John Barrowman (3)

This fat fairy panto dame is making the news by blabbing that he’d love the next Doctor in Doctor Who to be a transbender. Well, he can fuck off and so can the BBC. We have had a gut full of their woke crap and how they have already done untold damage to a series and character that many on here loved in our childhoods. A trannie Doc will finally kill it stone dead. Cunts like Chibnall and Moffat have dug the show’s grave already. But cunts like Barrowman and other woke zealots will make sure it’s dead and stays dead.

Nominated by: Norman 

Supporting links provided by: Dickie Dribbler

91 thoughts on “John Barrowman (3)

  1. Classic Dr Who had some great stories that worked for little kids – they just be scared of the monsters – and for older kids there was often a bit of politics chucked in. Stories were penned by people like Terry Nation and Douglas Adams. Wobbly sets had some charm, and the music and sound effects were ahead of their time. There was often ambiguity in the stories to tempt more thoughtful kids to ask questions ie the audience was trusted and not spoken down to.

    Out of boredom I tuned into one of the whittakunt storylines.

    Surprise surprise it was some heavy handed shite about Rosa Parks devoid of any wit, charm or drama.

    The BBC can stick its sonic screwdriver up it’s arse and turn the cunt to turbo mode for all I care.

    Get to fuck.

  2. I haven’t watched Dr Who since Tom Baker. I grew up watching Jon Pertwee and was familiar with Patrick Troughton. William Hartnell was one I went back to out of historical interest. All exceptional and fully engaging. Everything since has been shite; with the more recent mega buck productions having no more to do with the original ethos than the original Star Trek with the current woke bollocks under the Star Trek banner.
    It’s all gone as cunty as everything else in this fucked up World Of Woke.

  3. Does anyone give a fuck? It was shite 50 years ago so whatever degenerates they include dont really make any difference.

    • I actually think it was good 50 years ago, was good 10 years ago but was shite 10 minutes ago. John Barrowman isn’t the problem; Chris Chibnall and the UK tax payer-funded BigBlackCock are the problem.

  4. Let us all be honest here:

    The BBC making Dr Who into a woke fest, is purely a big “Two Fingers”to the 85% of the UK.
    Dr Who, for decades, was an eccentric, white, middle class type.
    Not any more.
    They are tearing down anything that has a hint of “tradition”.


    (*I have not watched it since Tom Baker and his collection of crumpet sidekicks.)

    • So you’re a contradiction? I guess things that can’t possibly exist are now considered things that can exist. Non-sexualities are now sexualities and non-genders are now OFFICIALLY genders (not just at the whim of lefty twats).

  5. The ‘doctor who’ reason for why its the sexy miss whitaker made me laugh. Implying that during that regeneration the gallifreyan ‘…decided to take the form of a human woman’. Thats funny, I didnt think their regenerations could be controlled or influenced! A transgender doctor may be ok for the PC and diversity brigades, but the question they should ask is ‘will this idea actually improve the series?’ Answer: no, not really. Having female doctor was a nice change, and would have worked if they didnt over girlify the entire series because of it. I think the PC and diversity brigades dont realise how shit their ideas are! Case in point: Batwoman. Who cares if she a lesbian or not, I dont, but to ram the ‘she is a lesbian’ idea down our throats in nearly EVERY FUCKING EPISODE is taking the piss. Same with most of those ideas, totally overdone and pissing off everyone (even, ironically, the people they were representing). They never learn.

      • Well it was the Gay Russell T Davis that brought it back in 2005, didn’t do too bad a job really despite using it to realise his gay fantasies.
        Tennant was easily the best Dr and Matt Smith was pretty good too…….but it all went downhill with that Scottish Dr “Fucking” Who Capaldi.
        Torchwood was a pretty cool idea, was watching reruns recently and can’t ever remember getting such a boner for Eve Myles first time around !
        I know where I’d stick my Dalek antenna!!

    • I heard about that tuppence flicking Batwoman. What a load of bollocks.

      Still, takes me back to my childhood and wanking over Julie Newmar as Catwoman and Carolyn ‘Morticia’ Jones as Marsha Queen of Diamonds.

  6. The Batty Boy Corporation should screen the original MINDER or SWEENEY series at 21.00 on a Saturday evening.
    After the cunts have recovered from that..stick on the French Connection to finesh em orf.


    • Thow in old Alf Garnett and Porridge, that’ll finish it off well. A bigoted racist and a series that pokes fun at blacks, scots and gays.

      • You could also throw in Rising Damp as well wherein an old, white, male curmugeon had a young, charming and handsome black lodger who was trying (successfully) to fuck the female lodger.

        “Oh Miss Jones!!”

  7. I couldn’t give a continental f**k about mainstream telly, it’s becoming less mainstream and less relevant to the population at large with each woke incarnation of previously successful programmes. Utter rubbish.

  8. Jodie Whitticar was bad enough. What the fuck is a trann’ie Dr going to do with bad aliens, wave their hand bag at them? Get to fuck.
    Piss is on the boil.

  9. Peter Capaldi in sunglasses, arriving in oldie times playing electric guitar on a tank. Now that was good. Side note, wheres the Master/Mistress?

    • Last night I slotted a miniaturised Tardis up my hoop.

      I think you know the answer to this bone question.

  10. My current medication is supposed to stop me from burning down orphanages. After reading about this cunt I’ve decided to stop taking my meds.

  11. Is that what Barrowman looks like now?
    Obviously wants to draw attention to himself as the pretty boy good looks are fading rapidly…

  12. Is Johnny suhesting the next Dr Who ACTOR be transgender, or the character? The character already changed from male to female, and the Master before him/her, so the character has already fulfilled the criteria. The question then is, are there any transgender actors that are well-known and/or liked enough to play the role…or would it be an almost complete unknown? Anyway, such things as trans characters have already been done, Harold/Hayley in Coronation Street several years ago.

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