Marcus Rashford (8)

Saint Marcus Rashford is onto his next attention seeking project, now the gobshite cunt is demanding that all men protect women, I seriously think this pleb is going to be the next fucking Ghandi, its going to be one humanitarian cause after another Lilly mong style….

Nominated by: Fuglyucker 

and seconded by: Cuntfinder General

I second this cunting. Do what your paid for Rash-thoughts: stick that fucking ball in the back of the oppositions net.
Stupid boy.


44 thoughts on “Marcus Rashford (8)

  1. Now he can afford a loaf of bread hes become delusional.
    This Whythenshawe messiah can fuck right off,
    I dont take advice from footballers, or dinner ladies,
    Whatever the fuck you are.
    In fact just for that ive given the missus a dead-arm.

    Thats your fault Marcus.

    • ‘ I dont take advice from footballers, or dinner ladies,’ ?

      I think your being hard on dinner ladies, MNC. They have more brains than footballers.

  2. This Rashford cult is real lowest common denominator shit. For the thick cunts who hang on every word of the MSM, Rashford has become a philosophical giant. His views on everything are sought by the fanatics of woke. Stating the fucking obvious is deemed deep and meaningful by his followers.

    I find it hard to blame Marcus. He is only a lad who kicks a ball. He has been ruthlessly packaged by the lefty media as a ‘nice, safe, sensible black boy’ and is busy living up to that image. He is not really bright enough to see that he is a modern day Uncle Tom.

  3. Judging by some of the burley rabid blue haired munters I have seen protesting it is the probably the men that need protecting from women!

    Also, Marcus, a means test should be done to see if one can afford to provide for a child. If one cannot then no children allowed, so stick your free school dinners up your arse!

    Fuck off!

  4. Someone should tell Saint Marcus there’s a reason women (and indeed men) don’t go walking across Clapham Common and the back streets of Tulse Hill and Brixton after dark. He should get his privileged arse out of his mansion, come down to Londonstabistan and have a look. In the meantime he should shut his cunting uninformed mouth.

  5. He must have inherited those caring, sharing genes from his (absent and never mentioned) father.
    Seriously though. I accept he’s become a media tool, but he didn’t have to put his name to this shit. He can say no.
    But can he say no to the publicity and the chance to virtue signal? Obviously not.
    He’s been told from an early age how amazing he is based on his ability with a ball. Trouble is, he’s now being told how amazing he is for opening his gob and talking shit.

  6. Footballers, and sport in general, will learn their lessons eventually that they shouldn’t push their politics and agenda onto others. I don’t pay to watch sport anymore due to this. They can fuck off. I now find myself wanting England to lose due to cunts like Rashcunt, Sterlcunt and Gareth Wokegate lecturing us every 5 minutes – and all that knee taking shite (kind of making it easier for Chauvin’s lawyers to say he has no chance of a fair trial by you and the media in general doing so or supporting it, you stupid cunts!).

    Fuck them. Any team not taking the knee? I’m up for them cunts.

    Keep your woke anti-white bullshit to yourselves and get on with the fucking game, you cunts.

    Fuck off.

  7. Footballers,pop singers, Royal-Cunts,actors… even reality tv “stars”…they just can’t resist flashing their “woke” credentials and lecturing us “little people”.
    I might not be the brightest but even I’d back myself in a Mensa test against most of them.

      • Morniing,MNC.

        Pissing down up here and a cold wind….real lambing weather. You up to much?

      • Just been to Sainsbury’s for a Ring® door bell.
        They have a instore Argos.
        The counter was 6ft away but had like a S shaped maze of barriers to get there?
        Said to the kid behind the counter I wanted a doorbell he said I have to order online then collect it.
        Said to him why cant I just pay cash now an you give me a receipt and deliver it?!
        Apparently they cant because of covid.

        Countrys fucked man.

  8. He and his ilk were far more interesting when Attenborough and co used to spy on them in the jungle. Bringing a few back as exotic pets was never going to end well.

  9. But surely women don’t want to be protected by the evil patriarchy, you can’t even hold a door open for them without being sneered at. Gender is a social construct and we are all the same, they reckon . Men can have vaginas and women can have penises. Men can menstruate and women can play football.
    What the fuck am I talking about.

    • You were beginning to sound like Gareth Wokegate or Sir Taxdodger Crispmuncher there Mr Kinty.

  10. St Marxist of Rashford should make himself useful and kneecap the local drug dealers. If the poor weren’t buying drugs off these scumbags they would have enough money to feed their starving kiddies.

  11. Sick to fucking death of these grossly overpaid simpletons trying to lecture an already fed up nation.
    Cunts like Rashford are virtually exempt from any form of criticism because it’s automatically skewed as racism.
    Criticise the cunt for being nothing more than a mediocre footballer who really ought to be scoring more goals – racist.
    Sell him because, after several seasons, he’s basically not good enough for Man Utd – racist.
    Criticise him for being a social justice warrior who should really focus on his profession more – racist.

  12. Footballers are usually thick cunts. Why anyone would listen to them is beyond me. Their brains are in their feet and not in their heads. It makes me sick that cunts with some lucrative talent, like footballers or actors, think they have the right to impose their nutty views on everyone else. I couldn’t give a toss what the likes of Rashcunt or Bendydick Cucumberpatch think about race or anything else. Conceited twats.

  13. They’ll be erecting Statues of Saint Marcus soon. Just like they are of that other wokie cokie mouthpiece, Our Lady of Thunderbirds the immaculate virgin.

  14. The fucker needs to get down to his nearest taxi ? rank and stop the groomers then doesn’t he. Cunt.

  15. Dick-Rash Ford should stick to punting a leather bladder around the pitch. Paucity of thought is the order of the day.

  16. Maybe the BBC are grooming him to take over from Linekunt in the future? Poor Gary is getting a bit long in the tooth these days and I can’t help noticing that he is very very white. Time for a bit of diversity I think.

  17. According to the latest listings, Rash-thoughts in now the worlds most valuable footballer.

    In which case, Utd need to sell him ASAP.

    Stupid, stupid cunt.

    • But Rashford can’t even score over a dozen goals. Andy Cole got five in one game in 95, his first season at United. It would take Rashford half a season to get five. So how is he the most valuable? More value than Ronaldo, Messi, Aguero, Mbappe, Kane, Kroos?

      Blue though he is, Aguero is better. He is knocking on a bit now, but he still pisses all over Rashford. And I’d swap the little fucker for him any time.

      I’ve seen midfielders (Robbo, Platini, Zico, Hoddle) who got bigger goal tallies than Rashford, who’s supposed to be a striker. Even Stevie Bruce got 14 goals in 1990-91, and he was a centre half.

      Rashford the world’s most valuable footballer? Reminds me of that Monty Python sketch about the deadliest joke in the world.

  18. Can you tell me of he scores any goals? Is he still a “footballer”? I have no fucking interest in the cunt. Who is he??

  19. This cunt is building his own gallows with all this tripe he’s coming out with. When he does get caught out doing dumb footballer shit, his virtue signalling past will make him look a hypocrite and a double cunt.
    If you want to do the whole ‘holier than thee’ shite, you’d better be able to keep it up. Can’t wait to see it happen.
    Who gives a fuck what a footballer thinks anyway?

  20. Protecting women, eh?

    Well, I wonder if Saint Marcus has said anything about the big fuck off mural in the middle of Manchester? You know, the one featuring the ugly mug of Chiggen Floyd George. The violent and drugged up criminal cunt who a pointed loaded gun at a pregnant woman’s belly, while his mates punched her and ransacked her home? Does Marcus think ladies will feel safer, having to pass a shrine to this violent misogynistic thug every time they are in town? Does he think that it’s acceptable?

    What do you mean, he hasn’t said anything about that?

    I wish the little nauseating cunt would fuck off and take his double standards and black criminal worshiping to the Etihad. Where he can play virtue signal soldiers with those other twats, Raheem Sterling and Pep Fraudiola.

    • I think irony is a concept lost on the thick cunt Rashford, Norm. If the poor pregnant woman who St George terrorised, blew his head off with a Magnum 44 which would have been her constitutional right, would the thick woke cunts have held a vigil for him then??? Stupid, stupid, up their own arse, pea brained bastards.

    • Well said Norman.
      Couldn’t agree more.

      The whole St George of Floyd faux worship is frankly fucking nauseating.

  21. I have nothing but admiration for the cunt.
    Our little Dark-Hued Saviour is performing all these miracles and it has not cost the cunt a penny!.
    If you are going too do charitable deeds then make sure some other cunt foots the bill but most importantly make sure your name is at the top in big fucking lights so the whole world can see.
    He’s a bit like a modern day Bob Geldolf but uses soap and hopefully won’t call his kids stupid fucking names.

  22. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. He is fucking useless as a centre forward. Has never scored 20 league goals in a season (OK, six seasons) and he never will. This cunt stays at United on skin colour and virtue signalling alone. Garry Birtles was inept in front of goal and he got shipped back to Forest. But this cunt is way worse than Birtles. At least Garry didn’t tell other people what to do with their lives and their money. He also had talent, he was good in both his spells at Forest, The Old Trafford stage overawed him and he was used wrongly by that cunt Dave Sexton. But Marcus is crap, yet he still has a charmed life at MUFC, still counts his obscene wages, and still gobs off like he is some sort of oracle. He is a cunt and he should sod off.

  23. Mucus Rashford has a gross income of around 24 million a year.
    And uses tax avoidance to reduce his liability down to next to nothing.
    If he was that bothered about “protectin’ da wimminz” he would be calling out muslim savages for their constant abuse and violence towards Women or mention that there is a mural of a violent career criminal who attacked Women.
    Shut up Marcus, you tiresome twat.

  24. Why the fuck has this monotone, slightly below average, ball kicking tool been given Pope-like status when it comes to social justice affairs? As soon as there’s any kind of ‘crisis’ (and as we all know, no women has ever been killed before Sarah What’s Her Face), this bastard sprints out of his locker room and addresses the public from his pulpit with such stunning and brave statements such as ‘don’t be a cunt to women’ and ‘kids are hungry, innit? Feed em with your money not mine though’ and everyone turns into fucking clapping seals.

    I just can’t wait until the sanctimonious, channel tunnel- nostrilled prick gets caught out in a huge scandal so he looks like a hypocritical cunt and gets his holier-than-though credentials stricken the fuck off.

  25. The late Frank Worthington had more footballing skill and talent in his arse than that cunt Rashford has in his whole anatomy.

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