Lee Hill

Woke headmaster Lee Hill.


This heavily tatooed snowflake wretch has ditched Nelson, Drake and Raleigh in favour of more deserving heroes for his school houses.

The school now uses the names of eco teen Greta Thunberg, human rights activist Malala Yousafzai, footie star and school meals campaigner Marcus Rashford — and even US President Joe Biden’s inauguration poet Amanda Gorman.

Perhaps it is time to replace older heroes. But with this?

Thunberg – A halfwit being used by others.
Rashford – A tax avoiding virtue signaller who costs everybody but himself money, although perhaps his achievement of becoming a pro footballer while starving every day could be seen as remarkable.
Some black ‘poet’ whose claim to fame seems to be writing something for Bidens’s inauguration.
I wont comment on Malala as she was genuinely shot by the Taliban for the crime of going to school so maybe worthy. She certainly has my sympathy.

By the way, this is a junior school, in the East Riding, not the Jeremy Corbyn Foundation for the Virtuous.

Nominated by: Cunstable Cuntbubble

77 thoughts on “Lee Hill

  1. Don’t forget he’s erecting a statue for RuPaul! Probably….

  2. Only one of these is even British and he’s no fucking hero. It really does seem as if anything vaguely English is banned in this country. Wait until the muslims tell this cunt what he can and can’t teach, and who.

  3. Is the soy boy wanker doing product placement with that Starbucks cup?
    That’s the sort of “progressive” he is.
    String him up by his bollocks, assuming he has any…

  4. I wouldn’t have my children attending a school (or more like a sect) run by some tattooed, woke primate with a shit eating grin. I suspect this school allows children to turn up with blue hair that has patterns shaved into it, judging by the look of his own mop.

    All it needs is for a significant number of parents to lobby for the cunt’s removal. Hearts and minds and a little effort is all that is needed to overcome cuntitude.

  5. I know they say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.
    However: if it was up to me, I wouldn’t employ a heavily tattooed soy boy like him, yo clean the windows or mop the floors, let alone be responsible for the education of impressionable young children.

    Fucking devious Marxist cunts.
    I doubt they will be renaming any of the houses in this nations public schools.

    • Hardly teaching good role models is he?
      Scandi windowlickers, footballers deprived of bread and paki target practice kids?
      Teach the little bastards about the great and terrible Empire!??????
      How this little island ruled the world and went toe to toe with the big boys,
      How still to this day our mark on the world is visible,
      How we started the industrial Revolution.
      How we ruled the seas,
      How we stood alone against Hitler while the rest of Europe cowered in their cellars,
      Teach them the truth.
      And his tattoos?
      Roses? Fuckin rose?
      Hed of been our teacher wed of taken his dinner money the little camp David.

      • Absofuckinglutely – MNC.

        Headmasters should be feared by pupils and be able to bellow at them like Brian Blessed.

        Headmasters should be clad in head to foot in tweed and wear highly polished brogue shoes. Tattoos are simply verboten.

        Headmasters should brandish a sturdy cane, which can be used to ‘tickle’ errant pupils whilst walking past them in corridors.

        Headmasters should proudly teach pupils about the Empire , WW2 and what made Britain great (back then), alongside the evils of Marxism, Socialism and Wokeism.

      • Dont get me wrong Paul,
        Im all for teaching kids about other cultures!
        About the Gurkhas and their loyalty and bravery,
        About the chinese and why we can’t trust them,
        About the zulus and wheres best to shoot them,
        But more importantly why it’s every Englishmans duty to hate the french.
        This makes children more aware of the world and other cultures and how best to oppress them.

      • The frogs and eyeties had tanks built for them during WW2 that had just one reverse gear and (gently) ejected soft cheese from the armaments.


  6. So this cunt can dictate policy on what his schoolkids should and shouldn’t be taught!

    Surely the local education authority (or whatever wank made-up-name they call themselves these days) should take him to task?

    Personally I don’t care if he doesn’t teach history because quite frankly knowing about old cunts like Drake, Nelson, Wellington etc. have made fuck all difference to me. I always found History a fucking chore when I was a kid.

    That said, teaching kids about all things woke and lefty, is out of order. And I always find it irritating that cunts like him only come out of of the woodwork when the social climate dictates. A couple of years ago he probably didn’t give a shit. But now that woke is everywhere, he has finally joined the bandwagon.

    What an ugly Hipster cunt.

  7. Where are the teachers that wear leather patches on the elbows of their suit jackets? You’re not a proper teacher if you don’t wear those.
    He looks like one of those grownups trying to be cool and trendy, wanting to appear to fit in with the children.
    You’re not their friend. You are there to teach them.
    Bring back black boards, or at least the board rubber. The threat of that being thrown at the misbehaving pupil would keep the class in order.

    • I was spared the board duster but did get some chalk in the ear, that fucker still stung 3 days later. I’m sure the teachers were taught how to throw the bloody things since the speed and accuracy were phenomenal and one of the teachers could hit a rapidly moving target the full length of the classroom.

  8. Are you telling me there isn’t an ex pupil or pupils who served in the military who the houses could be named after? Why not call them House Stalin, House Kim Jong Un and House Mao whilst he’s at it the lefty prick. If he hates this country so much, move to fucking Pyongyang.

  9. Replace them with more contemporary “heroes” – Like a tax dodging liar, a hateful Swedish hypocrite tramp screeching about global warming whilst simultaneously raking in millions from the deluded and easily fooled by selling tat made by slave labour in China then transported around the world leaving an enormous carbon footprint for an eye watering mark up or a girl made famous for being shot?
    I have an idea – pick out any of the teenagers killed on D Day who gave their lives for the freedom these cunts treat with contempt.
    This Man should not be influencing young minds.

  10. Hipster cuntwomble indoctrinating children into his woke reality.

    Desperate state of affairs when a prick like this is allowed to run a school.

    Two faced cunts thinks it’s fine to share jokes about beheading the Education Minister.

  11. Look at the fucking cunt. A bandit, no doubt about it. If I had kids, I wouldn’t let them near this cunt.

    When I think of the headmasters I had: Psycho Swifty and Slipper Riley. Both masters of corporal punishment. A bit of a slap doesn’t do any harm, toughens you up, and in some cases it’s deserved. But with softarsed benders like Hill in charge, kids will never know discipline or right from wrong. These kids will grow into entitled spoilt woke kidults and British society will take another step further to its demise.

  12. Woketon Comprehensive sports day – everyone gets a prize for turning up, and every pupil who does not turn up stating they want to cancel toxic competitiveness gets a prize for that too.

  13. Even piers Morgan thinks he’s a cunt…. for a change he isn’t wrong. This twat should be taken out at dawn and tied to a stake….

  14. Irony of this cunt is the the East riding of Yorkshire is about as British, in old terms thinking, as you can get these days. Armed forces are lauded garden fetes women’s institutes etc. I bet this cunt is in a minority of one.

  15. It’s a bit f’ing racist

    Three blacks and only one white (with some mental issues)

    We had Blue, Green, Red and Yellow….. not a Black or White. ?

  16. If I had a child at a school with that as a headmaster I would remove them quicker than that cunt could say woke. Talk about falling standards.

  17. You really know you are fucked when head teachers look like this tramp.
    I suggest kids of parents from this school continue home schooling where they would learn more than attending the circus at their “school.”

  18. One of my old teachers was a war hero but kept it pretty quiet, Lost both legs whilst stuck in a tank, but crawled out and survived. Pulled his oppo out as well, before the fire triggered the munitions.

    Walked on his prosphetics at school. Ram rod straight. Shirt and tie every day. Short back and sides and clean shaven. Shoes polished to see your reflection. We school kids lived in fear of him.

    I dispair of cunts like this in the nom. Needs electrocution then the oven.

    • My old geography teacher was a rear gunner in a Lancaster, my old English teacher was captured, imprisoned and tortured by the Japanese.
      I salute them every day – the quietest of heroes.

    • That’s how they should be LDC. Its called a proper male role model. The tattooed cunt wants to be the students friend not a teacher. Twat.

  19. Any idiot sending their children to “school” needs their head examining. They dont learn anything. Its one long indoctrination process. And at the end result after £20 000 in University they are dumber than when they went in aged 4. “School” is an entirely redundant idea.

  20. This has just plain and simple angered me to fuckery. Why do people like him even exist? What are they trying to prove? Fuck sake. I am still angry now. My heartburn has instantly returned. This country is turning to shit. Why would he even be allowed to change what he teaches. Fucking pathetic. Right, I need another Esomeprazole.

  21. He is probably what me and my chums at secondary school used to call a ‘wigga’.

    All Wu-tang clan and Tupac, swaggering about calling nice, lily-white middle-class girls from Surrey/Hampshire villages ‘Ho’ and ‘Beeatch’ and talking about Bloods and Crisps (I know they’re called crips, I hate these cunts)

    Semi-successfully parodied by Sacha Baron Cohen a few years after it stopped being a ‘thing’.

  22. The only person in that trio who could be described as heroic, would be Malala.
    Being classed as heroic, means carrying on in the face of adversity. Thunderpants and Rashcunt, are neither, and of course complete cunts.

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