. The likes of Drakeford are nothing higher than village parish council leader calibre. Cunts like Drakeford and Sturgeon have ideas way above their station and delusions of grandeur in respect of their own political gravitas.

    Empty the Crown Buildings of these small-minded cunts along with ‘Wee Pretendy Parliament’ Holyrood and then open them to visitors as historical attractions. Revoke devolved powers to Westminster and put these cunts out on their self-important arses. They are nothing more than parasitic overheads on the country’s finances. Completely non-productive and subsersive little bleeders.

    This Island is far too fucking small, geographically and in terms of population size to have devolved ‘governments’ in Wales and Scotland.

    Fuck them all into a stinky tramp’s hat.

  12. Power hungry commie bastard. This cunt represents everything the Labour Party has become. The Taffs have voted Labour for ever and a day but times have changed and they need to change with it. Open your eyes you cunts!

  13. My mate lives in Cardiff. Apparently, Drakeford is well hated. However, the Welsh tories seem to prop him up, and they have allowed 16 yo the vote – so they’ll never get rid of the cunt as long as he promise free sweets and playstations, or whatever. I know it’s not the fault of Drakeford senior, but his son is a convicted pdough rapist. I think this must have some affect on Drakeford senior.

  14. I’d say give the Welsh and Scots independence for 24 month. Rebuild Harding Wall, build a St George’s wall with Wales, remove the £, Royal Navy, Army and Airforce along with any trade deals we have and see how long the cunts take to come crawling back. A bit of tough live will go a long way ❤

    • Rebuilding Hadrian’s Wall would be a major mistake. Why should we give the Jocks the fair county of Northumberland which they were never able to take by force?
      And don’t we already have a ‘Welsh Wall?’ It’s called ‘Offa’s Dyke.’

  15. This little tin pot dictator cunt has announced a date for lifting restrictions on self-catering holidays – for Welsh residents only. He has ‘warned’ that if anyone takes a booking from outside Wales the ‘penalty’ will be to put back the opening of all hospitality. Given that the vast majority of tourists are from England, the little twat is putting at risk the lives and livelihoods of thousands of businesses just to show them who is boss. Total fuckwitt.

  16. A socialist and a nationalist, what could go wrong? And, a god squad cunt to boot. Hopefully his dreadful performance over the last year will reach even the stupid cunts who think that having more politicians would be a good thing.
    I used to slag the welsh assembly off relentlessly on the comments of local news, always arguing with the pro WAG cunts, until I was banned from commenting, even though I didn’t abuse or swear at any cunt, but obviously somebody didn’t like it. A couple of weeks later, I had a knock on the door, and it was some cunt from the WAG saying I needed to fill in a questionnaire about local government. I told them I wasn’t interested but the cunt replied it was like the census and required by law. I said can you come back later after they had been around the neighbours, but was told it was only me, and I had been picked ‘at random’.
    Stasi cunts.

  17. Off topic (what was it again?) but strangely relevant on this otherwise quotidian nomination. Would it be possible for the ??? ?????? ??? ?? ?????????? to do something about the ?????? ????????

    I think we all have some good ideas of the identities of those responsible, and some of us even know exactly who (and how it is done). Something along the lines of scrapping it altogether. Anything else would be too much like hard work to “police” – but as it stands, it is less than valuable.

    [I say this as one who has “harvested” 14 tickies in this nomination with my “dull” comment] .

    Pleased to see the back of “cunt music” and the demise of “BLM shit”, but tickies? Nein, danke!

    • Evening CS.

      Is it simply red tape that prevents you making sense, or is it congenital?

      PS: genuine enquiry, no animosity intended. ?

      • Was it unclear? I successfully “petitioned” Admin to lose Cunt Music several months ago – and BLM shit. Cunt music duly (and rightly) disappeared and BLM shit has been “quarantined”.

        I was merely trying again with the undeniable “tickie” problem. Not clear? Perhaps I should provide a glossary perhaps via footnotes as recently.

        On that occasion my input was admittedly opaque; the above comment not so much.

        Trust all well in Ipswich FL.

      • Ipswich FL? Dunno. Is that where Cunt’s Mate Cunt (Mike) lives?

        Willie lives in East Angular, England.

      • Where does facelift born in 1953 live is the question on all our ?.

        Unlike some inner tubes (the lips I mean) my dry cleaner’s best friend Charles is always inflated.

        Do you need additional clarification, RTC? If so, send an SAE to the usual address. I’ll pick it up from the Orkney sorting office in due season.


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