Lady Gaga – Gone Dogging (6)

Any other cunters smell a rat or two with this Lady Gaga dog thing?

Ladyboy Gaga’s dogs get ‘kidnapped’, dog walker gets shot ‘several times’ and is still alive and well enough to talk to the media?

Gaga offers a half a million reward with big media splash, dogs are suddenly handed over to cozzers by woman ‘who was not involved’,

Said woman was not questioned and there is no lead on any suspects.

Something smell here like a very fishy cunt.

Nominated by: Norman

48 thoughts on “Lady Gaga – Gone Dogging (6)

  1. Something smells like a very fishy cunt? Probably be Gaga’s smelly fishy cunt. At first I thought she was in the previous nomination picture.
    She should be grateful they weren’t captured by the Chinese or Koreans. Turn up for the reward holding a dog stir fry.
    You are right though, something weird about the whole story.

    • There was probably no intention of paying her or anyone, RTC. The tart who handed in the pooches is probably on Tadger Gaga’s payroll already. As for the bloke/toadie who was ‘shot’? John Lennon was shot less times than that and look what happened to him. Yet this cunt is yapping to the MSM about how great Tadger Gaga is from his hospital bed? Pull the other one. It stinks like a chinki wrestler’s jockstrap cooked in chip fat.

  2. Certainly something a bit odd about it all…rather like when that Kardashian woman was supposedly robbed or when Prince Charles put his name in the “Father” box on Harry’s birth certificate.

    PS….I bet the poor dogs were glad of the break from having to lick Marmite off Lady Gaga’s fetid Cunt…the hounds probably organised the whole affair themselves and are now trying to claim the reward.

  3. Lady Gaga is a dog. I wonder why the dog-nappers kidnapped the other dogs instead of her?

  4. Really thought this was about gaga actually dogging! Was gearing up for a covid rant.

  5. The Tadger Gaga ‘dognapping’ episode is as fake and as fabricated as Benderdick Cuntberdinck fighting off muggers, Lily Mong’s never existed Nazi cab driver, Liam Gallagher’s bar fight with Italian gangsters, Smarmy Lineker’s ‘refugee’ house guest, Skanklett Johansscunt’s ‘hacked’ titty pics, and the Markle Snake’s royals as racists bullshit.

    Celebrity = Media whore, liar, and cunt.

    • I’d like to include Owen Jones getting his pasty, lisping arse kicked by a gang of roving, Trump supporting Nazis. No CCTV evidence of course, IN LONDON.

      • That Liam Gallagher cunt is hilarious. Claims he lost teeth in a bar brawl with Italian mobsters in a German club. If the little bluenose twat had remotely antagonised any eytie heavies, he’d be dead.

        Turns out he wound up a couple of ordinary German estate agents with his big gob and they kicked fuck out of him. Fucking priceless.

        More Gallagher bullshit. Noel claimed he was part of the infamous Man City hooligan firm, The Young Guv’nors. Complete bollocks. He once saw the Chelsea Headhunters in 1985, shat himself, and never went to a City away game again.

    • Don’t forget Owen Jones brush with a great big gang of “far right thugs” outside a bar on his birthday.

      • And who can forget that hubbarder gnome Tom Cruise? Being a ‘hero’ and stopping a lady getting ‘robbed’?

        All of which happened on a swanky private road with paid security in London, of course.

      • Perfectly straight Tom cruise
        Who does his own stunts and likes woman?
        I reckon hes hard!
        He goes round John Travoltas house for kungfu lessons!
        Well they both were wearing silk pyjamas anyway…

      • Oh aye… And Prince Henery Hawk of Hewitt’s dazzling military career. His seeing action and personally killing Taliban fighters.
        Yeah, of course he fucking did.

      • I think the ‘hacked’ pics came out a year or two before the film. They were pretty crap quality and she claimed with faux ‘outrage’ that they were ‘hacked’ without her knowledge. Total bollocks, of course. No one in her position does stuff like that unless they want it out there. And they all do it. There isn’t a Hollyweird tart who hasn’t been ‘hacked’. Easy publicity really.

        She’s a bit of a disappointment in the rick anyway. Most overhyped.

    • Wouldnt mind a full nude Milla Jovovich, Noomi Rapace, Saoirse Ronan or Nora-Jane Noone. Thats 4 damn sexy ladies!

      • I agree on Milla. Something dead sexy about her. But that’s the thing, all the best ones haven’t done it. All the overrated ones get ‘hacked’.

        That Kat Dennings would do me as well. Top stuff.

  6. Need more details. What caliber was the gun? .22? How did the woman who returned the dogs get them into her possession? Does Lady Gaga like to have the dogs lick Nutella out of her snatch?
    I need answers!

    • Gun not big enough if 7 shots didnt kill. Either that or bad aim! Maybe was a spray-and-pray like Uzi 9mm, Tec9 or Mac 10.

  7. I wonder if Lady Gaga has a new album coming out?
    On other news several coppers dogs have run away!
    Police state they have no leads..

    • She should have used that as a threat. “Give me back the mutts or I’ll inflict a new album on the world”.

  8. Lady Gaga is a one trick pony I tell you, she has been stealing her bit off of other female pop singers much better then herself. I Can’t stand her music and definitely her lefty libtard politics

    If she suports blm doesn’t she ironically support theft of her own dogs then?! Yep I agree Norm this dognapping sounds staged asf

    • True, TitSlapper. Gaga nicks off everybody. Hazel O’ Connor and Kate Bush for a start.

      Gaga is like the Oasis of female singers: totally unoriginal and all been done before.

      • At least oasis had a few decent early hits before they become huge cunts especially Liam she’s more like the Adele of female singers to be more accurate and precise

        I wish I could erase the songs bad romance, judas, pokerface and born this way from my memory Norm. She steals off of Madonnas image the most I think. Which isn’t the least bit surprising as shes another star stunned cunt but Gaga couldn’t hold a candle to Bush or tomboy O’ Connor

        She doesn’t even compete with UK’s finest female singers and musicians she writes songs for strippers, the lgbtqxz’s and fat whores I loathe the type of people who like her music made this cunt famous and wealthy then again the biggest sellouts usually are…

  9. Shot 4 times?! Wtf was he shot with a BB gun or a air gun? 500,000 sounds like a gross amount to pay for the pair of puppers

    Half a million for ransom money White privilege much you fucking talentless witch bitch cunt?! The same cunt who prattles on about white supremacy in America because blumpf and that all music is black music.

    The more I read into this story the more I think it was staged so she can get some griefjacking attention Mr. Frakes said it best

    • shot up his pooper, doctors at the hospital said the bullets had lodged in a rolled up naked photo of big mike and thats what saved him

  10. Has trannygaga got an album or book coming out shortly by chance and took her example of how to get attention from the Megan Markle colouring book of attention seeking, bullshit stories and how to sue people who say things you don’t like…

    • great minds think alike ive always called that piece of burger face trannygaga

  11. Stefani. I’ll be your Judas, as long as I get your Bad Romance every night.

  12. Totally fake…reason for the hoax by TrannyGaga, was in the statement he/she/it made to the press…it has been suggested the dognapping was a RIGHT_WING attack on my support for Joe Biden…or words to that effect…same hoax scenario to the capital hill bollox full of antifa dressed up in maga hats…playing us like a fiddle

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