John Barrowman (3)

This fat fairy panto dame is making the news by blabbing that he’d love the next Doctor in Doctor Who to be a transbender. Well, he can fuck off and so can the BBC. We have had a gut full of their woke crap and how they have already done untold damage to a series and character that many on here loved in our childhoods. A trannie Doc will finally kill it stone dead. Cunts like Chibnall and Moffat have dug the show’s grave already. But cunts like Barrowman and other woke zealots will make sure it’s dead and stays dead.

Nominated by: Norman 

Supporting links provided by: Dickie Dribbler

91 thoughts on “John Barrowman (3)

  1. I would like to know what the viewing figures are for the programmes that have gone overboard on embracing lgbtvxyz issues are.
    PS I have never heard of this Barrowman chap but he does look a tad shifty.

    • He’s responsible for one of the funniest lines in one of the worst films ever; Shark Attack 3 – Megalodon. Apparently the actress in the film was so wooden he said the following line, ad lib, to get a reaction from her:

  2. What a cunt he is, he’s probably hoping they’ll give him the part and his vast arsehole could be a ‘woke modern’ day Tardis. The BBC would be all over it.
    Go fuck yourselves.

  3. Well he regularly emerges from the turdis so he may have some qualifications for the job.

    I’m all for woke double downs now, to wake cunts up.

    For all I care, let the first episode have him bumming a dalek, and finally have him turning into Chicken George Floyd as the next doctor.

    I cunted the gays recently when I was a bit sozzled lol. Not sure we’ll ever see that one.

  4. Grrrwaah Grrrwaaah….. shut that door. Paedo trans cunts wanting to make fucking children normal can fuck right off.

  5. I don’t see the connection between Dr Who and a fucking Tranny.

    He (Should always be a He) is a Time Lord not a Gaylord!

  6. Thought you meant the cunt who did that top,middle or bottom game show thing and had a lethal swimming pool.
    No idea who this is. Sounds like a cunt though.

  7. It’s yet another BBC antique that is well beyond it’s sell-by date. I can remember this being on when my son was a young boy, and he is 56 this year. So many shows on radio and TV just seem to drear on forever because the BBX can’t be bothered to find something new. No doubt in 2031 it will still be Shimmy Showdown and Dr Who wittering away but for longer.

  8. He looks like Sue Perkins’ nan.

    Flouncing tit. One of the reasons Christopher Ecclestone wuit was this idiot’s flamoyant screeching.

  9. Fuck of you fairy. Cunts like you are ruining the country. At this rate there will be no hetero whites left on tv just a celebration of all things abnormal and freaky.

    • Dr Woke.
      Ive not watched it since Tom Baker, although seen one with that Northern bloke, Eccleston.
      Everything’s better with a northern!
      Bet it’s bollocks now its a woman?
      She knit scarfs for the daleks?

      • I saw one of that northern Dr.Who bloke with bad teeth and that Manc accent.

        “Eee, ge’ in the foookin’ Taaardis. Ah’ve jooost nicked the tyres off tha’ Daarlik. Se’ a course for Galactico Fiive an’ we’ll pu’ a pie in t’oven, chuck.”

      • Ey-oop, where’s that me’al dog? That fookin’ Kayy-niiine has shat riight on me slippers.

        Rose, mek me a bluddy jam sandwich.

  10. It’s a fucking great idea, you could have daleks going around saying ‘exfoliate, exfloiate’ Don’t give a flying fuck, haven’t watched it for years, probably since Tom Baker.

  11. Does anyone honestly give a fuck who or what the next Doctor Who is? The programme’s been shite ever since Christopher Eccleston quit the role.

    • I have never seen it Creampuff but I suppose all the woke crap over women or trannie Doctor Who’s is a wider part of the culture war just much as warnings over The Muppets or Peter Pan or Mr Potato Head going gender neutral.

      At least the BBC have cancelled The Mash Report but makes you wonder what shite they will replace it with.

      • A transsexual Millie Tant in the role might make the programme worth a watch….

        Evening LL, Norman.

    • Evening, RTC! I cannot with complete candour say Doctor Who has ever been much of a priority personally. From around the days of ‘Color Climax’, ‘Exciting’, ‘Teenage Sex’ (and indeed ‘Dog
      Satisfaction’), I clearly recall the one with the scarf and the weird stare (Tom Baker I think), but I don’t think I’ve ever watched a single episode. Preferred Department S and The Champions reruns myself.

      That was a fkn gruelling week. I’ve not even had chance to look at isac since, I think, Tuesday, although a brief scan (1970s top shelf magazines excepted) would suggest I’ve not missed a great deal.

      Beverages beckon.

  12. It’s dead in the water now anyway. With Jodie Whittakunt and that Blambo Lordy Mama ‘Future Doctor’. That mincing Parkin Stanley Master is also a laughing stock.
    My guess is the next one will be a female BAME, and an ugly one at that.

  13. Only actors in the modern Who era who matched the classic years were Christopher Eccelston as The Doctor and John Simm as The Master. Tennant put in the effort, but he was too OTT. Smith tried, but was given next to fuck all to do, while Capaldi watched the show and the character disintegrate before his eyes.

    And Whittakunt is just totally shit.

  14. So let’s get this perfectly correct.

    John (Cheesy Wheel) Barrowman believes that just because certain male deviants in society want to place their plunger up another man’s arsehole and/or want to sprout tits and wear a dress, this entitles them to positive promotion to a starring role in a children’s fantasy program?

    When you put it like that, peel off the layers of bullshit and see it just for what it is, you can well understand when some of us believe that there must be *something* in the water we drink that is slowly turning some people utterly fucking insane. It also seems to be that these nutters catch the ears of impressionable and the hard-of-thinking.

    Fuck off Barrowman, you egregious arsehole astronaut.

  15. Jodie Whittaker – not bad, I’d take up the plug-hole. Useless as Dr Who though.

  16. These cunts have to poison everything with sexuality. Doctor Who was all about cheap special effects and defeating the evil aliens.
    Now the evil aliens are the good guys, the Daleks were an allegory for the Nazis in the first incarnation of the series, since its revival they are now an allegory for straight white males.

    There was never a need to bring any sexuality into what’s in fact a children’s TV series unless you have an agenda of course.

    Makes me wonder who they are trying to persuade that transbenderism is normal, the public or themselves?

  17. Dr Who used to be ok but when my son (probably aged around 8 or 9 (now nearly 16) said he thought it was a bit rubbish because he didn’t understand the plots anymore was when we gave up on it. It has since got worse than we ever imagined.

    My money is on the next doctor being a gender fluid Islámíc dwarf of colour, with only one arm and a speech impediment.

    Barrowman and his characters gaŷneśś was totally unnecessary, an obvious and pathetic attempt to reenforce the BBC minority agenda at every fucking opportunity.

    How I wish Boris had the bollocks to do something about the BBC licence. Yet another verbal promise not kept.

  18. I think the last one I watched was in 1973 with the Sea Devils, last appearance of John Pertwee.

    • Pertwee’s last appearance was Planet of the Spiders in 1974.
      Snort snort, where’s me anorak…?

  19. Barrowman is one of those talentless cunts who the BBC adore for no apparent reason, along with that overacting twat David Tennant.
    As for Doctor Whoke. It’s dodgy sets and rubber monsters were all part of its nostalgic charm. But the beeb think they’ve made it mainstream by using cheap “special” effects and giving every episode an agenda. They even give it billing as the highlight of their festive programming. It’s a kids program for fucks sake! Even more reason for auntie to indoctrinate children in the joys of arse banditry.
    Get em young eh?
    Fuck Barrowman. Fuck Dr Whoke and Fuck the BBC.

  20. Never personally been a Dr Who fan to be honest but my old man is.
    I do feel the pain of the cunters who once held the programme dear to their hearts though.
    Nothing most of us have ever held sacred is safe from the woke brigade.
    On second thoughts, maybe the religion of peace possibly gets a free pass to carry on pretending it’s the 7th century because the woke brigade wouldn’t want to cause any offence to what is the most offensive set of ideas in history.

  21. Fuck me, what a poofda, he makes Christopher biggins seem like Arnold Schwarzenegger, judging by the picture on the post it looks like he is being fisted by a gorilla trying to retrieve a banana and enjoying it, the dirty bastard, fuck off

  22. I used to like Dr Who as Tom Baker and that space cripple Davros.
    That was fucking brilliant when I was 5.

    This Gaylord and his poisonous drivel however are just rotten shit.
    The sort of rotten shit the deviants at the BBCistan encourage and celebrate.
    Gas them and send them in a Tesla to Mars.
    Fucking AIDS mithering cunts.

  23. Up to Tom Baker and then it was over for me…loved Jon Pertwee the best.

    The modern ones full of ok yah degenerates have the same interest to me as playing with dog turds.

  24. The ‘Beeb’ and that Chibnall cunt have only brought Barrowbender back as Captain Jack because he’s an identikit BBC sodomite and woke cheerleader. Of all the ex-sidekicks that are still alive and acting, they choose the fat poove to make a comeback and to mince around with Whittakunt. And I thought Bill the Wonder Horse Black Lezza was bad enough.

  25. The only new version of anything this twinkletoes should play is the new John Inman.
    Are You Being Cunted?

    ?”Second floor, mincers, hamsters, and gerbils – going in, durrr durr dur dur durrr.”

  26. His got a well worn rectrum the size of the Tardis interior..

  27. Intergalactic arse-bandits in the turdis, as victor lewis smith used to parody.

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