Loaded & Manipulative Interviewing

I can’t think of a suitable title for this nom, so I’ll have to leave it with the admins – sorry!

Anyway, I get so sick and tired of reading online interviews with BAME sportspeople, celebs, tv & movie stars etc., and that inevitably the conversation will move to that hoary old chestnut “racism”.

It doesn’t matter if the interview is talking about nuclear physics, how to make a cupcake, how to to fix frozen carbs on a Kawasaki ZZR600 or flower arranging, you can bet your bottom dollar the interviewer will somehow move the convo onto the Big R, with such inane questions as:-

“Did you suffer racism at school/cookery classes/bike garage/science lab?”
“How did you feel about being the only BAME?”
“Do you think you didn’t get the qualifications/promotions you thought you deserved because you’re a BAME?”
“Do you still suffer prejudice?”

blah blah blah….

It’s as if the interviewer just wants to stir the shit in order to get a reaction in the comments section. He’s not really bothered about what the interviewee has got to say on anything else, that’s all surplus to requirements – padding, in other words. But just make damned sure we dig out the same tired old tropes because it’s trending and so right on with the wokes!

And in some cases the BAME being interviewed will try and steer the conversation back to the actual purpose of the interview because quite often they have no political agenda or social axe to grind on this occasion.

But no, that doesn’t sit right! As far as the interviewer is concerned no one is really interested if this person is good at flower arranging. Just so long as everyone knows he suffered racism at some point, then that’s all that matters!

Which means a bit of temporary kudos for the interviewer among the wokes; and the interviewee left looking like an ungrateful but bullied cunt shoved under the spotlight as yet another “colonial victim”, even though it was never his intent to do so.

Nominated by: Technocunt

23 thoughts on “Loaded & Manipulative Interviewing

  1. Middle class whites love their little black pets. They dont have to deal with their shit as they have pet walkers and pet parks well away from the Cotswolds.

  2. Jane Austen wrote Pride in prejudice about being happy with your racism.
    Without racism what would they have to blame their shortcomings on?

    Racism is the fastest growing business in the UK.

    • That is a very good point Miserable, I was reading something about critical race theory training within companies and they cost hundreds of pounds per employee, so some cunt is doing very nicely out of it. A small price to pay for indoctrinating your workforce into compliant self-loathing woke zombies.

      • #MeToo Miserable, I don’t have any bias and have disdain for almost every race, religion and sexual deviancy equally., with exception to the peacefuls and their shitty ways.

      • Two other race related industries booming in Britain today are Interpreting and Counselling.

        For instance, £££ millions have been spent on ethnic minorities and whiteys of a snowflake disposition “affected” by the Grenfell fire. In the year after the fire, 2,674 adults and 463 children were screened for symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, WTF?

        In 2018 a nice little earner called St Charles Health and Wellbeing Centre was set up so that even more cunts “affected” by Grenfell could be treated in “dedicated therapy suites”. Virtual reality headsets were used to aid in assessing ever greater numbers of cunts “involved” and hundreds of supposed victims are still coming forward for treatment. Options available range from bereavement counselling to cognitive behavioural therapy to psychiatric interventions, all available in dozens of languages.

        Lucrative business indeed, and almost entirely funded by the taxpayer, of course.

        Good evening.

  3. Good nom Techno.

    Last year during the Burn Loot Murder statue toppling fiasco when Piers Morgan attempted and failed at being a patronising cunt to Dizzee Rascal on GMB springs to mind.

    To be fair to Dizzee, he pretty much put the fat fuck in his place.

  4. And over on the Slipped Disc site, “Music of the white western Canon is still thought to be superior”… Great heap of steaming BS which emanates fromm a US dark Quay called Philip Ewell.
    Maybe he should shave with Occam’s razor, or better still, place it to his throat and give himself a nice, bloody, watermelon grin. The simple answer is because white western classical music is a) much more prolific, and b)bloody good.
    Can’t name an opera by Rastus-Umbongo Wagner?? You’re not the only one!!

    • I know it’s not quite the line of the original post, but was still so bloody absurd…

  5. “So, how much racism have you suffered in your career”?..
    “If you get a shit load of money and a very well paid career on Tossbag TV with nobody ever allowed to criticise your bullshit for fear of being branded a racist would it help you to remember the racism I have already decided you suffered”?..
    “Actually, now you mention it – I DO recall all the terrible racism I must have unknowingly suffered – I was blanking it out as it was too traumatic to recall” ?..
    “Thanks – now onto the next of our 18 black guests”..

  6. I fucking despair!
    I’m not a ray cyst. I have no concern for the colour of a person’s skin or their nationality.
    Likewise, male or female; I have no axe to grind with either.
    Bottom line… if you’re a cunt, you’re a cunt. It doesn’t matter what your hue or gender.
    All this fucking flagging up the difference, the omissions from this list or that; the “first” “BAME” (a racist acronym in itself) or “LGBTQ+XYZ” (sexually discriminatory abbreviation) only serves to create further divides.
    If only the virtue signallers, snowflakes, BBC, frightened authorities and other CUNTS could stop pandering to one another and just get on with living and reporting on living without being ob-fucking-sessed with breaking it all down to the differences; maybe we’d all be getting along better.
    People are people. If only the cunts could report THAT and move on to the actual stories about what those people had done of interest.

  7. To be fair, some of the cunts don’t need goading.

    Interviewer: “So Raheem, 3-0 and an excellent hat trick to take you to the too of the table, you must be delighted?”

    Player: “Well, you would say that, it’s your white privilege showing. How can I, as a black man, be happy after the death of George Floyd, the most peaceful genius since Jesus or Buddha?”

    Interviewer: “Of course erm….I’ll have to check my speech in future. Thank you. With Liverpool coming up on Sunday, how do you feel about your chances?”

    Player: How do I feel about our chances? Well, as an opressed black man I’d say our chances as blacks are not great, seeing as the police still exist in this country. How dare you…”

      • Sterling is a little shit and an overrated cunt. The dirty little mercenary shat on Liverpool and he signed with the Gorton Globetrotters because he’s a grabbing little cunt and a gloryhunting parasite. And remember when the little shite missed an England game because he was ‘too tired’? The entitled and indulged little fuck.

        Also, there are garden slugs that are more politically aware and astute than Sterling. He’s as thick as pig shit, the cunt.

  8. Collectivise honkies, because every other cunt group is.

    I’d rather we could all just get along and leave each other the fuck alone, but it’s not gonna happen.

    Fail to collectivise and it’ll be us lot getting on the trains with no windows.

    Wake up.

  9. Race baiting is the new remoaning……..a way to slag this country off and create divisions which can be exploited by the champagne socialists who are hungry for power. Not just the ordinary power wielded by governments but the kind of power wielded by foreign cunts…..Chinkies, Ruskies, Cubans etc. The BAMES are just the convenient vehicle which they hope will take them where they want to go. Tickets please!

  10. I used to think in racial terms too and that was wrong. I preferred people like teeth – the whiter the better. Now I realise that was incorrect. Romanians, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, Slovaks, Albanians, Latvians, Bulgarians, Czechs, and the fucking Polish are all white and these cunts are just ad unpleasantly truculent.

    Thank goodness for my redemption.

    • All you have to do is think “what would Adolf do” to solve the problem?

  11. I had to look up BAME, I don’t know who most of the people you rant about are, and I am a bit of a lefty, but I like slagging off stupid cunts. Sign me up ?

  12. I have been a victim of racism, a Mohammadan called me a white cunt. Where do I go for Therapy? Oh…. hang on, I’ve got thick skin and didn’t give a fuck because I probably deserved it when I nipped into the parking space he was waiting to pull into. Oh the joys of being a Honky!

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